MAY 200 9 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 5 DIRE CTOR PETE DOCTER ADORATION ’S SCOTT INTRODUCES +SPEEDMAN US TO PIXAR’S LATEST HE RO, GRUMPY O L’ CARL FREDRICKSEN TECHRIRSMTIANI NATOBALE TALKS RSAL4VAT’SION STCHAOR, YELTC HRI NE ANDKPEGG’S PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40708019 SNAPS: TINA FEY, JOHN STAMOS, GEMMA ARTERTON, MICKEY ROURKE, SARAH JESSICA PARKER ® k o o l i b a e c m e a SAVINGF s e t a d p SEATSu s t r o p s Now you can turn this downtime into uptime and send a hello email, check out what your friends are up to, or catch some quick highlights – all thanks to Internet on the go. And do it all in more places with the speedy 3G network from TELUS. Visit us in-store or at telusmobility.com to find a phone that’s just right for you. MAYMAY1 TELUS, the TELUS logo and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook Inc. TSN is a trademark of The Sports Network Inc., Speed Letter Graphic is a trademark of ESPN, Inc. Used under license. TSN HD is a trademark of The Sports Network Inc., Speed Letter Graphic is a trademark of ESPN, Inc. Used under license. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SureType®, SurePressTM and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Used under license from Research In Motion Limited. © 2009 TELUS. Famous SMARTER. SAFER. CLASSIER. AND NOW THE EXPERTS SAY IT’S A IMAY 2009n VOLUME 10s•5 id e regular s EDITOR’S NOTE 6 CAUGHT ON FILM 8 !*!# .!-%3 #/2/,,! "%34 .%7 3-!,, #!2 5.$%2 + ENTERTAINMENT IN BRIEF 10 SPOTLIGHT 12 COROLLA. DRIVE IT AND YOU’LL KNOW. STYLE 42 MUSIC MAKERS 44 HOT PLAY 45 DVD RELEASES 46 HOROSCOPE 48 FAMOUS LAST WORDS 50 features SUMMER MOVIE PREVIEW 15 The season’s don’t-miss flicks YOUNG GUNS 26 John Cho , Simon Pegg and Anton Yelchin (Star Trek ’s Sulu, cover McCoy and Chekhov) made it story their prime directive not to sully their iconic characters • By Jim Slotek CHRISTIAN SOLDIER 28 Hison-setmeltdownprovesjust how pumped Christian Bale 38 is to play John Connor in UP RISING Pete Docter ’s name may not be familiar, but the writer/director has had a hand in the Terminator Salvation , but he majority of Pixar hits, from Toy Story to Monsters, Inc. to WALL•E . He helms this month’s Up , which saysthatwasn’talwaysthecase By Bob Strauss sends an old man, a young boy and their flying house into the wilds of South America. And as Docter • tells us, he was determined to make this animated adventure as true to life as possible, which is &OR THE lRST TIME EVER YOU CAN GET PURCHASE lNANCING AND THE ADDITIONAL PEACE OF MIND OF *OB ,OSS #REDIT 0ROTECTION ON THE #OROLLA DURING 4OYOTA 2ED 4AG $AYS 4HE #OROLLA IS why he dragged himself and a team of writers and animators through dense jungle and to the top THE NEED FOR SPEED 32 4OYOTAS BEST SELLING CAR OF ALL TIME BECAUSE IT IS SO WELL BUILT AND RELIABLE !ND SO INCREDIBLY of a South American mountain to get it right • By Marni Weisz Scott Speedman explains why 052#(!3% he made Atom Egoyan radically FUEL EFlCIENT 4HE FACT THAT ITS NOW AVAILABLE WITH PURCHASE lNANCING JUST MAKES IT THAT &).!.#).' change a character just so he MUCH EASIER TO BUY A GREAT CAR MADE RIGHT HERE IN #ANADA #/2/,,! could be in Adoration • By Marni Weisz DAZED AND CONFUSED 34 Rachel Weisz admits playing The Brothers Bloom ’s oddball 34 26 28 32 eccentric wasn’t easy • By Marni Weisz TOYOTACAREDTAGDAYS 4 FAMOU S MAY 2009 ,IMITED,IMITED TTIMEIME PURCHASEPURCHASE llNANCINGNANCING OOFFERFFER PPROVIDEDROVIDED TTHROUGHHROUGH 44OOOYOTAYOTA &&INANCIALINANCIAL 33ERVICESERVICES OONN AAPPROVEDPPROVED CCREDITREDIT OONN NNEWEW RRETAILETAIL SSALESALES OOFF ##OROLLASOROLLAS 22EPRESENTATIVEEPRESENTATIVE llNANCENANCE EEXAMPLEXAMPLE BBASEDASED UUPONPON llNANCEDNANCED AATT !!0202 EEQUQUUALSALS PPERER MMONTHONTH FFOROR MMONTHSONTHS DDOWNOWN PPAYMENTAYMENT OORR EEQUIVALENTQUIVALENT TTRADERADEE IN IN MMAYAY BBEE RREQUIREDEQUIRED ##OSTOST OOFF BBORROWINGORROWING ISIS FORFOR A TOTALTOTAL OBLIGATIONOBLIGATION OOFF 4AAXES XES FFREIGHTREIGHT ANDAND 0$)0$) OOFF LICENSE LICENSE INSURANCE INSURANCE REGISTRATIONREGISTRATION ANDAND APPLICABLEAPPLICABLE FEESFEES AARERE EEXTRAXTRA $EA$EAALERLER MAYMAY SSELLELL FFOROR LLESSESS /FFER/FFER SUBJECTSUBJECT TTOO CCHANGEHANGE WITHOUTWITHOUT NOTICENOTICE 33EEEE YOURYOUR PARTICPARTICIIPATINGPATING 4OOYOTAYOTA DEALERDEALER OORR VISITVISIT WWWWWWTOYOTACAREDTAGDAYSTOYOTACAREDTAGDAYS FORFOR DDETAILSETAILS #ONDIT #ONDITTIONSIONS APPLYAPPLY 6ISITISIT 44OOOYOTACAREDTAGDAYSYOTACAREDTAGDAYS EDITOR’S NOT E Famous PU BL ISHER SALAH BACHIR EDITOR MARNI WEISZ DEPUTY EDITOR INGRID RANDOJA ART DIRECTOR MATTHEW PICKET ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR ALIZA KLEIN DIRECTOR, PRODUCTION SHEILA GREGORY CONTRIBUTORS SCOTT GARDNER, LIZA HERZ, DAN LIEBMAN, JIM SLOTEK, BOB STRAUSS ADVERTISING SALES FOR FAMOUS , FAMOUS QUÉBEC AND FAMOUS KIDS IS HANDLED BY CINEPLEX MEDIA. HEAD OFFICE 416.539.8800 ONE GIANT L EAP F OR VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT BROWN ( ext . 232) VICE PRESIDENT, SALES JOHN TSIRLIS (ext . 237) DIRECTOR OF SALES, FAMOUS MAGAZINES LORELEI OEMING ( ext . 249) DIRECTOR, SALES CINDY FROST ( ext . 254) DIRECTOR, SALES ZOLTAN TOTH ( ext . 233) MANKIND ACCOUNT MANAGERS JENNA PATERSON ( ext . 243) Are Pixar fans ready for a hero who’s…human? CORY ATKINS ( ext . 257) Never mind that Carl Fredricksen, who flies his house to the wilds of South America where he MICHAEL VAN ZON ( ext . 241) VINCENT ALOI ( ext . 235) must survive not only the jungle, but an eight-year-old boy, is a grumpy old man. Just the fact that DIRECTOR, MEDIA OPERATIONS he is from the species Homo sapiens at all is a huge change. CATHY PROWSE ( ext. 223) Pixar has had tremendous success by implanting the most sympathetic human characteristics into ALBERTA 403.266.4412 toys, bugs, monsters, fish, cars, rats and even a trash-compacting robot. In an upside-down way, it WESTERN SALES MANAGER seems easier for them to evoke pathos and passion in inhuman characters. A tilt of WALL•E’s head ELIZABETH D’ARTOIS or a twitch of Remy the rat’s whiskers serves as an express highway straight to the character’s soul. QUEBEC 514.868.0005 The one exception prior to Up was The Incredibles , which did star a human family, but one with DIRECTOR, SALES superhuman powers. Carl Fredricksen does not have superstrength, his limbs do not stretch like SOPHIE JODOIN ( ext. 222) chewing gum, and he cannot fly — unless he’s inside his balloon-powered house. He is an old man who ACCOUNT MANAGER GENEVIÈVE ROSSIGNOL ( ext . 224) has lived an unremarkable life except for a rather special marriage that, sadly, now belongs to the past. SALES COORDINATOR When I interviewed director Pete Docter for this issue’s cover story, he told me he’d always felt the ANNIE DESJARDINS ( ext . 223) human subset “grandparent” had a particular wealth of untapped potential for an animated film — ATLANTIC CANADA 902.576.3131 in part because seniors do have a sort of superpower. “They can get away with being grouchy,” said ATLANTIC SALES MANAGER JILL HEIGHWAY Docter. “You sort of feel like the guys have earned it, they’ve been around and suffered enough over SPECIAL THANKS VÉRONIQUE ALARIE, the years. If they have a little angry edge to them, well, they’re entitled to that.” MATHIEU CHANTELOIS, JOAN GRANT, And thus Pixar’s first truly human hero was born…a grouchy old man. Turn to “Going Up,” page 38 , ELLIS JACOB, PAT MARSHALL, to read about Docter’s next step in creating Up — a trip to South America where the artists studied DAN MCGRATH, SUSAN REGINELLI the very real and dangerous landscape that morphed into the film’s meticulously animated world. Famou s™magazineispublished12timesayear byCineplexEntertainment.Subscriptionsare Speaking of grouchy... On page 28 we have “Who Gave Christian Bale a Gun?,” our interview with $31.50($30+ GST)ayearinCanada,$45ayearin theU.S.and$55ayearoverseas.Singlecopiesare$3. the stormy star of Terminator Salvation in which he compares rebooting the Terminator flicks to that Backissuesare$6.Allsubscriptioninquiries, other blockbuster franchise he’s had a hand in reviving. backissuerequestsandletterstotheeditorshould bedirectedtoFamous magazineat102AtlanticAve., Remember when Bratz came out with Bratz Babyz — a line of Bratz dolls, but with even bigger Ste.100,Toronto,ON,M6K1X9; or416.539.8800; heads? I’m embarrassed to say this, since I’m actually a Trekkie, but that’s what springs to mind every [email protected] PublicationsMailAgreementNo.40708019. time I think about Star Trek , the prequel depicting the nascent adventures of the original series’ crew. ReturnundeliverableCanadianaddressesto: In “Space Cadets,” page 26, three of those baby-faced versions of Star Fleet icons — John Cho (Sulu), Famous magazine,102AtlanticAve.,Suite100, Toronto,ON.,M6K 1X9 Anton Yelchin (Chekov) and Simon Pegg (Scottie) — talk about doing justice to their iconic roles . 650,000copiesofFamous magazinearedistributed In “Speedy Comes Home,” page 32, Torontonian Scott Speedman details how he fought for his role throughCineplexEntertainmentandAlliancecinemas,HMV andotheroutlets.Famous magazineisnotresponsiblefor in Atom Egoyan’s Adoration . thereturnofunsolicitedmanuscripts,artworkorother On page 34 you’ll find “Rachel Gets Her Quirk On,” my interview with Rachel Weisz about finding materials.Nomaterialinthismagazinemaybereprinted withouttheexpresswrittenconsentofthepublisher. her inspiration for the eccentric Penelope in The Brothers Bloom . © CineplexEntertainment2009.
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