USOOD768634S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D768,634 S Akana et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 11, 2016 (54) BACKPLATE FOR ELECTRONIC DEVICE (58) Field of Classification Search USPC ............... D14/300-302, 308-313, 314, 348, (71) Applicant: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US) D14/353–355, 432, 439-446, 240; 361/679.02, 679.31, 679.5, 690, 694, (72) Inventors: Jody Akana, San Francisco, CA (US); 361/679.23, 801, 802; 312/332.1, 334.1; Bartley K. Andre, Palo Alto, CA (US); D13/162: D10/50 Shota Aoyagi, San Francisco, CA (US); CPC ............ A45C 11/00; A45C 2011/003: B60R Anthony Michael Ashcroft, San 11/0241; B60R 11/0252: F16M 13/00; Francisco, CA (US); Jeremy Bataillou, F16M 11 FOO San Francisco, CA (US); Brad G. See application file for complete search history. Boozer, Cupertino, CA (US); Makiko (56) References Cited Kawamura Brzezinski, San Jose, CA (US); Daniel J. Coster, San Francisco, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS CA (US); Daniele De Iuliis, San Francisco, CA (US); M. Evans 3,640,065. A 2/1972 Lederrey et al. Hankey, San Francisco, CA (US); D287.471 S 12/1986 Sato Philip M. Hobson, Menlo Park, CA (Continued) (US); Julian Hoenig, San Francisco, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS CA (US); Richard P. Howarth, San Francisco, CA (US); Jonathan P. Ive, DE 10229050 C1 6, 2003 San Francisco, CA (US); Eric Steven EP 1098231 A1 5, 2001 Jol, San Jose, CA (US); Duncan Robert Kerr, San Francisco, CA (US); (Continued) David Nazzaro, Groveland, MA (US); OTHER PUBLICATIONS Trevor Jordan Ness, San Francisco, CA (US); Marc A. Newson, London Design U.S. Appl. No. 29/499,042, filed Aug. 11, 2014. (GB); Matthew Dean Rohrbach, San (Continued) Francisco, CA (US); Fletcher Rothkopf, Los Altos, CA (US); Peter Primary Examiner — Austin Murphy Russell-Clarke, San Francisco, CA (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Sterne, Kessler, (US); Benjamin Andrew Shafer, San Goldstein & Fox PL.L.C. Jose, CA (US); Mikael Silvanto, San Francisco, CA (US); Christopher J. (57) CLAM Stringer, Woodside, CA (US); Eugene The ornamental design for a backplate for electronic device, Antony Whang, San Francisco, CA as shown and described. (US); Stephen Paul Zadesky, Portola DESCRIPTION Valley, CA (US); Rico Zörkendörfer, San Francisco, CA (US) FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of a backplate for (73) Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US) electronic device showing our new design; FIG. 2 is a rear perspective view thereof; (**) Term: 14 Years FIG. 3 is a front view thereof; (21) Appl. No.: 29/499,075 FIG. 4 is a rear view thereof; FIG. 5 is a left side view thereof; (22) Filed: Aug. 11, 2014 FIG. 6 is a right side view thereof; FIG. 7 is a top view thereof; and, (51) LOC (10) Cl. ............................................... 14-02 FIG. 8 is a bottom view thereof. (52) U.S. Cl. USPC ......................................................... 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