, >y ol' the Cr Volume 6, Issue 10 May 1993 \ 'i \ I h s.B's A LITTLE BIT OF NEW YORK CITY IN THE HEART OF HOUSTON A Musical Comedy Revue With: NANCY FORD / Female Entertainer OfThe Year May 6tli & 20th & Every Other Thursday Open Everydciy 4pm-2am • Happy Hour Every Night •4pm To 8pm Steak happy hour Nite oil night • industrial every fridoy • alternative • new wave & dance music Begun! PLAZA 9200 FOUR Bars in ONE! Only 10 Minutes From Montrose • ONE COVER FOR ALL THE FUN 300 Cor. Lighted Parking with Security • Men Always Welcome! 9200 Buffalo Speedway 713*666*3464 713*666*3356 HOUSTON ■ 1 All Nl^t Tuesday-Friday All Day & All Ni^t Sunday Pool Tournaments • Every Thursday At 8pm Check Out Our FEEE ^gonsore^^ DANCE soim^^ COUNTRY LESSONS Every Tuesday _ —_ ^ Night at Spm H*0*U*S*T*0*N >s^PBN Tuesday thru Sunday• 7pm-2ajii^ May '93 • Dimensions• Page 3 CojinrrEsiTS Volume 6, Issue 10 • May 1993 Features DECADES: Gay/Les8Ian Rights Thrcxjgh The 20th Cbvttuiw 17 The Coffee Cecb Lesbian Literature, Music, Movies & More 25 Do You Hate To Be Alone? 28 What A WoRij), What A Worfd Humor by Cometdian Nancy Ford 22 A Fembiiist PERsPEcrmB Women & Politics With Lobbyist Laurie Eiserloh 38 Hostihet Featckes 8 News *12 What's Goin' On 15 Dear Agnes• 30 Poetry 31 Horoscope* 33 Directory 36 Classifieds • 39 Grafrti Dimeoriau ii publiihed by Vuioni Publuhing Co., P.O.Bo* 856, Lubbock,TX 79408, Phooe(806) 797-9647. Opinion expiened by eolunmuU do not nec«««rUy reflect thow of Dimeniionf or iu ttjiff. PuUicition of the nune* of my pence, or crgmizitioa u not m indicatioa of gexuil orietiuticn. Subwtiplioa ntes:6 mot. $15.00, lyr. $24.00. Piyment nrug, •ccompmy ill nibicriptiaa ordeii. Copyright ©1993 Viiioni PuUiihing Co. All right! roerved. Reproducticn in whcfe ox in put ii itrictly prohibited. Any letter received by Dimensioni will be uiumed for publicition. All letten must include signiture, iddress md photM number. We reserve the right to edit letters u we feel necesury. The writers nune will be withheld if so requested. Page 4 • Dimensions "Moy '93 DIMENSIONS We P.O. Box 856 Lubbock.TX 79408 (806) 797-9647 JSTeed Offlco Hrs: 1pm-6pm Mon-Sat W]*iAersS Kelly Chambers Managing Editor Dimensions needs Tosho Sumner Advertising 8c Art Director writers of short stories and feature articles. Contributing Editors: Shannon Lacy Keiiy Chambers Articles and stories must be Linda Monroe between 1500-2000 words in Cameron Taylor length, typed, double-spaced. Judy Smith Subject matter should relate Nancy Ford to lesbians and/or women's StKinnon Lacy concerns. Explicit erotica and Production Manager profanity is discouraged. Suzanna Reilly Southwest Distribution Send your submission along with BASE to: Cameron Taylor Staff Photographer Di9iEi!(r$iO]ir$ For Advertising Attn: Kelly Chambers Information & Rotes, P.O. BOX 856 Coll or Write Lubbock, TX 79408 Tostio Sumner at: Manuscripts will not be P.O. Box 856 Lubbock, TX 79408 returned, so please do not send your original! (806) 797-9647 May '93 • Dimensions • Page 5 NEW! 1993-94 WOMEN'S VACATIONS Sun,swim, snorkel, sail, siesta... On land or at sea. All women,always! MEXICO, CLUB MED EASTERN CARIBBEAN RESORT CRUISE ON THE BEACH AT PLAYA BLANCA! OLIVIA'S THANKSGIVING AT SEA! Our own laud based resort 120 miles south Fort Lauderdale, San Salvador, San Juan, of Puerto Vallarta St. Thomas May 1-8, 1993 $895 to $995 * November 20-27,1993 $995 to $2,495 t April 30-May 7,1994 $925 to $1,0254 MEXICAN CARIBBEAN GAY PRIDE, & yucatAn cruise SAN FRANCISCO OUR FOURTH VALENTINE'S CRUISE! OLIVIA'S 20TH ANNIVERSARY! Miami, Piaya del Carmen, Cozumel et> Key West Concert, Dance, Parade, Hotel Available February 11-18,1994 $995 to $2,495 4 June 25-27,1993 * Per person based on double CANADA & occupancy. Payment plan is available. NEW ENGLAND CRUISE Toujours J'amour. Montreal, Quebec City, Cbarlottetown, Halifax, Bar Harbor, Provincetown, ei> New York. July 2-9, 1994 $1,095 to $2,595 4 800-631-6277 travel Making Your Dreams Come True. OLIVIA TRAVEL,4400 Market St., Oakland, CA 94608, 510-655-0364 Page 6 • Dimensions "Moy '93 ^ Having Problems Finding A Copy of Dl9fEilS»iOi!(rS? CRIBE! Get up to Twelve full months of Dimensions delivered right to your doorl We protect your privacy by moiiing Dimensions in o plain brown envelope with only our box number as a return address. We mail first class and our mailing lists are never sold. So,start now and receive next month's Issue in the privacy of your own homel Please Start My6 Month Subscription Right Away! D Enclosed Is My Check Or Money Order For 015.00 Please Start My 12 Month Subscription Rl^t Away! D Enclosed Is My Check Or Money Order For 024.00 NAME. ADDRESS CrPY/STATE/ZIF. AREA CODE/PHONE COMPLETE FORM AND MAILTO: DniiEivsioafiS P.O. Box 856 • Lubbock, TX 79408 •(806) 797-9647 May '93 • Dimensions• Page 7 The IIITews From Around the Region, the Country & the World MARCH ON fi-ee to all out-of-town registrants. Entertainment will be provided by WASHINGTON Denice Franke on Friday night, and by EDITOR'S NOTE:Due to our printing the Therapy Sisters and Girls In The schedule, we will not have a report on Nose on Saturday night(followed by a the 1993 March on Washington in this dance with DJ Cherry Wolf). issue. However, we will bring you the Registration is $65 and includes atten complete story in our June/Gay Pride dance to all workshops,speakers, three issue. meals and a free showing of the film,A Place OfRage. The Saturday nightcon 199B Texas Lesbian cert and dance is an additional $15. A "hard times" discount rate is available. Conference For more information ot to register,call HOUSTON - Hundreds oflesbians will (713)867-8904 and leave a message. be gathaing in Houston May 21-23 for the 6th Annual Texas Lesbian Confer Minnesota Passes ence (TLC). Keynote ^)eakas at the confnence will be Akasha(Gloria) Hull, Gay Ri^ts Bill; Other Susie Bright and Dr. Nancy Lee Jose. States Consider Akasha Hull is a poet, author, lecturer WASHINGTON, D.C. - Minnesota and professor of Women's Studies and became the eighth state in the country Literature at the University of Califor nia at Santa Cruz. Susie Bright is an to extend civil rights to its gay and author, lecturer and self-proclaimed lesbian citizens when Gov.Ame Carlson signed a bill on April 3.Meanwhile, the "Sexpert" who has appeared on na National Gay and Lesbian Task Force tional talk shows and p^orms across (NGLTF) reports that similar legisla the country. Dr.Nancy Lee Jose is with MCC Cathedral of Hq)e in Dallas. tion failed in New Mexico and that bills Workshops will cover a diversity of are pending in six other states. lesbian-oriented subjects including The Minnesota law prohibits discrimi sexuality, intimacy, parenting and les nation based on sexual orientation in bian legal issues. the areas of housing,public and private Lesbians in Business(LIB) will hold an employment and education. However, open meeting Friday evening as a part four amendments muted the bill's im of the conference. They will present pact:language specifically prdiibits gay Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin,founding and lesbian marriage; owner-occupied members of the first national lesbian dwellings of two units are exempted organization in the U.S.—The Daugh- firom the housing statute; religious in tCTS of Bilitis, helped publish the first stitutions are exempted; and groups lesbian publication. The Ladder, and providing services to youth are also have written several books including permitted to discriminate on the basis Lesbian/Woman. The LIB meeting is of sexual discrimination. New Mexico's gay and lesbian civil Page 8 • Dimensions •May '93 rights bill was tabled by the House If you would like to help activists in any Judiciary Committee after it had cleared of these states, please contact Robert two Senate hurdles and passed on the Bray or Robin Kane atthe National Gay Senateflow. New Mexicoactivists were and Lesbian Task Force at (202) disappointed that the bill died after it 332-6483 for a list of resources. had made such progress, but are deter mined to make an even stronger show Gays in Military ing next sessicHi. In Maine, gay and lesbian activists Hearings Called cheered as a gay and lesbian civil rights Disappointing bill was report^ out ofcommittee with WASHINGTON D.C. - The long- a huge vote margin. By a vote of 11-2, awaited hearings conducted by the Sen the JointJudiciary CtMnmittee approved ate Armed Services Committeeon Presi the biU, which won the support of the dent Clinton's pix^sal to lift the ban Maine Chamber of Commerce and the against gay men,lesbians, and bisexu- Maine Banking Association.However, als in the U.S. military began on March a referendum question to repeal the 28th. What follows are the reacitcms of civil rights law has already been filed in some legal scholars, histCHians, civil anticipation of the law's passage. An rights leaders and veterans to the first organization called Maine Families, day of testimony. based in Auburn, has said it will begin CMS Coordinator Thomas B.Stoddard gathering signatureson repeal petitions. stated, "We have been working with In nearby Rhode Island, openly gay SenatOT Nunn in anticipation of these SenatOT Will Fitzpatrick and the Rhode hearings, while fully knowing his pre Island Alliance for Gay and Lesbian disposition against us.
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