Georgetown University Alumni Magazine Volume 15 Number 2 GEORGETOWN ALUMNI CLUB ROSTER • Officers of local and regional Georgetown Alumni Clubs are listed here us a regulur fea­ ture of the ALUMNI MAGAZINE. Club Secreturies are requested to notify the Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association of any changes as soon as they occur. Los Angeles, Calif. Northeastern N. Y. Pres.: Edward S. Kuglen, Jr., FS '52, California Motor Express Pres.: Dr. Ernest Beaudoin, '54, 67 Chestnut St., Albany, N. Y. Co., 1751 South Santa Fe, Los Angeles, Calif. MAdison 7-8251 HO 3-4668 Secy.: Jay F. MacNulty, '58, 143 Pawling Ave., Troy, N. Y. Northern California Binghamton, N. Y. Lesser, '41, 54 Belden St., San Francisco 4, Pres.: Alvin M. St., Binghamton, 6-0292 Pres.: Jeremiah E. Ryan, '38, 107 Murray Calif. YUkon N. Y. 3-6161 Denver, Colo. Buffalo, N. Y. er, Col. Pres. : Charles P. Gallagher, '49, Central Bank, Denv Pres. : John F. Connell y, Jr., '52, 295 Voorhees Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. AC 2-0771 Secy.: John H. Napier, '47, 235 Cleveland Drive, Kenmore, Connecticut N. Y. BEdford 1646 Pres. : Bernard J. Dolan, '49, 207 Greenwood Ave., Beth el, Conn. Metropolitan N. Y. Delaware Pres.: George Harvey Cain, '42, Cerro de Pasco Corp., 300 Pres. : Joseph T. Walsh, '54, 2230 Pi ne St., Wilmington, Del. Park Avenue, New York 22,, N. Y. MUrray Hill 8-8822 Washington, D. C. Mid-Hudson Valley, N. Y. Pres. : James J. Bierbower, '47, 1625 K St., N.W. Washington 6, Pres. John J. Gartland, Jr., '35, 226 Union St., Poughkeepsie, D. C. STerling 3-6590 N.Y. Florida Rochester, N. Y. Pres. : Irving M. Wolff, '45, Biscayne Building, Miami, Fla. Pres.: Dr. Erwin J. Boerschlein, '49, 1616 Chili Ave., Rochester 11, N. Y., BE 5-1817 Chicago, Ill. Secy. : Robert N. Kl eisley, '55 28 N. Country Club Drive, Pres.: Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr., '48, Rm. 1400, 38 South Dearborn Rochester 18, N. Y. St., Chicago, Ill. Fl 6-3600 Syracuse, N. Y. Indianapolis, Ind. Pres.: Edward J. Kea rney, Jr., '51, 214 Sunnybrook Dr., Syracuse Pres.: William A. Brennan, Jr., '39, 5732 No. Pennsylvania St., 9, N. Y. HO 8-4493 Indianapolis, Ind. CLifford 1-3542 Cincinnati, Ohio Secy.: Martin McDermott II, '54, 9211 Washin gton Blvd., Pres.: William L. Dolle Jr., '50, 1245 Forest Court, Cincinnati 15, Indianapolis 20, Ind. VIctory 6-2039 Ohio Ohio Louisville, Ky. Cleveland, Robert F. Anthony, '51, General American Transportation, obt. P. Adelberg, '59, 94 Valley Rd., Louisville .4, Ky. Pres.: Pres.: R Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio. PR 1-1391 JU 3-3618 '57, 209 Statler Hilton, Cleveland, Ohio, Secy.: Fitz Corr, '56, 200 Crescent Ave., E4, Louisville, Ky. Secy. : John A. Winter, MAin 1-4160 Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio Acting Pres.: Rev. William M. J. Driscoll, S.J . '39, 720 No. Calvert Secy.: Erwin R. Effier, Jr., ' 39, United Savings Bldg., T oledo, St., Baltimore 2, Md. SA 7-1885 Ohio Boston, Mass. Tulsa, Okla. Pres. : Paul J. Hanl ey, '51, 50 Columbine Rd., Milton 87, Mass. Pres. : John E. Rooney, Mid-Continent Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Secy.: Dr. Thomas J. Giblin, Jr., '54, 8 Tappan Rd., Wellesley 81, Portland, Ore. Mass. Pres.: F. Leo Smi th, '28, 2335 N.E. Everett, Portland 14, Ore. Springfield, Mass. Secy.: George Van Hoom issen, '55, 331 Pacific Bldg., Portland Pres.: Raymond Larrow, '49, 352 Pleasant St., Holyoke, Mass. 4, Ore. Erie, Pu. Detroit, Mich. Dr.· F. Joseph Brinig, Jr., '38, 2620 Sigsbee St., Erie, Pa. Pres.: I. Paul Tesorero, FS '4·9, National Bank of Detroit, 611 Philadelphia, Pa. Woodward Ave ., Detroit 26, Mich. WO 5-6000. Ext. 2456 Secy.: Daniel N . King, L '54, 82p Ford Building, Detroit 26, Mich. Pres.: Joseph C. O'Connor, '50, 422 East Spring Ave., Ardmore, wo 3-3400 Pa. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pres.: Robert C. Drake, '50, 2400 Oliver Ave., Sout h, Minneapolis Pres. : Harry J. Schmitt , Jr., '52, B. F. Jones Law Bld g., Pitts­ 5, Minn. burgh 19, Pa. Secy.: Willi am LaHiff, '45, 917 Soo Lin e Building, Minneapolis Rhode Island 2, Minn. Pres. : James E. McGwin, '53, 16 Rosewood Ave., Edgewood Kansas City, Mo. 5, R. I. STu art 1-5676 Pres.: William G. Wald, '55, 3702 W. 76th St., Kansas City 15, Mo. Richmond, Va. St. Louis, Mo. F. B. Sitterding, III, P.O. Box 418, Richmond, Va., ELgin 5-7697 Pres.: Gerald J. O'Connor, '51, Boyd's, 6th & Olive Sts., St. Louis Seattle, Wash. 1, Mo. John D. Spellman, '53, Suite 907, Artie Bldg., 704 3rd s Pres.: Secy.: William P. Carleton, Jr., 6630 Clayton Rd., St. Loui Ave., Sea ttle 4, Wash. MA 4-8370 17, Mo: Trenton, N. J, Mexico City Pres.: John A. Waldron, '38, 28 West State St., Trenton, N. J. Pres.: John E. Smith, Jr., FS '57, Foote, Cone & Belding Inter­ EXport 3-3044 national Division, Av. In surgentes Sur Nun 102 Mexico 6, D. F. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Puerto Rico Pres.: John B. McManus, '47, 3005 Hyder Dr., S.E., Albuquerque, Pres.: Man uel F. Iglesias, '42, P. 0. Box 6412 Loiza Station, N. Mex. 3-2021 Santurce, Puerto Rico Canada Pres.: Harry 0. Trihey, ' 38, 358 Grenfell Ave., T own of Mount Royal, Montreal, P.Q., Canada. REgent 8-6012 JULY 1962 • VOLUME 15 NUMBER 2 UNIVERSITY MEM BER OF THE AMERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL EDITORIAL BOARD TABLE OF CONTENTS: OF ALUMNI MAGAZINE Edwin W. Beitzel!, '28 4 Commencement-1962 Edward M. Castle, '40 Rosalia l. Dumm, '48 8 Thoughts While Listening to the Drone John Robert Ewers, '57 of a Commencement Speaker Rev. Daniel E. Power, S.J . Dr. James S. Ruby, '27, Editor 9 Alumni President Writes Dr. John Waldron, '30 10 Class Reunions-1962 Ketterman, Advertising Manager Ruth 14 Review: The Integrating Mind Joseph C. Cruml is h, '46, Club Ed itor James P. Reed, '53, Athletics 15 With the Alumni Clubs 16 Class Notes 30 Engaged 30 Marriages 31 Class of 1983 31 Necrology COVER: The end of th e l63rd Com· mencemen t brings PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDITS: happy famili es to­ Bob Young: Cover, 4, 5 geth er around the 6 statue of John Car­ • 7, 8, 10, 11 , 12, 13 roll, Founder. Anthony Weins, 15 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY AL UMNI MAGAZINE: published each two months by the Georgetown University Alumni Association, Inc., Washington 7, D. c. • Sustaining Membership $25.00 per year, Regular Membership $5.00 per year, of which $3 .00 ·is for subscription to the Alumni Magazine • Second Class Postage paid at Washington, D. C. • Editorial and Executive offices: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Alumni House, 3604 0 Street, N.W., Washington 7, D. c. COPYRIGHT 1962 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE Return Postage Guaranteed A Picture Story Comme The Baccalaureate Mass in McDonough Gymnasium n alumnus speaking to the newest Georgetown alum· He warned that "you will not go far before discover· A ni group said, on June 3, 1962, that he and they ing, in graduate schools, professional circles, or places owe a debt of deep gratitude 'to the president and fac­ where you will work, there are unfortunate persons ulties for the immense good they continuously render who, far from knowing or loving God themselves, will to American higher education. ridicule and scandalize you who do know, love, and The Reverend John J. Slater, '46, who is now the want to serve Him." assistant to the president at Gannon College in Erie, There are specifics to strive for according to Father Pa., said that in addition to the graduates, the parents, Slater, first to be an exemplary religious person, then priests and teachers, friends and fellows were also to be a competent professional person, an honest employee, a congratulated. just employer, a faithful parent or religious, a loyal He said that although Georgetown traditionally re· citizen, a good neighbor, an asset to your community vered the highest objectives of the Catholic college in and to the world in every way, a credit to this uni· America, it was up 'to each graduate to use the knowl­ versity and all it stands for. edge and principles imparted to achieve a goal worthy of his noblest effort. Officers of the Mass Rev. John J. Slater, '46 delivered the Sermon ncement 82 -Nursing, At the Pre-Graduation ceremonies of the various -Dentistry, schools, Father Bunn and the Deans welcomed as Alumni the new Graduates in Medicine, II languages and linguistics, Commencement - 1962 (con 't.) -and at the traditional Tropaia of the College of Arts and Sciences from the historic of Old North. Under threatening skies on Monday, June 4, the Grand Marshall, Albert E. Branson, '37 (L.) led the Academic Procession and Archbishop O'Boyle and Father B u n n marched last in the place of honor. Frederick B. Sitterding Ill, '41 received a plaque honoring his father, the late Frederick B. Sitter­ ding, Jr., '12, and A Word to the Graduates "Intelligence is an in-built capacity o f all men; some use it more effectively than others," said Com­ mencement speaker Reverend Gustave Weigel, S. J. at the June 4th activities. Father Weigel, professor of theology at Woodstock college, believes that true education must strive to make man ripe in terms of the strenuous use of unimpaired in­ telligence wrestling with ideas. He sees man as an enigma, a g lory and a shame be­ cause of the intelligence factor. The glorious power in man is about us daily, but on the other hand, human intelligence can construct the Tower of Babel. Mrs. Miriam Leahy accepted a "Prosperity brings forth corruption of a nauseous citation for her late husband, kind; our youth is delinquent; our civic leaders are William E.
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