Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University Howard University Commencement Programs Howardiana 6-8-1956 1956 - Howard University Commencement Program Howard University Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hugradpro Recommended Citation University, Howard, "1956 - Howard University Commencement Program" (1956). Howard University Commencement Programs. 105. https://dh.howard.edu/hugradpro/105 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Howardiana at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Howard University Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOW.ARD UNIVEIRSITY W ashin,gton District ,of Columbia ,JUNE SECOND ro ,JUNE EIG·HTH NINETEEN Hu NDR ,ED1 AND F~FTY ~s,x COMMENCEMENT EVENTS ~ SATURDAY, J UN1E 2 S'Cnior Medical Class Picnic, Rock Creek Park __ 12 Noon School of Social Work Student-Faculty An- nual Picnic _____ ________ _____________ 10:00 A.M. SU1NDAY, J UNE 3 The Dean of Women's Breakfast for Resident Graduate Seniors; Faculty Dining Room, Baldwin Hall- - -------------------- - - 9:00 A.M. BACCAUAUR!EA·TE - University Campus; Sermon by Dr. ·Mordecai W. J ohnson, Pres­ ident of the University; \Music by the Uni- versity Choir ------------------------- 5:30 P.M. Th'C Howard University Women's rClub Infor­ mal Reception for the Women of the Grad­ uating Classes; Recreation Room, Wheat- ley Hall ------------------- - -------- 7:45 P.M. MONDAY, JUNE 4 Howard University Choir Picnic, Highland Beach - ------------- - ------------ - - - 9:30 A.M. Annual Law School Banquet, Baldwin Hall __ 8:00 P.M. TU1ESDAY, JUNE 5 Association of Former Internes and Residents of Fteedmen's Hospital, Postgraduate Sem­ inar; Engineering and Architecture Build- ing Auditorium _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 9:00 A.JM. to 5:00 P.M. Annual Banquet, Medical Alumni Associa- tion, Baldwin Hall __ - - --- - ----- - --- - - - 8:00 P.M. Dean of M en's R eception for Senior Men Association of Former Internes and Residents Students and their Fathers; Faculty Dining of Freedmen's Hospital, Postgraduate Sem­ R oom, Baldwin Hall __ __ __ ____________ 8:30 P.M. inar; Engineering and Architecture Build- Dental Hygiene Graduation and S<enior Hon­ ing Auditorium -~-------- 9:00 A.M . to 5:00 P.M. ors Night Program; Andrew Rankin Me- School of R eligion Alumni Meeting; Fellow- morial Chapel ---------------- -------- 8:00 P.M. ship Room, Carnegie Building __________ lQ:00 A.M . Senior Class Night, School of Law __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8:30 P.M. School of Social Work Alumni Association Annual Luncheon; Frazier Hall ___ ______ 1:00 P.M. WEDNiESDAY, J UNE 6 School of Religion Luncheon; Rose Room, Association of Former Internes and Residents •Frazier Hall ______ ____ _____ ___ _______ 1:00 P.M. of Freedmen's l-Iospital, Postgraduate Sem­ inar; Engineering and Architecture Build- Senior Medical Class Honors and Oath Exer- ing Auditorium ___________ 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. cises; Medical School Auditorium ________ 1:00 P.M. Annual Banquet, Former Internes and Resi­ Medical Faculty ·Reception for Seniors, Rela­ dents of Freedmen's Hospital; Baldwin tives and Friends; Foyer, :t-.1:edical School •Hall ------------- - ------------------ 2:00 P.M. Building --------------------- 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. The Dean of Women's G arden Party for the President and Mrs. •Mordecai W. Johnson Graduating Women of the Senior Classes "AT HOME" to members of th<e Senior and th<eir Parents; Women's Quadrangle ,Classes, Graduates, Faculties and Friends Court ------------------------------- 5:00 P.M. 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. Student Council's Banquet for Faculty and Seniors, School of Music; Faculty Dining Annual Dinner, Business Administration Graduates; Faculty Dining Room, Baldwin ·Room, Baldwin Hall __________________ 8:00 P.M. H all __________________ __ __ __ ______ __ 8:00 P.M. Homecoming Postgraduate Seminar and 75th Anniversary Dental Alumni Class Reunion Senior Class Night, College of Medicine; Banqu'et; Baldwin Hall _________ _______ 8:30 P.M. Medical School Auditorium _______ ____ _ 8:00 P.M. Gen-era! Alumni Association; Incorporated Meeting of the Law School Alumni; Carver Banquet; Baldwin Hall _______________ _ 8:00 P.M. Hall --------- - ---------------------- 8:30 P.M. Senior Class and Alumni Banquet, Engineer­ ing and Architecture; Dining Room, Slowe T,HUR'SDAY , JUN·E 7 Hall ______ _____ __ __________________ 8:30 P.M. School of Religion, Faculty-Student Com- munion Service; Little Chapel, Carnegie Annual Concert, School of Music; Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel ______________ 8:45 P.M . Building---------------------------- 8:00 A.M. ffRLD~Y. JUN1E 8 Annual Faculty Breakfast for Seniors, School of Music; Faculty Dining Room, Baldwin Hall ------------- ------------------ 9:00 A.M. General Alumni Meeting; Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel __ ______ __ ___ ____ __ __ 10:00 A.M. Senior Awards Day, College of Pharmacy; Frazier Hall Parlor ____ ___ ______ ____ __ 1•1:00 A.M. Open House for Alumni and Graduating Seniors of All Schools; Fellowship Room, Carnegie Building _____________ __• l:00 to 5:00 P.M. School of Social Work "OPEN HOUS'E" for Graduates and Friends; School of Social Work Building ---------------- 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. ANNUAL COMM•EiN·OEMEN'f EXERCISES: University Campus ___________ ______ ___ 5:30 P.M. Trustees Dinner for Recipients of Honorary 'Degrees; by invitation; Baldwin Hall ____ 9:00 P.M. * * * * flnspection of Laboratories, Departm'ents of Architec- ture, Civil, ·Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Architecture Building, June 5, 6 and 7, 1956. Open House, Home Economics Departm'ent, May 31, 1956 . .Graduates of the University are invited to make Cook Hall and the Mill-er House general headquarters for fraternizing during the Commencement Week. Gifts and Souvenirs may be secured from the Uni­ versity Bookstore, Spaulding Hall, on Friday, June 8, 1956 from 9:00 :A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Meals will be served in the Baldwin Hall aJeteria at nominal oost. jun. 1 - Breakfast from 7 .:00 to, 9:30 A_M. Lun,cb from I] 30 A.fv!. to 2:00 P.M. D·inner from 4:30 to ,6:30 P..M. June 2 - Breakfast from 7:00 to ,10:.00 A.M~. o lunch_s will b s rved as th Dinn-r period runs from l :00 to 3::00 P.., , . June 3 - Breakfast from 9~00 to 10:30 . M. o, lunches ·will b serv,ed as tbe Dinn r P~riod runs from 1: .00 to 3·00 P.M. June 4 through Jun .e 7 - :B,r,cakf as,t from 7 :00 to, 9:30 A. _. Lunch froni 111 30 A. 'to 2:00 'P.M. Dinne,r frorn 4:30 to 6 30 P.M .. Jun 8 - Breakfast from 8:00 to '10:00 tA.M~ Lunch from. ~11 30 A.M. to 2:30 P~.M. Dinnier from 6·45 to ,8:00 P.M. Snacks wi I be erved on Friday J un,e 8, from l O.00 t, 11;30 A. · . and 2 .30 to 4:3.0 P. Faculty m mb r and otbers not ha .ing caps and gowns, may se · ure same by ,calling __ A.tional 8-199·9 . ,or· fhrough the -"· ni er ity Marshal 'Mr. John ·\V. Hu,gul,ey,, Jr. t ltephon.e D I po,n-t 7-611OOJ tE t nsion 385. AU persons having r s, rved s ,at tickets should be 1n heir S· a s. not ]at' r than .5 :00 P · . on Co,mmen,c, men t Day. No s ats w"U be r1eserved after 5:00 P. Io the event of ram on either Baccalaurea.te or 1Comm · ncemen.t Day the xercises will be held in Con titution .ff.all 18th and D Str· e,ts . •W. In that ca-e adml io. will be· limited. at Con titntion Hall to holder.s of pecial 'tickets, available in the Office of the Secretary. : I I I I THE EIGHTY-EIGHTH AN.NU.AL I I COM MEN.CEMENT I I I I I HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, DrsTRicr OF CO.tUMBIA I '' I I I : FlVE ..THIB.TY O''CLOCK P.M~ FRIDA.Y., THE EIGHTH OF JU E NINE~EEN HUNDRED AND .FIFTY-SIX I , I I I I I UNIVBRSlTY CAMPUS HOWARD UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS LORIM ER D. MILTON, A.B., A.M, ___ ____ _____ ____ ______ __ _____ chairman of the Board FLOYD W. REEVES, B.S., M.A., Ph.D. __ ____ _____ ____ __________Vice-Cha irman of the Board }AMES M. NABRIT, JR., A.B., J.D., LL.,D,----··----------------Secretary of the Board }AMES B. CLARKE, B.S., M.A. ___ ________ _____ ____ __ _______ __Treasurer of the Board MEMBERS Term Expires 1957 ARCHIE ALEXANDER, B.S., C.E., Eng.D, __ ____________________, washingt on, D. C. HOWARD STONE ANDERSON, B.!D., D.D,---------------------ScarsdaJe, New York WALTER BIERINGER, A.B, ___________ ____ _____ ---------·- - - __ Brookline, Massachusetts }AMES B. CAREY, LL.-D. ________ ___ ___ __ _______ ________ __ ___W ashington, D. C. CHARLES H. GARVIN, A.B., M .'D,----------------------·---····Cleveland, Ohio F ABURNE E. DEFRANTZ ___________ ____ ____ ________________ Indianapolis, Indiana Guy B. JOHNSON, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. ___ ________ ___ ___ _____ ___ chapel Hill, North Carolina }AMES W. PARKER, SR., M .-D, -- ----------- ----- --- ----- -----Red Bank, New Jersey Term Expires 1958 PEARL BUCK, A.B., M.A. _______ ______ ______________ _____ __Perkasie , Pennsylvania RICHARD W. HALE, JR., Ph.D. __ _____________ ______________ _Boston, Massachusetts 1'.1YLES A. PAIGE, A.B., LL.B., LL.D.
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