coun.CLL ATONEspORTINS PS yyoRA® THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaperat the G.P.O.) Vol. CXIX—No. 167 NAIROBI, 10th November, 2017 Price Sh. 60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES pace GazeTTE NoTices—(Contd.) Taskforce on the National Climate Change Action Plan— The Energy Act— Application for Licence for Generation, 5786 Distribution and Supply of Electricity .......cssssssssseee §823 Appointment Taskforce on the Implemantation of the Decision of the The Physical Planning Act—Completion of African Court on Human and People’s Rights Issued Development Plans......sscessssssssssecssccserseececenseneessssneeness 5823 Against the Government’ of Kenya in Respect of the The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act— Rights of the Ogiek Community of Mau— Appointment 5786-5787 Environmental Impact Assessment Study Repott........... 5823-5824 The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act— Public Business Transfer 5824 Participation on Development of the National Wildlife 5787 Court Summon 5824-5825 Conservation and ManagementStrategy .........-.s-ssssees 5787 Loss ofPolicies 5825-5830 The Valuers Act—Appointment.......sssssssssssnsesssssssseessnnnnaes The Prisons Act—Reclassification of Langata Women Change of Name: 5830-5831 Prison 5787-5788 The Land Registration Act—JIssue of Provisional Certificates,etc..... sessansnessencnsnseserssuucseccssssssscenanveecesnsnenes 5788-5798 SUPPLEMENTNe.162 The Land Act— Inquiry, tc. .......sssssssssscssssssnssesersnesssuecnennrsnnses 5799 Acts , 2017 5799-5804 County Governments NOtices.....cssssssssssessscssssssenesesscssssssesnnnoeees PAGE Customs and Border Control Department-—-Goods to be Sold at Customs Warehouse,Kilindini.............sssssssseesees 5804-5814 The Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017........s:c0 W771 National Land Commission—Determination of Review of Grants and Dispositions of Public Land—Corrigendum ANd Addendum ........sscscscsssscsssssssscseecssssssscesersseesensensesenneessaes 5814-5819 SUPPLEMENTNo.163, 164, 165 and 167 The Legal Education Act—Notification of November, 2017 Senate Bills , 2017 Bar Examination 5819 PAGE ThePolitical Parties Act—Change of Party Official 5820 The County Boundaries Bill, 2017 ........-.ssssseessseseseneeens 99 The Companies Act— Dissolution,etc.....sscccscscerssssseresesssees : 5820-5821 The County Governments (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, The Public Private Parmerships Act—Tender for the 2017 245 Second Nyali Bridge PPP Project .........-ssssssssssssssseeseesessssss 5821 and Names (Amendment , The Insolvency Act— Petition for Bankruptcy,€1C........--.-0000 5821 The National Flag, Emblems Bill, 2017. : : 251 The Water Act— Application for Regular Tariff Review...... 5822 The County Allocation of Revenye (Amendment) Bill, The Kenya Deposit Insurance Act—List of Member 257 5822 2017 Institutions [5785 5786 THE KENYA GAZETTE 10th November, 2017 CORRIGENDA Term ofOffice IN Gazette Notice No. 8072 of 2017, Cause No. 525 of 2017, 4. The term of office of the Taskforce shall be a period six (6) months amendthe secondpetitioner’s nameprinted as “Livy Akoth Otieno” to from the date of the publication of this notice. read “Livy Akoth Omondi”. Costs IN Gazette Notice No. 10754 of 2017, Cause No. 146 of 2017, 5. The costs incurred by the Taskforce shall be defrayed from the amend the petitioner’s nameprinted as “Beatrice Wanjiru Wambu”to voted fundsof the Ministry. read “Beatrice Wanjiku Wambui”. Secretariat IN Gazette Notice No. 10218 of 2017, amend the expression 6. The Secretariat of the Taskforce shall be based at the headquarters printed as “Cause No. 123 of 2017”to read “Cause No. 194 of 2017”. of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. Dated the 19th September, 2017. JUDI W. WAKHUNGU, Cabinet Secretaryfor Environment and Natural Resources. GAZETTE NOTICE No.10943 TASKFORCE ON THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 10944 IT IS notified for general information of the public that the Cabinet TASKFORCE ON THE IMPLEMENTATIONOF THE DECISION Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources has appointed a task OF THE AFRICAN COURT ON HUMANAND PEOPLE’S force on the National Climate Change Action Plan to develop Kenya’s RIGHTS ISSUED AGAINST THE GOVERNMENTOF KENYAIN National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP 2018-2022). RESPECT OF THE RIGHTS OF THE OGIEK COMMUNITY OF MAU 1. The Taskforce shall comprise of— APPOINTMENT Membership IT IS notified for the general information of the public that the Charles Sunkuli—{Chairman) Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources has Joyce Njogu appointed a Taskforce on implementation of the African Court Faith Ngige Decision on the Ogiek Community Philip Odhiambo Esther Wangombe Membership: Cecelia Kibe Lulu Hayanga Margaret W. Mwakima(Dr.)— (Chairperson) Clara Busolo Gideon N. Gathaara— (Alternate Chair) Nimrod Koech, Office of the President Stephen Osingo Erastus Wahome Abraham Korir Sigoei (Dr.), Office of the Deputy President Elizabeth Wamalwa Hewson M. Kabugi, Ministry of, Environment and Natural Resources James Yatich Lucy Nganga Annie Syombua, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Martin Eshiwani Wanjiku Manyatta, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Joint Secretaries: Teresia Gathagu, Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Samuel M. Macharia, The National Treasury Pacifica Achieng Ogola (Dr.) EmmanuelBitta, Attorney-General Stephen M.King’uyu Cyrus Maweu, Kenya National Human Rights Commission Terms ofReference Edmond Gichuru,National Lands Commission John Njogu, Ministry of Sports and Culture 2. The terms of reference of the Taskforce shall be to— Esther Keige, Kenya Forest Service (a) co-ordinate the preparation of National Climate Change Action Joint Secretaries: Plan (NCCAP 2018-2022) building on a review of NCCAP 2013 -2017; Mary Nyamichaba, Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning (Head); (b) formulate a realistic roadmap, strategy and plan to ensure Belinda Akeilo, National Land Commission; delivery; Patrick Njagi, Kenya Forest Service (Assistant Head). (c) review NCCAP 2013-2017, National Adaptation Plan (NAP Terms ofReference 2015-2030) Medium Term Plan (MTP 2013-2017), Nationally The Termsof Reference of the Taskforceshall be to— Determined Contribution (NDC), and other relevant documents, to assess the level of mainstreaming of climate (a) study the African Court decision of the African Court on change in planning and implementation and identify actions Humanand People’s rights issued against the Government of that need to be carried over to NCCAP 2018-2022; Kenyain respectof the rights of the Ogiek Community in issue and also other judgements issued by the local courts in relation (d) incorporate priorities in NCCAP 2018-2022 as brought out in the review referred to in number(c) above; to the Ogieks occupation of the Mau Forest; Mode ofOperation (b) studyall land related laws andpolicies to see how they address the plight of the Ogieks of the MAU; 3. In the performanceofits mandate, the Taskforce— (c) establish both the registration and groundstatus of the claimed (a) shall co-ordinate an inclusive stakeholder consultation process land; at all levels; (d) recommend measures to provide redress to the Ogiek’s claim. (b) may identify and co-opt technical experts or any other These may include restitution to their original land or resource, provided that the co-opted members do not exceed compensation with case or alternative land; onethird of the steering committee; and (e) prepare interim andfinal report to be submitted to the African (c) may with the approval of the Principal Secretary, State Court on Human and Peoples Rights in Arusha; and Department of Environment, engage the services of such consultants as may be found necessary for the execution of the (f) examine the effect of the Judgement on other similar cases in set terms of reference. other areas in the country; 10th November, 2017 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5787 (g) conduct studies and public awareness on the rights of (j) listing and protection of endangered and threatened wildlife indigenouspeople. species; Modeof Operation (k) mitigating human wildlife conflict; (1) wildlife disease surveillance and control; In the performanceofits functions, the Taskforce — (m) adaptation and mitigation measure of adverse impacts of (a) shall regulate its own procedure, climate change on wildlife resources; and (b) shall prepare and submit to the Cabinet Secretary its Work Plan (n) regional co-operation to enhance protection, conservation and and budget; managementofwildlife. (c) shall hold such numberof meetings in such places and at such Members of the public are invited to submit prese~‘ations on the times as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its strategy, through a written memorandum, to the following email functions; address wildlifestrategy @environment.go.ke. (d) may solicit, receive and consider the view of the members of The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resourceswill also hold the public and any interest groups; structured regional meetings to further obtain oral and written presentations on the strategy. (e) identify and coopt technical experts provided that the coopted members do not exceed one third of the Steering Committee; Dated the 31st October, 2017. JUDI W. WAKHUNGU, (f) may with the approval of the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Cabinet Secretaryfor Environment and Natural Resources. Environment and Natural Resources engage the services of such consultants as may be found necessary for the execution of the set Terms
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