MINUTES of the MEETING of HORDLEY PARISH COUNCIL held on THURSDAY 15th SEPTEMBER 2016 at 7.30pm in Hordley Village Hall Members Present: Cllrs. D Clifford; Mrs Jean Duncan (Chair); Derek Jones, D Maddocks, David Treloar Also Present :- Shropshire Councillor Nick Bardsley Locum Clerk – Mrs L McCormack Public : One Representatives: Terri Wilson & James Lees, ABP and Mr Higgins & Oliver Kennerley, Bagley Biogas 83/16 TO ACCEPT APPOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies from Cllrs. Beech and Wright were received and accepted. 84/16 DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS None 85/16 PUBLIC FORUM An issue was raised regarding noise from helicopters however the committee were not informed as to the owner of the aircraft 86/16 APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 21st July and the minutes of the extra ordinary meeting on 1st September 2016 were approved as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chairman. Subject to apologies from Cllr. Nick Bardsley from 1st September meeting. 87/16 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES None 88/16 REPORTS and INFORMATION SHARING (a) Shropshire Councillor report Transfer of Services from Shropshire Council; some parishes have expressed concerns regarding meetings that are being held at clerk level only. If this Parish Council feels the same way, they should submit a complaint to Shropshire Council. If the Parish Councils are happy with devolved services’ it will be introduced in March 2018. Any possibility that the 2% cap for principal authorities might be relaxed remains to be seen what a new government will do. In respect of transfer of services, each parish would have a parish councillor representative at meetings. Much of this work in environmental maintenance is tied up with the highways maintenance contract which finishes at end of March 2018. There is an LJC meeting in November, date to be confirmed. There is a liaison meeting with ABP on 29th November in the afternoon. Concerned were raised about the stance taken regarding the maintenance on the bund and the recent incident with the ammonia leak. (Document produced September 2016 – LJM) Initialled ………………….. (b) Parish Councillor reports None (c) ABP update In respect of the bund, ABP met with Shropshire Council’s Arborologist, the has planting is done in accordance with the condition. APB would like to leave thistles & wildflowers on the bank as it is a natural barrier particularly as ABP have had intrusions. Members were concerned that residents are having to maintain their side of the bund as nettles and weeds are taking hold, including maintaining the right of way. ABP will take advice of SC at meeting on 29th September. Further along the bund brambles have overgrown telephone wires. Openreach won’t carry out work as it is on ABP land, APB will investigate. With regard to the recent incident on site ABP assured members that although the site had been evacuated there was no risk to residents. (d) AD unit update Representatives from Bagley Biogas confirmed the bunds and planting had been completed and a second engine and drier unit installed. A noise assessment was carried out and further screening panels will be installed to the south west and absorption panels around gas compressors at the lower end of site as the new shed is deflecting noise, north, northeast, and west. 12:30 to five in morning at nearest residential properties. It is taking time as they are enclosing potentially flammable items so need to comply with regulations. Various amendments to processes will make compressors run Sulphur odours are quite bad and there are issues with Flare which needs reassessment which the company are waiting on. Farm entrance will be improved after completion of the harvest. (e) Police update In June there was a theft on Chapel Lane and arson attack at School Field Close. No further action for lack of evidence. Neighbourhood watch report continued incidents of theft of gardening equipment in North Shropshire. West Midlands Police have a raised awareness of their identity fraud campaign – being aware of scam ‘phone calls and e-mails. There is a link to North Shropshire Neighbourhood Watch Facebook page from Hordley PC website 89/16 FINANCE and ACCOUNTS for PAYMENT (a) Clerk presented the bank reconciliation for the end of July. The current account is £7,277.40 with approximately £2,852.00 in general purpose funds which is high in relation to the Council’s budgeted requirements and spending to date. (b) The Bank Reconciliation was received, approved and signed by the Chairman (c) Payments approved in June and July including payment for the Council’s insurance had cleared. There are currently no outstanding bills. (d) The Chairman requested the Council consider purchase of a new noticeboard. The Clerk will request Cllr Wright to approach the landowner for the siting of the replacement noticeboard. (e) Mazars, the Council’s external auditor, had contacted the Clerk asking for further clarification of significant variances to which the Clerk had replied by letter. Mazars also noted that the Council had (Document produced September 2016 – LJM) Initialled ………………….. not carried out a risk assessment and enquired as to whether this would be done. The Clerk also mentioned the need for an adequate budgetary process to meet the required standard. There is a SALC training session on budgeting in October if any members wished to book a place. 90/16 PLANNING & HIGHWAYS MATTERS (a) Planning Applications (if any) received on or after 8th September None (b) Pending Consideration :- 15/2678/DIS ABP – Discharge of Conditions 16 & 17 of permission 10/01784/EIA (c) Planning Decisions :- 16/3236/FUL The Oaklands – Formation of a new access – granted permission 9/9/16 (d) Request under Shropshire Council road safety policy - Dandyford Cottages – These cottages are set on a blind bend making it dangerous for the occupants to exit their property. The owners had been in touch with Highways some time ago, who promised signage but nothing has been forthcoming. Clerk to contact highways with regard to signage and a mirror. 91/16 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A PARISH CLERK FOR 2017 As SALC had not heard further from interested parties in the appointment Hordley PC will progress advertisement and interview for a new clerk. It was agreed that Cllrs. Beech and Maddocks were the appropriate members to advance the recruitment process with assistance from the locum clerk. 92/16 CONSULTATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE (if any) (a) SALC bulletins (e-mailed) (b) SP Energy Networks contacted the Clerk and asked whether the Parish Council has any comment to make which it has not. (c) Outcomes of the Shropshire Council/SALC/Town and Parish Council forum of Clerk’s on partnership working and devolution of services held on 21st July at Shirehall was circulated by e-mail 7/9/2016 (d) Survey to find out how devolution will affect local councils but especially smaller councils. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SmallerCapacity - Open until 30th September 93/16 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Date and time of the next Council Meeting 17th November 2016 @ 7:30 pm in Hordley Village Hall NS area SALC – Monday, 19th September 2016 - 7:15pm @ Edinburgh House Town and Parish Councils Forum – 29th September @ Shirehall, Shrewsbury NALC Annual Conference 19th & 20th October, 2016 @ Jury’s Inn, Birmingham SALC AGM & Conference – Saturday, 19th October November, 2016 @ Dawley Town Hall SALC training events can be found online @ http://www.alcshropshire.co.uk/training-program Meeting Closed 9:15 pm Signed …………(by the Chairman)……………………………………………………… Date: 17th November 2016 (Document produced September 2016 – LJM) Initialled ………………….. .
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