This�magazine� is�for�English� The�Bridge language�fans!�� In�this�issue: #1,�January�2013 Happy�New�Year�of�Snake Greetings�from�abroad ‘If’�by�R.Kipling Our�Round�Table Those�Russians... Jokes � ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT ! NEW EURO – ENGLISH LANGUAGE (ATTACHMENT 2) Dear�English�Language�Fans We are proud to offer for your attention our new initiative, an online bi-monthly magazine intended for students of English. You can find many interesting things including writty stories by modern writters, poems, songs, jokes and so on. The stories are written at two language levels targeting intermediate and advanced learners. Our magazine also has an English Lesson Section with written and oral assignments that will help English students test their language proficiency online. Plus there is a vast collection of the English cuisine recipes. We have called our magazine «The Bridge» hoping it will be a real bridge to the international communication and connect English and Russian. There are 10 tasks with a sign of bridge in our magazine. You will score 10 points for your correct answer. 100 points will intitle you to a prize! If you are not the first you are the last. We are seeing yet another New Year. A year of the Snake (a symbol of evolution) will start on the tenth of February. Best of luck and Happy New Year! We wish our new project and its team of authors the highest possible success and outstanding academic results. We thank Nadezhda Krivtseva and Alexander Safonov for the inspiration, valuable advice and assistance. Design and Editor Irene V. Kazanskaya computer work PhD, assistant professor, Egor Terek chair of foreign languages «ЭК-41» Would you like to suggest for our madazine your ideas? You can write your answers and wait for the prize. Our mail [email protected] Our�Outlook! If О, если... If you can keep your head when all about you О, если ты спокоен, не растерян, Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; Когда теряют головы вокруг, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, И если ты себе остался верен, But make allowance for their doubting too: Когда в тебя не верит лучший друг. И если ждать умеешь без волненья, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Не станешь ложью отвечать на ложь, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Не будешь злобен, став для всех мише- Or being hated don't give way to hating, нью, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; Но и святым тебя не назовешь. И если ты своей владеешь страстью, If you can dream - and not make dreams your А не тобою властвует она, master; И будешь твёрд в удаче и несчастье, If you can think - and not make thoughts your Которым, в сущности, одна цена. aim, И если ты готов к тому, что слово If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster Твое в ловушку превращает плут, And treat those two impostors just the same: И, потерпев крушенье, можешь снова, Без прежних сил, возобновить свой If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken труд. Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, И если можешь всё, что стало Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, Тебе привычным, выложить на стол, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools; Всё проиграть и вновь начать сначала, Не пожалев того, что приобрёл. If you can make one heap of all your winnings И если можешь сердце, нервы, жилы And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, Так завести, чтобы вперед нестись, And lose, and start again at your beginnings, Когда с годами изменяют силы And never breathe a word about your loss: И только воля говорит: "Держись!" И если можешь быть в толпе собою, If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew При короле с народом связь хранить, To serve your turn long after they are gone, И, уважая мнение любое, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Главы перед молвою не клонить. Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" И если будешь мерить расстоянье Секундами, пускаясь в дальний бег, Editor Irene V. Kazanskaya If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Тогда Земля- PhD, assistant professor, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch, твоё, мой мальчик, chair of foreign languages if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, достоянье. If all men count with you, but none too much: И более того, ты - Человек! If you can fill the unforgiving minute Translated�by�Samuil�Y.�Marshak With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son! What is the most popular By�Joseph�Rudyard�Kipling book written by L. Kipling? The�Bridge #1,�January�2013 Jeffery�Archer� and�his�story� page�10 About�GOTTHARD�page�22 Those�Russians...� about�bread�and�russians� page�18 Queen�Cakes�27� Contents:� �GREETINGS�FROM�ABROAD 4 HUMAN�CONSCIOUS,�DISCOURSE... 7 OUR�ROUND�TABLE 8 ‘LUNCHEON’�BY��JEFFERY�ARCHER 10 THOSE�RUSSIANS... 18 PEBBLES�OF�WISDOM 20 POETRY 21 GOTTHARD 22 LET’S�PRACTISE 24 SMILE 26 COOKING 27 THE�GERMAN�PAGE 28 THE�FRENCH�PAGE 29 ATTACHMENT�1 30 ATTACHMENT�2 36 GREETINGS USA Dear professors and students of the Higher School of Economics and the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics: I would like to congratulate you in this new step of working together to create a stronger institution. The joining of an engineering institute together with an institute with experience in economics and social sciences, opens new roads in the development of sciences and engineering. I was reading on the internet the works you are developing and was positively impressed by the way you are focusing the problems we have in this global world where we live. Of course there will always be difficulties, but I am confident that your high qualified faculty and staff will overcome them. I wish you the best in this coming new year. Merry Christmas and Happy 2013. Amaury A. Caballero, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Florida International University Miami, Florida, USA UK Dear colleagues, We would like to take this opportunity to wish all the staff and students of Moscow Institute of Electronics & Mathematics a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that the coming year will bring you new successful projects and achievments, especially now when you have become part of such a famous and prestigious educational institution as Higher School of Economics. We hope that our mutual cooperation and contacts will widen and improve in future, With best wishes and regards Dr.N.Mckendrick PhD., Associate Professor in TEFL Plymouth Open Doors International Language School, UK GREETINGS Canada Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the teachers, lecturers and students of the Higher School of Economics and MIEM !!! Once again we appreciate your participation in our research project “Higher Education Solutions” this year. Thank you for the precious cultural information that you provided to us. We are aware of the big changes for your staff next year, merging with the HSE. We wish you all the best with that merger, meeting new people and handling new projects. Good luck with the changes. Inna Van Der Velden, Managing Director of the Canadian Intercultural Centre On behalf of CIC students and staff Australia Dear friends! Best wishes for the coming 2013 New Year from Australia!!! My name is Pavel Fedorov and I was born in Adelaide, Australia. Currently, I am 16 years old and thinking about which university to go to after finishing school. I have thought about studying in Russia. My parents gradulated from MEIM, which recently relocated and became the Higher School of Economics. It was probably not easy to make such an enormous change. I sincerely hope that all students and professors of former MIEM will contribute to the success of the Russian education system. I know that the level of education in MIEM is very high and that it is a very respectable educational institution. I truly believe in the importance of professional qualities in pedagogues of MIEM. I wish a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that the New Year will bring happiness, professional development and success in everybody’s endeavours. Very best regards, Pavel Fedorov. 5 We thank everybody! The letter from the USA is the most important (written by Amaury Caballero). The most useful one is from the UK (you can go there to improve your English). What a warm- hearted message is from Canada! But the most beautiful one is from Australia. Look at it! 6 HUMAN�CONSCIOUS,�DISCOURSE�AND�EVOLUTION Человеческие сознание, речь и эволюция В журнале “THE BRIDGE” - «МОСТ» мы постараемся перекинуть мост не только от русского языка к английскому, но и к нашему новому сознанию, к речи, являющейся одним из главных видов коммуникатив- ной деятельности человека. Во Вселенной, где мы обитаем, это энергия и величайший дар, умело пользуясь которыми, мастер может творить чудеса, словно в руке у него волшебная палочка. Речь всегда идёт бок о бок с человеческой эволюцией, и современный период развития созна- ния – это веха, о которой необходимо говорить в первую очередь. Завершился 2012 год, о котором предупреждали ещё древние. Судь- боносный год, открывающий новые возможности человеческого созна- ния, передал свои права наступившему 2013 году Змеи, которая симво- лизирует эволюцию. Квантовый переход достиг своего пика, и ученые с мировыми име- нами исследуют Вселенское энергоинформационное взаимодействие, в котором активную роль играет и наше с вами сознание.
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