By the Nordic Kennel Clubs 2014 Applicable from 2014 Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) regarding exaggerations in pedigree dogs DANSK KENNEL KLUB HUNDARÆKTARFÉLAG ÍSLANDS NORSK KENNEL KLUB SUOMEN KENNELLIITTO SVENSKA KENNELKLUBBEN Index Introduction .............................................................................................................................4 Application ..............................................................................................................................6 Basics for all dogs ...................................................................................................................8 Breed types ...........................................................................................................................10 FCI GROUP 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs ..............................................................................12 FCI GROUP 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoïd Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs ...14 FCI GROUP 3 Terriers .............................................................................................................19 FCI GROUP 4 Dachshunds ......................................................................................................21 FCI GROUP 5 Spitz and Primitive types ...................................................................................22 FCI GROUP 6 Scenthounds and Related Breeds ......................................................................24 FCI GROUP 7 Pointing Dogs ....................................................................................................26 FCI GROUP 8 Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs ...........................................................27 FCI GROUP 9 Companion and Toy Dogs ..................................................................................29 FCI GROUP 10 Sighthounds ....................................................................................................34 Appendix 1 Background of the BSI .........................................................................................35 Appendix 2 Assessments of breathing distress in the show ring .............................................37 Appendix 3 Eye problems .....................................................................................................38 Appendix 4 Report – observations of areas of risk in the BSI-listed breeds .............................40 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction NOTE! The present document is a comprehensive an excellent opportunity to prevent unsound survey of problems connected to exaggerations breeding by avoiding to give high awards and regarding pedigree dogs. This knowledge is of ba- sic importance for all dog show judges and con- instead merit the specimen with the optimal cerns dogs of all breeds. Judges are requested combination of breed type and soundness. to study the whole document but in connection with an assignment a judge should pay special at- The Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) iden- tention to the specific text regarding the breed(s) tifie areas of risk related to breed type with he/she will judge and the introduction text for the the intention to increase the awareness of pertinent FCI group. Information regarding the judges of problems related to exaggerations principles of advice is given under Application. in breed types. BSI is thus primarily a The task of a dog show judge is to preserve complement to the breed standard and the characteristics of each breed within the not a listing of deviations and faults nor a frames of the approved breed standard. manual of rules connecting the observed This must never be done at the expense of issues to a fixed quality grading. The BSI soundness. It is the responsibility of the implies recommendations to the judge to judge to be acquainted with the breed stan- observe the breed specific areas of risk and dard as well as such health problems which note issues as well as soundness in these by exaggerations related to breed type may areas. The general perspective is preventive harm the individual dog and interfere with more than criticizing by not only noting the development of the breed as a whole. deviations but also focusing on soundness in the areas of risk. Frequently occurring A breed standard does not describe exag- faults in a breed which are not connected to gerations but the wording of breed typical exaggeration in breed type are not regularly characteristics can mislead judges and mentioned in the BSI. breeders to such interpretations that speci- men with extreme type will be preferred at The NKU BSI is founded on the expe- shows and in breeding. riences in the Nordic countries regarding identification of areas of risk in a selected A judge shall primarily evaluate the exhibits number of high profile breeds during the as a result of previous generations of bree- last decade. These instructions are the re- trends towards exaggerations ding. However sult of inventories made possible through must be identified before they have given extensive collaboration between dog show rise to problems.* The dog show judge has 4 INTRODUCTION judges, breed clubs, veterinary surgeons and Nordic countries and are selected from 73 supported by veterinary health insurance breeds deemed, by Scandinavian Kennel statistics. This constitutes the basis for the Clubs, as possibly challenged with a negative selection of listed breeds and for the written development due to exaggerated features. directions for each breed. The structure of See Appendix 1 regarding the criteria for listing the inventory allows for a continuous follow breeds in the BSI. up and dynamic revisions of the BSI. The breeds listed constitute 39 of the ap- proximately 300 FCI breeds represented in * FCI GC 2013, FCI Model standard; “Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs with breed typi- cal conformation should be used for breeding.” 5 APPLICATION Application A judge should familiarise himself/herself BSI is not a manual of rules connecting issues with the breed specific instructions (BSI) to fixed quality grades except when these obser- for the breeds he or she has been invited to vations are mentioned in the breed standards judge and also consider the text introducing as disqualifying faults. the pertinent breed group as well as the Judges are instructed however to particularly sections “Basics for all dogs” (page 8) and consider the BSI issues when awarding CK “Breed types” (page 10). (certificate quality), and respect that devia- It is of utmost importance that judges in tions from overall health and soundness are quality grading and competition assessment much more serious than cosmetic failings. continue to evaluate every dog regarding See Appendix 1 regarding FCI GC 2013 Basic breed type and overall merit in a positive Statement For Show Judges. manner, but also by scrutinizing exagge- rations and faults which may jeopardize The written critiques soundness and health, i. e. an actual in- spection of each dog is emphasized. This is In written critiques, judges should comment relevant for all breeds but especially for the on the BSI issues and how these observations BSI listed breeds. influence the grading of each dog. It is important to remember that all dogs should It is particularly important to highlight when be healthy and sound. However, a dog that is dogs exhibit soundness regarding the areas sound but lacking in breed type, is NOT a of risk. In this way dog shows may support good representative of that particular breed. selection for positive future breeding regar- ding the combination of show qualities and BSI issues and quality grading soundness. The preventive intention of the BSI concept is thus fulfilled **. The observations regarding the areas of risk (BSI issues) specific for each listed The judges’ reports breed should influence quality grading and competition assessment depending on the An essential value of the BSI concept is the degree and severity of the deviation just like judges’ reports on observations regarding other faults. areas of risk on a special form for each breed. 6 APPLICATION These reports are necessary for the follow-up Exaggerations in presentation of the listed breeds and for the continuous Exaggerations in presentation may negati- updating of the BSI document. These forms vely influence the way in which the public are also communicated to the breed clubs sees dog showing and harm the respect for in order to create consensus between judges pedigree dogs. and breed expertise. Judges are therefore asked to point out in It’s up to the national kennel clubs to decide their critiques any exaggerations in handling about the practical implementation of the and presentation which may be detrimental reporting. to the dog and also unethical in relation to The judge is invited to give his further health and function. Coat preparation and personal views and comments as well as grooming may lead to unacceptable living suggest other breeds for consideration for conditions for the dogs of some breeds and BSI listing. The report form is also available this is thus mentioned in the BSI text alt- to judges for breeds not BSI-listed. hough not directly being an issue affecting the breeding. Movement should be evaluated at a breed specific speed and manner. ** FCI Show Judges Code Of Commitment To The Welfare Of Pure Bred Dogs: ”At shows, FCI show judges are responsible for choosing and placing the best dogs in each breed and thus for allowing these dogs to be the base of the individual breed
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