Connecting Science Past with Science Future Sat., March 20 Sun., March 21 3 NSTA 2010 National Conference on Science Education PHILADELPHIA 1 Introducing Interactive Science, a next-generation K–8 sciencescience program that covers all content areas and makes learningning personal,personal, engaging, and relevant for today’s student. Students’ eyes will light up when teachers tell them “This is your book. You can write in it!” With Interactive Science, students become the lead authors by recording their discoveries directly in the book. Visit Booth #1405 to learn more! PearsonSchool.com 800-848-9500 Copyright ©2009 Pearson Education, Inc. or its2 affiliate(s). All rights reserved. Attention Pennsylvania Teachers: The recent Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) test in science uncovered a gap between what is currently being taught to K–12 students and what the PSSA tests. Make sure you are prepared to meet your students’ curriculum, instructional, and assessment needs. • The Master of Science Education Program provides every elementary, middle and high school teacher, including learning support teachers, the knowledge and skills to improve their students’ performance in science. • Lebanon Valley College’s MSE degree focuses on the hands on, minds on, inquiry or experiential learning of science that is aligned with current PDE science standards and anchors. • Campus housing is available in summer. • Deferred tuition option available. REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER CLASSES online at: www.lvc.edu/mse - call 717-867-6482 - e-mail: [email protected] Lebanon Valley College Graduate Studies & Continuing Education 101 North College Avenue |Annville, PA 17003-1400 | www.lvc.edu/mse NSTA Membership Become the Best Teacher You Can Be Members enjoy the best teaching resources, plus online and face-to-face professional development to build skills and improve performance. $ZDUGZLQQLQJMRXUQDOVJUDGHVSHFLILFDQGILOOHGZLWKWHDFKLQJVWUDWHJLHV 1DWLRQDODQGUHJLRQDOFRQIHUHQFHVIRUWKHEHVWIDFHWRIDFHKDQGVRQOHDUQLQJ DFURVVWKHQDWLRQ³LQVWLWXWHVV\PSRVLDZRUNVKRSVDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQV 2QOLQH/HDUQLQJ&HQWHULQWHUDFWLYHDQGWRSLFDOWREXLOGFRQWHQW NQRZOHGJHDQGWHDFKLQJVNLOOV (QHZVOHWWHUVDQGOLVWVHUYV³VWD\LQIRUPHGDQGFXUUHQWGDLO\ ZHHNO\DQGPRQWKO\ :HEVHPLQDUVDQGVKRUWFRXUVHVWREXLOG\RXUVFLHQFHNQRZOHGJH 167$ERRNVMXVWIRUVFLHQFHHGXFDWRUV³WRSLFDO VWUDWHJLFDQGSHGDJRJLFDO *HWFRQQHFWHGZLWK167$&RPPXQLWLHV³DXQLTXH QHWZRUNLQJSODWIRUPGHYHORSHGMXVWIRUVFLHQFHHGXFDWRUV &UHDWH\RXUSURILOHWRGD\DQGPHHWFROOHDJXHVIULHQGVDQG SURIHVVLRQDOFRQWDFWVWKDWVKDUH\RXUSDVVLRQ For more information or to become a member visit www.nsta.org/membership or call 1.800.722.6782 Connecting NSTA 58th National Conference on With Science Education National Conference on Science Education Philadelphia, Pennsylvania March 18–21, 2010 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • March 18–21, 2010 Volume 3 Sat., March 20 / Sun., March 21 Conference Highlights (Saturday/Sunday). 5 Conference Strands. 6 NSTA/SCST College Symposium. 8 NESTA Earth and Space Science Resource Day: Earth System Science and the Environment. 8 The Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) Program. 9 Teacher Researcher Day . 9 NSTA Press Sessions . 10 NSTA Avenue Sessions . 10 Keeping Elementary Primary: Current Research and Best Practices for Quality Instruction Conference . 12 Saturday Daily Program . 17 Sunday Daily Program . 113 Meetings and Social Functions (Sat./Sun.). 130 Index of Exhibitor Workshops (Sat.). 131 Schedule At A Glance (Sat./Sun.). 135 Index of Participants (Sat./Sun.). 154 Index of Advertisers . 160 Cover Photo Workshop participants investigate water at The Franklin Institute. ©Susan Holmes/The Franklin Institute The environment is important to science educators. These programs are recyclable and were printed on recycled paper. NSTA Philadelphia National Conference on Science Education 3 TheThe NSTANSTA ScienceScience BookstoreBookstore hashas ProfessionalProfessional DevelopmentDevelopment TitlesTitles forfor BuildingBuilding ExcellenceExcellence v )_IZL_QVVQVO8,JWWS[âTTML_Q\PJM[\ XZIK\QKM[[KQMVKMKWV\MV\\MIKPQVO\QX[IVL lesson plans v 8QKS]XEven More Everyday Science Mysteries, Science Education Leadership, or The Frugal Science Teacher, PreK–5\WVIUMINM_VM_\Q\TM[ Pick up the new Spring v +PMKSW]\W]Zt6M_<MIKPMZ?MTKWUM8IKS[ux OZILM[XMKQâKPIVLXQKSML\Q\TM[LM[QOVML\W NSTA catalog! serve as your science survival resource. v <[PQZ\[XWTW[\W\M[U]O[XMV[IVLW\PMZOQN\[ \W\ISMJIKS\WaW]ZKTI[[ZWWU Store Hours v 7VMWVWVMJWWS[QOVQVO[_Q\PaW]Z favorite authors Wednesday 5:00–8:00 PM v WNNITT6;<)\Q\TM[IVL WNNITT Thursday 7:00 AM–6:00 PM other purchases Friday 7:00 AM–5:00 PM Free Shipping available! Saturday 7:00 AM–5:00 PM Place your order at one of our onsite KWUX]\MZ[IVLaW]ZX]ZKPI[M[_QTTJM Sunday 7:30 AM–12 Noon [PQXXMLNZMMWNKPIZOM Visit www.nsta.org/store to make a purchase today, or call 1-800-277-5300. Conference Program • Highlights Saturday, March 20 7:00 AM–3:30 PM Keeping Elementary Primary: Current Research and Best Practices for Quality Instruction Conference (C-1) . 17 8:00 AM–12 Noon NSTA/SCST College Symposium . 36 8:30 AM–5:00 PM Teacher Researcher Day. 9 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Exhibits. 39 10:30 AM–12 Noon Shell Science Seminar: Haian Fu. 53 10:30 AM–12 Noon Shell Science Seminar: Neil Comins. 54 11:00 AM–12 Noon Paul F-Brandwein Lecture: Lynne Cherry. 55 12 Noon–1:30 PM NSTA/SCST College Luncheon (M-10): Robert J. Beichner . 66 1:30–3:00 PM Shell Science Seminar: Garland L. Thompson . 79 —Edward Savaria, Jr./PCVB 1:30–3:00 PM Shell Science Seminar: Terry Matilsky. 80 2:00–3:00 PM Teacher Researcher Day Keynote Address: Douglas J. Llewellyn . 81 2:00–3:00 PM NSTA/ASE Honors Exchange Lecture: Manoj Chitnavis and Annette Smith . 81 3:30–4:30 PM Robert Karplus Lecture: Reagan Flowers. 93 3:30–4:30 PM Featured Presentation: Glenn Schwartz. 94 3:30–5:30 PM NSTA Exemplary Science Program (ESP) Symposium III. 102 6:00 PM–12 Mid Special Evening Session: A Video Showcase of Inspiring Award-winning Teachers and Their Engaging Courses, Part 3 . 110 7:00–9:30 PM President’s Annual Banquet (M-11): Charles F. Bolden, Jr. 111 Sunday, March 21 7:00–9:00 AM Life Members’ Buffet Breakfast (M-12). 113 NSTA Philadelphia National Conference on Science Education 5 Conference Program • Conference Strands The Philadelphia Planning ✔ Meeting the Unique Needs of Urban and Rural Science Learners Committee has planned Urban and rural environments are unique in many ways. It is important that teachers, the conference around the administrators, and parents are collaboratively involved in helping students achieve their following four strands, fullest potential in science. This strand will provide the participant with programs and enabling you to focus on teaching strategies that have demonstrated increased academic achievement, foster interest a specific area of interest and participation in science, and employ exemplary science programs in urban and rural or need. Strand events areas. are identified by icons throughout the daily ( Connecting Content: Between, Within, and Among Subjects program. In this day and age, the need for relevant connections within and between all subjects and all content is important in assisting students to become globally productive citizens. Providing See the following pages for a opportunities for students to engage in developing and establishing integrative concepts is key. list of sessions and events for This strand will focus on sessions that demonstrate the interconnectedness of science topics each strand. with other subjects at varying grade levels. Closing the Digital Generation Gap Between Teachers and Students Students today are often advanced in the use of digital technology. How can teachers, many of whom are digital immigrants, become responsible digital educators? The understanding and use of technology are critical components of STEM education. The appropriate use of current technology supports the development of “21st Century Skills” such as real-world applications, creative problem solving, collaboration, and effective communication. Rekindling the Fires of Science Teaching and Learning ★ This strand will provide exemplary programs, best practices, and strategies to increase teacher retention and renewal by focusing on such areas as professional learning communities, administrative and science leader support, professional development that focuses on both science content and pedagogy, mentoring programs, and collegial support strategies. Meeting the Unique Needs of Urban and Rural Science Learners Saturday, March 20 12:30–1:30 PM Sunday, March 21 ELD Strategies in Science 8:00–9:00 AM 8:00–9:00 AM ¡Youth & the Ocean! (¡YO!): An Academic 1:30–3:00 PM The Urban Advantage of Field Science Achievement and Research Program for Shell Science Seminar: Talent Knows No Investigations Underrepresented Middle School Students Color Line (Speaker: Garland L. Thompson) 9:30–10:30 AM 2:00–3:00 PM Meaningful Environmental Science for Urban Applied Geosciences in the City for Middle Learners School Students 11:00 AM–12 Noon 3:30–4:30 PM Interactive Science Notebooks for Inspiring City Science: Using Your City as a Classroom Young Scientists 6 NSTA Philadelphia National Conference on Science Education Conference Program • Conference Strands Connecting Content: Between, Within, and Among Subjects Rekindling the Fires of Science Teaching and Learning Saturday, March 20 2:00–3:00 PM Mitosis, DNA, and Me! 8:00–9:00 AM Saturday, March 20 Engaging Students, Developing Science 2:00–5:00 PM 8:00–9:00 AM Knowledge, and Teaching Science Literacy Short
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