DT II c Gabriel Nagy Dality Theory II: Advanced Theory Notes from the Functional Analysis Course (Fall 07 - Spring 08) Besides the weak dual topologies w# introduced in DT I, there exist many other natural topologies on dual pairs. A general recipe for constructing a large class of such topologies is outlined in sub-section A. Subsequent sections contain some important theorems due to (combinations of) Arens, Banach, Grothendieck and Mackey, which are perfect illustrations of the power of the ”Duality Machine.” The entire section is optional, as it abounds in proof-less results (left as exercises). A. The TM-topologies Conventions. Throughout this note K will be one of the fields R or C, and all vector spaces are over K. Whenever we say that “X and Y form a dual pair,” we will understand that one is given two linear injective maps #: X 3 x 7−→ x# ∈ Y0, (1) #: Y 3 y 7−→ y# ∈ X 0, (2) satisfying the equality x#(y) = y#(x), ∀ x ∈ X , y ∈ Y. (3) (See DT I for the interpretation of these maps.) Remarks 1-2. Use the notations as above. # 1. Since the w -topology on X is defined by the family {py}y∈Y , given by py(x) = |y#(x)| = |x#(y)|, by Exercise 1 from from LCVS III, it follows that a non-empty set M ⊂ X is w#-bounded, if and only if, sup |x#(y)| < ∞, ∀ y ∈ Y. (4) x∈M Likewise, a non-empty set M ⊂ Y is w#-bounded, if and only if, sup |y#(x)| < ∞, ∀ x ∈ X . (5) y∈M w# 2. If M ⊂ X is w#-bounded, then so is the closure conv(bal M) . This follows again from Exercise 1 from LCVS III. 1 Exercise 1♥. Show that, if M ⊂ Y is a non-empty w#-bounded set, then its absolute polar M is absorbing (in X ) and furthermore, its associated Minkowski functional qM is given by # qM (x) = sup |y (x)|, ∀ x ∈ X . y∈M Notation. With M as in Exercise 1, when convenient, the Minkowski functional qM will be simply denoted by pM. (When M is a singleton {y}, pM is py, the seminorm used before.) ♥ 1 Exercise 2. Using the notations as above, show that B(pM) = M. Definition. Suppose X and Y are in a dual pairing. Given a non-empty collection M, # consisting of non-empty w -bounded subsets of Y, one constructs the TM-topology as the locally convex topology on X , defined by the family of seminorms QM = {pM : M ∈ M}. In terms of convergence, the topology TM is characterized as follows. For a net (xλ) in TM # X , the condition xλ −−→ 0 is equivalent to the condition: supy∈M |y (xλ)| → 0, ∀ M ∈ M. Likewise, for a non-empty collection N – consisting of non-empty w#-bounded subsets of X – the corresponding topology TN on Y is defined. Exercises 3-4. Given a non-empty collection M of non-empty w#-bounded subsets of S Y, consider the space hMi = span M∈M M . 3♥. Prove that the following are equivalent: (i) TM is Hausdorff; (ii) hMi is w#-dense in Y. ♥ # 4. Prove that if hMi = Y, then TM is stronger than the w -topology (on X ). All locally convex topological vector spaces can be viewed as TM-topologies, as indicated in the following result. Proposition 1. Let (X , T) be a locally convex topological vector space, and form a dual 0 ∗ pair with either Y1 = X (the algebraic dual), or Y2 = X (the topological dual). 1 2 (i) If V is a T-neighborhood of 0 in X , then its absolute polars V in Y1 and V in Y2 1 coincide. In particular, V is contained in Y2. (ii) Every set in the collection 1 MT = {V : V neighborhood of 0 in (X , T)} # # is w -compact (thus w -bounded) in both Y1 and in Y2. (iii) The TMT -topology on X , defined using either pairing (X with Y1, or X with Y2), coincides with T. 1 Using the notations from LCVS III, for a seminorm p on X , we define B(p) = {x ∈ X : p(x) ≤ 1}. 2 0 Proof. (i). By definition, for V a T-neighborhood of 0, its two absolute polars (in Y1 = X ∗ and in Y2 = X ) are given by 0 V 1 = {φ ∈ X : |φ(x)| ≤ 1, ∀ x ∈ V}, ∗ V 2 = {φ ∈ X : |φ(x)| ≤ 1, ∀ x ∈ V}, ∗ 0 so clearly (by the inclusion X ⊂ X ) one has the inclusion V 2 ⊂ V 1 . Therefore, in order ∗ to prove that these two sets coincide, we only need to prove the inclusion V 1 ⊂ X , in other words, that every φ ∈ V 1 is T-continuous. Fix such a φ and let us show that it is continuous at 0. Equivalently this means that, for every ε > 0, the set Nε = {x ∈ X : |φ(x)| ≤ ε} is a T-neighborhood of 0. This is, however, obvious since the condition φ ∈ V 1 clearly yields the inclusion Nε ⊃ εV. # ∗ ∗ (ii). Since the w -topology on Y2 = X coincides with the w -topology, which in turn ∗ 0 2 ∗ the the induced w -topology from Y1 = X , it suffices to show that V is w -compact in ∗ Y2 = X . This, however, follows immediately from the Alaoglu-Bourbaki Theorem. (iii.) We know (see LCVS III, Theorem-Definition 1 and Remark 8), by the definition of the TMT -topology, that the collection W = {εB(pMT ): M ∈ MT, ε > 0} constitutes a fundamental system of neighborhoods of 0 in the TMT -topology. Therefore (by 2 Exercise 2), in order to prove that T coincides with TMT , it suffices to show that : (a) for every M ∈ MT, its absolute polar M is a T-neighborhood of 0, and (b) for every T-neighborhood U of 0, there exists M ∈ MT, such that M ⊂ U. 1 The first assertion is obvious, since every M ∈ MT is of the form M = V , for some T-neighborhood V of 0, so we obviously have the inclusion M = (V 1 ) ⊃ V. To prove (b), we use the fact (see LCVS I) that for every T-neighborhood U of 0, there exists a closed, convex, balanced T-neighborhood of 0, such that V ⊂ U. Using the duality ∗ 2 between X and Y2 = X , and the Absolute Bipolar Theorem, it follows that V = (V )), so if we take M = V 2 , we now have: M = V ⊂ U. Example 1. If one starts with a dual pairing between X and Y, and one considers M to be the collection of all finite subsets of Y, the associated TM-topology on X is precisely the w#-topology. In sub-sections B and C two other choices for M will be used to produce two new topologies. Remark 3. Suppose X and Y are in a dual pairing. Since, for two non-empty collections # M ⊂ N (of non-empty w -bounded subsets of Y), we have the inclusions QM ⊂ QN, it follows that the associated topologies satisfy the same inclusion TM ⊂ TN. Comment. In connection with the above remark, it is natural to ask the following question. Given two collections M and N, when do the topologies TM and TN coincide, or when does one have the inclusion TM ⊂ TN? Of course, we already know that, a sufficient 2 Whether MT is regarded in Y1 or in Y2, its absolute polar in X is defined the same way, so we do not need subscripts. By Exercise 2, we know that B(pM) = M. 3 condition for the inclusion TM ⊂ TN is the inclusion M ⊂ N, but this is clearly not necessary. (For instance, if M is the collection of all finite subsets in Y with at least two elements, and # N is the collection of all singleton sets in Y, then TM and TN coincide with the w -topology on X , but clearly M ∩ N = ∅.) The exercise below is meant to justify the terminology that will help us answer the above questions. Exercise 5♥. Fix X and Y as above, and fix some non-empty w#-bounded subset M ⊂ Y. Prove the following: (i) pαM = |α| · pM, ∀ α ∈ K; # (ii) the absolute bipolar (M ) is also w -bounded in Y, and p(M) = pM; (iii) if N is a non-empty subset of M, then pN ≤ pM. Definitions. Suppose X and Y are in a dual pairing, and M is a non-empty collection of non-empty w#-bounded subsets of Y S # A. We say that M is total, if its support hMi = span M∈M M is dense in Y in the w - topology. By Exercise 3, this condition is equivalent to the fact that the TM-topology on X is Hausdorff. B. We say that M is saturated, if: (i) M ∈ M ⇒ N ∈ M, ∀ N ⊂ M (non-empty); (i) M ∈ M ⇒ tM ∈ M, ∀ t > 0; (iii) M ∈ M ⇒ (M) ∈ M; (iv) M is directed, i.e. for any M1, M2 ∈ M, there exists M ∈ M, such that M ⊃ M1 ∪ M2. C. It is not so hard to show that the intersection of an arbitrary family of saturated collections is again saturated. Therefore, one can construct Msat to be the intersection of all saturated collections that contain M, so that the collection Msat is the smallest saturated collection that contains M. The collection Msat is called the saturation of M. (See Exercise 6 for more clarifications.) ♥ # Exercise 6. Prove that the collection BY , of all non-empty w -bounded subsets in Y, is saturated. Therefore, the collection used in the saturation construction in Definition C above is non-empty.
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