2 IMPERIAL VALLEYPRESS, EL CENTRO. CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916 reliable and unbiased recital of events that appeal to the most intelligent What Electricity Will Do. members of society. , Every day, seemingly, we read of IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS we when show in the minute U tll.V EXCEPT si \DAV In a sense are perverted we interest some new application of electricity in chronicle of a Rhode Island murder case, or when the people of a neigh- E. F. HOWE & SONS home. The number of household E. F. HOWE A. W. HOWE C. F. HOWE boring city arc readers of some love-nest exploitation here which holds up the electricity the Edgar F. Howe, Managing Editor the bedraggled outcasts of our small underworld as though it was a trag tasks turned over to in 519 Main Street, El Cenlro. California edv in our social structure. But, excusing, as best we may, this defect past few years is astonishing. An SUBSCRIPTIONS character. ;here is at least no palliative for the exaggeration of incidents Electric Com- One year, In Imperial county SI.OO of engineer cf the General 50 kind, creative faculty which Kix month* of this or for the cultivation of a misdirected pany has prepared the following list Three months 25 perhaps a trite One year, elsewhere 2.00 manufactures them out of whole cloth. It is a tame, and of household applications of electricity Six months 1.00 to the injury thing, to say that this sort of newspaper activity is practiced which is truly astonishing: Three months 50 significant By Carrier in El Centro; by Mail Elsewhere. of a community, but let us find some consolation in the more Furnish illuminntii for the house. NO WEEKLY EDITION PRINTED sooner or later the jour- fact that it also reacts upon its purveyors, and that Heat water fo sh. .mg, or the Entered as second class matter, September 30. 1911, at the Postoffice at El it price—the confidence of Centro, California, under the Act of March 3, 1579. nal indulging in loses that peal of inestimable bath. ABOUT MIXED PUBLICITY the public it appeals to. Percolate the breakfast coffee. publicity valley for Toast bread. Blouses Wr have two commodities to sell—news for the subscriber and been extended all over the for the advertiser. We do not destroy both the news and publicity value of GRE \T ACTIVITYIN Fry eggs or anything that willfry. by what really advertising. The everybody to be present. the paper publishing as news is two cannot Operate the sewing machine. are holding own as most be; mixed but to the detriment of both. We solicit advertising, but we sell it CALIPATRIA REGION The “Middies” their the on Us merits, not by attempting to deceive our readers by palming off ad- Iron the clothes. comfortable garment extant. The demand is still in- vewlising as news. __ MARKET REPORTS Word was brought down today that Make tea in a samovar. there is enormous activity in and Chicago Livestock. Cook food in a chafing dish. creasing—and we have prepared to meet it. SOME PHASES OF JOURNALISM. | Curl a woman’s hair. | around Calipatria, due to the large Chicago, Jan. 25.—Hog market San Bernardino Sun: The Sun has, through its local columns, fre- 75,000; Dry a woman’s hair. ON amount of extra acreage that is be- higher, [email protected]>5; receipts, We have these Blouses in a great many styles quently called attention to the injustice done the city by the mendacious light, [email protected]>0; mixed, [email protected]; Heat the bathroom or other rooms ing planted or being gotten ready to cool mornings. and materials. See our Window Display. or wholly illusory reports sent to outside papers by correspondents under rough, [email protected]; pigs, [email protected]. on plant which will at least be double Lift or lower dumb waiters. the stimulus of space rate compensation. We have no particular quarrel Cattle market weak; receipts, 25,- the amount that was under cultiva- 000; native beef steers, 0.30<®9.75; Energize doorbells and annunciators. with the ambitious eorrpesondents responsible. The real trouble lies with tion around the town last year, which western steers, (>[email protected]; cows and Vibrate the massage vibrator. of Los and San Francisco who thirst the frenzied news editors Angeles was 20,000 acres. heifers, 3.20(28.2d; calves, [email protected] Ozonize (purify) air. for the temporary glory of a “scoop" and to whom a scare head is more The *100.000.000 , Balfour-Guthrie Sheep market weak; receipts, 18,- Wash the dishes. Ignite cigars. to be desired than the drab honors of truth. ! company, which a short time ago 000; wethers, [email protected]; lambs, 8.50@ ! took over 10,000 acres cf the choice Keep hot the heating pad (used in But the ethical features of the matter go deeper than this. With well 11.00. & 1 land just west of Calipatria, now have place of hot water bottle). Salomon Co. assest B. considered newspapers a certain high value is placed upon that ! a large force of men, mules and ma- San Francisco Grain. Warm the milk for baby day or which might be called the confidence of its readers. Tiie editor of a paper, chinery at work getting this land San Francisco, Jan. 24. —Closing night. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY or its responsible owner and manager, likes to felicitate himself with the ready for the planting of the entire prices: Wheat steady, no trading; Amuse the children by running elec- consciousness that the people who read his paper have a fair measure of 10,000 acres to long staple cotton. California club, spot, 1.72%@1.75. tric toys. confidence in its veracity. To be esteemed for accuracy cf statement is a Over 350 mules and several large Barley firm: May, 1.39% bid, 1.41% Protect houses from burglars, Kayser Silk Hose Gossard Corsets prize of great worth. The confidei ce of his constituents once lost is re- 1 tractors are being employed now grad- asked; December, 1.30 bid. v Give electric baths in bath cabi- garded as a calamity not to be counterbalanced by any temporary pros- ing and break up the ground, which nets. Angeles perity engendered by street sales. For without the confidence of its read- gives one a glimpse of the big scale on Los Produce .Market. Peach eggs, coox the cereal or heat ers in its reliability as a chronicler of events and an impartial commen- which this firm operates. Los Angelos, Jan. 25.—Local toma- milk. tator upon current affairs, the newspaper has no appeal to any constitu- This land lays just to the west of toes were materially higher at 1.75 a Operate the washing machine and ency worthy of serious mental effort. If the paper is to exist from day a great deal of the small acreage lug on the Los Angeles wholesale pro- clothes wringer. to day merely upon the credulity of a transient purchasing public attracted which, with the unsold town lots of duce market today. With a continua- Run the vacuum cleaner. Certificate of Deposit by vociferous “scare heads" which turn out to be myths, that conservative Calipatria, is to be sold off at a big tion of the recent wet weather, local Cool rooms with an electric fan. element of the community which, lik; the roast at dinner, is the substan- public auction to be held at that town dealers say that prices on all green Ivnead the bread and bake the Payable in six months or longer bring dividends tial element, will inevitably be lost to it. For after all. the great mass of on Saturday, January 29, and to and root vegetables will go higher, as bread. to the holder at the good rate of the reading public is not seeking “th ills,” but the narrative of fact—the which event a general invitation has the farmers will be unable to gather Purify the drinking water. (heir crops and bring them to the lo- Grind, mix, churn, whip cream, cal market. make icecream, polish silver, etc. Four Per Cent. Lemons were also higher at 2.75 a Carry the family in the electric au- 4 packed box, while the loose and juice tomobile. per year. New accounts invited. lemons continued firm at 2.00 and 1.25 Warm r.ll electric blanket for out- a box, respectively. Other varieties door sleeping. of citrus fruits remained unchanged. Polish the floors (electric fleer pol- NATIONAL BANK In the cheese market California isher). FIRST ' El Centro, Cal. fresh cheese, both the northern and Sterilize water or uterwsils. southern varieties, remained firm at Make ice—furnish refrigeration. IBV2 a pound. Domestic cheese ad- Play the piano. vanced 3 to 33 a pound, and the Swiss Mix family beverages. imported remained firm at 40 a pound. Flreivomi mr Sale. Eggs, per dozen—Selected, 37; can- TCd Royce Transfer, 632 Main St. died, 35; case count, 33. Phone 123 W.—-Adv. California creamefy butter, per MAKE EVERY MONDAY Dr. Bidward Metzger, Dentist, pound—fresh extras, 28 ; fresh 1 Rooms 3 and 4, El Centro National firsts, 25 /2. Bank building.—Adv. A SUNNY MONDAY Eucalyptus fence posts, 15 cents Dr. Lyons, Physician, each. A. 11. Kehkopf, 204 Osteopathic South .15-16 Dunaway Bldg. Phone 145. The “WESTERN Eighth.—Adv. Adv. ELECTRIC” Washer joy mmm and Wringer has changed wash day into wash hour. It on every pu Only Two Nights has banished forever How a pipe of “Tux’* does bubble over with good cheer and 1 the trials and troubles sunny comfort! There’s something about the mellow taste of “Tux*’j j of wash and that stirs a smoker’s soul.
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