12240 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 24, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCTION OF THE MEDICAID cation by three-fourths of the States. Some posed for operation in the Ka-band frequency COMMUNITY ATTENDANT SERV­ have asserted that the second method has not spectrum .- ICES ACT OF 1997 been as effective as intended by the Framers. These systems will offer services for a variety Persuasive arguments have been made that a of business, medical, and long-distance learn­ HON. NEWT GINGRICH Constitutional Convention might alter the Con­ ing applications. Many ACTS technologies OF GEORGIA stitution more expansively than intended by have already been incorporated and even IN THE HOUSE OF R EP RESENTATIVE S proponents of a specific proposed amend­ adapted for commercial systems. Tuesday , June 24 , 1997 ment. The Framers did intend that the States have My fellow colleagues, please join me in rec­ Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, I want to intro­ an effective manner by which to modify the ognizing the following Space Foundation Hall duce today the Medicaid Community Attendant Constitution. We are proposing a process that of Fame inductees from NASA Lewis Re­ Services Act of 1997 as part of my commit­ allows the States to initiate the amending search Center who are helping to build the ad­ ment to empowering all Americans and to the process that is devoid of the perils of a Con­ vanced technology bridge to the 21st century: principles of community-based care. This bill stitutional Convention. Under our proposal, an Roberto Acosta, Robert Bauer, Ronald allows for choices for persons with disabilities amendment would be presented to Congress Sexton, Thom Coney, Richard Gedney, Wil­ so that individuals can receive the care that is after two-thirds of the States indicated ap­ liam Hawersaat, Doug Hoder, Howard Jack­ more appropriate for them. Everyone deserves proval via their State legislatures. If two-thirds son, Michael Jarrell, Russell Jirberg, Rodney the opportunity to lead a full and independent of each House of Congress does not agree to Knight, Richard Krawczyk, Keven McPherson, life and people with disabilities are no excep­ disapprove of the proposed amendment, it Mark Plecity, Joanne Poe, Karl Reader, Rich tion. would be submitted to the States for ratifica­ Reinhart, Ronald Schertler, Phil Sohn, Ernie I believe that personal empowerment is es­ Spisz, David Wright, and Michael Zernic. sential to the pursuit of happiness and believe tion. Upon ratification by three-fourths of the that this bill will begin a very important debate States' legislatures, the amendment would be­ about long-term care in the Nation. During the come part of the Constitution. I urge your support for this commonsense 104th Congress, I submitted for the CONGRES­ TRIBUTE TO SUE BEITTEL legislation that returns as an option, the power SIONAL RECORD a statement in support of com­ munity-based care based upon the rec­ to amend the Constitution to the States, as the Framers intended. ommendations of a disabilities task force on HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY disabilities which I appointed in Georgia and OF CALIFORNIA the work of advocates for community-based IN HONOR OF THE SPACE TECH­ care from around the Nation. NOL OGY HALL OF FAME INDUCT­ IN THE HOUS E OF REPRESENTATIVE S The bill I am introducing today is the starting EES Tuesday, June 24, 1997 point for the dialog about the best way to em­ power persons with disabilities. I am aware HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to that this proposal may have significant cost OF OHIO pay tribute to an outstanding individual on the implications, so I encourage careful consider­ occasion of her ?0th birthday, Mrs. Sue IN T HE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ation and additional input to help ensure a Beittel. Mrs. Beittel has devoted tremendous sound policy decision. Tuesday, June 24, 1997 time and energy working for the betterment of Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor her community in Marin County, CA. the employees of NASA Lewis Research Cen­ INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Over the course of more than 30 years of ter in Cleveland, OH , who have been inducted public service, Mrs. Beittel focused here atten­ into the U.S. Space Foundation Space Tech­ tion on the issues critical to a successful com­ HON. TOM BULEY nology Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was OF VIRGINIA munity. She has felt passionate about working established in 1988 to recognize and honor for schools, housing, transportation, the envi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S innovators who have transformed space tech­ Tuesday, June 24, 1997 ronment, and preserving the democratic proc­ nology into viable commercial products. It also ess. Mrs. Beittel served two terms on the San Mr. BULEY. Mr. Speaker, today I, along raises public awareness about the benefits of Rafael Board of Education and was on the with Congressmen VIRGIL GOODE, JIM KOLBE, space spinoff technology and encourages fur­ statewide task force on vocational education. NATHAN DEAL, PAUL GILLMOR , and FLOYD ther innovation. In recognition of her work for housing, Mrs. SPENCE, am introducing a constitutional On April 3, 1997, the Space Foundation Hall Beittel was the recipient of the 1997 Mel amendment that will implement a more effec­ of Fame paid tribute to the technologies and Boyce Award from the Ecumenical Association tive method by which States could take the ini­ the many professionals who developed Amer- · for Housing in San Rafael. tiative in the process by which the Constitution ica's most Advanced Communications Tech­ is amended. This legislation already has the nology Satellite [ACTS] Program . The ACTS Some of the many organizations she has support of Gov. George Allen and Gov. Mike Program was developed to promote America's been active with include: the Audubon Society, Leavitt. satellite industry and its position in the com­ the Family Service Agency, the League of At present, article V provides for two ways mercial communication satellite market. Mem­ Women voters, the Marin Education Fund, the to amend the Constitution. The first involves bers of NASA Lewis Research Center's ACTS Mental Health Association, the North San the presentation of an amendment by Con­ Program continue to impact the role America's Rafael Coalition of Residents, the San Rafael gress to the States for ratification. The second satellite industry has as world leaders in this Housing Coalition, and the St. VincenVSilveira is by Constitutional Convention, convened at market. Citizens Advisory Committee. the request of the State legislatures. Even with ACTS and NASA Lewis Research Center Mr. Speaker, it is my great pleasure to pay both methods available, to date, all amend­ have stimulated the growth of a new genera­ tribute to Sue Beittel. She embodies a truly ments to the Constitution have been enacted tion of services as is evident by as many as selfless sense of volunteerism. I wish her, her following passage by the Congress and ratifi- 15 new communications satellite systems pro- husband Dan , and their family, the best. e This " bullet" symbol identifies state m ents o r insertio ns w hich are no t sp oken by a Member of the Senate on the fl oor. Matter set in this typeface indicates w ords inserted or appended , rather than sp ok en, by a Member of the H ou se on the floor. June 24, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12241 CELEBRATING THE 25TH ANNIVER­ lieved that doing good was not only a profes­ work. His benevolent community work began SARY OF THE NATIONAL STORY- sion but a way of life. I join Jack's family, at the Boy Scouts of America and progressed TELLING FESTIVAL . friends, colleagues, and the citizens of Hen­ to work with VISTA. The Peace Corps, and derson County, in recognizing Jack for his nonprofit and local government. HON. WIWAM L. JENKINS leadership, community service, and service to Much of Mr. Esposito's time has been dedi­ cated to improving the community. Among his OF TENNESSEE the country. Jack was a fine American and a loyal friend many accomplishments, he has fought to pro­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and supporter. My sympathy is extended to tect the rights of the public by battling con­ Tuesday, June 24 , 1997 his lovely wife Katherine, his son Donald Ill, sumer fraud and he has served as an advo­ Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, each year dur­ and the rest of the Ward family. It was indeed cate for housing and other legal matters. ing the month of October, the National Story­ an honor to represent him in Washington, and In 1977, community board No. 1 hired Mr. telling Association [NSA] holds the National to be an honorary pall bearer at the request of Esposito, making him the youngest district Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN. This his family. manager in the city of New York. Over the year marks the 25th anniversary of the fes­ past 20 years, he has guided the board tival. through many of the community's complex Considered one of the top 100 events in TRIBUTE TO VOLUNTEER EFFORTS issues and resolved numerous problems with North America, the festival draws an average AT CUESTA COLLEGE service delivery, budget and planning. He has of 10,000 visitors per year. The NSA has re­ proven to be excellent at negotiating, building ceived 70 percent of the funds required to HON. WALTER H. CAPPS partnerships and resolving problems. build a National Storytelling Center in OF CALIFORNIA Throughout his tenure with community Jonesborough. An estimated 80,000 tourists IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES board No. 1, Mr. Esposito has maintained his are expected to visit northeast Tennessee per ties with the community by belonging to var­ Tuesday, June 24 , 1997 year generating revenue as well as jobs.
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