pti^eik WE DO OUR PART Vol. 53. No. 25 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 Price Four (Jenva HAROLD FILSKOV IS WOMAN'S CLUB WILL Cutting the Melon [I SENATOR TOOLAN AT MUCH ENTHUSIASM G. 0. P. CHOICE FOR OPEN NEW SEASON U MOORE-DILL RALLY I AT HOFFMANCLUB FOURTH WARD POST ON SEPTEMBER 20 IN CITY TONIGHTJMEETING WEDNESDAY Former City Engineer Will Be Miss Edna Agan, Literary De- Local Democratic Camplaij>n to:Plans Made for Attendance at Formally Sanctioned by Com- partment Chairman, in Charge Open With Mass Meeting in New Brunswick Rally andL mittee Next Week. of Opening Session, Wilhelm's Hall. Parade Monday Night. —o— Republicans of the city feel that The South Amboy Woman's Club While much has been heard of; If tho meeting which signalized one of their greatest pre-election has completed its schedule for the plans being made in the Republican']the opening of it's campaign Wed— problems, that of selecting from the 11934-35 term and the first meeting camp for the conducting of u livelyjnesday night is a criterion, the Hoff- Final) army of aspirants for the j will t'uko place on Thursday afternoon |campaign, few announcements have!man for Governor Club of this eitjy Fourth Ward council position, the!Sept. 20. been forthcoming from the Democrat-[will conduct one of the liveliest most suitable candidate has been Sessions of the club will h« held in [if wigwam but it was revealed this {campaign:: ever sponsored bv a poli- solved. the Christ Church Parish House on [week that the Democrats have been tica' l' organization in South Amboy. After a number of conferences I the first mid third Thursdays of ea-;h |equally active in their plans for the The -meeting, held in Wilhelm'ffi among the leaders, it has been de- j month. The meetings Tiavo been ar- next two months. Hall, was attended by more thaa eided that Hurold Filskov, former ! Kinged by Mrs. Harold Filskov, chair- Tonight, the campaign will be for- fifty HoH'man boosters and there; city engineer, is the most satisfac- nian of the program committee, inally opened with a big mass meeting was great enthusiasm manifested* tory candidate to all wings of the Miss Edna Agan, chairman of th' and rally at Wilhdm's Hall by the I for the campaign plans which were party and next week the city corn- literature department will be Moore-Dill Club. The presence- of'outlined. mittee -will meet to ofificially pre-1 charge of the firs* meeting, nt which State Senator John E. Toolan who) Monday evening, the members of | sen his name for inclusion on the a ™»dinreading oon "Enoc"Enochh ArdenArden"" gigivev n | the club will attend the monster pa- ballots for the November election. by Rev. W. Henry Dilts, pastor of rade and rally of Hoffman folluViers; •>.. In the meantime, the members of the First Presbyterian Church of to take place at New Brunswick. A.' tl\e party are working on plans for Mntawnn will bo t'he feature. Hostess- number of private cars will be on {ho* fall campaign which it is ex- es appointed for this meeting tin: hand to transport all South Am- pected will get under way in earn- Mrs. A. II. Fiirniiin and Mrs. Wil- boyniiH to the county seat who wish. est within a few weeks. There was liam P. Nichols. to atU'ml and the committee has an- an enthusiastic meeting of the Re- Miss Bertha L. Dcibert elected! a> nunccd that arrangements have been publican Club Wednesday night and president last spring will preside at made to charter a bus if necessary. future Wednesday evening sessions the mooting i'or the coming term. Members of the local club, bo- from now until election promise to She succeeds .Mrs. C. Leon Cozzens. sides entering a marching delega- be interesting and well attended. Mrs. B. C. Duvier is first vice presi- tion in the parade, have arranged to. With a local candidate in the gov-dent; Mrs. James II. Dnwson, second be represented by a float. Following ernor race, all party groups plan for vice president. the parade there will be a big rally. one of the most active years in the Mrs. Fred ]!. Ilohmin is recording In addition to plans for it's iocai local party history and plans have secretary, Mrs. II. C. Bergen corres- campaign, the club has made ar- been made b ythe Women's Repub- ponding secretary; Mrs. C. Leon Coz- rangements to have delegations pre- lican Club and the Liberty Republi- zens, federation secretary; Mrs. Ka'l sent at a number of parades and can Club for attendance at the pa- Wilbur treasurer, Mrs. A, J. Fonzul rallies to be held at different points rade and rally at New Bunswick press correspondent and Mrs. R. P. in the county during the month. Sfonday night, which will open the Mason, -auditor. campaign in Middlesex. Miss Diebert has announced the following committee appointments: Mrs, Maurice Lucilt, American home; Master Plumbers Study . QuinJan Orders Right Mrs. Harold G. Hoffman, civics; Mrs. Garden Club Makes Plans for Annual Flower Show H. Sand-terg, decorations; Miss Eliz- six blooms. Provisions of Home , abeth McCloud, entertainment; Mrs. With the number of cntrios ex- soiled containers or potn and no pected, .twice that of any previous exhibitor will be allowed in a sec- Section 4. Garden Flowers, Per- Turns on Red Light L. P. iMeinzer, education for peace; ennials. Class 11. One spike Delphi- JOHN E. TOOLAN Mrs. Oliver W. Welsh, finance; Mrs. show, the members of the Garden tion being judged. No exhibits will Owners Loan Pfea !ltib are working vigorously with ho removed until the close of the niums any type any color. Class 12. will be the principal speaker at the B. C. Duvicr, gardtens; Mrs. Margar- Three spike Delphiniums any type, meeting is certain to bring out Dem- - Near School Stopped et E. Ryan, hospitality. final plans for the sixth annual flo- show without the special permission Representatives of Heating- and wer show under the auspices of the of the show committee. any color. Class 21, Seven blooms ocrats in great numbers from all sec- Plumbing Finance Corp. Ex~ Mrs. Samuel Leagtr, industrial and organization, to take place at the Section A has been set aside for scabiosa any color. Class 31. Seven tions of the city. Senator Toolan has Steps Taken to Protect Child social; iMrs. Herman S. Eulnor, Jr., blooms Gaillardia any color. Cla.;s plain Measure. High School Auditorium on Satur- dahlia exhibits and is divided into promised the committee he will have —(j— ren at Corner Main St. and junior club; Miss Edna M. Agan, lit- 41. Perennial Phlox 3 blooms any something of great interest to dis- Stevens Aye. day, September 22nd. four classes: Class 11, three blooms, Two representatives of the Keat- erature; Mrs. William P. Ndchols, Mrs. B. C. Duvier, president of one or more varieties; Class 12, one vUrjcfcy. Class 51. Three blooms any close to the Democrats of the city and ing and Plumbing Finance Corpvu-a- legislature; Mrs. L. L, Sheppard, variety not mentioned above. this coupled with the fact that thejtion, a branch of the Home Owner's^ Chief of Police David. Quinlan has transportation; Mrs. T. B. Bird, ways the .club is general chairman of the bloom, any type, any color not been giving considerable study to the show committee, assisted by the mentioned in above classes; Class Section E. Pottejl Plants. Class 11 popular senator has always been a Loan Corporation, appeared before and means; Mrs. Jane House, mem- Large size potted plant. Class 12, |great favorite here points" to a re- the members of the South Aniboy situation at the corner of Main s',., bership; Mrs. H'arolil Filskov, pro- following subi-chairmen: Arrange- 13, largest individual bloom, size to and Stevens aivc, since school opened. ments, Mrs. 0, W. Welsh; Classifi- be determined by multiplying the medium size potted plant. Class 13, j cord breaking attendance. The meet- Master Plumbers' As'-ociation at t&eic gram; Mrs. E. Robert Owen, music; small size potted pfent. ing will get Under way at 8:30 p. m. meeting Wednesday night in Wil- Realizing that the heavy traffic ut Miss Bemyee Bogart, public health; cation, Mrs. W. P. Nichols and Mrs. diameter by the depth; Class 14, this point fa quite a hazard to pupils best seedling, one bloom. No more iHouse plants. Class 21. Large size The women of the Democratic par- helm's Hall and explained the jir&- Mrs. Norman Scully, subscription A. M. Cole; Decorations, Mrs II. House or Ornamental plant. Class 22 going to School No. 2 and to those Sandberg; Registry, Mrs. M. than one entry allowed. ty are also active and on Tuesday visions of the new loan measure. from Meehanicsville who must cross and IMrs. A. H. Fnrman, sunslhine. Lu- medium size House or Ornamcntil evening they will hold a session at Motion pictures illustrating the citt; Treasurer, Ms. H. Dillon; Pri- Gladiolus. Class 21. One spike, plant. Class 23. .Small size House or at this point to reach the other city es, Mrs. James Dawson; Judges, any color, any variety. Class 22, Wilhelm's Hall at s&ven thirty. Fol-ivarious phases of the plan schools, he has issued orders thut Ornamental plant. owing the meeting, a card party will j shown and the members of the as*o- Mrs. C. L. Cozzens; Publicity -and I large flowered, onq ^spike of three , Section Jf\ ..Novelties. Cla&s • 11.
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