Engineman Castle of the Pennsylvania Lines knows what Hamilton 1 time service means. Men who know a thing or two insist on having accuracy and depend- 2bility from their watches. The Rail- road Men of America, who must have unfailing accuracy, have turned in- stinctively to the Hamilton. -- . Twenty years ago Engineman Charles W. Castle purchased his Ham- ilton. When he stepped up to his job at the throttle three years later, his watch stepped right up with him. And his Hamilton has been with him on that job since 1939. Ask your jeweler to show you the new Hamilton Railroad Model here pictured. You will like the sturdy case, designed especially for ycu, to be had in either green or lvhite or ycllow filled gold. You will like the dust-proof feature and the easy-to-read dial, but best of all you will like its time-proved accuracy and its dependability, that make it the most economical accu- rate watch that you can buy. Wewill be glad to send you a copy of "The Tiwekeepcr," nvd a booklet ou the core ojjonr watch. HAMILTON WATCH COMPANY " 012 the Lincoln Hishruay" LANCASTER, PENNA., U. S. A. ilton e Railroad Timekeeper of America" R. F, CARR, Memphls W. E. LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Mlss. Pwaident Vice-Prcs. and General Manager - m =,>aDEALERS SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" GENERAL OFF1CES P. 0. BOX 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone Main 2312 The Mount Vernon 11 Car Manufacturing Co. 11 Capacity 10,000 Freight Cars; 1IO,W Wheels; 20,000 tons Forgings. BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS. MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS ..- . EXCLUSIVELY THE OHIO INJECTOR COMPANY 1437 Monadnock Block CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Manufacturers of OHIO LIFTING INJECTORS CHICAGO NON-LIFTING I N J E C T 0 R S CHICAGO AUTOMATIC FLANGE OILERS, CHICAGO LUBRICATORS, OHIO LOW WATER ALARMS, CHICAGO AUTOMATIC DRIFTING VALVES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILER ATTACHMENTS, OHIO CAB SQUIRTS MIN-ER I FRICTION DRAFT GEARS 4 IDEAL SAFETY HAND BRAKES SAFETY BOLSTER LOCKING CENTER PINS REFRIGERATOR CAR DOOR FASTENERS SIDE BEARINGS --- - - ---- - I WeH. MINER, I THE ROOKERY I Baldwin Mountain Type Locomotives on the Fri'seo I senger service is fully established, especially WKfq where trade conditions n are secure. b NEW TUKK -- WITE PHILLIPS Cc PRODUCERS, REFINERS. MARK1 PHILLIPS' HIC PETROLEUM PR Refineries : OKMULCEE, OKLA. WlCH TULSA, = - - = = -.- OH 0 The Stamp of Character --Means Cross Ties Plus- Plus - That security which has its foundation upon the ownership in fee of thousands of acres of standing timber- Plus- A stock of cross ties always on hand, assembled with foresight and held in preparedness for those who depend upon us- Plus - The ownership and absolute control of treating plants where value is added to the natural product, not only through the mshan- ical and chemical processes involved, but also through theexperience, care and business integri t'y that are an in tegrai part of the seller's obligation- Plus - N warranty mar: sne proaucr Dearmg tnis maria IS aeuverea In accordance with the terms and spirit of our promises and that this warranty survives acceptance by the purchaser-and last, but greatest of all- February, 1926 II TTT" FnT""n EMPLOYES' MAC) I BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS, Jr.. Editor WM. McMILLAN. A VOL. 111 . FEBRUARY, 1926 - Pernlission is given to reprint, with credit, in part or ir I full, any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PAGES Pensacola, F!lorida, Beautiful City of the South ........................................ 6.11 By I. B. Morrow Pittsbnrg Act cident Prevention Meeting Attended by Five Thousanci Persons ........................................................................................ 11 Operating De !partment Announces Changes-S. T. Cantrell ' Mnde As sistant to Vice-President .............................................................. 12 Frisco Buys ILarge Block of Stock in Rock Island Railroad ........................ 13 Largest Egg Crate Shipment in America via Frisco Lines........................... 14 Passenger Ag rent Must Know Current Events and Railroad ....................... 15 By E. G. Baker Frisco Lines 'Will Serve New Million Bushel Grain Elevator at Enid ........ 16 William E. L.ewis Wins Rough Handling Essay Contest ........................... 17 .-. - Ninety-nine Year Old Frisco Mother Saw Springfield Grow From Log Huts............................................................................................. 18 Frisco Apprentice School Attains Important Position .................................... 19 Twenty-one Million Dollars for Improvements and Equipment in 1926.... 20 Woman Telegrapher Has Seen Many Railroading Changes ........................ 21 Ozark Crops Valued at $35,278,000 Shipped in 1925................................... 22 "King of Commuters" Rides 309,000 Miles on Frisco Trains ........................ 23 Frisco Employes Hospital Association Statement....................................... 26 The Pension Roll ....................................................................................................28-29 Homemakers' Page .............................................................................................30-31 "Among Ourselves, The Doctorsw-A Page of Cartoons ............................ 32 Flashes of Merriment ............................................................................................ 33 The Twilight Hour ................................................................................................ 34 Frisco Babies ...................................................................................................... 35 Editorials ............................................................................................................... 36 The Frisco Mechanic ........................................................................................... 37-39 Frisco Family News ................................... .-72 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Prlsco Employer' Magazlne is a monthly publicatton devoted primarily to the interests of the more thin 30,OQO active and retired employes of the Frisco Lines. It contslns stories, items of current news, personal notes about employes and their famillea, articles dealing wlth varlous phases of railroad work, poems, cartoons and hotlces regarding the service. Good clear photographs sllltable for repro- ductlon are especially deslred. and wlll be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawlngs must be In black Indla drawlng Ink. Employes are invited to write attkles for the fnagazfne. Contrlbutlons should be typewritten, on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed lo the Edltor. Frisco Building, St. Louis. Mo. Distributed free among Friaco employes. TO others, price 15 cents a copy; subscription rate $1.60 a year. Advertising rates wlll be made known upon appllcatlon. -y0.l A~ll4~~U~d#f~G. Governor Johnstone's re- without a rival, and so, in a port was pub~lished in the Lon- manner, deliver to us the key Fsisco cmployes and many others who read the don Chronicle under date of Frisco Magazine, were intenselg btterested in the of the wealth of Mexico.' February 5, 1765, and follows story of Pensocola and the Mirscle Shoals. Bir- "To the objection made by mingham and Peirsacola Railroad, which ms in part: printed in the January number. The editor re- some that the soil upon the "His ex1rellency, George ceived many letters from varied sources, com- banks of Pensacola is too ster- +reentiltg upon the article. Many of them contained Johnstone, Ibq., Governor of rtqrtests for further information on Pewsocola- ile for the situation of a great West Florid a, has just pub- the city. town, Mr. Johnstone replies : lished here his Majesty's in- Afthough the dfugazinr has discontinued stories " 'Cities do not so much de- on Frisco n'lies, ale feel an exception shbuld be structions fcIr the speedy and made b the case of Peasacola, important south- pend upon the produce of the effectual sett ling of that prov- ern trrmkus that it is, and J. B. Morrow, director ground immediately around of Publicity ond idustriQl comnrissiorter of the ince; to wh ich the Governor Pensacoln Chamber of Ccm,rrtmerce, kirrdly ton- them, as upon easy water has prefixed an ample detail sented to prescnt the virtues of his remarkable comnlunications to where the metropolis for the bcfornrntion of the 30,000 of advantages which settEers Maga&e readers. necessaries and luxuries of may derive from the situ- A spkrcdid idea of the attroctions of this won- life grow. Pensacola, in a ation, soil, etc., of West derful slate which have causrd a veritable pilgrim- few hours can receive the pro- age of northern, eastern and western folks to its Florida... Aj.Cter giving a geo- boundaries, is contained in Mr. Morrow's story of duce of a circumf graphical description of the the beautiful West Coast city of Pensacola- 150 miles around; s seaport of the Frisco Lines.-W. L. H., Jr. situation of the province, he width and so numl observes, 'Tha t the soil is rich, the branches of its capable of prr~ducing wine, oil, silk, indigo, tobacco, ous bay.' rice, and ail tl he fruits of southern climates, together "The Governor concludes with observing, ' with.- those. or more northern latitudes, and even on that which recommends West Florida, is the the sea coast, by far' the most sterile part of the ness of the climate. No country on the fa province, these commalities may be raised. The pro- earth possesses so pure, serene and temper; duce of the country in1 its present state of nature is visited with, the agreeable vicissitudes
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