The Cover HAMILTON STREET RAILWAY car 5 34 has just ducked out from under the CN overpass on Kenilworth Avenue, southbound on the BURLINGTON route, in the late summer of 1950. A few months later, Hamilton trolleys made their last runs on the streets of the Steel City. This month we take a newsletter look at the last few years of HSR trolley operations in the feature Steel City Traction. For more on the HSR, turn to page 69. (Lewis Swansea) Number 304 May, 1971 Published monthly by the Upper Canada Railway Society Inc., Box 122, Terminal A, Toronto 116, Ont. Coming Events Robert D. McMann, Editor. Regular meetings of the Society are held on the third Friday of each month (except July and August) at 589 Mt. Pleasant Road, Contributions to the NEWSLETTER are solicited. Unless Toronto, Ontario. 8.00 p.m. otherwise requested, every effort will be made to return material. To avoid delay, please address NEWSLETTER items directly June 18: Regular meeting. To be announced. to the appropriate address: (Fri.) EDITOR: Robert D. McMann June 25: Hamilton Chapter meeting. 8:00 p.m. in the CN 80 Bannockburn Avenue (Fri.) Station. James Street North, Hamilton. Toronto 380, Ontario NEWS AND EQUIPMENT NOTES EDITOR: David M. More 24 Bennington Place Readers' Exchange Willowdale 441, Ontario FEATURES EDITOR: John D. Thompson FOR TRADE: Original steam, traction and diesel slides. 20 Preston Place Want TTC, Cornwall and U.S. traction in return. Robert Toronto 319, Ontario Webster, T030 Southhill Street, Kamloops, British Colum• TRACTION TOPICS EDITOR: J. A. (Alf) Nanders bia . 7475 llomeside Gardens FOR SALE: Recent employees' timetables of Pittsburgh 8 Malton, Ontario Lake Erie, Penn Central Lake Region, and Erie Lackawanna Please address all other Society correspondence, includ• Western District. 504 each or three for $1.25. ing membership inquiries, to: Upper Canada Railway Soc• Steve Timko Jr., P. 0. Box 8, Leavittsburg, Ohio, 44430, iety, Box 122, Terminal A, Toronto 116, Ontario. U.S.A. Members are asked to give the Society at least five WANTED: Information on the following: weeks' notice of address changes. The date when the last regular CN passenger train ran from Barrie (Allandalc) to Hcaford; The date of the running of the first regular train on Contributors: the Hamilton 6 Northwestern Railway from Beaton to Coll- ingwood; The date of the last regular on the Beaton to Colling- Bill Blaine wood line; Roger Boisvert When CN abandoned its Beaton to Collingwood line, was the right-of-way sold or just abandoned. Percy Booth William J. Messenger, 146 Tamarack St., Timmins, Ont. John Bromley Jim Brown Bruce Chapman UCRS PUBLICATIONS SALES Ron Cooper * Interested in photographs and a history and diagram of steam locomotive 6218? Now available is Railfare Photo- Ray Corley pak #5 on locomotive 6218 a package with four 8 x 10 Mike Filey glossy photographs of the engine, technical data and diagram sheet giving a history and specifications. All Tom Gascoigne for only $2.95 plus 5% PST. Order yours today from UCRS George Horner Publications Sales c/o the box. Include 404 for postage and handling costs. Ed Jordan * The Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway by T. F. Mcllwraith Omer S. A. Lavallee is once again available. Recently reprinted, this book now includes an 1883 local passenger tariff as a center J. Bryce Lee page spread. Attractively bound in saddle - stitch bind• J. Norman Lowe ing, with a soft card cover, this fascinating book is only $2.95. Order yours today. Include 404 for postage Fred Matthews Jr. and handling costs. Ron Morel Des Morley David Rudyk Bob Sandusky TRANSPORT CENTRAL Lewis Swanson Interested in people transportation the conveyance of people by various forms of transport on the ground, in Bill Weighill Distribution: Brian McDermott the air, and on the water? If you are, then Transport Stuart Westland George Meek Central magazine is your cup of tea. Offset reproduced, this TTttle magazine comes out 46 times a year, bringing Ted Wickson Bill Miller the latest and most up-to-date news and information on Ralph Percy the various modes of people transport. A one-year sub• scription is only $10 (for third-class mailing), or $14 Production: Bill Hood George Roe (for first-class mailing). Transport Central, 416 North Ted Wickson John Thompson State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60610, U.S.A. 62 MAY 1971 RAILWAY NEWS AND COMMENT COUNTDOWN 6218 RAILWAY DISPLAY AT KAPUSKASING Canadian National announced April 30th that steam loco• 1971 is the Golden Jubilee Year of the town of Kapus- motive 6218 will make a series of excursions prior to kasing in Northern Ontario. As part of the celebrations official retirement on July 4, 1971. The trips will be surrounding the anniversary, an Old Home Week will be operated exclusively in the St. Lawrence Region and will held from .June 29 to July 4, and a display of railway take place June 26 and 27 and July 3 and 4. equipment and operation of Ontario Northland 2-8-0 #137 will be a prominent part of the festivities. The schedule for the excursions is as follows: A stationary display of railway equipment is being June 26 -- Montreal to Ottawa and return. A visit to readied for the week, and will include CN 4-6-2 #5107, the Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa will and two 8S-foot Canadian National coaches--5145 and highlight this trip. 5372. The interiors of the coaches are currently under• June 27 -- Montreal to Victoriaville and return. going renovations. The 5372 has had all its seats re• moved to make way for a model railway display at one July 3 and 4 -- Belleville to Anson Junction and return. end of the car, a 1920-era ticket office in the other The excursions out of Montreal will be of the type long end, and in the middle a display of railway artifacts enjoyed by railway enthusiasts. There will be a number from the Algoma Central, Ontario Northland, and CN. of double runpasts on these trips. The consist of the Similarly the S145 has been gutted to make way for a train for those trips will include a baggage car equipp• display of local historical artifacts and a gift shop. ed with 110 volt AC power for tape recorders, eight EM- All of this equipment will be located very close to the coachcs (each staffed with a steward), dinette lunch CN station in Kapuskasing. counter c;ir, a sleeping car, and open-end observation car. Ontario Northland #137 and the ONR Museum Train will also be a feature of the Old Home Week. 137 and her train The excursions out of Belleville will have twelve coaches will arrive as the second section of train 87 (the North• as consist only. On July 3rd the locomotive will operate land) in Kapuskasing at 1030 on the morning of June 29th. five trips (approximately every 2-1/2 hours); on the 4th Excursions will be operated on the line of the Spruce two trips only, after which a farewell ceremony will be Falls Power f, Paper Co. on the afternoons of June 29, held. July 1, 3, and 4 at the following times: 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1600. Fares are $1.00 per head. 6218 is to be restored to World War II appearance --with the old rcctangul;ir hcr:ild on the tender and smoke def• lectors . In Belleville coincident with the farewell ceremony, a display of railway freight equipment will be featured. There will be a number of prominent railway and govern• ment orfici:ils at the farewell ceremony. Information as to fares and schedules for these trips m:iy be obtained from CN passenger sales offices in Mont- re:: 1 .and lie 1 1 evi 1 le . TRANSPORTATION FELLOWSHIPS AWARDED The Canadian Transport Commission has awarded thirty fellowships for postgraduate study in transportation :it Caiuidian universities. The award winners were chosen from 170 applicants. Six of the award winners will receive $4500 a year each for work at the doctoral level, while 24 will each get .$3600 annually for study Former CN pa. :., . a. .. .. ; at the master's degree level. An additional $1000 roadiana and historical displays at the railway display ;illow;ince is provided for winners with dependent child• ren. Tlie winners may hold the degrees from one to at Kapuskasing during Old Home Week June 29 to July 4. tlircc years depending on the work involved. 5372 was built in 1913 by Pullman as a 7 compartraent- 2 drawing room sleeper (plan 2522) Dixiana. It was pur• Purpose of the fellowships is to increase the number chased by CN in 1942 and converted to a coach. 5145 was of trained professionals entering the transportation built in 1919 by CCSF. Both cars withdrawn in 1970. field. It is also designed to help persons with pract• (Des Morley) ical experience in the industry who would find it fin• * * * ancially difficult to return to university. RAILWAY AND PIONEER MUSEUM AT COCHRANE Ihc program was launched l.nst year when 36 fellowships This summer will see the establishment of a museum were awarded. of railway and pioneer interest at Cochrane, Ontario. The Cochrane Railway and Pioneer Museum will become a reality in mid-June as the result of two years of plann• EXPANSION OF CN CONTAINER BUSINESS ing by the Cochrane Board of Trade and the cooperation Can;idian National is expanding its fleet of container of Ontario Northland and Canadian National. c;irs ;is traffic from the port of Halifax increases. Kith up to 1000 containers moving through the port, Initially the museum will consist of a complex of six ll:iKkcr Siddlcy's Eastern Car plant at Trenton, Nova coaches located near the Third Avenue railway crossing Scoti:i is working on a $4-million order for CN for in Cochrane.
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