--~ - -~- - - ~._- ----"'r - --- ,- • • The War Memorial ' Center Needs Your Help rosse- Oln e ••• Hom~ oj Ih. News ~ws Give Nowl 99 Kercbeval TO. 2-6900 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes 5c Per COpy Entered as Second Cl.. Matter VOLUME I4-NO. 21 13.00 Per Yell! GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. MAY 21, 1953' at the Post Office at Detroit, Web. , , , - ,, HEADLINES Inspectors Ready Mobile Unit 0/ the To Be lIere \VEEK To Judge Results 'Three Weeks As Compiled by the Grosse PoinJe News All Residents Urged to Tak8 Advantage of Opportunity' Thursday, May 14 Of Clean:..Up Drive, For Free Check-up THE COMMUNISTS to under- score their rejection of a UN - counter-proposal for settling the Annual. Campaign Ends This Week: National Director "Has that messenger of good health called at your prisoner-of-war issue, tore down Coming Here for Luncheon Meeting on June 3 their tent city for handling home yet?", is a question mak- prisoner exchange. North Korean Clean-Up Week is almost over and residents are now ing the rounds among Grosss General Nam II, informed the waiting for the results as evaluated by the Inspection Com- Pointe families currently, ac- Allies th('ir 20-point proposal ,vas mittee. :Qr. Thomas Davies, Wayne County Health Depart- cording to Mrs. Everett E. absolutely unacceptable. One of ment, Mr, Elliot Swartz, Safety and Sanitary ;Engineer, and Roll and Mrs. Charles S. Por- the Allies' proposal, unfolded at Mr. Herbert Buhler, Fire Prevention, will start their tour ritt, co-chairmen for the 1953 the meeting would release any Grosse Pointe chest x-ray North Korean unwilling to go of inspection tomorrow, Friday, and complete the circuit of campaign, . back to the Reds. the five Pointes on Saturday, May 23. • The results, with their. recom-i'>>-------------- They reported at a recent meet- • • ing of the campaign steering IN KEEPING with the Admin- mendations, will 'be publicized next week. committee that neighbohood vol- istration's plans to cut military unteers for home calls have been manpower, the Defense Depart- Appears Successful 1,566 Donate From the general interest and organized in each Grosse Pointe ment issued a drastically cut elementary district. Tne first participation evinced throughout draft call for 23,000 men in July. 'meeting of volunteers took place the community, it appears that $21,163.65 to The figure is 9,000 below the at Richard School yesterday. this year's campaign has been June draft and was the \first Others will be held next week, successful. Certainly all groups since Defense Secretary Charles Center Drive To Instruct Workers E. Wilson announced a reduction and individuals have made a concerted effort in the right di- At these mee~ings, a skit will of manpower for the fiscal year Goal Still Not Reached. As be presented by staff members beginning July 1. ThE: new $650,000, four-story wing of the Bon Secours Hospital is rapidly progressing, and is expected to be ~ction. Those who visited the Anti- Final Days of Campaign of the Wayne County Health De- . .'. ready for occupancy by September 7. The section will give the hospital an additional 50 beds, making a total of 150, partment and the Tuberculosis Aircraft Batteries last Saturday, REPUBLICANS in Michigan's and will also house up-to-date x-ray and laboratory departments. -Picture by Fred Runnells Near; All Urged to Give and Health Society in order to House served notice on the Senate felt well repaid by the welcome they received, by an apprecia- provide volunteers with informa- that they disapprove the 40-mil- Contributions to the annual tion on how to make home caUs, tion of the big job the soldiers lion dollar added value tax spen- Mrs. Roll announced. were doing well, and by the li'amily Partcipation c a m- 'sored in the upper chamber. A 1ger Named 'Irate Police Issue Stern Staff Dinner The following captains have boys' enthusiastic reports that, paign of the Gross~ Pointe Speaker Van Valkenburg, Kala- War Memorial Association been assigned by the Mother's mazoo Republican, said opposi- "the grass is coming up and peo- Health Council of Grosse Pointe totalled through tion was quite definite and Ambassador Warning to Misguided Kids Raises Funds ple are telephoning about giving $21,163.65 to take care of the various school pronounced in a caucus that was bushes." Tuesday morning of this districts:- Mrs. Sam Skeene, held. He added that he thought Where To Call week. To date 1,566 donations Mason; Mrs.' Ralph Ladd, Par- To Belgium After Fisher -Road Fracas For Hospital Just as a reminder, the ,tele. the bill will have a very difficult have been received. These cells, Mrs. S. Lyle Hudson, Ker- phone numbers of the camps, are time. passing the House if it Former Secretary of State Officers to Be Very Tough on Youngsters; Incarceration figures compare with $9,124.50 by; Mrs~ J. Alfred Grow; Pierce; Goal of $851000 to Equip repeated so anyon'e wishing to Mrs. John Kennedy, Maire; Mrs. passes the Senate. Awaits Senate Confirma~ in Juvenile Home or Court Appearances received from 629 donors at • Addition to Cottage Hos- contribute shrubs, plants or trees Robert Clark, Richard; and Mrs. • • to help with the beautifying may the same stage in last year's DR. C. ROBERT DEAN, direc- tion of Appointment Promised pital Now Attained ' drive. Harold O. Love, Vernier. Others call Battery D at the foot of will be announced next week. With more than 13,000 families tor of the R.ehabilitati.on Institute' Fred M. Alger, Jr., 45, for- Irate 'police have promised Fisher road businessmen that Grand Marais, Valley 2-3736; or At High School First in the Pointe area, according to of MetropolItan DetroIt, announc- mer Michigan Secretary of the police department will hereafter "get tough" and crack Members of the Active, As- Battery A on Chaifonte, TUxedo First locations open to the pub- ed that four new departments are the 1952 school census, the figures sociate and Courtesy Staffs of 4-2229. lic were announced to the com- being created, in a new program State, is awaiting confirma- down on teenage trouble" makers, a statement from City Po- 'show ,that there are still some the Cottage Hospital held- a Those who. made the Garden mittee as follows: The x-ray mo- for helping handicapped persons. tion of ~is nomination as the liee Chief Thomas V. Trombly revealed. eight to nine families out of every stag $100-platedinner on May Pilgrimages were not only de- bile unit will"'be"'located"at the .• "!'h. Institute. -..a... .Torch. Drive next Unite,! Statec; Ambassa- Chief Trombly stated-that 'manyG lighted by the gardens open for 10 in the community who have agency, was established last year, dor to BelglUm.. I complaints from the merchants loitering or disorderly conduct. 20 at the Grosse Pointe Yacht not contributed to this year's Grosse Pointe High School, all visitors but by the many other next week, Monday, Thursday C Club, to complete the raising drive. and represents a fresh approach AIPre~ident E i St n hthOw eSr setnt on the west side of 'Fisher road Merchants Cooperate trim gardens along the way. The and Friday, it will be open to the to the problems of the handi- gel'S name 0 e ena e, h h d th l' . h' h' . h t of funds for their gift to the Quota Not Yet Reached slogan' "Shine Up the Pointes" public from 10 to 12 and 1 to capped. Thursday, May 14. Approval by ave rea~ e e po ICe, 10 w IC The chIef stated tJ~e.merc an s enlarged hospital. All residents are urged to help • • • the Foreign Relations Committee. the b~smessmen appealed .for were more than wlll.mg to co- seems to have been followed. 4:30. Tuesday and Wednesday it Dr. J. C. Williams is president Year Round Project the Centel' meet the quota of Frida l\la 15 is believed to be a matter of protectIOn from b0l's creat!ng operat with the police dep~rt- $25,000, the minimum - amount will take care of high school stu- y, y damage to merchandise, standmg ment, 7m order to stop vandalism of the staff and his fellow of- The real value of the cam- r needed to maintain and operate dents and school faculty only. ,PRESIDENT ;'E I S E N HOWER I reu me. at the entrance of the stores, or prevent the youngsters from ficers are Dr. John W. MacKen- paign, however, lies in the fact "Let an x-ray say okay," is the lakefront property during dISC'Jsed he wl1~ make two re- H~nored by Appomtment making it impossible for custom- becoming general nuisancse, and zie, Vice-president, Dr. Walter that all comments, suggestions the slogan adopted by the cam- the coming fiscal year .. ports to the nahon concerning At hIS home, 17~00 E. Jeffe~'son. ers to pass, and insulting them to keep them from interfering G. Bernard, secretary-treasurer. and criticisms reflect the saml? paign committee for the 1953 Those who 110tyet donated are problems encountered during his the 1952 Repubhcan candIdate while standing around in large with the regular busine'ss of the tho'ught; "Clean-Up fOl' Grosse Grosse Pointe chest .x-ray drive Chiefs of Divisions include Dr. urged to send their checks im- fcur months in the White House for the Mic~igan governorship, groups. day.' Pointe should be a year round at its recent meeting, accord- Earl G. Krieg, surgery; Dr. Carl 'meaiately, payable to the Grosse and a.ccomplishm~nts.
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