CLENARDUS (NICOLAUS) . --- Correspondance de Nicolas Cl6nard. Publide par A. Roersch. 3 tom. [Acad. Roy. de Belgique. Classe des Lett. et des Sci. Morales et Polit. Coll. des Anciens Auteurs Belges. Nouv. S6r. 2.1 Bruxelles. .8796 Cle . 1. Texte . 1940. 2. Notes et commentaire. Tables. 1940. 3. Recueil de lettres traduites en frangais. 1941. - - Institutiones ac meditationes in Graecam linguam. Ed. 34. 8° Parisiis, 1686. X88.--6.-;Rg 7 12 S- - Another ed. 4° Francofurdi, 1590. Y!pv We 8d. JA G4 - Grte" linguae institutiones, cum scholiis et praxi Petri Antesignani ; a F. Sylburgio ... recognitte, notationi- busque H. Stephani, nova syntaxi ... indicibus ... ab eodem Sylburgio ... illustratae. 8° Lend., 1612. *T. 23. 54. - Institutiones ac meditationes in Graecam linguam ... cum scholiis & praxi P. Antesignani ... Omnia a F. Sylburgio ... recognita ... notisque ... illustrata. 4° Hanovite, 1617. *T. 22. 47. The ` Dfeditationes,' and the now of Sylburgius have each a eeparate title-page. - Institutiones lingum Crteem, olim quidem scriptse a N. C., mine autem ab erroribus multis expurgatte ... atque its, locupletatm, ut altera parte prodeant auctiores, studio ... G. J. Vossii. Ed. alters. ... emendatior, etc. 8° Lugduni Batavorum, 1642. *T. 31. 5. - Moditationes Grweanic.e in artem grammaticam. 12' Coloniae Agrippinae, 1570. *T. 31. 63. - N. C. opistolarum libri duo. His accedunt excerpta ex Huberti Thomm Leodii annalibus do vita Frideriei ii, etc. 8° Hanoviae, 1606. *V. 34. 5. - Another copy. *V. 24. 5. CLENDENING (LOGAN) . --- Behind the doctor. With ... original drawings by J. E. Bodre ro and R. H. Bohan. Lond., 1933. M.R.R. --- Modern methods of treatment. With chapters on special subjects by H. C. Andersson, J. B. Cowherd, H. P. Kuhn, etc. 4th ed. [Lond.] 1931. C.M.L. --- 6th ed. Lond., 1937. C.M.L. --- 7th ed. by L. C. and E. H. Hashinger. With chapters on special subjects by J. B. Cowherd, L. F. Glaser, T. B. Hall, etc. Lond., 1941. C.M.L. --- 8th ed. Lond., 1943. C.M.L. ADDMONS C ,.TNDENEN (C ',ATIENCE C'Z IMNS). --- The United St<-,tes and Pancho Villa.; n stu&,j in unconventional diplomacy. [Amer. Kist. Assoc. Ithaca, Nev Yorr:, 1"0-1. --- C-C -.A-MIS (-DBE T) and DUIGNAN 0 L'TE., .). --- :^.mericans in 1^.frica, 1835 -1 15", .. [Hoove r It t. Stud.. 17. ] "tanford, California, 133 31 , C. A. S. --- Amc ,•icaus is !)Lack Africa. up to 1 33 0- 5. [iI0Ov0 r List. Stud. ] Stanford, California, 190-x. .9(07:72) Cie. -__ ^'1^t:her copy. C. A. S. * meog--aphed type. sc•-irt. A CLENDENING (LOGAN) [continued]. --- comp. Source book of medical history. Comp. with notes by L.C. Lond. [1942.] C.M.L. • Ane her ed. FDOVer B,^ N-ro^ j74960. RJR.—(148 ) --- See MAJOR (RALPH HERMON). Disease and destiny. L.C. --- and HASHINGER (EDWARD HOGERMAN). --- Methods of diagnosis. Lond., 1947. C.M.L. CLENDENNING (ERNEST WAYNE). --- The Euro-dollar market. Oxford, 1970. .33245 Cle. CLENDENNING (SHEILA T.). --- comp. Emily Dickinson; a bibliography, 1850-1966. [The Serifj Ser. Bibl. and Checklists.] [Kent, Ohio, 1968. 1 Ref. .81149 Dic. Cle. CLENDINING (JOHN). --- Tentamen inaug. de hydrocephalo acuto. Ellin., 1822. Att.87.7.16/17. --- Another copy. Att.87.7.17/17. CLENDENNING (JAMES) . --- Principles and use of surveying instruments. 2nd ed., repr. Lond., 1960. Geog. Lib. --- Repr. Lond., 1965. Forestry Lib. [Continued overleaf.] AI wrjONS CLENDENING (LOGAN). --- comp. Source book of medical history. Comp. with notes by L.C. [Dover Ed.] New York, 1960. K.B.L. --- Another copy. K.B.L. CLENDENNEN (GARY W.). --- comp. David Livingstone; a catalogue of documents. Comp. by G.W.C. assisted by I.C. Cunningham. [Publ. by the] National Library of Scotland fnr the David Livingstone Documentation Project. Edin., 1979• Ref. .26658(68) Liv.Cle --- Another copy. S.R.Ref. .26658(68)Liv.1 --- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. CLENDENNING (ERNEST WAYNE). --- The Euro-dollar market. Oxford, 1970. C.E.G. S. CLENDENNING (PHILIP). — and BARTLETT (ROGER). — Eighteenth century Russia; a select bibliography of works published since 1 955• [Russ. Bibl. Ser., 2.1 Newtonville, 1981. Ref. .9(4705-07)016 Cl, CLENDINNING (JAMES) [continued]. --- The principles of surveying. 2nd ed., repr. Lond., 1960. Geog. Lib. --- 3rd ed. By J.C. and J.G. 011iver. Lond., 1966. .5269 Cle. --- Another copy. Engin. Lib. --- Another copy. Geog. Lib. --- ed. See CLARK (DAVID) M.A., B.Sc. Plane and geodetic surveying for engineers. 5th ed. Rev. and enlgd. by J.C. CLENDON (J. CHITTY). --- Observations on the extraction of teeth ... a practical inquiry into the advantages ... of properly constructed forceps ... 2nd ed. with additions. Lond., 1844• H* 7.34• CLEOBUREY (WILLIAM). --- A review of the different operations performed on the eyes ... also a full account of the ... structures and diseases of the eyes ... Lond., 1826. H.2.14. CLEOBURY (FRANK HAROLD). --- Christian rationalism and philosophical analysis. Lond., 1959. New Coll. Lib. --- A return to natural theology. Lond., 1967. New Coll. Lib. --- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. ADDITIONS C=1DIMID1G (JAI-M). -- The principles of surveying. lath ed. By J.G. 011iver and J.C. Vol. 1. New York. Lein. Lib. 1. Plane surveying. 1978. CLEOMEDES, the Astronomer. Greek --- KXeo[ r) 6ou( xuxX L xr) vEc,lpLa e L'r_ G LP A L a N'. Nunc primum typis excusa prodit. Parisiis, 1539. 0* 30.112. Greek and Latin --- C. meteora Gr Te Ce et Latine. A R. Balforeo ... repurgata, Latine versa ... 2 pts. (in 1). Burdigal em , 1605. 0* 22 .65. - C. de motu circulari corporum caelestium libri duo. Ad novorum codicum finem edidit et Latina interpretatione instruxit H. Ziegler. [Bibl. Teub.] Lipsiae, 1891. $$5,14 --- De mundo ... libri ii. See PROCLUS, Diadochus. P. de spha-^-,ra liber i ... Latin --- Circularis inspections meteororum libri duo G. valla Placentino interprete. Parisiis, 1547. De.3.31 /2. Drummond Collection. --- Another copy. 0* 30.111. German Kleomedes. Die Kreisbewegung der Gestirne. Ubersetzt and erliutert von A. Czwalina. [Ostwald's Klass. 220.: Leipzig, 1927. Ad-5- 1 CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt. --- See VOLKMANN (H.) . K. --- See WEIGALL (A. E. P. B.) . The life and times of Cleopatra, etc. CLEPHAN (ROBERT COLTMAN). --- The defensive armour and the weapons and engines of war of mediaeval times and of the "Renaissance" Lond., 1900. Arehiteet. •3ag C4o( -02)Ue --- The tournament: its periods and phases. With a preface by C. J. Ffoulkes. Lond., 1919. F .3947 Cle. CLEPHANE (ELIZABETH). --- See THOMSON (D. P .) . The sweet singer of Melrose; the story of E. C . , etc. CLERC (A . ), AUBERTIN (CHARLES) Professor at Paris, etc. --- Probltmes actuels de pathologie m6dicale. Cours compldmen- taire de la Facultd de Mddecine [de Paris] [Ie s6r. ] Par A. C. et par C. A., H. Bdnard, M. Bruld, etc. Paris, 1931. C. M. L. --- DeuxiLtme sdrie. Paris, 1932. C.M.L. CLERC (ANTONIN). --- Les tachycardies et leur traitement. [Thdrap. nouv. ] Paris, 1936. C.M.L. CLERC (CHARLY) . --- Paysage, histoire, podsie et sentiment national. Confdrence de C. C. [Zurich. Eidgeiibssische Tech. Hochschule, Kultur- u. Staatswiss . Schr. Hft . 21.1 Zurich, 1941. LL. 141.3.221 CLEPPER (HENRY). --- ed. Predator-prey systems in fisheries management. See INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PREDATOR PREY SYSTEMS IN FISH COMMUNITIES AND THEIR ROLE IN FISBZ=S MANAGEMENT, Atlanta, Georgia, 1978. --- Professional forestry in the United States. Baltimore [1971.] Forestry Lib. CLERC (CHARLES). --- ed. Approaches to Gravity's rainbow. Columbus, Ohio [1983.] .8135 Pyn. Cle. CLERC (FRAN90IS). --- Le Marche Commun agricole. [Que Sais-je? No. 1115.1 Paris, 1967. C.E.G.S. --- 4e ed., refondue. [Que Sais-je? No. 1115.1 Paris, 1970. C.E.G.S. --- 5e ed. refondue. Paris, 1973• C.E.G.S. CLERC (G.). --- joint-author. Fouilles de Kition. See EXCAVATIONS at Kition. CLERC (GEORGES LOUIS LE) Comte de Buffon. See BUFFON. CLERC (GEORGES ONASIME). --- and FADYEEV (K.I.). --- roxgapHoe HPOM3BOACTBO AONCTopznecxaro %ieaoB-bxa y Aep. rkURHHO. [MAT. no Apx. BocT. ry6. Poccim, Tom 2.] Mocxsa, I895. L.A.B. .57155(478) Cie. CLERC (JEAN LE). See LE CLERC (JEAN). CLERC (LOUIS PHILIPPE). - Photography; theory and practice. Being an English edition of La technique photographique. Ed. by ... G.E. Brown. 2nd ed. Repr. Lond., 1946. .77 Cie. CLERC (NICOLAS GABRIEL) afterwards LE CLERC. See LE CLERC. CLERC (O.G.). See CLERC (GEORGES OASIME). CLERC (PAUL). --- Grands ensembles banlieues nouvelles; enquete demographique et psycho-sociolo ique. Avant-propos par J.B. Pichat et J. Canaux. [Inst. Nat. Atud. Demographiques, Centre de Recherche d'Urbanisme, Tray . et Doc. Cahier No. 49.] Paris, 1967. .301362(44) Cie. CLERC (Le) de Vaudoy. --- Les dits du Clerc de Vaudoy. [Ed. by] P. Ruelle.[Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Tray . de la Fac. de Philos. et Lett. Tom. 42.] Bruxelles [1969.] .84119 Cie. CLERCK (CARL ALEXANDER . --- Svenska Spindlar uti sina hufvud-slagter indelte samt under nagra och sextio sarskildte arter Beskrefne och med illuminerade figurer uplyste. Stockholmiae, 1757. *L.20.11. CLERCK (H. DE). --- See SCHUNCK (EGON) and C. (H. DE). CLERCK (NICOLAES DE). --- Tooneel. Der beroemder Hertogen Princen Graven ende Krygs-Helden van Christenryck ... door N.D.C. Delf, 1617. Bound in Hg.2.12. *** Mackay Bequest. --- Tooneel. Der Keyserin en Coningen van Christenryck, sedert den onderganck van het Griecks Keyserdom ... door N.D.C. Arnhem, 1615. Bound in Hg.2.12. *** Mackay Bequest. CLERCQ (CAROLUS DE). --- ed. Concilia Galliae, A. 511 -A. 695. [Corpus Christianorum, Ser. Lat. 148A.] Turnholti, 1963. .27(02) Cle. --- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. CLERCQ (JEAN DU). See DU CLERCQ. CLERCQ (WILLEM DE). --- See LINTUM (C.E. TE). Willem de Clercq ... CLERCQ-FOBE (D. DE). --- h'pingles votives du Luristan^(Iran) a disque et plaque en bronze non-ajoure, conservees aux Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles. Teheran, 1978. .739512(355) Cie. CLERCX (SUZANNE). --- Gretry, 1741-1813.
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