González and Ehsani. Int J Magnetics Electromagnetism 2018, 4:012 International Journal of Magnetics and VIBGYOR Electromagnetism ISSN: 2631-5068 Power-Invariant Magnetic System Modeling Research Article: Open Access Guadalupe G González* and Mehrdad Ehsani Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA Abstract In this paper, we present an alternative to modeling magnetic systems using a more consistent approach to lumped parameters. The model we introduce is consistent with other energy system models and allows the engineer to draw analogies from other energy systems to gather insights and a clearer understanding of magnetic systems which up to now has not been available. First, the justification for our new approach and a literature review of other models based on lumped parameters is presented in order to highlight the differences between those and our model. Then, the fundamentals of electromagnetism and magnetic materials that are the underpinnings of the proposed magnetic model are presented. Finally, theoretical verifications are performed in a case study system for magnetic network identification to validate our model. Keywords Electromagnetic modeling, Magnetic analysis, Magnetic circuits, Magnetic hysteresis, Magnetic losses Introduction It is noted that the conventional magnetic model does not follow the same pattern as the other media. First, the In all energy systems the parameters necessary to generalized power equation is not satisfied, second, three transmit power are similar in functionality, an effort of the six quantities that standardize the models have not or force (χ) is needed to create a flow in a medium and being defined and finally, there is a well-known reluc- a flow or rate of change results (γ). Consequently, the tance/resistance analogy misconception [1]. power equation can be generalized as, Based on conservation of energy and related princi- P =χγ ⋅ (1) ples, we assumed that all media follow a similar power The previous statement can be supported by analyzing transmission pattern. Therefore, the inconsistency seen Table 1 where the generalized power equation holds true in the power equation at the magnetic regime suggests in at least three media, electrical, mechanical and hydrau- that modifications could be made to be consistent with lic. However, this general power relationship does not hold the other energy regime models. true in the reluctance model, which is the conventional In this paper, we present a consistent model for mag- model of magnetics systems. Furthermore, by studying the netic media using lumped parameters. First, we will pres- electrical and mechanical models we realize that there are ent a literature review of the three magnetic models based six recurrent quantities that describe the macroscopic be- on lumped parameters in order to establish the differenc- havior of any of these media (see Table 2). We generalized es between these models and the one we are proposing, these quantities as the conserved quantity, flow, effort and which we called the power-invariant magnetic model. three passive elements that establish the amount of energy Then, we will introduce the fundamental justification of that is either stored in a media or dissipated as heat. our model based on electromagnetism and magnetic ma- *Corresponding author: Guadalupe G González, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840, USA, E-mail: guadalupe.gonzalez@utp.ac.pa Received: January 10, 2018: Accepted: March 10, 2018: Published: March 12, 2018 Copyright: © 2018 González GG, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Citation: González GG, Ehsani M (2018) Power-Invariant Magnetic System Modeling. Int J Magnetics Electromagnetism 4:012 González and Ehsani. Int J Magnetics Electromagnetism 2018, 4:012 ISSN: 2631-5068 | • Page 2 of 9 • Table 1: Calculation of power in different media. Electrical Mechanical Hydraulic Magnetic Voltage × Current Force × Velocity Pressure × Flow MMF × Flux V × A N × m/s N/m2 × m3/s A × Wb Watts Watts Watts Joules! Table 2: Different media analogs. Generalization Electrical Mechanical Magnetic Conserved Quantity Charge [C] Distance [m] ? Flow Current [A] Speed [m/s] Flux [Wb] Effort Voltage [V] Force [N] MMF [t·A] Dissipative Element Resistance [Ω] Friction Reluctance [H-1] Storage Element Capacitance [F] Compliance ? Storage Element Inductance [H] Mass [kg] ? terials. Finally, we will conceptually illustrate our theory (Pm) cannot be calculated using an analogue of Joules law by modeling a simple but relevant magnetic system: an as done for electric losses (Pe) in the electric regime. That iron core coil. is, = 2 Literature Review Pe IR (4) 2 Several lumped parameter models have been devel- Pm ≠ ϕ R (5) oped for magnetic systems. The reluctance model is the One of the reasons why the reluctance model has oldest and most widely used in magnetic analysis there- been successfully used for so long is that it is a quasi-stat- fore we consider it as the conventional magnetic model. ic model. At low frequencies, the magnetic material In this section, we present a brief description of the reluc- shows almost zero heat losses and the reluctance model tance model as well as other lumped parameter models represents quite accurately the material’s behavior under that have been developed in order to provide a solution this condition. However, when alternating currents at to the deficiencies of the reluctance model. medium or high frequency excite the magnetic material, The reluctance model heat losses are more relevant and the reluctance model becomes inconsistent. Consequently, other methods are This model is based on Hopkinson’s law, which is applied in order to calculate the magnetic losses. For in- analogous to Ohm’s law for electric circuits. stance, hysteresis losses which are heat losses resulting In electrical circuits, Ohm’s law is an empirical re- from the tendency of the material to oppose a change in lation between the electromotive force (emf), potential magnetism can be calculated using the area of the hys- (U) or voltage (ve) needed in order to produce a flow of teresis loops. These hysteresis power losses (Ph) are given current (I) through a conductor. It can be expressed as, by, = emf IR [V] (2) Ph =⋅⋅ VfAloop (6) Where R is the resistance [Ω]. Where V is the volume of the specimen [m3], f is the In magnetic circuits, Hopkinson’s law is an empiri- frequency of operation [Hz] and Aloop is the area of the cal relation between the magnetomotive force (mmf) and hysteresis loop. the magnetic flux (φ) given by, The permeance-capacitor model mmf = ϕR [t·A] (3) In 1969, R.W. Buntenbach from the University of Where R is the reluctance [H-1]. California stated that there are several stumbling blocks that inhibit the progress of magnetic circuit theory [1]. When the reluctance model was defined, it was con- sidered equivalent to the electric model in both form and In an effort to correct the conventional model, Bun- functionality, but through the years it has been well es- tenbach proposed a different one also based on an anal- tablished that this is not the case. The main difference ogy between electrical and magnetic quantities. In his between these expressions is that in electrical circuits, the model, the flux is analogous to electric charge, contrary resistance is a measure of how much energy can be dis- to the reluctance model where flux was analogous to elec- sipated as heat while current flows in the material. How- tric current. Also, the terms flux rate, magnetic resistance, ever, in magnetic circuits the reluctance is a measure of magnetic inductance and magnetic impedance were in- magnetic energy storage rather than a measure of mag- troduced. However, the main contribution of this model netic energy dissipation. In other words, magnetic losses is that it presents the Permeance-Capacitor analogy. Citation: González GG, Ehsani M (2018) Power-Invariant Magnetic System Modeling. Int J Magnetics Electromagnetism 4:012 González and Ehsani. Int J Magnetics Electromagnetism 2018, 4:012 ISSN: 2631-5068 | • Page 3 of 9 • Buntenbach’s model suggests that the magnetic cir- that either the effort or flow quantity is not properly de- cuit is better represented as an analogue to an electric fined. We will use gyrator theory in order to identify the capacitance rather than an electric resistance, which is ill-defined quantity and redefine it. true in functionality and can be validated by examining energy relations. Gyrator theory The gyrator is a power-invariant, multiport network Assuming energy in the magnetic regime (E ) is cal- m that converts the effort (χ) or flow (γ) quantity of one culated as the energy an electric capacitor (E ) the di- e of the networks into its dual with respect to its gyration mensions are consistent, 1 constant (g) [5], this is E= CV ⋅ 2 [J] (7) e 2 χγ=−⋅g 12 (9) 1 2 χγ21=g ⋅ (10) Em =P ⋅ mmf [J] (8) 2 A symbolic representation of a conventional two- Where C represents the electric capacitance [F], V the port gyrator is presented in Figure 1. It can be shown −1 electric voltage [V], the permeance [H] which is R that an iron core coil is a gyrator where the primary net- and mmf is the magnetomotive force [t·A]. work is the electric side and the secondary network is the magnetic side and the two networks are coupled through The gyrator-capacitor model the gyrator constant which is the number of turns (N) In 1993, Dr. Hamill applied gyrator theory in order as shown in Figure 2. We can identify the effort and to redefine the quantities of the reluctance model.
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