UTTtRA SCRIPTA FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 8 1 9 3 4 NUMBER 19 * ^AflTEO ^ Washington, Thursday, January 28, 1943 Regulations rectly purchase in commerce, etc., of said CONTENTS device, which advertisements represent, directly or by implication, that said de­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES vice constitutes an effective means or Alien Property Custodian: Page TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION method for the removal of excess flesh or Vesting orders: Chapter II—Administrator of Civil Aero­ weight from the human body, or that Amico, Giuseppe__________ 1242 nautics, Department of Commerce said device is in all cases safe for use; Binder, Karl______________ 1243 prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. 719, as Burk, Dorothy____________ 1243 [Amendment 17] amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C., Carpenter, Sara C_*__ i_____ 1243 Part 600—D esignation of Civil Airways sec. 45b) 1 Cease and desist order, Holly­ Earle, Ethel Deodata...____ 1244 wood Magic Garment Oo., Docket 4702, Fesenmeier, Marie____ ’_____ 1244 DELETION OF TALLAHASSEE, FLA., TO ATLANTA, January 19, 19433 Friederich, Emma________ 1244 GA.*, CIVIL AIRWAYS At a regular session of the Federal Gru, Joseph___________ ___ 1245 Acting pursuant to the authority Trade Commission, held at its office in Gr utter, Therese M________ 1245 vested in me by section 302 of the Civil the City of Washington, D. C., on the Hantzsch, Carl______ 1246 Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, I 19th day of January, A. D. 1943. Happ, John______________ 1246 hereby amend Part 600 of the Regula­ This proceeding having been heard by Ioannu, J. H. P____ 1246 tions of the Administrator of Civil Aero­ the Federal Trade Commission upon the Kane, Oswald____________ 1247 nautics as follows: complaint of the Commission (no answer Kriebel, Charles W________ 1247 By striking §600.10421 Tallahassee, having been filed by respondent), testi­ Kruse, Friedrich__________ 1247 Florida, to Atlanta, Georgia, Civil Air­ mony and other evidence in support of Manke, Bernard C_________ 1248 way. the allegations of the complaint taken Meier, Joseph_____________ 1248 This amendment shall become effective before a trial examiner of the Commis­ Merck, George____________ 1248 0001 E. W. T. February 15, 1943. sion theretofore duly designated by it, re­ Migliorelli, John__________ 1249 Dated: January 21, 1943. ports of the trial examiner upon the Muhleisen, Rose.__________ 1249 C. I. Stanton, evidence, and brief in support of the Offt, Peter_______________ 1250 Administrator, complaint (no brief having been filed by Rovaldy, Alexander G_____1250 Schnitzler, Auguste______ __ 1242 I F . R. D o c . 43-1363; Filed, January 26, 1943; respondent and oral argument not hav­ 2:39 p. m.] ing been requested) ; and the Commis­ Schreiner, George Albert™ . 1250 sion having made its findings as to the Theek, Adolf Louis__ ______ 1251 facts and its conclusion that the re­ Überall, C urt_____________ 1251 spondent has violated “the provisions of Verderber, Frank.._____ ____ 1251 the Federal Trade Commission Act; Wagner, Alvina____________ 1252 TITLE 16-COMMERCIAL PRACTICES It is ordered, That the respondent, Bituminous Coal Division: Chapter I—Federal Trade Commission Hollywood Magic Garment Co., a cor­ Hearings, etc.: poration, and its officers, agents, repre­ Read, Earl M_____________ 1241 {Docket No. 4702] sentatives, and employees, directly or Sheesley Coal Co_________ 1240 P art 3—Digest of Cease and Desist through any corporate or other device, Minimum price s c h e d u le s O rders in connection with the offering for sale, amended: sale, or distribution of respondent’s de­ District 8_______ !________ 1215 HOLLYWOOD MAGIC GARMENT CO. vice designated "Hollywood Magic Gar­ District 10_______________ 1215 § 3.6 (t) Advertising falsely or mis­ ment,” or any other device of substan­ District 11_______ 1216 leadingly—Qualities or properties of tially similar nature or possessing sub­ District 12_______________ 1216 product or services: § 3.6 (x) Advertising stantially similar properties, whether District 20-_____ 1217 falsely or misleadingly—Results: § 3.6 sold under the same name or under any Civil Aeronautics Administrator: other name, do forthwith cease and de­ Tallahassee, Fla. to Atlanta, Ga. (y) Advertising falsely or misleadingly— sist from directly or indirectly: civil airway; deletion._____ 1211 Safety. In connection with offer, etc., of 1. Disseminating or causing to be dis­ Civil Aeronautics Board: respondent’s device designated “Holly­ seminated any advertisement by means Hearings, etc.: , wood Magic Garment”, or any other sim­ of the United States mails, or by. any Transcontinental and West­ ilar device, disseminating, etc., any ad­ means in commerce, as “commerce” is ern Air, Inc___________ 1242 vertisements by means of the United defined in the Federal Trade Commis­ Transcontinental and West­ States mails, or in commerce or by any sion Act, which advertisement repre- ern Air, Inc., et al_____ _ 1242 means, to induce, ete.r directly or indi­ (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 1211 % 1212 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, January 28, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued sents, directly or by implication, that respondent’s device constitutes an effec­ O ffice of P rice Administration— tive means or method for the removal of - Continued. Pa8® excess flesh or weight from the human FEDEMufcjtEGISTER Honey, extracted (MPR 275)— 1228 body, or that said device is in all cases V’ «Mino’i»« ¿y Petroleum and petroleum prod­ safe for use. ucts: 2. Disseminating or causing to be dis­ (RPS 88, Am. 60)__________ 1227 seminated any advertisement by any Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, (RPS 88, Am. 61)______-___ 1227 means for the purpose of inducing or and days following legal holidays by the Petroleum products sold at re­ which is likely to induce, directly or in­ Division of the Federal Register, The National tail (MPR 137, Am. 19) —— 1226 Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ directly, the purchase in commerce, as tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Pig iron (RPS 10)___________ 1236 “commerce” is defined in the Federal July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500) , under regula­ Platinum (MPR 309)________ 1233 Trade Commission Act, of respondent’s tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Solvents (MPR 170, Am. 2 )____ 1232 device, which advertisement contains mittee, approved by the President. Steel shapes, plates and shaft­ any representation prohibited in para­ The Administrative Committee consists of ing (MPR 310)_________ 1225 graph 1 hereof. the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer P ublic D ebt Bureau: It is further ordered, That the re­ of the Department of Justice designated by 2Y2 percent treasury bonds of spondent shall; within sixty (60) days the Attorney General, and the Public Printer 1962-67 (2 documents)___ 1240 or Acting Public Printer. after service upon it of this order, file The daily issue of the F ed era l R e g is t e r Securities and Exchange Commis­ with the Commission a report in writing, will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free sio n: setting forth in detail the manner and of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Financial statements under the form in which it has complied with this year, payable in advance. The charge for Securities Act of 1933, etc- 1214 order. single copies (minimum, 10£) varies in pro­ Hearings, etc.: By the Commission. portion to the size of the issue. Remit Alabama United Ice Co------- 1255 money order for subscription or single copies [seal] - Otis B. J ohnson, Alabama Water Service Corp. Secretary. payable to the Superintendent of Documents and Federal Water Serv­ directly to the Government Printing Office, [F. R. Doc. 43-1403; Filed, January 27, 1943; Washington, D. C. ice Corp------------------ — 1254 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Carib Syndicate Ltd----------- 1254 10:56 a. m.] tion of material appearing in the F ederal Derby Gas and Electric Corp_ 1253 R e g is t e r . Electric Bond and Share Co., Telephone information:. District 0525. et al______________ _—- 1253 [Docket No. 4706] International Utilities Corp„ 1253 Louisville Transmission Corp. P art 3—D igest of Cease and Desist CONTENTS—Continued (Kentucky)______ —— 1255 O rders THE FERBO CO. F ed er a l T rade C o m m i s s i o n : P a Se Portland Electric Power Co— 1254 Cease and desist orders: Sioux City Gas and Electric § 3.6 (c) Advertising falsely or mis­ Ferbo Co------— i-------- ------ 1212 Co. and Iowa Public leadingly—Composition of- goods: § 3.6 Hollywood Magic Garment Service Co________ 1253 <ri) Advertising falsely or misleadingly— Co_________ 1211 Union Electric Co. of Missouri Mature—Product. In connection with Leonard Custom Tailors Co— 1213 and Iowa Union Electric offer, etc., of respondent’s food flavoring Mono Service Co------------— 1213 Co_______ _— _____ 1254 product designated as “French Tang I n t e r s t a t e C o m m e r c e C o m m is s io n : West Texas Utilities Co. and Vanilla Flavor” and as “Sun-Cu-Nilla”, Car service; back-hauling com­ Middle West Corp— — 1252 or any other similar product, disseminat­ pany material—-------------- 1240 Solicitations cf purchases on an ing, etc., any advertisements by means Report form for small steam exchange to facilitate dis­ of the United States mails, or in com­ roads--------- 1240 tribution of securities—— 1214 merce, or by any means, to induce, etc., directly or indirectly, purchase in com­ O f f ic e o f P r ic e A dministration : Veterans Administration: Adjustments, etc.: Adjudication of v e t e r a n s ’ merce, etc., of said product, which ad­ Lambert Vitamins Co---------- 1236 claims; determinations of vertisements (1) use the term “vanilla,” basic entitlement______— 1239 “vanilla flavor,” or “vanilla flavoring,” or Defense-rental areas: any other term of similar import, to 24 areas (Designation and W age and H our Division: designate or describe respondent’s prod­ Rent Declaration 27, Am.
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