Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room Community & Fine Arts Calendar ps.9-12 PLEASE RETURN TO MAIN DESK FULLERTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 353OOO W.VV. OUIVIMUINCOMMONWEALTH WCftLIH AVC.AVE. "W JUN j 1 1997j 177/ Fuller, 1 ■ ■ urnFULLERTON, CA. 92832-1796Observer v ■ ___ __ Fullerton’s Only Local, Independent Newspaper (printed on recycled paper) No. 280 June 15,1997 FULLERTON OBSERVER Fullerton School District Counseling Discussion Reveals Church of Scientology Incursion in Southland Schools One Hermosa Drive School couple chose California Ranch School in Perris, controlled by L. Ron Hubbard disciples. sent their two children after withdrawng them Each of the JHSs has their way of detecting By Ralph A. Kennedy sites have used local site funds to purchase from Hermosa Drive School in Fullerton. additional counseling hours, since the number students doing poorly during the year and/or What first appeared to be an ongoing dis­ A few calls, perusal of a school brochure, of students is so large and this is the first time in danger of not graduating. Notification of cussion between Fullerton School District and checking of the Internet revealed that the students are introduced to multiple teachers, such problems leads the counselor, adminis­ Trustees and parents about the state of coun­ “Applied Scholastics Hollywood” and the thus creating demands for more help. tration, parents, and teachers to work to­ seling in our schools, now seems to have been schools like California Ranch School which gether to develop a plan for turning this an indirect attempt by the Church of they license and supply with materials, are in student around before it is too late. Scientology to indoctrinate school children the business of propagating the ideas of The When asked “What would you like to do and districts of their views that “Psychiatry Church of Scientology and its founder L. Ron that you do not now have time to do?”, they has been Education’s Ruin.” Hubbard. all indicated they would like the opportunity This message has been propagated in a The subject of counseling in the Fullerton to do additional follow-up with the students number of slick magazine-publications over Schools has come up a number of times over and families concerning referrals, remediation the years, published by a so-called “Citizens the past few years: some Trustees believe plans, students concerns and crises. Commission on Human Rights.” No doubt deeply that there is greater need for such The interns work with children either indi­ many readers have accepted and read these counseling even in the elementary schools, vidually or in small groups on such issues as publications because of the name, not aware while others, sometimes in the press of bud­ making friends, social skills, conflict resolu­ that they were being financed by grants from get restrictions, have approved reductions in tion, behavior, separation and grief. the U.S. Association of Scientologists Mem­ even the Junior High School Counseling Pro­ Each elementary school’s School Site bers’ Trust. gram. Council may also use some of their school’s The Observer became suspicious when The District’s Counseling program is noth­ discretionary funds to purchase additional much of the rhetoric included in a recent letter ing if it isn’t fractured and differently imple­ counseling services, e.g., Valencia Park from Concerned Citizens and Parents of Ful­ mented in the District’s 14 elementary and 3 School currently buys two additional days lerton (Garden Grove, Orange, Tustin) junior high schools, a;though all 14 elemen­ per week of a school psychologist’s time, sounded disturbingly familiar. tary schools have chosen to participate in the while Sunset Lane funds one additional day Our concerns heightened when we learned District’s Substance Abuse Prevention Edu- per week. that the Agency - “Applied Scholastics Holly­ -ation Program, and each is allocated $1,500/ Orangethorpe, Richman and Valencia Park wood”, which claimed to be the licensing year with which to pay part-time counselor have elected to utilize some school site funds group for the private California Ranch School, interns from CSUF and Chapman University. to hire part-time counseling. After listening a private school in Perris, CA, where “con­ At the Junior High School level, the Dis­ to Mr. John Svinos, spokesperson for the cerned parents John and Allyson Savinos had trict does supply onecounselor per site. Some Concerned Parents & Citizens of Fullerton, berate counseling at some length at a recent Board of Trustees Meeting. Orangethorpe Fullerton Emergency Food Distribu­ part-time counselor Marne Nettinga was in­ vited by Trustee Hilda Sugarman to describe to the Trustees and audience some of her tion Center Has Moved Temporarily typical activities at Orangethorpe. She began by listing some of her qualifica­ After 13 years of distributing emergency _ September 1997. Orangethorpe School Counselor Marne tions, possibly in response to one of Svinos’s food, lodging vouchers and other necessities F.I.E.S. wants to thank all Maple School/ Nettinga addressed the FSD Trustees. Continued on p. 17 from Maple School/Community Center, Ful­ Community Center administrators-Pat Puleo, lerton Intefaith Emergency Service (F.I.E.S.) Shirley Jordan, Harriet Hermanns, Glenda has moved its Distribution Center TEMPO- Thompson—community outreach worker Emma King and all the Maple City Council Okays Pocket Mother wealth (2 blocks east of Har- staff for assisting us since 1984 i m emerges bor Blvd. in the Drassel build- success­ in our mission to end hunger Park for Gilbert/Olive Area ing) until at least August 4, S f 1 fully from and homelessness in our com­ which mothers may linger while watching 1997. IP * new munity. By Jack Harloe The phone number, 738- tempo­ F.I.E.S. helps approximately It was the young and the hopeful against the their small children play. 0255, and the hours of opera­ rary FIES 500 households every month. old and despairing. Thirty-four or so polite, Fullerton, a city rich in parks—north of tion from 1 to 4 p.m., Monday k Food If you have produce to share determined young family members, their eye Commonwealth that is, found $35,000 to fix through Friday, remain the Distribu­ from your garden and/or fruit on the future—their’s and their children’s, up a lingering lot that was trying to make up same. tion trees, please deliver it to us who won the day against a handful for whom its mind whether to let a thousand flowers If all goes as planned, Center at during our operating hours. the glass is half empty. What has been a bloom, or become the latest graffiti gallery. 125 East F.I.E.S. will move again in nine If you wish to help F.I.E.S. challenge, a vacant lot full or rocks and broken Charles Lamb, a landscape architect resi­ Common­ dent in the neighborhood of the intersection more weeks and reopen on % wealth. purchase non-perishable, nu- glass undecided whether to be an eyesore or an August 4,1997, in its new per- tritious food in bulk or to help amenity, will now become what so many hoped of Gilbert Street and Olive Avenue, con­ manent location behind Richman School. The with the expense of the moves, please send for—a half-acre covered with grass, sporting a ceived a two-phase development plan for the move from Maple was necessary so that first contributions to F.I.E.S., P.O. Box 6326, Ful­ few more trees than before, an irrigation sys- proposed park, after residents had urged the ;rade classes could open as scheduled in lerton, CA 92834. Continued on p. 17 MORE INSIDE Winners of Downtown Merchants Take Hard Look at Downtown Trees Page 4 Learning HU Valencia Park and Topaz Schools State “Distinguished Schools” Page 19 Center Essay TF Quilts: A Legacy of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Page 8 Contest p.i9 teom ity Center “When Corporations Rule the World”, a Book Review Page 7 I Transit Topics Page 2 Bulk Rate Commentary Page 3 CAR-RT Council Doings Page 4 FULLERTON OBSERVER U.S.Postage PAID School Subjects Page 5 Post Office Box 7051 Permit No. 1577 I About Fullerton Page 6 Fullerton, CA 92834 Fullerton, CA Movie Review Page 11 Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room Page 2 FULLERTON OBSERVER FEATURES/NEWS June 15, 1997 Some Tips for New Bi­ Arco, Exxon to Team cyclists and for Those With GM on Fuel Cell Dusting Off Winter System Seeing the writing on the wall? Two oil Cobwebs companies are teaming with General Motors vehicle purchases. Once established, to develop a fuel cell for hybrid electric ve­ By Lawrence Wright CALSTART and member representatives will Glacier Bay’s ECS: A hicles that will convert gasoline to hydrogen work with auto manufacturers to purchase The great cycling weather has brought to on-board the car, reports the Los Angeles vehicles based on the budgets and driving ‘Cool” Prototype mind some thoughts I would like to share with Times. This is reportedly the first time GM needs expressed by the Cooperative mem­ From The Sea To The Desert you. If you are a new bicyclist or a veteran has entered into ajoint-venture fuel cell project bers. For electric vehicles (EVs) to gain popular dusting off the winter cobwebs, I would like with an oil company. CALSTART is organizing fleet managers acceptance with consumers, they will ulti­ to remind you to start off with short rides, Atlantic Richfield subsidiary Arco Prod­ now. For more information contact either mately need to deliver the same standards of even if you have been working out on the ucts Corp.
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