Flower from Mother's grave. Chicago: Lyon and Healy, 1878 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/6E6ITL2NNXVVZ8X http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu 4 il PrN | operon ED, j ZEEE Ee (§ A eo & C se 4 - S ¢ QWER Fag rez! : q = @) an ‘ \ Re Yf : i W &\ Kj x q = . | = a iS q = | i | % Rg . a ee @yy Vv, = \ | : q& >A 8ONG+AND+CHORUSI< = i i ' : —stWords and Music#— S q = alae SI q : HARRY KENNEDY. q | = 4 i iq : < ; Py S i 4 + LY% LE < +e ele S / | ae = ! s BOSTON : i i - OLIVER DITSON & CO. | | NEW YORK: CHICAGO: PHILADELPHIA: & i x ©. H. DITSON & CO. LYON & HEALY. JE. DITSON & 00. 1) 8 | | : (fs ae \ William H. Kennedy, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 y j is See S Copyright, 1878, by Wm. H. KENNEDY fe Z Se & % it aaa Aaa Gie } i eee eae e/a cee IE ee Me eS paw’ i], H | Ns 688 Si we 4 TWO BEAUTIFUL NEW SONGS BY THE SAME AUTHOR, q “THE EMPTY CRADLE.” Song & Chorus. (With fine Lith. Title.) 40cts. i “LITTLE WIFE NELLY, THE LIGHT OF MY HOME.” Song and \ P Cherus,.. aacts. | Mi 4 i i ——— d 211 5 Nh i t i A FLOWER ’ FROM MOTHER’S GRAVE. | ! ! ik Pe Words and Music by HARRY KENNEDY CON ESPRESSIONE. in hy ee 5 as ic fe et tee eee £ 2 22s yore te i Vi © cer lere 4 iW x Ef Lacieie Siewert 2 . ere cn ements Orso t iad i ge ee t ee ge AD aoa =~ —H J | a mf we valse. dim. { a 4 = a a = | : } gee} FS bye —_ | —* eee ee eeeeas Cea oe 1 ial Ne Regge [ee egg elem es oleae eel rae ie ee i la ete ea (ies | ieee egos oe [eee eco es (ws eee i e i Wn A ya _——~ ls Ta — oo = ay is SS e Sa . i ASV, ae . = Be 1. I’ve a cas-ket athome,that is filled with precious gems;I have pictures of friendsdear to iy 2, In the quiet coun-try church-yard they laidher down to sleep; Closebe-side the old home she’s at i C\ Derry amrtanl ear mtor poeta anise rome] i oS = ee fe ee oman Re orem eee ol 7 G& ts i iealemiad SSS i io pas ae p== fee feern ——e See eno (eal eee Cece) | ee ee i | : Oe rer Ps a : ee ee Rs ee fey? S Pan gm gr [regina ON a Neen evo gy cea A CT ne seit at [ira aor Pe eg in Oo ce I i [pO Gin Oo a eee j i f 1 me, And I’ve trink - ets sorare, that came ma- ny years a - go, From my 2 rest, And the low, sacred mound is enshrined with-in my heart, By the | a L SSCS (Discreet fea rg = | ee fee rN ee eee 1 Seer pa ee eg ee oa Oe fe Ore Orem gee oy eae np rea pai Bn pee eee oy eee aman nae Ye (aaa eed i e a ere eee Cg ree 4 Copyright, 1878, by Wint1Am H. Kennepy. 3. | | | i it | 2] > Pea | 4 | (EUnsPaig ef oag (a) eee Ra eC ga r S alsa aaa 4 eg gg an nie rene c Ca ae | Ce Ps ee Z S —s os eee | 1. far dis-tant home a-cross the sea......... Butthere’s one sweet lit - tle treas-ure that Ill . 2 sweet ties of love for-ev-er blest......... In the still and si- lent night, I oft - en . 0 a ce | | aa S332 Scocees lee fe Pa i Gee! ass 5 ee See eee freer oe elmer SS Ce aS: 4 [See ee Ae ee ee oa tvs cvs fa a Spe ts Ocreceee Peeeececee© O scenes aaa Pir fea oa mae Frag acai OR os oe ne Te CLAN ATA (0) AM. SCRE La AG. REESE V eat ae aero [ee eee a cre ee a Seen eee ee Pog nN ye Na Oe Oa 0 a s og ro ee eer — ces ee : gee . LC lien eguiia spear ariel age fp eal 1 ev-er dear-ly prize Bet-ter, far, than all the wealth be - neath the wave; Tho’a 2 dream of home a - gain, And the vi - sion tells me ev-er to _ be brave; For the 7 ee cag en ear gael rere eae oa reer SaaS Toole = aig gp weer oe oy [eae oh pe NER aT | a D feo s S sie et ate. : est ee ee ee | oN ea 2 a a gs ge ee ae] (es? [Soe Ware Jor penal ae ee Ee oa eee Ft RSV, ov ial (pre ; iy 1 small, fa-ded flow’ret, that I pluck’d in childhood’s days,’Tis a flow’rfrommy ange! mother’s grave......... | 2 last link that binds me to that place I love so well, Is the flow’rfrommy angel mother’s grave......... CN es | 0-2 aE ee erg an EEE eer “2 es A AR oe ee eee 5 (Px? SS ea be io v CT tegen ee Onn P : . | eens 5 ———— aim. rte. —_—_—— | | ~~ — | Jp ee es » 6-531 $3 8 ge ——— a J : | Pe [cfassin acm a enna ere | > | ao See fe treeineec pees [eoieimione es ONES p iaeareies aa Wax] : se coe | A Flower from Mother’s Grave, 3. | Se EO ee ES OC aS oi ge oe 3 ‘ > i ‘ \ i i q | | t 5 | . CHORUS. : i SOPRANO. = ne a > 5 is [esr asec = | i ee : perde 2 e 2-8 ip Ale gee af 8] pees Pee | | Treasured in my mem-ry, Like a hap-pydream, Are the lov-ing wordsshe gave, And my q 0 ALTO. 4 YP SSS ceases fe aaa ia [eg | a | 6 — a oe aon | SH 7 =o > =—9—g——_6-.—-s—_ Treasured in my mem-’ry, Like a hap -py dream, Are the lov-ing wordsshe gave; And my i TENOR. if g ceramide Eyes } CST — qt : Treasured in my mem-ry, Like a hap-py dream, Are the lov-ing wordsshe gave; And my | BASS. ————— q Giyes arma nan eee ao | greiner ieeeaps 5 C i ji: Po =a s ey |v jee Per re e | q “ eae Oh ae ae ee eg aaa mesma camer peace | Accomp. | oC. yp S|. Pes ese | ee es eee ee eee =e inane eae en aeons] Fe i 1 - -$ ae Ge Oese ee i cs ov vs Se: <4 mf f woo [ies oer ape ee | tis \ De Digr = ee, = C1 H a pee S eo | 4 Sea | H : co dim. ritara. i Jag ge ae ee 5 a ———————S | feo pO Oe wg 6 et mm aera @ alas eee th i) jetaouy p ; —— Cc = i heart fond -ly cleaves To the dry and withered leaves—Tis a flow’r from my an-gel moth-er’s grave. 4 C-) es ae j O-? | nie Eins i a po z Pale gor ee eo eg od —e 2g wae i | heart fond -ly cleaves To the dry and withered leaves—’Tis a flow’r from my an a -gel moth . -er’s grave. — | i co dim. ritard. | GP ee R po [ets amuse waes aa ea Pilg ee eg poe 645 pa gg eae gern Wicca as 4 ! [oD commen gece ag mag tert gfe ees aa ree eg # Lae heart fond -ly cleaves To the dry and withered leaves—’Tis = a flow’r from my an -gel moth -er’s grave. f : ates i -—| SSS . set [pues ies ata ee z Dh == ees O--2 ea = Tes es | = 7? ‘ | oe =a pease gee gs = a \ | es aa epee ee alee eo ee ge (Speer oe a os i Se Te | dim. rttard. f | Syecesseepeer a = = : ie ‘$ ese = | Y en a ae See q i A Flower from Mother’s Grave. —3 1 | } | __.
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