UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA FACULTAD DE BIOLOGÍA Heavy Metal Immunotoxicology and Skin Mucus in Fish Inmunotoxicología producida por Metales Pesados y Caracterización del Moco de Piel en Peces D. Francisco A. Guardiola Abellán 2014 UNIVERSIDADDE MURCIA D. FranciscoJavier MartínezLópez,Profesor Titular de Universidad del Área de Fisio log ia AnimaI y Presidente Comisión Académica programa doctorado * Biología de peces:aspectos básicos y aplicados, INFORMA: Que vista la solicitud de autorización de presentación de tesis doctoralde D. FranciscoAntonio GuardiolaAbellán, titulada "Heavy metal immunotoxicologyand skin mucus in fish", realizada bajo la inmediata direccióny supervisiónde Da Ua ÁngelesEsteban Abad, D, Alberto Cuesta Peñafiely D. José MeseguerPeñalver , y evaluadoel expedientecompleto, la ComisiónAcadémica del Programade Doctorado,en sesión celebradael día 12 de Mayo de 2014, y de conformidadcon lo establecidoen el artículo 2L del "Reglamento por el que se regulan las enseñanzasoficiales de doctorado de la Universidad Murcia", resolvió la autorización de presentaciónde la tesis doctoral. Asimismo, le envía el informe de la Comisión de Rama de Conocimientode Cienciassobre la propuesta de expertos que pueden formar parte del tribunal que ha de juzgarla, junto con los preceptivos informesde idoneidad. Murcia d 15 de Ma , ffiM Fdo.: Fr o JavierMartínez López COMISIóN GENERAL DE DOCTORADO.UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA *Informe del Departamento para alumnos del RD 778/1998. *Informe de La ComisiónAcadémica del Programapara alumnos del RD 56/2005 y RD 1393/2007. Mod= T-45 UNIVERSIDADDE Facuttadde MURCIA BioLogía Do.Mu ÁngelesEsteban Abad, ProfesorTitular de la Universidadde Murcia, D. Alberto CuestaPeñafiel, Profesor Titular de la Universidadde Murcia, y D. José Meseguer Peñalver,Catedrático de Universidadde Murcia, del Area de Biología Celular, en el departamentode Biología Celulare Histología, AUTORIZAN La presentaciónde la Tesis Doctoraltitulada "Heavy metal immunotoxicology and skin mucus in fish" , realizadapor D. FranciscoAntonio Guardiola Abellán bajo nuestrainmediata dirección y supervisión,en el Departamentode Biología Celular e Histología,y que presentapara la obtencióndel gradode Doctor por la [Jniversidadde Murcia. En Murcia, a 20 de Mayo de 2014 Mu AngelesEsteban Fdo.:Alberto Cuesta Meseguer Departamentode BiotogíaCetular e Histotogía.Campus de Espinardo.30100 Murcia T. 8óB884 964 - F.8ó8 883 9ó3 - www.um.es/dp-biotogia-celutar UNIVERSITA dinartimentodi DEGTISTUDI DI BARI frimacia-scienzedel hrmam ALDO MORO To Whom It Mav Concem. The PhD Thesis enütled "Heavy metal immunotoxicology ard skin mucr¡s in fish'" is presented by Mr. Francisco Guardiola Abellan and focusm on the main immunophysiological effects due to the e,nposureof Sparus aurata to heavy metals and the role exertedby skin layer in terms of defencemechanisms. Particularly, in the first secfion of the PhD Thesis, a detailed invesügation was shown screeningthe histopathologicalconsequences on fish health of the exposureto arsenic, cadmium and mercury which were appropriately selected as target metals due to the potential risk of contaminaüonof water for aquaculture. In the second section of the PhD Thesis, a deep researchwas conducted conceming the barrier of skin mucus ard its interactionswith pathogenswhich can attack fish healft. At the beginning, the characterizafron of the physico-chemicalproperties of the skin was described and, then, the comparisonof the skin defencein severalmodel fishes allowed an interesting interpretation of the mecharisms involved in such defence. The two sections are well connectedeach other in a rational architectureof the work. Overall, the topic of Mr. FranciscoGua¡diola Abellan's PhD Thesisis very appealingfor its involvement in the scenario of aquaculfure and, for this purpose" several advanced techniquesbelonging to immunology and physiology field have been exploited to elucidate the behavior of cell fish. In addition, Mr. Francisco Guardiola Abellan's chemical background is also well docurnented by the studies performed in his PhD Thesis, so revealing a multidisciplinary perspecüveof the scienüñc issues and the Mr. Francisco GuardiolaAbellan's ability to managewith different methodologieswhich is crucial for the interpretation of biological phenomenaAt this regard, during his PhD Thesis, Mr. Francisco Guardiola Abellan's educafionhas included the researchvisiting stay abroadon behalf as ErasmusPlacement Fellow at Dipartimento di Scieraee Via Orabona4 - CampusUniversitario - 701?5 Bari (ltaly) Tel (+391ABA 544 2114 adriana.trapani@unibait Fax{+39) 080 544 2050 cF 80002170724- P tVA 01086760723 UNIVERSITA dinartimentodi DEGTISTUDT DI BARI frimacia-scienzedel frnnam ALDO MORO Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche af University of Palermo (Italy) and the pa*icipation at severalnational and international Conferences.Altogether, such experiences have contributd not only to highlight the topic of the PhD Theis, but also to cultivate good skills for the presentationand üscussionof the resultingdata Notably, all tfre extensive research work performed during Mr. Francisco Guardiola Abellan's PhD Thesis allowed the publication of 15 articles on peer reviewedjoumals, I chapterof book and 4 manuscriptscurrently under review. Such a number of ptrblicatiqris af,ean outstandingperfiormance for a PhD student who has develo@ his researchwork wifiin five years and, moreover, it clearly indicates a high impact acüvity of the resultsproduced in the internationalscienüfic commrmityof expertise in ñsh biolory. Tacking into accor¡ntall the above mentionedgoals arising frorn the PhD Thmis, I strongly recommendthe "Europeanmention" for FranciscoGuardiola Abellan's PhD Thesis and an invitation to go ahead in his sareer of motivated investigdor in the Ac,ademi&or in the Companies. Bari, 2l May 2Al4 Dr.Adrianarrapani MfíanaTtapaní AssistantProfessor of PharmaceuticalTechnology Member of the EuropeanGalenos Network in Drug Delivery ViaOrabona 4 - CampusUniversitario - 74125 Bari (ltaly) Tel l+39)A8A 544 2114 adrianatrapani@uniba. it F¿xi+39) 080 544 2050 cF 8000217A72A- P tVA 01086760723 UNIWRSITÁ DEGLI STUDI DI MESSINA DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE ED AMBIENTALI Prof. Caterina Faggio Messina"20 May 2Al4 To Whom It May Concern, The reserch of the doctoralthesis of Dr. F'r¡ncisco Guardiola Abellan entitled: "Heauymdal immunotoxicologtand shinmucus in fish" investigatesand explores in an excellentway on the irmrunophysiolgyof teleostfish and on effectsof different heavy metals on the humoral immunity. It also presentssubstantial elements of originality; in fact Dr. Guardiolahas madea fimdamsntalcontribution to scientific researchin the field of the immunesystem of teleostfish, facing the argue in an innovativekey. The thesisis innovativein relationto the topics,referring in complete and thoroughmanner to the trend of internationalresearch on the subjectcited above. This hasallowed to developthe scientificapproach from a theoreticalphase to a phase application.The l,rnowledge of the immunesystem of fislr, in general,and of the species of interestin aquaculture,in paticular, has becomeone of the primary objectivesin resea¡chapplied to aquaculture.The PhD thesis is distinguished,in fact, for the ability to combinetheoretical and experimental analysis of a proposalphase and realization of the resultsachieved. The research findings are interesting and analyzed with a strongcritical sensewhich allowsto identify issuesthat may be the subjectof subsequentscie,ntific insights.Excellent narative skills inherentin the doctoralthesis that throughcareful selectionof contentand graphicalform tums out to be al¡eadyin this first draft of an excellentreference for ex¡ertsand technicians in the field of scie,ntificreference. Viale F. Stagnod'Alcontres, 31- 98166MESSINA - Cod. Fisc. : 80004070837- P. M3 00724160833 Tel.: 09A6765216; Fax: 090 394030 - email:[email protected] The resrfts are very original and inúeresting.Dr. Frmcisco Gurdiola thereforehas demonstatedan excellentunderstanding ofthe issuesaddressed in the presentationand sfong critical spirit. kr addition,the considerablenumber of papers( over 15) within three years is m outstandingperforrnmce for a PhD student.Therefore, I strongly supportto be awardedthe PhD with "EuropeanMention". Viale F. Shgno d'Alcontres, 3L- 98166MESSINA - Cod. tr'isc.: E0004070837- P. fVAr 40724160833 TeL: 0906765216; Fax: 090 394030 - em¡il: [email protected] INDEX Heavy metal immunotoxicology and skin mucus in fish FA Guardiola 2014 Index INDEX INDEX .................................................................................................................................... i-viii SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 9 0. OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 11 1. THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF TELEOSTS ............................................................................... 13 1.1. Lymphomieloid organs ........................................................................................................... 14 1.2. Humoral responses .................................................................................................................. 15 1.3. Cellular responses ...................................................................................................................
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