7 258 W.A.LTHAM CROSS. HERTFO.hDSHlRE. [KELL\ 8 Murphy John Edward, boot maker, Simmonds Arthur, Four Swans hotel, W althaw Cross Joinery Co. joinel'J 23:.J High street High st. (T N 9 W altham Cross) ; manufacturers, High street. T ·N 1 ~elllon James & Sons Ltd. butchers, •dinner & garden parties catered for Waltham Cross ..... 1~1 High street , Simpson Frederick W. beer retailer, Waltham Cross Eifie Range (E. fJ. Nicholls George E. photographer, 170 147 Elea.nor ()ross road Garland, sec.), Eleanor Cross road Eleanor Cross road Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, Waltham New Town Sports (William Nielsen Jacob, nurseryman, High st 250 High street Gayler, sec.), Eleanor Cross road Norri& Fras. Jas. butcher,263 High st Siviter William Oscar Bull, chemist & Ward William Henry King, Moulders' Oyler Potter & George, market gar- druggist, 169 High street .Arms P.H. 127 Eleanor Uross road deners, Park lane Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, Watson Wm. china dlr. 155 High s* Palmer Geo. blacksmith, 251 High st Railway station Welch Ernest W. (Mrs.), jobma.ster, Parish Annie (Mrs.), confectioner, 167 Smith Helena. J. (Mrs.), refreshment Falcon Hotel yard, High street Eleanor Cross road rooms, 122 High street Welch Harold, hair dresser, 208 Parish Henry, plumber, 167 Eleanor Smith Hy.Bobt.Castle P.H.r23High st High street Cross road Soane Alfred, outfitter, 134 High st Welch Ma.rgaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Parker G. & A. E. (Metcalfe's Soane Beatrice (Miss), draper, II7 205 High street Emporium), boot, china & domestic High street Wells Edwd.:florist, 3 EleanorCross rd machinery depot, clothiers, drapers, Stevens Leonard Lewis, clothier, II3 Welsford M. A. (Mrs.), girls' school, house furnishers, ironmongers, High street 85 Eleanor Cross road musical instrument dealers, cycle Stock Sidney John, baker, r York rd Weston Henry, fruiterer, rBr Eleanor dealers & jewellers, 145 Eleanor Stracey Elizh. A. (Mrs.),confectioner, Cross road Cross road, New Town. T N 69 266 High street Whatmough Charles Riley, costume Waltham Cross Tedder Charles, grocer, 125 Eleanor manufr. see Butcher & Whatmough Paul William & Son (Waltham Cross) Cross road White B. & Sons Limited, mineral Limited, nurserymen, High street. Thomas Ada (Miss), tobacconist, 153 water manufacturers, Park lane T N 128 Waltham Cross High street Wilkinson George, farm bailifi tb ~ :Pether Thomas Charles, beer retailer, 'rhompson J. P. draper, 140 High st Admiral the Hon. Sir Hedworth 55 Eleanor Cross road Trinity Hall (Rev. H. N. Eales M.A. Meux G.C.B., K.C.V.O. Old Park. Pulling Robert R. gardener to Admrl. sec.), Trinity Marsh lane ride the Hon. Sir Hedworth ?deux Trounce Thomas Plomer, manager Willis Arthur, printer, 120 High st G.O.B., K.O.V.O. Theobalds Park of the London Joint Stock Bank Lim Wilson G. L. & Co. Ltd. builders' gardens Turnham Waiter (Mrs.), tea rooms, merchants, Railway station. T N Randall William Bince, manager & 5 Station road 198 Waltham Cross sec. to the Waltham Abbey &Ches- Voss Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 22 Wisby .Arth.grngro.Ig KingEdward rd , hunt Gas & Coke Co. York road Albert road Withers Arthur Charles, cowkeeper, Bedding Leonard, hair dresser, 125 Wade Frederick, outfitter, 103 & 105 r65 High street High street High street Withers Frank Henry, boot repairer, Rice Rt. Hy. photogrphr. 168 High st Walden Frederick Henry, jobbing 13 Eleanor road Ripley George, cattle dealer, 99 gardener, 44 Crescent road Wood Mary Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, Eleanor Cross road Wallis Alfred, beer retlr. 262 High st 137 Eleanor Cross road Roake Thomas Vincent, monumental Walpole Horace 0. W. boot maker, x Woodbridge Percy Albert, butcher, ma&on, 160 High street Elea.nor Cross road 153 Eleanor Gross road Saban Joseph, laundry, 167 High st Waiter Michael, beer retlr.271High st Woollard Edwin John, ironmonger, Sheath William, baker, 261 High st Waltham Abbey & Cheshunt Gas & IO] High street Shore Harry, news agent, 43 King Coke Co. (William Bince Randall, Wortham-Blake & Co. marine motor :Edward road manager &; sec.), York road. T N engineers, II3 Eleanor Cross road. II Waltham Cross T N 73 Waltham Cross • Young John, carman, Crescent ro\d \V ARE, formerly a market town, is a parish and the memory of the late Canon Richard Appleton, a former head of a petty sessional division and union, and is on vicar : the font is octagonal, and consists of a bowl the river Lea, with a station on the Broxbourne and supported on a single column, richly carved and Hertford branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2 miles moulded ; each side bears the figure of a saint carved north-east from Hertford, 12 north-east from Hatfield, in high relief; the date of the work being about 1370 ;: I'2i south-west from Bishop's Stortford and 21 north the oaken cover is Perpendicular : the stained eas~ fx'Om London by road and 22! by rail, in the Eastern window is a memorial to John Chuck, of Ware, and division of the county, hundred of Braughing, county his wife, Anna, and was erected by their son, EdwaJ;d court district of Hertford, rural deanery of Ware and Chuck, in 1850: in the south transept is an unfinished archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans. The town, inscription on brass to William Pyrcy and A._gnes and formerly governed by a Local Board, established in Alice his wives, with figures of children, c. 1470 :, 1849, is now, under the provisions of the" Local Govern­ in the north transept is a brass figure of a female, ment Act, 1894 " (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled with an inscription invoking the prayers of the faithful by an Urban District Council of twelve members ; it is for the soul of Elena, daughter of John and Margaret lighted wjth gas supplied from works erected in r83o Coke, ob. 1454; and for the souls of William by a private company. The water works on Musley Bramble and Richard Warburton, her two husbands: Hill, half a mile distant, and at Lower Well, Musley in the south transept is a large marble monument to lane, :ne managed by the Urban Council, the supply the Right Hon. Sir Richard J.<'anshawe kt. and bart. being obtained from a large well. There is good water P.C. Ambassador to the Court of Spain, who died at communication, via the navigable river Lea, with the Madrid, r6 June, x666, and was buried here in 167o,. Thames at Blackwall, 20 miles distant; the New River and in rgo6 a marble monument to his wife, Lady head is half a mile distant. The Lea is crossed by an Fanshawe, was erected by the family in the south iron bridge, erected in r845· The parish church of St. chapel : in 1908 a stained window was inserted in the Mary the Virgin, situated in the centre of the town, is transept by Mrs. Croft in memory of her parents; a cruciform edifice of flint and stone in the .Perpen­ there are also memorials to the families .of Murvell, dicular style, consisting of chancel with south chapel, Collins, Thorowgood, Dickinson and others : the church restored in 1908, 'nave of five bays, transepts, aisles, was repaired in 1848, 'Under the direction of Messrs. south porch, and an embattled western tower containing George Godwin and Son, at a cost of £s,8ro, of which 8 bells, dating from 1731, and rehung in 1874, when a about £1,5oo was expended on the exterior: in 1881 . clock, striking the hours and quarters, with chimes the organ was thoroughly renovated at an estimated • playing seven tunes, was added: the chancel was built, cost of £5oo: in 1885-6 the church was again restored it is conjectured, by the Lady Margaret (Beaufort), and reseated at a cost of upwards of £2,ooo, and in Countess of Richmond and mother of Henrv• VII. to 190') the exterior stone and lead work was renovated whom, after the battle of Bosworth Field, August 22, at a cost of [2,200 : two stained windows were ereeted 1485, the manor was granted by her son: the nave and in 1885 at the cost of Richard Chapman Alien esq. and aisles belong to the time of Richard II. and the tower another in 1905 by Mrs. Anne Page Croft, as a memorial may be as8igned to t.he reign of Edward Ill.: the south to Ware men who fell in the South African war, 1899 chapel, separated from the chancel and transept by an to 1902, and also a thank-offering for her son's return oak screen, contains a piscina, and there is another from the war: Mrs. Page Croft also inserted a window piscina in the south transept: the west screen is in in the north transept in 1910 in memory of her pa.rents : • .
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