9'"^th^ Grade r Science Day 7 Complete the following Math in Science Worksheet. Write the answers on a separate sheet if you woutd like, you dO nOt have tO print them out. Name Da tc. Class WORKSHEET Mlrx Sx¡rls Useo M ultip lication Scientific Not¿tion Sl Measurement Color øt Light Speed and Conversíon -[nalyze the wavelength and frequency of the colors in tight, Visible Iight consists of a range of clitTerent colors that combine to form white light, 1'his range is called the color spectrum. Each color in the color spectrum has a uniqul wave- length ancl frequency, Our eyes see ligtrt of <ìifferent wavelengths as different colors. The frequency (f) and wavelength (À) of visible light can be used-to deter.mine the speecl of Jight (u) by the following equation: speed of light : frec¡uency X r.r,avelength u: l.x À 'lhe frequency of waves is lneasured in waves per second, or hertz (Hz).'l'he wavelength can be mcasltrccl as the distancc bctrveen trvo \\'avc crcsts. 'l'he clíagram below sl'lor,r,s thc spectrum of visible light with the corresponding r,vavelengths for each color, As you can see, the waveìength.s of visible light fall in the lange of 400 nanometers (nm) to Z5O nrlr. One nanorneter is eqtraì to 0.000000001 ln. Violet Blue C reen Yellow Ora ng e UV Red +. IR 400 nm 500 nm 600 nm 200 nm l. calculate the speed of light fo. the follor,ving. Slrort, your work. a. ashade of yellow light with a wavelerrgth of 5.g x 10-; nr ancl a frequency of .5.'17 X l0rr Hz _tr à E b. ashade of red light with a wavelength o ol6.9g x l0-7 m and a fiequency a of 4.3 x 10rr Hz c o Ë oc c c Ê 1r_hud,._glyiolet light with a rvavelength of 4 x 10-,'m ancl a frequency of E x Flz 7.5 l0rt õr .a I ol o o d. what can you conclude about the speccl ol light of riiftercnt colors? 84 HoLT sctENcE AND TECHNolocy Nanle Dtlle Class Color at Light Speed, cont¡nued 2, a, ll'tlrc sllecrl of liglrt is colrstarrt (nìearling it <loe:i rrot clrurrgc), clclcs thc u'¡r'clengtlr inclc¿mc ol rlccl'c¿lsc !v¡th an i¡lcrc¿l.le irr frcqucncl',t b. What ha¡r¡lens to the t\,¿¡velcngth as the [rcqucrrcy clecreases? 3. (lonve¡'t the lollclwillß tnetric nlc¡tsrlrcntc.lìts: a. ;\n or¿tnge l¡ght lvitlì a waveleng,th of 620 nnl is rn long b. ¡\ blrre light wíth a lvavelerrgth of rrtr is 0.00044.5 tnlll long. ¡\ c. li¡¡ht u,ith a rvavclcrr¡¡th ol rlnt t5 0.000,11 cnr long, d. A li¡¡ht n,ith a r,vavclength of .5.50 nnr is tn long,, 4. 'l'llg relariorl-slti¡r helt{ecll the ener¡¡y of a light wavc antl irs h'cc¡ucnc¡'is ¡¡ivur irr thc tìll lorvi lrg er¡ un !ior r : Ii_ltcî. ln this c(lu¿tti()lt, /'is lht'l'rec¡uerrcy ancl /l is a corìst¿lrìt. ! a. Which trf thc r,olors l:rorrr qucsilort I lras lhc rnost cncr.¡¡¡,'/ qÈ c 9.1 UJ b. lVhich color has tllc lcast unergy? I oc 2 c l¡{ U ! o c! E c. What is tltc rclationshiP -J Ê betwcen the frec¡uorcy of a light rrravc ãrltl its cner¡¡y? ( E U E tt 0 I .L Þ d. What is the rel¿ttiortslti¡r lrt:tlcen the rvavelur¡¡tlr of a li¡qht wave illrrl ils errt:r¡¡r,? È t¡J r. u !¡ z a t¡¡ o U u (â f= E ^A ^^ ^' MATH SKITLS FOR SCIÉNCE E5 th 7 Grade Day 7 Complete the following questions on a sepa rate sheet of paper. DO NOT PRINT PACKET s Science Use lhe lollowlng diogrom lo onswEr 2 ln o multice¡ltllcrr orgonisrn, such os quesllon l. o lish, which r>l lhese ilems is r':om¡:oliecl c¡f' rlll tlrc-.' ol lrers? lhe diogrom below shows o pendulum in molion, A tissues B orgons C cellstru¡clures D, orgon syslems X Which describes lhe polentisJ ond kinetic erìergy of the pendulum ol posilion X? A Potentic.:lenergy is ol rts lowest ond krnelic energy is ol its lowesl. ts Polentiolenergy is of its hrghesl ond kinelic energy is ol its lowesl. C Kinetic energy is ol ils highesl <rnd polenliol energy is ol rls lowesl D Kinelic energy is ol its hrglresf ond potenliol energy is ol its hishest í I 2 Go lci nexl poge Science s 3 Guppies ore smoll fislr thot lve in 4 StucJents wonl fo pound o sloko fresh wcrter Most guppy species into lhe grouncl lo holcl d srgn reprocJr rr.:e sexuclly, [:t¡l sonre orìrìounorìO o boke sole r¡l sr:hon roproduce osexuolly ilrele ore two lokes ir o porfìculor region One Which of lhese lips on <¡ wooden loke contoins o specios of guppy stoke would loke the¡ leosl force k¡ ground lhot reproduces osexuolly Ihe pound into the wilh hommer? olher loke contoins c¡ sf¡ecíes of o guppy thol reproduces sexuolly A scientisl sludying these lokes predicls fhot thc sexuolly A reproclucing guppies would survive belter thon lhe osexucrlly reprocJucing gup¡:ies if cr fulËus wos rntroduced to both lokes Which slolement suprports lhis hypothesis? B A lhe sexuolly reproducing gupp¡es ore idenlicol to olre onother B lhe sexuolly reproducitrg grrppies hove o vorrotron of c rnlrerrled chorocÌeristrcs. C lhe sexuolly reproductng guppies requrre only t}n,: individuol f clr repro<Jtrction D.' lhe sexuolly reprocJucing D guppies ore corriers of hormf ul choroclerislics a 3 Go lo nexÌ poge S Science Use lhe lnfotmolion bElow to onswer question 5, 5 A r.--loss inve.stigoting tlre rnotion of t) tire swing c;ollected the cJotcr in the toLr[: betow lhe sludenls were <rble lo drow conclusions <rboul lho ft:ctors ihot cltfecl the motion of o swing lwo stuclenls irom the clrrss rJecicje tcr use the closs cJoto fo build o different-size tire swng in their bockyord They build the llre swing slrown in ihe diogrom Tree Bronch l a Tlre-__ Tlre Swing Tire $lüng Invesllgrollon Doto Tlme ll Tqkes for lhe The Swlng lo length of Rope Mqss of Tlre Swlng Move Bock ond (melers) (kllogroms) Forlh Once (seconds) .) I A l0 2.8 2 2 20 2.8 3 r+ l0 rl,0 + r+ 20 I'l 0 Afler teslilrg lhe swing, ll-rey decicle lhol they wonl t<¡ moke rf swing fclsler Bosecl on the doto from the closs inve.sligclion, whol could lhe sltldenls do lo moke their tire swing move bock ond forth foster? A use c¡ shorter rope El use o lonç¡erl ro¡re C rrse cJ less nrossíve tire D. use cì rìc)re t:lossive lirc i it r+ Ocl to rìexl t)f-1ge Science s ó A group of stuclenls is given the Use the following plclure ond informollon lo procedures for on experimeni <rnc1 onswer question 7. doto collecled by another closs lhoi previously did ihe experimerrl / A child of o ployground slides down The group of studenis is osked lo a s;ide on o windless doy check the occurocy of lhe other closs's doio How could the sludenis check the I other closs's doto for occurcrcy? A by grophrng doto ihot the ollrer closs collecled B by drowrng conclusions from the other closs's dolo C by repeoling the experirnent with the some procedures ond comporing doto In your Answer Documenl, cjescribe D by oclding onother vonoble lwo forces thot otfect the motion of ond repeoting The experiment the child os she moves down with modified procedures lhe sride, (2 poinls) B By whot process is energy iransferred when sound wcrves trovellhrough oir? A obsorption of souncl woves by surfoces B vibrotions of perpendiculor electric ond mognetic fields C flow of oir currenfs owoy from the sound source to the listener D consecuTive,repealing collisions or rnfe¡o"1¡ons of r:ir port cles -" c_ 5 Go lo next poge s Science Use the following ple chorl to onswer question 9 I Energy Sources 'ot fô Other (Wlnd, Solor, Blomoss) 5% Hydroelecfrlc 7% Nucleor r+'% oil 22% Cool 24"/o NqturolGos According to lhe pie chort. whol percentoge of the U.S energy resources is generoted by fossil fuels? A 22lo B 47o C 877o D 00% 6 Go to nexl pqge.
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