Table l.-Estimated number of families and beneficiaries in receipt of benefits Notes and Brief and average monthly benefit in current-payment status, by family group, end of June 1953 and 1952 Reports [In thousands, except for average heneflt; data corrected to Nov. l&1953] Family Benefits in Cur- I June 30, 1953 June30.1952 - Per- rent-payment Status, centage increase June 30, 1953 1average Family rla.ssiEcation Average Average of beneficiaries Kumber 1 monthly e\rumbei Vumber monthlg i?iE~uhnly The number of families receiving Of amount of of bene- amouut Per monthly benefits under old-age and families per families Eciaries per family, family family 953 from survivors insurance increased by 1952 nearly three-fourths of a million in the year ended June 30, 1953; at the _- end of the fiscal year, monthly bene- Total- _______..._._ . ..__..._ 4,009.1 5, 573.6 _--___.. 3,278.4 4,593.8 __ _. __ _ fits were being paid to at least one Retired worker families.. ___-.._ 2,977. 5 3.887. 6 2,372.3 3, 109.8 Worker only _____..___..- ___.._ 2, 137. 7 2,137. 7 1,691. 4 1,691.4 person in 4 million families (tabie 1). Male- __.._____._- ___. ____._ 1,443. 1 1,443.l 1,194.1 1, 194.1 “$: :; Retired-worker families made up ‘74 Female __.__.____.____ -- ____ 694.6 694.6 497.3 497.3 32.80 Worker and wife aged 65or over- 1,563.2 83.60 633.5 1.267.0 70.10 19 percent of the total; they numbered Worker and wife under age 65 I- 781:i 1.2 93.50 .5 1.0 61.00 53 almost 3 million-about 600,000 more Worker and aged dependent husband __-________________ 5.6 11.2 74.00 3.4 6. 8 6?. 10 than a year earlier. The number of Worker and 1 child. ._____-- ___. 7.8 15.6 75.30 7. 5 15.0 62. oa 4: Worker and 2 or more children. _ 5. .4 18.9 82.40 5. 1 17. 5 69.60 19 survivor families totaled slightly Worker, wife aged 65 or over, andlormorechildren~.-.-.. .Q 2.9 98.10 .8 2. 5 79.50 23 more than 1 million, an increase of Worker, wife under age 65, and 125,000 for the year. 1 child ._____-- __________.__ 24.4 73.2 92.80 19.5 58.5 77.40 20 Worker, wife under age 65. and Average family benefits at the end 2 or more children- __.______ 13.5 63.7 87.60 10.6 50.1 70.30 25 of June 1953 showed substantial in- Survivor families- _____ __.___-__ 1,031.6 1,686.O __ _ - - - _. 1,484.0 __ _ - - __ _ __ _. - - _- creases from the corresponding av- Agedwidow ______ _____. ______ 498.1 498.1 40.80 421.1 36.00 13 Aged dependent widower- __ _ .6 33.90 30.00 erages a year earlier because of the Widowed mother only I- _____. 2.9 2:: 43.40 3:; 35.80 ;; higher benefit rates provided by the Widowed mother and 1 child __ 109.2 218.4 88.30 95.3 190.6 77.60 Widowedmotherand2children. 71.9 215.7 108.80 63.3 189.9 93.80 :t! 1952 amendments and the large num- Widowed mother and 3 or more ber of awards of “new-start formula” children_ _. _.______________ 60.9 286.1 104.80 52.0 242.8 91.90 14 Divorced wife and 1 or more benefits during the year-based on children- _ .__________..__ .2 .5 101.50 .5 92.90 9 earnings after 1950 and the new bene- 1 child only _______-- __________ 160.3 41.80 152.9 152.9 36.10 16 fit formula. Payments to all retired Zchildren-.- _____-- __________ 64.4 :Zi ii 71.30 57.8 115.6 61.20 3 children.--- ______-- __________ 22.7 68.1 86.90 20.3 60.9 78.10 :: workers with no dependents receiving 4 or more children- ___ ___- ____ 19.5 84.0 90.90 20.2 85.2 80.70 13 benefits averaged $52.10 for men and 1 aged dependent parent. ___.__ 19.3 19.3 42.00 17. 6 17.6 36.80 $40.10 for women, increases of 21 per- 2 aged dependent parents---- 1.6 3.2 81.40 1.5 3.0 71.50 :: Gent and 22 percent, respectively. The - -- average for a retired worker and his i BeneELsof children were being withheld. aged wife was $83.60 - 19 percent Table 2.--Estimated number of families and beneficiaries in receipt of benefits more than a year earlier. and average monthly bene$t in current-payment status on June 30, 1953, Families with benefits computed for selectedfamily groups. by benefit-computation method 1 under the new-start formula had [In thousands, except for average benefit; data corrected to Nov. 12,1953] considerably higher average benefits than those whose beneAts were com- I Tokll Conversion table New-start formula puted by use of the conversion table Family classification Num. Average (table 2). For beneficiary families of beneficiaries Num- Num- $o;tahyy Nb”, Num- zFfhyy Nb”,- monthly that consist only of the retired “2 of Poke. amount of “fFeLe- am”unt “f “f PeLe- am”uut worker and that are receiving bene- families ficiaries faP,“iy families Eciaries fagjiy families ficiaries fa”,iy fits determined under the pew-start ---___ ______ -- formula, the average benefits were 375.6 $63.10 240.9 70.00 $70.00 for men and $50.90 for women; 134.7 50.90 for families composed of a retired Worker and wife worker and his aged wife, both of aged 65or over.-- 781.6 1,563.2 83.60 632.6 1,265.2 78.80 149.0 298.0 104.30 whom were receiving benefits, the av- Worker, wife under age 65, and 1 or erage was $104.30. At the end of June morechildren.--- 37.9 136.9 90.90 29.8 107.6 79.40 8. 1 1953, all retired-worker families re- ceiving benefits computed under the 1 Benefits computed by means of the “conversion Security Act; benefits computed under the “new- table” are based on earnings after 1936and the old start Formula” are based on earnings after 1950and beneiit formula and are increased by use of the con- the new benefit formula. (Continued on page 291 version table in the 1952amendments to the Social 20 Social Security Table 9.- Average payments including vendor payments for medical care, average amount of money payments, and average amount of vendor payments per assistance case, by program and State, October 1953 1 - - - Aid to dependent Aid to the permanently Old-age assistance children (per family) Aid to the blind and totally disabled I - - _- _-I _-I - State Money Vendor Money Vendor Money Vendor Money Vendor pay- Pay- Pay- pay- All pw- ments All pay ments All pay- ments All Pay- ments assist- ments for assist- mencs for assist- ments for assist- ments for *me 2 t.o recip- medical ance f “ye?;;‘;- medical ance 2 to recip- medical ance 2 I ,ye:,;I;- medical ients 3 care 2 care * ients 8 care 2 care 2 -- _- -- -I--- _- -- Total, 53 States 4_.... __________ / “$50.84 $48.45 6 $2.55 6 $83.52 $81.72 6 $1.92 5 $55.39 $53.80 5 $1.74 6 $53.00 $47.73 5 $5.92 - -- _- _- -- Alabama...-.___------------.------ 27.48 27.48 (9 40.25 40.23 01 -27.27.90 .OI 27.43 27.42 . 01 Connecticut-. _ ______________-_-___ 79.95 67.95 12.00 129.27 115.27 14.00 95.15 80.15 15.00 (‘1 (7) (7) Delaware..~--_~--~-.~----~~-~~-~--~~-. _..__. -___ __ 87.02 86.46 .66 _.____-____ ___...___ _. __ _ _ - -. _. __ _ _. - - __ _ _ _. - District of Columbia _...._._ -- ____. 53.69 53.41 -----.-i-F 106.67 106.49 .18 55.61 55.60 ‘-----.-oi’ 59.66 59.26 .40 Eawaii .________._________ --- _____. 39.97 35.01 4.96 89.76 84.21 5.55 45.84 41.95 3.89 53.04 47.00 6.04 Illinois _________---___- ____--___-__. 54.99 15.00I’ 123.25 115.41 8.00 61.66 49.76 12.00 71.37 39.83 32.00 Indiana~.~~....~~~~~--~-~~-~-~~-~~. 45.29 2: ii; 7.83 84.52 79.29 5.37 52.05 46.03 6. 17 Kansas-..--..------------.----.---- 62.77 58.57 4.43 7.10 6.70 2 74 &?.82 (‘)6. SO Louisiana- _____-._- ________.______ 51.08 51.08 (9 ‘Eiz I 100.1862.61 .24 ii: 0”; 64.2947.99 .09 41.52 41.38 Massachusetts_____._._..____._.____ 73.91 66.11 7.96 120.04 / 114.16 5.99 _..__.._--. -____._.. 87.81 58.49 34::: Michigan _______________.__ ____.._ 52.48 51.96 1.28 _.._____._. _________ -I- __- ____.. 60.57 60.30 82 67.65 66.05 9.74 Minnesota--.-.-.-.---------------. 60.62 44.68 16.35 108.95 102.08 7.39 73.89 57.13 17.48 (9 (7) (‘1 Nebraska----.-----.---..----.-....- 56.75 44.02 14.04 97.41 92.62 4.79 67.44 1 66.22 1.22 Nevada-.
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