BIOVIGYANAM 4 : 43-51, 1978, Taxonomic Value of the lhe Lower Glume of the Sessile Spikelet in the Genus Arthraxon P. Beauv. from Maharashtra State* V. D. VARTAK & VINAYA GHATE I\ Department of Botany, Maharashlra Association for the Cultivation of Science-Research f11stitult', Pune 41 I 004, India. ABSTRACT This is an attempt to delimit tho variou' spocio1 of tho genus Arthraxv11 P. Beauv. Morpho­ loaY of lower aJumo of senile spikelet appaars to provide a reliable taxonomic character for the delimitation of various 1poclos. Tho sizo, ornamentation, position of vein•, apex and margins of &Iume have boon proved to bo tbo most U\oful characters in the identification of various taxa. An artificial key b~od exclusively on the glumo characters for the identification of I 7 species of genus Arthraxon P. Beauv. occurring in Western Mahara~htra has been given. INTRODUCTION Genus Arthraxon P. Beauv. is a noteworthy taxon in ·the family Poaceae on account of its geographical distribution and variability in habitat situations. From amongst the 25 s.peeies of this genus reported from the Indian subcontinent, about 65% are indi­ genous to hilly reglons of Mahara<Jhtra. Out of the~e 10 are endemic to Maharashtra. Though most of the species of Arthraxon P. Beauv. have poor food value, their occurrence in different environs ha<J. made them notable in the study of ecological succe­ s~ions and their identification has become imperative. Some of the workers who have referred to Arthraxon P. Beauv. from the area under consideration are Hooker (1896; six species), Cooke (1901 - J908; six species), Blatter and· McCann ( 1935; six species), Bor (1960; nine species) and Jain (1972; thirteen species). Oar observations on this aonas revealed that lowermost floral glome of the sessile spikelet exhibits unique foaturos which coaJd be used as key characters for differential­ ins various species of tho taxon. While in tho available Hter.-!ture the above unique cheracter.i are occasionally used a41 dir.gnost!c features, we have formulated a key bMed exclusively oh the morphology of the lower glume of the sessile spikelet. • The article was presented at the Symposium on Contribution' to Botany, held during Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Botany Department of the Poona University in January 1978. 43 V. D. VARTAK & VINAYA GHATE MATERIALS AND METHODS The present work is based on the material of 12 species available in the M.A.C.S. herbarium. Voucher specimens of 5 species have been procured from the herbarium of the Botanical Survey of India, Western Circle, Pune. Special efforts were made to collect different species of Arthraxon P. Beauv. during our routine tours to various parts of Maharashtra. The material collected was processed by usual methods and preserved in MACS herbarium. Lower floral glumes of the sessile spikelet of various species of Arthraxon P. Beauv. were mounted on black glossy sheets for comparative study. Semi­ permanent ~lides in glycetine jelly were prepared for critical study. A Jist of voucher specimens referred from the area under study is given below. The species are arranged alphabetically. References to available literature, general distri­ bution and citation of the voucher specimens are also given. 1. Artbrnon deccanensis Jain in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 68: 297-299, 1971; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution :Peninsular India, endemic, (Sinhagad, Pune). Voucher specimen : ANSARI, Arvi: BSI 99978. 2. Artbraxon echinatus (Nees) Hochst. Flora 39 : 188; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51 (2) : 165"-183, 1972.· . Distribution : Central & ·southern India, ·endemic. Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Rajur: MACS-23472; VARTAK, Katraj; MACS-6089. 3. Artbraxon inermls Hook. f. I.e. 145; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51 (2) : 165- 183, 1972. Distribution : Peninsular India, endemic Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Raireshwar: MACS-11280; VARTAK, I Sinhagad: MACS-7381. 4. Artbraxon jubatus Hack I. c. 358; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51(2): 165-183, 1972. Distribution : On Westem Ghats, endemic. Voucher specimens: TADPHALE (GHATE), Mahabaleshwar : MACS-T. 215, VARTAK, Rajgad Fort : MACS.:_24246. 5. Artbraxon juooarensis Jain et Hemadri ·in J. Bombay Nat.. Hist. Soc. 68 : 300-301, 1971; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Western Ghats and Peninsular India, endemic. Voucher specimens: HEMADRI, near Junner : BSI 106849. 44 LOWER GLUM£ STUDIES IN GENUS ARTHRAXON 6. Artbraxon lanceolatus (Rox.b.) Hocbst. Flora 29 : 188; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Deccan peninsula, endemic. Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Atkarwadi: MACS-6473; GHATE, Mahabale. shwat 1: MACS-T 300. 7. Artbraxon lancifolius Hochst. Flora 29 : 188; Jain in Indian Forester 97 : 220-222, 1971 : Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51(2) : 165 -183, 1972. Distribution : Hills of India, Burma, Ceylon, China, Malasia, Tropical Africa. Voucher specimens ·: VARTAK, Pune: MACS-7121; VARTAK, Katraj: MACS-6066. 8. Artbraxoo meeboldii Stapf. in Kew Bull. 449, 1908; Jain in J. lndian Bot. Soc. 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Endemic to Maharashtra state Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Sinhagad: MACS-7688; VARTAK, Maha­ baleshwar : MACS-2247. 9. Artbraxon oitidulus Stapf., ex. Bor. 101 : 688, 1960; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Peninsular India, endemic. Voucher specimens: WADHWA, Ratangad: BSI-128129. 10 .. Artbraxon nodus (Steud.) Hochst. flora 29 : 188; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 51(2): 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Common in · India. Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Katraj: MACS-14257; VARTAK, Sinhagad : MACS-7383. 11. Artbraxon prionodes (Stead.) Dandy. Fl. Sudan., 3 : 399, 1956; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51(2): 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Common in India, Asia, Africa. Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Pune hills: MACS-7077; GHATE, Katraj : MACS-T-180. 12. Artbraxoo purandbareosis Bharucha, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 52 : 481, 1954; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Endemic in Maharashtla. Confined to the old ruins of the hill forts. Voucher specimens: YARTAK, Sinhagad: MACS-7376; VARTAK, Raireshwar: MACS-12175. 13. Artbraxoo quartioiaous (A. Rich.) Nash. N. American . ~1. 17 : 99, 1972; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51(2) : 165-182, 1972. 45 V. D. VARTAK & VINAYA GHATI! ,, 11 2 ....... '.i I I 10 7 15 ' 13 3 Fig. Structure of lower glwno in aeous Artllruxon P. Bcauv. 46 LOWJII OLUMB ITUDJBI IN OINUS AAllfRAXON --------------- - --- . EXPLANATION OF TEXT FIGURES Structure of lower glume in genus Arthraxon P. Beauv Fig. I. Arthraxon deccanensis Jain. Fig. 2. A. echinatus (Nees.) Hochst. Fig. 3. A. inermis Hook. f. Fig. 4. A. jubatus Hack. Fig. 5. A. junnarnensis Jain et Hemadri Fig. 6. A. lanceolatus (Roxb.) Hochst. Fig. 7. A. lancifolius Hochst. Fig. 8. A. meeboldii Stapf. Fig. 9. A. nitidulus Stapf. ex Bor. Fig. 10. A. nudus (Steud.) Hochst. Fig. ll. A. prionodes (Steud.) Dandy. Fig. 12. A. purandharensis Bharucha Fig. 13. A. quartinianus (A. Rich.) Nash. Fig. 14. A. raizadae Jain, Hemadri et Deshpande. Fig. 15. A. santapaui Bor. Fig. 16. A. satarensis Almeida emend De$hpande et- Hemadri. Fig. 17 . A. vil/osus Fisher. -- - .. ----- - ------------------ ; . 4 47 V. D. VARTAK & VINAYA GHATE Distribution : All over India, Ceylon, Africa. Voucher specimens: GHATE, Katraj: MACS-T. 192; VARTAK, Sinhagad: MACS-5880. 14. Arthraxon raizadae Jain, Hemadri et Deihpande in J. indian Bot. Soc. 5J (2): ;103, 106, 1972; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51(2): 165- 183, 1972. Distribution : Mahara'ihtra, endemic. Voucher specimens: GHATE, Katraj: MACS-T-186; VARTAK, Mallab<'.lcihwar: MACS-25000. 15. Arthraxon santapaui Bor in Kew Bull. :446, 1951-52; Jain in J. Lndw.n Bot. Soc., 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Purandhar in Western Ghat!>, endemic. Voucher specimen : KAMMATHY, Purandhar : BSl-82686 16. Artbraxon satarensis Almeida emend Deshpande et Hemad1·i in Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 12: 274-275, 1970; Jain in J. Indian Bot. Soc., 51(2): 165-182, 1972. Distribution : Peninsular India, Pune, Purandhar, Junnar, Belgaum. Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Atkarwadi: MACS-7026; VARTAK, Rajur: MACS-23473. 17. Arthraxon villosus Fisher in Kew Bull. 350, 1933; Jain in J. Indian Bol., Soc., 51(2) : 165-183, 1972. Distribution : Mysore, Maharashtra, endemic. Voucher specimens: VARTAK, Raireshwar: MACS-11820; VARTAK, Castle Rock : MACS-23050. DESCRIPTION The length of the lower glnme of the sessile 'lpikele~ tange> fwm I .2 mm (A. jwma­ rensis Jain) to 9 mm (A. raizadae Jain). The genefal outline of glume in most of the ca~es i~ more or less lanceolate with a nauow tip. However, in some cases it may be more or less uniform throughout itS' length (A. pricmode.\' Dandy, A. lanceolutus Hochst), or broader at the ba\e. and tapering towards the apex. (A. jubatu.1· Hack.) In some cases, the breadth appears much more in the uppe.: h<df due to the preience of penicillate tubercles (A. meeboldii Stapf., A. purandharensis Bharucha). The apex of the glume is acute (A. jubatus Ha'ik.), obtuse (A. mulus Hochst., A. junnarensis Jain) or bifid (A. lancifolius Hochst). Venation also shows much variation. Veins <1N either inconspicuous (A. lanci­ folius Hochtt, quite distinct or prominent (A. /anceolatus Hochst) or distingui9hable 48 LOWBR OLUMI! STUDIBS IN OBNUS AllTHRAXON only in upper half (A. santapaui Bor, A. quartinianus Na!h, A. inermis Hook. f.). Existence of seven veins appears to be a uniform character, but in A. jubatus Hack there are only two. Veins may be plain and smooth, or there may be murication on them. Ornamentation of the glume is of niuch importance as it shows a great variation in the~ different species. Glumes are plain and smooth (A. jubatus Hack; A. /ancifolius (Trin) Hochst.; A. nudus (Stapf.) Hochst, A. junnarensis Jain); may be tuberculated on margins (A. lanceo/atus (Roxb.) Hochst., A. deccanensis Jain., A. prionodes (Stead) Dandy); highly penicillate in nature in the upper half (A.
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