© Zoological Institute, St.Peters burg, 2001 A new species of the snail.:.killingfly genu� Sciomyza (Diptera: Sciomyzidae ), and a list of Sciomyzidae collected atAnninskoe and Anisimovo Lakes, Pskov Province A.A. Przhiboro Przhiboro, A.A. 2001. A new species of the snail-killing fly genus Sciomyza (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), and a list of Sciomyzidae collected at Anninskoe and Anisimovo Lakes, Pskov Province. ZoosystematicaRossica:. 10(1): 183-188. Sciomyzasebezhica sp. n. is described froma lake-shore habitat in Pskov Province. A list of 22 Sciomyzidae species collected or reared from different habitats in the shallow water zone of twosmall lakes is given. A.A. Przhiboro, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy ofSciences, Universitetskaya nab. I, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia; E-mail: [email protected] The data on the fauna and habitat distribution Brief description of study lakes and sites of snail-killing flies (Sciomyzidae) of Pskov Province are scanty in comparison with the ad­ Lake Anninskoe (56°12'N, 28°40'E) is a jacent regions - Leningrad Province and Baltic low eutrophic reservoir with an area around Republics studied mainly by Stackelberg and 1.5 km2• Emergent vegetation covers the shal­ Elberg (see: Rozko�ny, 1984). low littoral zone along· all the shore line, the The work is based on field collecting and stands are from sparse to dense; Phragmites laboratory rearing ofDipteraattwo small lakes australis, Scirpus lacustris or Carex rostrata situated in the south of Pskov Province (Se­ predominating on the most of sites. Changes of bezh District) ..Fiel_d material was collected in the water level during the season can reach September 1997, from May to July 1998, and 25 cm. in July 1999. Benthic samples were taken with The zone of water line of the sites from net· and. hydrobiological samplers in the shal­ which Sciomyzidae were collected is described low littoral zone and in the zone of water line below: Site 1. The zone is narrow(30-40 cm in on previously chosen sites. Imagines were col­ width), almost devoid of semiaquatic vegeta­ lected with · aspirator and by net-sweeping in tion, shaded by trees and protected with reed the above-water and above-ground layers on belt only fromstrong wave action. Bottom sub­ some of the mentioned sites. The zone of water stratum is represented mainly by detritus and line is.considered in the borders: from 10 cm above the water level up to 5 cm below this plant remains (leaves of trees; remains of reed level. In laboratory, the imagines of Diptera and branches) and constituted 2-5 cm layer were reared from larvae and pupae obtained over the sand. Site 2. The zone is a shore from the samples in the course of the process� marsh (4-10 m wide), abounding in mounds. It ing, as well as from the substrata collected in is completely protected from wave action and the zone of water line and kept in· laboratory covered densely with semiaquatic vegetation, conditions. Thelypteris palustris and Acorus calamus pre­ .The list includes species both collected as dominate; total cover 70-100%. Bottom sub­ imago and reared from puparia. Identifications stratum is .represented only by detritus and of all male specimens are based on genitalia plant remains:(herbaceous vegetation, leaves of examination. In addition, findsof some mature trees, . wood of willow). in· places turning into larvae and puparia (not reared) belonging to the turf. Site 6. · The zone is a very flat shore the species not .obtained at adult stage are marsh (nearly 50 rri wide), completely pro­ listed. All specimens but one were collected in tected from wave ·action and cov.ered densely the zone of water line. All scales in the figures with semiaquatic vegetation. Phragmites aus­ equal 0.1 mm. tralis predominate; total cover 60-90%. Sev- 184 A.A. Przhiboro:A new species ofSciomyza ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. lO eral species of semiaquatic mosses are abun­ Description. Male. Ground-colour yellow to dant in the bottom layer. Bottom substratum is tawny. Head brownish yellow; antennae, ante­ represented by detritus and plant remains turn­ rior third of frons, face except the midfacial · ing into the friable turf. Site 10. The zone is line, the most ofcheeks and parafacialiatawny, relatively narrow (nearly 1 m wide), com­ slightly darkened. 3rd antenna! segment corn-' pletely protected fromwave action and shaded pletely black, rounded apically, about 1.5 times· by trees. Total cover of semiaquatic vegetation as long as broad. Arista black, long-plumose is less than 40%, Comarum palustre and reed (longest hairs slightly shorter than width of3rd predominate. The silted turf is completely cov­ antenna! segment). Frons shining, anterior 1/4 . ered with 5-10 cm layer of plant remains whitish pruinose. Ocellar triangle and fronto-. (mainly leaves of trees, together with remains orbital plates shining, the former not reaching ofreed and Scirpus). the middle offrons. Face concave, whitish pru- Lake Anisimovo ( 4 km NW of lake Annin­ inose. Cheek 0.3 times as broad as eye-height skoe) is a highly eutro�hic shallow lake with and 1.5 times as broad as base of 3rd antenna! an area nearly 0.5 km . Its surface is com­ segment. Two orbital, 1 ocellar, 1 postocellar, pletely covered with emergent and floating-leaf 1 inner and 1 outer vertical setae well devel­ vegetation. Dense stands of hydrophytes oc­ oped on each side of head. cupy all the shallow water zone; Phragmites Thorax yellow; prescutum and scutum australis, Scirpus lacustris, Glyceria maxima, tawny, with 4 indistinct brownish stripes. Up­ Typha latifolia, Stratiotesaloides or Carex ros­ per side ofthorax subshining, whitish pruinose; trata predominate. Changes of the water level pleura shining. Mesonotum with 1 humeral, 2 are as in lake Anninskoe. notopleural, 1 presutural, 1 supraalar, 2 The zone of water line of the sites from postalar, and 2 dorsocentral setae on each side; which Sciomyzidae were collected is described prescutellar setae absent. Prosternum with 3 below: Site 1. The zone is a shore marsh (3- very small hairs. Mesosternum. without hairs. 10 m wide), abounding in mounds and covered Propleuron with strong seta and without hairs. densely with semiaquatic :vegetation. Carex Mesopleuron with several small hairs under an-. spp., Eleocharis palustris, Glyceria maxima terior spiracle and with row of 2-4 small hairs and Thelypteris palustris predominate; total along posterior margin. Pteropleuron with 2 se­ cover 50-90%. The silted turf is covered with remains of semiaquatic plants (the layer of 1- tae and 3 hairs arranged in vertical row. Ster- 4 cm). Site 4. The zone is narrow (50-100 cm nopleuron with numerous small hairs. wide), with mounds, covered with vegetation. Wing slightly greyish brown infuscated, Thelypteris palustris, Typha latifolia and along crossveins R-M and M-Cu somewhat Equisetum jluviatile predominate; total cover more darkened. Veins. C, Sc, R1, R2+3 more or 30-70%. Bottom substratum is represented by less yellowish; veins R4+5, M, Cu, brown. Hal­ detritus and remains of semiaquatic plants teres yellow. Legs yellow. Fore tibia and tar­ turning into the friabletu rf. sus, 4th segments of middle and hind tarsi, and apices of all femora yellowish brown. 5th seg- Taxonomic account ments ofall tarsi dark brown. Fore femurdark­ ened in nearly 1/7 of length before apex, while. Subfamily SCIOMYZINAE Schiner, 1862 middle and hind femora darken,ed only at apex. Fore coxa with 2 long setae. Posterior and in­ Tribe SCIOMYZINI sensu Steyskal, 1965 ner margins of hind coxa bare. Fore femurwith 2 rows of 7-9 rather weak setae dorsally; mid- Sciomyza sebezhica sp. n. die femur with 2 setae on anterior surface in (Figs 1-6) the middle; hind femurwith J setae dorsally in posterior part. Fore and hind. tibiae with only 1 Holotype. cl, Russia, Pskov Prov., Sebezh Distr., shore of Lake Anninskoe nearvillage Anninskoe, imago preapical seta each, middle tibia with 2 preapi­ reared 4.III.1998 from shore substratum collected cal setae (all in dorsal .position). In addition, 30.IX.1997 in the zone of water line on site 1 (A. Przhi­ beforethe apex, foretibia with 2 ventral setae, boro), is deposited in the Zoological Institute, St.Peters­ hind tibia with I anteroventral seta, and middle burg. The holotype is preserved in 70% alcohol. An­ tibia with ring of 10 setae of different size in drium is separated fromthe specimen. Periandriumwith all positions except dorsal. gonostyliand cerci is preserved in a plastictube in the samelarger tube as the specimen. The inner copulatory Abdomen brownish yellow. Marginal setae organ is taken out and mounted on a slide in Canadian distinctive on terga 3-5 laterally. Marginal se­ balsam(ejaculatory apodeme is placed on the same slide tae of5th tergum long, slightly shorter than 5th separately),as well asthe right wing of theholotype. tergum. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 10 185 1 2 . Figs 1-2. Scwmyza sebezhica sp. n., m ale , holotype. 1 andnum, ventral view; 2 , andrium , lateralview . 186 A.A. Przhiboro:A new species of Sciomyza • ZOOSYST. ROSSI CA Vol. 10 3 4 5 6 Figs 3-6. Sciomyzasebezhica sp. n., male, holotype. 3, inner copulatory organ, lateral view; 4, base of aedeagal apodeme and pregonites, dorsal view, schematically; 5, leftpostgonite, posterodorsal view; 6, ejeculatory apodeme, dorsal view. Male genitalia with well developed gonostyli of nearly 8 long setae at apex. The longest of (Figs 1, 2). Anterior part of gonostylidistinctly these setae much longer than half distance be­ tapering to apex and covered with strong setae tween the apices of postgonites (in ventral except for the posterior part of apex. Posterior view, Fig. 1). Ejacularory apodeme large, part of gonostyli flattened, rounded posteriorly longer than half length of aedeagal apodeme, and with strong spine-like process anteriorly.
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