" 2 THE, SUN, SUNDAY JULY 27M919. McQrdw's Class of Six Collegians Forecasts Return of Baseball as a Remunerative Field for University Players mm OPEH CLASS c Member of Baseball School- - of Winch John J. McGraw Is Head Master 3 Cobb and Cravath Top HOLE IN FENCE HOME FOR COLLEGE LADS Major League Maulers RUNS NOW COMMON XcGraw Has Tlvo Youngsters Ty Passes Joe Jackson in American, but Philadelphia Circuit Drives of O'Neill and Studying 2ig Iioaguo Gamo Manager Still Rides in Front in National League Baridon Recall Many Pccu-li- ar In Kow York Dugout. Cicotte and Reuther Are the Leading Pitchers. Incidents of Diamond, f BATED IS STAR PUPIL Ty Cobb, Detroit star, takes his turn teen and thirty-fo- ur games respectively. FANS HIGHLY AMUSED at the top of the American League bat- Myera of Brooklyn Is second in tno League, with .13!. and y. ting list this week. He displaced Joe National Bowen Show the young slugger of the Car- and Stats Great Jackson, the man who has been trying dinals,. Is third, with .327. Most Spectacular Incident Promise Bichbourg to win a batting championship from Sam Rice of Washington has made Is Cobb since 191L In the National tie most hits In the American League, Recorded in 10th Inning Vic-- ( Farmed Out. League the veteran Gabby Cravath still 110, while Roger Pecklnpaugh ot tho rides at the top of the maulers, though Yanks still leads In carrying home runs, tory of Grays In 1082. Gabby quit playing the outfield after with fifty-nin- e. Dock Johnston ot he up FnEDKRicic a. took bis managerial duties In leveltr.d has the moat stolen bases, Br lied. Philadelphia. He now appears In the tenty-tw- o. ny Tnn Ons game only pinch Vetera. of the sura signs that baseball as a hitter. In the National League Zack Wheat In- - the League Within the past fevr rreeka several ( laa returned to lUi normal status is the in American Cobhtons ot Brooklyn has made the most hits, stances have been noted of batsmen get- the field with .358. Staler ot Inety-eigh- t, presence ot Med raw's collegiate class at the Browns and Flack of the Cubs has ting credit for home run hits by reason i Is second, with .247, while Joe Jack- :ored the most runs, fifty. Dlgbee of the Polo Grounds. .For the last half son ot the of the ball scooting through & hole In the White Sox has dropped back tie Pirates has stolen the most bases, fence, rolling through an exit or other- dozen years, McQraw has done little ex- to third, with .341. trenty-two- , same as Johnston In the average the wise disappearing, to .the dismay of the perimenting, and most ot the players Cravath's in the National American League, fielders delight the sticker. League sixty-on- and the of who have figured on the National is .370 for e games. Eddie Cicotte ot the White Sox and O'Neill Cleveland got a home rtm Mitchell, the Brooklyn pitcher, of league championship of 1917 and and Jim Walter Renther of ths Reds are the the other day as a result of the ball roll- team Thorpe of Boston are rated ahead of Itching leaders ot respective to their ing into a hole In the left Held fence in the. runners up ot 1918 came New uanrjy, vut they have been only In six- - eagues. the Cleveland ball ground. York ready made. They were Zimmer- "Whoa Bill" Rariden got one of the man. In McCarty, Benton. Perrltt. Barnes, NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING. AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING. strangest homers the history of the Bailee, Rariden and playors llko them. Week game a week ago last Friday at Boston. He drove the ball W left centre and the The raising- - of the National League GTAll. R. R. SB. Lob Mitchell, Bkln... 18 17 4 9 .629m .4 II. BB. PC. Loss spheroid bounded Into a hole In the player to twenty-fiv- e also afforded Bos Murphy, CM.. ,15 10 3 7 u .4S ... 'limit Thorpe, 34 92 0 34 .370 -t, score board.. .3 Lf- , . a n ,385 McQraw ah opportunity to revert to hie CraTath,,Phll....61 189 St 67 .354 . Arera, ,15 13 o Ha! Chase of the Olants also hit an system of carrying benchful Myers, Bkln 79 379 80 93 .333 .11 13 14 ,368 .7 former a an o V4 ..,. 1 , ,ou or auo 347 .5 odd homer against tho Braves on the young could get MclIenrv.R.T...st lat to .337 .i jKkaxin, oil tfi of athletes, who their Voiipg.N.Y. ..73 281 43 00 18 .320 .7 Chl.,,83 311 46 107 8 .344 .8 Polo O rounds last Thursday, Hal sent big league training' from the New York Ulama PM1...47 183 38 58 8 .319 .0 .841 .4 the ball to right centre, and It rolled dugout. Fletcher, Bchupp. Snodgrass. WltlTO, rjln 40 139 )a 40 s .313 .8 Williams. St. L.3S 131 19 41 S .339 .16 through gate, bleacher fence JJ, Wheat, Bkln.. 78 308 41 OS 8 Pecldnp,Bh,N.Y78 378 69 93 O .337 .6 the In tho Burns. Robertson and 8 took received .31 .3 Flantead, 68 Kluff. N.Y 73 373 48 85 D 311 .3 Dot.. 188 37 03 S .333 .10 and disappeared. Had an opposing player their baseball education In .this fashion. 7S . Pamlraon, CIeT.20 13 3 4 aaj - Burns. N.Y..... 281 44 87 18 310 5 V. , - . ... 0. , A I ball some watchful club attend- McG present collegl&ns MM Wa a. a n n hit that raw's class of iiunraor. ot. u.. .77 ZS5 39 68 S .309 Ruth. Boa ant would have slammed that door quick Louis-tan- a- Jionncny. uiun.,73 367 34 83 8 73 343 66 78 3 .832 ,7 Includes At Balrd, formerly of the .307 .1 -- oyle, N.Y 70 163 45 77 9 .300 J.V.U, JUS 09 3-- 35 73 11 .820 .3 enough. State University; Frank Frlsch. touxh.Clu 11 271 ftR R.1 R .308 ".2 E. Collins, Chl.,83 301 49 06 17 .316 .3 Instances Yivo been known of a dog Foidham's famous football and baseball Deal, Chi 64 323 34 68 O .305 "etiman, uet...81 393 39 va o .010 seising ball afield and running star; Chick Bowen and 'Arnold Stats, Daubnrt. filn 77 Qfto art aa 7 .304 Uandll. Chl....71 358 33 81 11 .314 a hit far demons. St. L.. .89 89 7 37 1 .204 U'raeui, Clev...75 333 30 71 9 .300 t.il away with It, and there Is extant a re- outfielders from Fordham, and Jesse Hollos, Boa 74 370 37 83 8 .301 .4 Menoaker,Waah70 200 44 61 9 .305 .13 port to the effect that a hard hit ball Winters, tho pitcher who first Stock. St.. 1. 7A ItA 34 ni 1.1 300 ... Milan, Wash. .49 177 37 aa a .3on . found lodgment In an empty tomato can attention by pitching the Meuael, Phil 71 374 41 S3 11 .300 .3 Tpblll, 8t1.....80 310 37 94 8 .803 .13 for .? was Simmons College team Tex. tauKOl.T-lllfl.,.- 273 33 SI 11 .397 .7 McMuUln. OU..38 103 30 31 6 .301 .23 that lay In the outfield. The fietder ot Abilene, Bnotton.nt. u. ,,60 224 29 68 13 393 16 O .300 .11 resourceful threw the tomato can exception - Jotmstoi-jC.ev..8- and With the ot Bowen and Stats, IleathCOte,8t.L.59 200 20 69 li 205 4- .4 1 S74 34 83 33 .300 .7 and all to the diamond, but the ball all these tads are under contract to Ortfflth.Bkln....72 386 4 0 84 8 294 .8 98 13 .296 got New York, and Balrd, Winters and Out'haw. Pitts... 78 283 35 81 18 393 .6 Bodle, N. Y,...83 393 39 BO .294 ,4 stuck In the can and the batter Rawllnn. Boa... 28 80 11 25 3 .291 f..rrinM nr tin n.n n. HI A .294 .7 credit for d homer. Frlsch have appeared frequently in New M. Wheat. Bkln. .16 31 09 O .290 !s Onarrlty, Waah.69 314 30 02 3 .290 .6 York box scores. Etuu,unU,iiiiiDi .B 2Q 11.1 to 289 .3 MWWtOhUMlO low --M 40 3 ,390 .13 Old Time Occurrences. Lance RIchbourg, former Florida Unl. Olson. Bkln 78 333 46 08 18 288 .7 watcr, N. Y. M 69 B 17 2 .288 .2 verslty player, was Omh.Cln 75 371 47 77 15 .284 .8 09 11 .388 .4 Ono of the most amusing instances of also a member of the KUIePur, Chi CO 170 8 48 3 .283 .0 Scaanc,Bos....68 198 26 66 11 .386 .4 In class Until Friday, he was 17 39 11 3 the kind occurred in Detroit the early last when sent Klaher.Cin 7 .3R3 wnecn..I.71.3t04 30 73 3 .383 .14 days game, to Oakland to make room for Phil Doug- Chaae.N, Y., ...74 2R0 43 60 0 .780 .18 J?.N. Y....83 324 43 01 0 .383 .6 of tho when the catcher lass. RIchbourg had the benefit ot a McCarty, N.Y. .66 165 16 46 3 .279 .6 Mclnnls, Bos. .70 262 19 74 5 .282 came behind the bat only when there Blffbee. I'ltta. .73 273 34 78 32 .378 Jacobson.
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