EMBEDDING TOPOLOGICAL SPACES INTO HAUSDORFF κ-BOUNDED SPACES TARAS BANAKH, SERHII BARDYLA, AND ALEX RAVSKY Abstract. Let κ be an infinite cardinal. A topological space X is κ-bounded if the closure of any subset of cardinality ≤ κ in X is compact. We discuss the problem of embeddability of topological spaces into Hausdorff (Urysohn, regular) κ-bounded spaces, and present a canonical construction of such an embedding. Also we construct a (consistent) example of a sequentially compact separable regular space that cannot be embedded into a Hausdorff ω-bounded space. 1. Introduction It is well-known that a topological space X is homeomorphic to a subspace of a compact Hausdorff space if and only if the space X is Tychonoff. In this paper we address the problem of characterization of topological spaces that embed into Hausdorff (Urysohn, regular, resp.) spaces possessing some weaker compactness properties. One of such properties is the κ-boundedness, i.e., the compactness of closures of subsets of cardinality κ. It is clear that each compact space is κ-bounded for any cardinal κ. Any ordinal α := [0, α) of≤ cofinality cf(α) >κ, endowed with the order topology, is κ-bounded but not compact. More information on κ-bounded spaces can be found in [9], [10], [13]. Embedding of topological spaces into compact-like spaces were also investigated in [1, 2, 5, 6]. In this paper we discuss the following: Problem 1.1. Which topological spaces are homeomorphic to subspaces of κ-bounded Hausdorff (Urysohn, regular) spaces? In Theorem 3.4 (and Theorem 3.5) we shall prove that the necessary and sufficient conditions of embeddability of a T1-space X into a Hausdorff (Urysohn) κ-bounded space are the (strong) κ-regularity and the (strong) κ-normality of X, respectively. In Theorem 3.6 we shall prove that the sufficient condition of embeddability of a T1-space X into a regular κ-bounded space is the total κ-normality of X. The above mentioned separation axioms are introduced and studied in Section 2. In Section 3 we shall present a canonical construction of an embedding a (strongly or totally) κ-normal space into a Hausdorff (Urysohn or regular) κ-bounded space. In the last arXiv:1906.00185v3 [math.GN] 4 Dec 2019 Section 4 we construct a space that is totally ω-normal but not functionally Hausdorff and a (consistent) example of a sequentially compact separable regular space which is not Tychonoff and hence does not embed into a Hausdorff ω-bounded space. Also, for each cardinal κ we construct a topological space which is κ-bounded, κ-normal, H-closed, but not Urysohn. 2. Useful separation axioms For a topological space X by 2X we denote the family of all closed subsets of X. Let be some family of closed subsets of a topological space X. The topological space X is called F -regular if for any set F and point x X F there exist disjoint open sets U, V X •such F that F U and x ∈FV ; ∈ \ ⊂ strongly -regular⊂ if for any∈ set F and point x X F there exist open sets U, V X • F ∈F ∈ \ ⊂ such that F U, x V and U V = ; -Tychonoff⊂if for any∈ set F ∩ and∅ point x X F there exist a continuous function •f F : X [0, 1] such that f(F )∈ F0 and f(x) =∈ 1; \ → ⊂{ } 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54D30, 54D35, 54D80, 54B30. The work of the second author is supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Grant I 3709 N35). 1 2 TARASBANAKH,SERHIIBARDYLA,ANDA.RAVSKY -normal if for any disjoint sets A, B there exist disjoint open sets U, V X such •that F A U and B V ; ∈ F ⊂ strongly⊂ -normal if⊂ for any disjoint sets A, B there exist open sets U, V X such • that A FU, B V and U V = ; ∈ F ⊂ totally ⊂-normal⊂if for any disjoint∩ ∅ closed sets A and B X there exist disjoint open • sets U,F V X such that A U and B V . ∈F ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ These properties relate as follows: totally -normal 3+ strongly -normal 3+ -normal F F F -Tychonoff 3+ strongly -regular 3+ -regular. F F F However, the total -normality does not imply the -Tychonoff property, see Example 4.4 below. F F Proposition 2.1. If a topological space X is -regular for some family of closed Lindel¨of subspaces of X, then X is -normal. F F F Proof. To show that X is -normal, fix any two disjoint closed sets A, B . By the -regularity, F ∈F F for every a A there exists an open neighborhood Va X of a whose closure V a in X does not ∈ ⊂ intersect the set B. By the Lindel¨of property of A the open cover Va : a A of A has a countable { ∈ } subcover Van n∈ω. { } By analogy, for every b B there exists an open neighborhood Ub X of b whose closure U b ∈ ⊂ in X does not intersect the set A. By the Lindel¨of property of B, the open cover Ub : b B of { ∈ } B has a countable subcover Ubn n∈ω. For every n ω let { } ∈ VA = Van U bk and UB = Ubn V ak . [ \ [ [ \ [ n∈ω k≤n n∈ω k≤n It can be shown that VA,UB are two disjoint open neighborhoods of the sets A, B, witnessing that the space X is -normal. F A subset Y of a topological space X is defined to be (countably) paracompact in X if for each (countable) cover of Y by open subsets of X, there exists a locally finite family of open subsets of X such that Y U and each set V is contained in some set U . V The proof of the⊂ followingS V proposition∈V is stratightforward. ∈U Proposition 2.2. If a subset Y of a topological space X is (countably) paracompact in X, then each closed subset of Y also is (countably) paracompact in X. Proposition 2.3. Let be a family of closed Lindel¨of subsets of X, which are countably para- compact in X. If the spaceF X is strongly -regular, then X is strongly -normal. F F Proof. To show that X is strongly -normal, fix any two disjoint closed sets A, B . By the F ∈ F strong -regularity of X, for every a A and b B there exist open sets Va, Wa, Vb, Wb in X such thatF ∈ ∈ a Va V a Wa W a X B ∈ ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ \ and b Vb V b Wb W b X A. ∈ ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ \ By the Lindel¨of property of the space A, the open cover Va : a A of A has a countable { ∈ } subcover Van n∈ω. By analogy, the open cover Vb : b B of the Lindel¨of space B has a { } { ∈ } countable subcover Vbn n∈ω. { } It is easy to see that Van W bk n∈ω is cover of A by open subsets of X. By the countable { \Sk≤n } paracompactness of A, there exist a locally finite family A of open sets in X such that A A U ⊂ S U and each set U A is contained in some set Van W bk and hence U V an Wbk ∈U \ Sk≤n ⊂ \ Sk≤n ⊂ Wan Wbk . \ Sk≤n Consider the open neighborhood UA = A of A. The local finiteness of the family A ensures S U U that UA = U Wan Wbk . SU∈UA ⊂ Sn∈ω \ Sk≤n EMBEDDING TOPOLOGICAL SPACES INTO HAUSDORFF κ-BOUNDED SPACES 3 By analogy, we can find an open neighbrhood UB of the countably paracompact subset B in X such that UB Wbn Wak . ⊂ n∈ω \ k≤n It remains toS observe thatS UA UB Wan Wbk Wbn Wak = . ∩ ⊂ [ \ [ ∩ [ \ [ ∅ n∈ω k≤n n∈ω k≤n Proposition 2.4. Each regular topological space X is totally -normal for the family of closed subsets of X that are paracompact in X. F F Proof. To show that X is totally -normal, fix any two disjoint closed sets A and B X. F ∈ F ⊂ By the regularity of X, for every a A there exists an open neighborhood Ua X such that ∈ ⊂ Ua X B. Since A is paracompact in X there exists a locally finite family of open subsets ⊂ \ V of X such that A and each set V is contained in some set Ua, a A. The locally ⊂ S V ∈ V ∈ finiteness of implies that = V ∈V V a∈A Ua X B. Then and X are disjoint openV neighborhoodsS ofV the setsS A and⊂BS, respectively.⊂ \ S V \ S V Let κ be a cardinal. A topological space X is called totally κ-normal (resp. strongly κ-normal, κ-normal, strongly κ-regular, κ-regular, κ-Tychonoff ) if it is totally -normal (resp. strongly - normal, -normal, strongly -regular, -regular, -Tychonoff) for theF family of closed subsetsF of the closuresF of subsets ofF cardinalityF κ in X. F F ≤ Proposition 2.5. Each κ-bounded Hausdorff space X is κ-normal. Proof. Let be the family of closed subspaces of the closures of subsets of cardinality κ in X. Given twoF disjoint closed sets A, B , we observe that the sets A, B are compact.≤ By the Hausdorff property of X, the disjoint compact∈ F sets A, B have disjoint open neighborhoods. In Example 4.6 we shall construct a Hausdorff ω-bounded space which is not strongly ω-normal. Corollary 2.6. Each subspace X of a κ-bounded Hausdorff space Y is κ-regular. Proof. Let F be a closed subspace of the closure of a set E X of cardinality E κ in X and ⊂ | |≤ let x X F be a point.
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