V - i -■í’■'■"i.-" ■« r » ¡.-S.Al A Newspaper 1 With A PRICE Constructive 5c Policy PER COPY < VOLUME 19, NUMBER 104 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1951 PRICE FIVE Mississippi Jury Memphis “Y” Leaders To Baptists Back Governor Browning, Mayor Overton Indicts Morrow Centennial Convention Fair Employment Ut To Addre ss Nat l Insurance Meet; 'On Rape Charge Opens Thurs.-Cleveland Legislation JACKSON. Miss. — (SNS) — BUFFALO. N Y —Delegates to : Hie Hinds County Grand Jury re­ the 44th annual meeting of the turned a bill of indictment against American Baptist Cc nvention put Over 600 Delegates Are Expected ; Hugh L. Morrow, the 48-year-old their approval Friday on fair em­ Mississippi white man accused of ployment legislation at both the •Reorganization for mure eflec- il Twigg, president of Union- Pro­ 1 the rape of a 14-year-old Negro state and national level, m spite live Servin’” will be the theme of tective Assurance Company. and baby-sitter. of an argument. the Thirty-First Annual Convention master of ceremonies; B. G. Olive, Freedom Of Speech, Free Press It was testified that the young The convention delegates approv­ of the National Negro Insurance As- Jr ’, of Universal Life, outgoing girl was criminally assaulted by ed a resolution declaring that "we sur.iatioh scheduled to meet in ■president ot the association. and Violated, Lawyer Says In Appeal Morron on Wiggins Road, an area favor the passage ol Federal and Memphis June‘26th thru the,29th. chairman of the executive commit­ west of Jackson. The attack-w a s state FEPC-legislation’_and_Lesolv-_ -Opening.uSfísdíULAYin be the .public tee... Lt G. W._ Lee. of the. Atlanta said to occur on Thursday. May 31. ipg "that we •'continue our educa­ program next Tuesday evening at Life InMuanee ontpany, who will A doctor's examination revealed tional program for the elimination Metropolitan Baptist Church. Walk­ present Mayor Overton; A P. Bent­ that the girl was seriously injured of prejudice and injudlce in this er and McDowell. Governor Gor­ ley. of Columbus, Dino, secretary; by the assault. She told officers that field." • J don Browning will personally be M. A. Carter, of Augusta, she was picked up at her home by The convention also condemned present to extend greetings to the treasurer; Murray J. Marvin, the alleged attacker who told her ‘‘all so-called 'innocent' forms of approximately 500 delegates and Chicago, executive director; that he and his wife were going gambling such as legalized race­ visitors from the country over.. Bishop Valentine, chaplain. 1 fishing. She said that he told her track wagers, ‘betting on athletic Mayor Watkins Overton will at­ Memphis has given the * NNIA she was needed to sit with the events, lotteries, bingo and ail ac­ tend the Wednesday morning ses­ three-presidents' since its formation children who would be left at home. tivities which encourage the lake­ sion of the convention, Juiar 27th, thirty-one years ago. They include ■ The girl’s mother, it was reveal­ belief that life consists of getting to welcome the delegation officially the Late M S. Stuart. Dr. •Walker, ed, allowed her tq go with the man. something for nothing. ’. To Memphis. Among, other speakers and B. G Olive, Jr., ail three However, according to the victim’s In other action, the convention- Tuesday, night and Wednesday morn identified with Universal Life All testimony, instead of taking her to agreed to campaign l’or tcniporanee ing will be Stat-e Insurance ommls- three insutante executives started the home, the man took her on aimed at total abstinence from the sioner M O Allen; Aaron Day, us charter members of the associa­ Wiggins Road near a lake. use of alcoholic beverages and op­ tion. i Assistant* Secretary, North Caro- B She stated that he took the seat posed universal military training it: I Una Mutual Life Insurance Com- Membership of the NNIA in­ out of the car and carried out the ¡peacetime “as oontrary to the j pony, Durham, principal address: cludes a total of sixty old line legal assault despite her efforts to re­ American way of life, and in itself] Norman O Houston, of Los Angeles, reserve insurance companies; and sist. When she started to cry and constituting one oi the greatest president of the association and twelve underwriters associations. » scream, Morrow, it was said, told threats to future peace efforts “ head of the Golden State Life In­ Seminars will be held with em­ her that his family which was on surance Company; Dr. J E. phasis upon the convention theme, the lake would hear her and that Walker, president of Universal Life, beginning Wednesday, and continu­ he would get into.trouble’ who will present the Governor; Rev. ing through Friday She testified that lie. returned 10 Policy Wheels S. A. Owen pastor of Metropolitan Registration and all business her to her home and put her out, Raptht Church. L O Swlngler, sessions will be held at Clayborn saying that he would throw her in­ to the lake if she told. Still Spin In Chi editor of the Memphis World ; Lewis I Temple. 280 Hernando Street CHICAGO — (NNPA)— At least Memphis Leaders Pledge Jimmie Cooper ten policy wheels, two of them I Set Pace In Big ownqd by men now under indict­ ment, are operating on the South Fight Against Inflation PROF. B. T. HUNT of a number of them. Side, the Cook County grand jury I Newsboy Contest Consisting of seven plenary meet reportedly has been told. especially called to discuss ways by ings and ten Centennial forums, The testimony was given by Mrs which Negro participation could be Jimmie Cooper, of 119 East Utah, most effective. is.-apparently determined to make ¿he convention will be opened with Gladys Daniels, of 4629 Wabash keynote addresses by Eugene E I Avenue, who ran a policy station Russell R. DeBow, assistant his boast that it’s time for him to OPS Director Michael V. DiSalle show the.other Memphis- World Barnett, general secretary. Na- I at 4641 Michigan Avenue, which Conal Council .of the United States police raided recently. Charges charge of racial relations, w - agents how to really go out and wm present for the meeting to point first prize in a circulation. contest ■ and Richard S. HoSklng, . general Ii growing out of the raid were dls- lecretnry, National Council of Can- imissed. because pdiice ,Jiad no cut that. Negroes are to be includ­ Since the 20th Anniversary Contest ed in integrated setups when it r firn-of the month, lh: ■ 7 ■ . - ‘ --jd search. warrant:. / ■ ■■ Speakers at other^nieeUngsy wilH comes to personnel. He had vlslf^d the two-section newspaper ace car- such southern ■metropolitan centers ■s rler, who has routes in- both North (Continued On ’Back Page) ■ I '"ar Memphis , and Southwest Memphis. as Jacksonville and Miami, Fla.. Mrs. Daniels was said to have Birmingham, Ala., and Atlnhta. / \ has upped his sales by more’.than (Continued On Page'Eight) one hundred percent. and Nashville before coming to Memphis. r .- “Asd that’s just a starter, “,Coop- Attorneys Announce Appeals . ' er sa'.d-as he ordered an extra two ' It was a prevailing, opinion that hundred more copies for .. Today Negroes receive a liberal number and, Friday. "After all we are cele­ ot Jobs -that will be made available Mrs. Nell Sanders Aspero, in an Uon believed to the first case of lti brating the twenty years we have Plans For 2 Of Trenton “6” t-j carry on the fight against in­ appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court kind ever brought before the high for removal ot the two-year sus­ est tribunal, Mrs. Aspero alleges been in business as « newspaper, TRENTON, N. J. - (SNS) - George Pellettieri end Arthur flation... even if it becomes expe­ and that means something to me." dient to set up an office irr the pension Imposed against her as a that “the courts of Tennessee: have Jimmie’s brother, Willie, has to Garfield Hays, defense attorneys for Collis English and Ralph center of Negro populace- Details practicing attorney, declared that (Continued On Fuje Six) p - a great degree taken on the spirit Coopdr, two of the "Trenton Six", announced Friday that they for completing arrangements of her constitutional rights of free speech and possession of property if of the pacesetter in the family. He were preparing an appeal. r? Negro participation have been left 8 ~ has inc’-eased his route by 75 pa- in the hands of an Advisory Com as guaranteed by the Fourteenth English and Cooper were convicted of the hold-up slaying of Amendment had been violated. The. pers. .. a storekeeper by a Mercer County court jury last week, at which mlttee headed by Prof. B. T. Hunt, Shirley Gray .on. Kennedy Street, principal of Booker T. Washington Fourteenth Amendment Is one uf H Js making things hum in South- time four of the accused men were acquitted. High School. Serving with Mr. three Civil War amendments add­ ed to the constitution of the Unit­ js west Memphis also. She has eyes J. T. CHANDLER, SR. Attorneys Pellettieri and Hays the cost. Hunt will be Dr. J E Walker, 8 on one of those quality valued out- RUSSELL R. DeBOW president of- Universal Life Insur­ ed States immediately following Prof. Blair T Hunt,. Chairman said they would take the case int: fits at Federal Clothing Store, 174 The jury recommended mercy foi Negro leaders of Memphis pledged ance Co.; Rev. J. A. McDaniel, the. Freedom of the Negro. The ® South Main Street . and that big and J. T. Chandler, Sr„ secretary the State Supreme Court.
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