PART II. ADDITIONS 305 1496 1503 Contd. 1114 [c. 1503] Contd. nil [1496] , December requesting a loan towards the cost of a campaign have. A court ot admiralty gave verdict that Kyste against the Scots. W[estminster] palace. By the should pay the seventh penny of the ransom for his king. English. [SC 1/51/116] [Mutilated. Similar to boat, amounting to £4, which was paid to Bayssher. no. 1110 above]. Later Bayssher refused to accept the judgment. The king commanded the writer to see justice done, and 1499 on Bayssher's continued refusal he gave him a day to appeal before the king and council, within 8 days. 1112 [1499], August 24 Whether he appeared, the writer does not know. He Draft letter from [Thomas Darcy] to [Richard Fox, asks help for 'my seid tenauntes', who have now bishop of Durham]. [His journey to Berwick.] The been summoned to appear before the king and council, news at Berwick is that the Scots have much their of the labour and untrue surmise of Bayssher. own way, and 'thay make soich avant'. The English because English. [SC 1/52/32]. party has little redress. [Business of Sir Richard Chomley; new works at Durham; other affairs of 1507 Berwick.] Berwick. English. [SC 1/51/155] [in 1115 [1498-1507], October 23 Gairdner, Letters of Richard III and Henry VII, ii, Letter from Giles Daubney to his 'cousin' [Thomas 283-5; Letters of Richard Fox, 20]. Darcy, captain of Berwick]. He is informed that 1502 wheat is in great plenty and very cheap in Northumberland, and in the parts where [Darcy] now 1113 February 22 is. Asks that 300 qrs. be bought for him. [Arrange- [Oath by James IV to observe the terms of vol. iv, ments for payment and shipment to London.] He is no. 1681. J Edinburgh. [E 39/99/67] [in Foedera (O), informed that in Scotland wheat is at no price, xii, 804; (H) V. p. iv, 172]. almost. Trusts his cousin will act for him in this as 1503 if in his own interest. Hampton Court. English. 1114 [c. 1503] [SC 1/51/156]. Letter from H[ugh] Luttrell to [Charles Somerset]. 1509 William Kyste of Swansea, [Somerset's] tenant, 'put his bote in fysshyng' to Robert Bayssher, of 1116 1485-1509 ?] and others for pro- Minehead a long time ago, and it was taken by Scots [Petition of the bishop of Down Isles and off the coast of Ireland. Bayssher wanted more tection against the Scots of the out others lost]. money to pay the ransom of the boat than he ought to others.] [E 30/1744] [8 seals. 4 ROTULI SCOTIAE 1292 1293 1117 December 13 1118 November 22 Orders him to Writ to the burgesses of Aberdeen, farmers of Writ to the sheriff of Northumberland. of Scotland, that town, who are in arrears of £60 5s J'id for deliver the king's letters to the king heir of John de the ferine. Orders them, by the king's special adjourning the suit of Simon, son and de Graham con- favour, to pay this sum to the bishop of Glasgow. la Stalrek, against Simon and Patrick the Roxburgh. (Note) Vacated because otherwise below, cerning the barony of John de la Stalrek, to of Whitsun, wherever in [C 71 '3, m. 6] [Omitted from Rot. Scot., i, 13, curia regis on the morrow |C 71/1, m. 3| revised entry ibid., 14!. England the king may be. Westminster. 306 PART II: ROTULI SCOTIAE 1293 1296 ni8 November 22 Contd. 1124 March 3 Contd. [Rot. Scot., i, 20 mentions this writ following the 2104]; Stephen de Estleye with Robert de Tateshale, case of Macduff son of Malcolm v. Andrew Fresel as under name of Roger de Frenes [no. 2109]; Richard if it concerned that case, and not the case of son of William de la Rokele with the same, under Stalrek v. Graham, ibid., 19-201. [same name] [no. 2109]; Nicholas de Poynz with the earl of Norfolk, under name of William de Wyk. [All 1295 until 24 June.] [C 67/11, m. 4]. 1119 November 30 1125 March 5 Letters of respite of debts for John de Warenna, earl Letters of respite of debts for Roger de Swynnerton of Surrey, setting out for Scotland, until Easter. with the earl of Surrey and Richard Hodleston with Westminster. for Henry de Percy Richard Same and John de Lancastre, setting out for Scotland, until de with the said earl. [C m. 6 d.]. Hedon 67/11, 24 June. Burnton. [C 67/11, m. 6 d.]. 1120 December 10 1126 March 6 Letters of attorney for Robert de Brus, earl of (i) Grant to Thomas de Galeweye of all the land Carrick, setting out for Scotland, under names of granted him by his father Alan. Burnton. [As in Roger de Ratlesdene and Thomas de Lambeth, until Rot. Scot., i, 22.] (ii) Grant of liberties to the men Easter [no. 20921. Westminster. [C 67/11, m. 6l. of Galloway. Burnton. [As in Rot. Scot., i, 22, where vacated.] [C 67/11, m. 4]. 1296 1121 January 14 1127 March 6 Letters of respite of debts for Robert Malet setting Letters of attorney for Adam de Welle setting out for out for Scotland, until Easter. Balsham. [C 67/11, Scotland with the king, under name of Alan de m. 6d.]. Reytheby, until 24 June [no. 2106]. Burnton. [C 67/ 11, m. 6]. 1122 January 19 Same for Edmund de Hemmegrave setting out for 1128 March 7 Scotland with Robert fil' Roger, until Easter. Letters of respite of pleas in the king's bench for St Edmundsbury. [ibid]. John de Thornhill setting out for Scotland with the earl of Surrey, until 24 June. Burnton. [C 67/11, 1123 March 3 m. 5 d.]. Letters of respite of pleas in the king's bench for Nicholas Wokyndon setting out for Scotland with the 1129 March 12 earl of Norfolk, until 24 June, attested by the said Letters of attorney for Robert Ughtred setting out earl. Newcastle, [ibid]. for Scotland with the king, under name of William Fox of Oketon [no. 2109]. Bamburgh. Same for 1124 March 3 William de Hastynges with the king, under names of Letters of attorney for Robert Malet setting out for Robert de Louthre and Stephen de Cave [no. 2107], Scotland with the king, under name of Walter Giffrey [Both until 24 June.] [C 67/11, m. 4]. [no. 2106|. Newcastle. Same for - John Wake with the king, under names of Alexander de Sutton and 1130 March 13 Thomas de Barton [no. 2101]; Elias de Albinaco Letters of respite of pleas in the king's bench for with the king, under name of Maurice le Clerk of Thomas Willi setting out for Scotland with the king, Suthperton [no. 2103]; Hugh and Nicholas Poynz with attested by John Luvel, until 24 June. Bamburgh. the earl of Norfolk, under name of William de Wyk Same for Roger de Sancto Andrea [no. 2110] and [no. 2104]; John de Grey with the bishop of Durham, Ralph Sethovill with the king, attested by John de under name of William de Warmodestone [no. 2104]. Segrave. [C 67/11, m. 5 d.l. [C 67/11, m. 6]. Same for- Giles de Brewose with 1131 March 19 [the same], under name of Robert de Upton, clerk Same for Geoffrey de Skeftington setting out for [no. 2104]; John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, with Scotland with the earl of Surrey, until 24 June the king, under name of Thomas de Shefeld [no. [no. 21111. Bamburgh. [C 67/11, m. 4 d.]. PART II: ROTULI SCOTIAE 307 1296 1296 1132 March 21 1140 April 11 Contd. Same for Benedict Gernet setting out for Scotland Richard Chaumberleyn, until 24 June [no. 2144]. with the king, attested by John de Segrave, until [C 67/11, m. 3 d]. 24 June [no. 2114]. [ibid]. 1141 April 14 1133 March 21 Same for Richard de Croupes setting out for Letters of attorney for Gilbert de Brunnolvesheved Scotland with Alan Plugenet, attested by the said setting out for Scotland with the king, under names Alan, until 24 June [no. 2104]. Berwick, [ibid]. of Roger de Berdeseye and Elye de Baynbrigge, until 1142 April 18 24 June [no. 2114]. Wark. [C 67/11, m. 4J. Same for Peter de Notel setting out for Scotland with 1134 March 27 the king, attested by John de Segrave, until 24 June. Same for Adam de Monte Alto with the king, under Berwick, [ibid]. name of Geoffrey de Foxcote, until Michaelmas 1143 April 18 [no. 2119]. Wark. [ibid]. Letters of attorney for William de Vallibus setting 1135 Aprils out for Scotland with Robert de Tateshale, under Same for Robert de Brus, earl of Carrick, with the name of Walter de Billokeby, until 24 June [no. 2136]. king, under names of Robert Bardulf and Archibald Berwick. [C 67/11, m. 2]. le Bretun, until 24 June [no. 2109]. Berwick, [ibid]. 1144 April 24 1136 April 6 Same for Robert de Lathum setting out with the Letters of respite of pleas in the king's bench for bishop of Durham, under name of Richard de la More, William le Boteller of Wemme setting out for Scotland until 24 June [nos. 2104, 2137]. Berwick, [ibid]. with the king, attested by Walter de Bello Campo. 1145 April 27 Berwick. Same for - Thomas de Oylly, attested by Letters of respite of pleas in the king's bench for John Luvel [no. 2110]; John de Langeford and John William de Bynton setting out for Scotland with the de Chaddeston, attested by John de Segrave [nos.
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