NPS Fm1&5i#l (Rn 10-90) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form rats fmn u fo =lo mmim.tinra requrringmemlmhrfor indindlll mnmd d6siro. Slc inlavcaan in nova mplm~hr Nodwle~mnof Huwrc Pblolo fitlmmfa Form IN- Rep- Bvllmn 16,) Cornplea nrh ilnn by mn*inl 'r' in fbc box a 4 raring the btmma6-m reqd If my ilrm mrr ar appb ro the popem l!&g dorum, 'NIA' fa 'zd Wiobk.' Fo fuac6m. mh~mnl rladfmtion. rmaniab. acdaruaf cnbxoaly cmrgain druboWn fmm the in&-,. acdnmuiv~ilrmxm c&lh -sbze3 CNTS Fom 1&%1 Ur lCFwftm, wad pr-, dpihce. Pbrr.dmdmdW u compubx, to mplmdl itoor. 1. Name of Property historic name Sanders Farm other nameslsite number VDHR file no. 098-0192 2. Location street & number 3908 Fort Chiswell Road NIA not for publication city or town Max Meadows X vicinity state Virginia code VA county Wythe code 197 zip code 24360-68 19 3. StatelFederal Aeencp Certification As the designated- authoritv under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. as amended. I herebv certify that this A nomination - ;equest for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards fir regis;ering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In myopinion, the property meets -'does not meet-the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant - nationally - statewide X locally. ( - See ~i6aturkofcert@i?ng officialITitle In my opinion, the property meets does not meet the National Register criteria. ( -See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of commenting or other official1Title Date 4. National Park Service Certification I hereby certify that this property is: Signature of the Keeper Date of Action entered in the National Register. - See continuation sheet. determined eligible for the National Register. - See continuation sheet. determined not eligible for the National Register. removed from the National Register. other (explain): Sanders Farm Wythe Co.. Va. Name of caw ml! sate 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (chccku-bornu,ppi71 (memly me boil (DOar iacluk p.riauly lied -n in the cw.1 X private X building(s) Contributing Noncontributing - public-local - district 13 2 buildings - public-State - site 3 4 sites public-Federal - structure 1 1 structures - object 0 0 objects 17 7 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Ems 'NIA. if ism4 put ar I mu~p~cpopmy tidog.) in the National Register Historic Functions Current Functions (En," MgoM fmm in*) (Ems fmm bQm&ms) Category Subcategory Category Subcaregory DOMESTIC single dwelling DOMESTIC single dwelling DOMESTIC secondary structure DOMESTIC secondary structure COMMERCE department store AGRICULTURE storage AGRICULTURE storage AGRICULTURE agricultural field AGRICULTURE agricultural field AGRICULTURE animal facility AGRICULTURE animal facility VACANTINOT IN USE EXTRACTION extractive facility TRANSPORTATION rail-related TRANSPORTATION road-related Architectural Classification Materials (En," otqaim horn ialrmcflrn) [En- *sin fmm h,t.Xtirn,) Queen Anne foundation Stone walls Brick roof Slate other Wood Concrete Narrative Description (-be a. hiwc md m,<dm ol thc pmpcrm oo ooc a -coodnvtlm h.) Sanders Farm Wvthe Co.. Va. Hame of Roprm Cmm md Sme B. Statement of Sienificance Applicable National Register Criteria Criteria Considerations (MarL 'r' in me a mrr born fa tbr mail -8 (MA 'X' rn all tbe box- tbn apply) mc pmpmv faNstid R+m lidn~.) h;~. 8 RoprmbrmchrcddaYkd-s npaiflnm in cur prt. -x c Roprm embadin aY ddrdrr charrtmda of a*pe,pcricd.ornnhodof~mo qmnmbr *at of. rn-, a poaacr high dun. u rcpnar I tirolfi~tmd Mowishable mAy rhmmpoasntc luk indmau.1 di%i"&. - D Ropcrr/ MykIW. a is lkly myield. i"fonvdan inpaant in pbistm, rn hinay. Areas of Significance Period of Significance (Enm atmn horn bmc+mr) Ca. 1880-1953 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING Significant Dates Ca. 1880 Significant Person Cultural Affiliation (Camp& if CWmh 8 ir omtd lbwel ArchitectlBuilder unknown Narrative Statement of Significance (Elpluo mc $mans<of the pmpcm an mc or mrr dnlulim I*cll.) 9. Major Bibliopraphical References Bibliography cotc mc M, uaclo. lad ahr wcca uxd la prepiar air fmm me o -dndm Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: - preliminary determination of individual listing X State Historic Preservation Office (36 CFR 67) has been requested - Other State agency - previously listed in the National Register - Federal agency - previously determined eligible by the National - Local government Register - University - designated a National Historic Landmark - Other - recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Name of repository: # - recorded by Historic American Engineering Record Sanders Farm Wythe Co.. Va. Nunrdmp7y Carw ad sew 10. Geo~raohicalData Acreage of Property approximately 170 acres UTM References (PI,"* nddtionr) mmi- on. matinwtlrr b) Zone Easting Northing Zone Eating Northing 1 17 5112804081640 3 17 511950 4081420 2 17 511900 4081900 4 17 512300 4081450 -X scc cm~wtlrrb. Verbal Boundary Description (WkEw bxodsnn of* pmpeny on. continvdm b.) Boundary Justification (ErpUn why Ulc boundsnn -xlmd an s ccodaudea b.) 11. Form Prepared By nameltitle 1. Daniel Pezzon:I organization Landmark Preservation Associates date Januarv 17. 2003 street & number 5 Houm telephone 1540) 464-53 1.5 city or town Lexington state VA zip code 24&% Additional Documentation Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (kkwim me SHPO a FPo fumy nddtiond iolrn,) Property Owner name Bobby Joe J enn in gs (owner and contact) street & number 144 Foxfue Road telephone @J,Q 699-6819 city or town Max Meadows state VA zip code 24.36Q P.- ~mctlm~cfsf.~c~~~t ni, iofdo. Y kiq ro11-dfumliwaumm. ~donr)~eprrro~~inaic ~lursmmmi-e fuwpam-mii eti~33Wh* Minx, m b Mo..nd lo amend cximng limnp. ~nponvro *,I i, m ewna knefn m uc&re mh &C N- ~i~rRsrrndo. AR. u amcaw (16 USc. 470 a q.). Edmzted Burhn Statement: Rlblic drip bvrdcn fu*s form is crrimmd m 18.1 hmn s rrrpoar mcWn8 m. time farcrimns inrm*. md ndbgb. ad cnnpwgad -owns Ulr fm Lhmt rommrna rcpanbnp *$ bo* emrm amy oilhis form m Ew mid. Abinidw WcsDiviim, NddRn me.P.O. Bm 37121. W&p, DC Xall-7127; md me MrcdMvusc-1 and nudm. Rpma* RduhrRolm (102UW111). W&p.- DC mm3. United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Sanders Farm Section number 7 Page 1 Wythe Co., Va. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Summary The Sanders Farm is located at 3908 Fort Chiswell Road (US Highway 52) near Fosters Falls in southeast Wythe County, Virginia. The nominated area of approximately 170 acres lies on the north side of the New River, a tributary of the Mississippi River system, and comprises bottomland and open and wooded hillsides. The elevation on the river lies at just over 1,900 feet above sea level. The highest elevations, at the north end of the nominated area, approach 2,300 feet. Bounding the nominated area on the west side is Interstate 77 and its twin New River bridges, which stand approximately 110 feet above the southwest end of the nominated area. Crossing the southwest comer of the nominated area are the two-lane Route 52 and the north end of the Route 52 Jackson Ferry Bridge (the bridge is excluded from the nominated area). Visible from the property across the New River are the Shot Tower, a stone tower erected in the early nineteenth century for the making of lead shot and now interpreted as the Shot Tower State Historical Park, and the 1880s Cripple Creek line of the Norfolk & Western Railroad, a transportation improvement that supported the Hematite Iron Company Mine operation on the Sanders Farm (see Section 8) and is now being developed as a rails-to-trails conversion. Most of the farm's resources are clustered at the southwest end of the nominated area on the north side of Route 52. hincipal among these resources is the Sanders farmhouse, known as the Brick House, a two-story Victorian house of brick construction built about 1880 (probably in 1879-80). The house is distinguished by its ornamental gables and porches, and, on the interior, by plaster ceiling medallions and other decorative features. The outbuildings are arrayed in a loosely organized double row extending from directly behind the house eastward. Functionally, the outbuildings at the west end of the group are more domestic in character; those near the center have a more public orientation; and those at the east end are farm related. The easternmost outbuildings include a cold frame with a stepped front parapet, a vaulted stone springhouse, and a one-story brick outbuilding that appears to have served as servants quarters. Next are a cinder block store with an upstairs apartment and an accompanying privy, a frame vehicle repair shop, and a stone reservoir. The farm buildings include a large frame corncrib, a smaller log corncrib, and a frame gambrel-roofed barn. Northeast of this main group of resources is a second group consisting of a one-story tenant house, apparently of boxed construction, associated ruinous outbuildings, and stone bridge abutments. At the north end of the nominated area is the site of the Hematite Iron Company Mine, a complex of rock formations and tram line beds. United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Sanders Farm Section number 7 Page 2 Wythe Co., Va.
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