GRAND IN THE NEWS OPENING L o t s t o d o Thursday, 9:30 a.m. a t t h e ■ brands ^ sa ve W7C ^ --------- 1 \ ' ---i - - m SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, HOLMDEL, r e s e i T o i r V a l u e c i T V KEYPORT, MATAWAN AND MIDDLETOWN D epartm ent Stores Manalapan Mall P a g e 2 8 N U M BE R 3 2AUGUST 7, 1996 40 CENTS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 32AUGUST ATM UA gets s e v e n b i d s Court hearing set for Tuesday on council's fight to delay project BY EILEEN KOUTNIK Staff Writer he Aberdeen Township Municipal U tilitie s Authority (ATM UA) has received seven bids for T the Woodfield sewer project, according to authority engineer Thomas K. Rospos. The bids range from $800,000 to $1 million, he said at Thursday’ s A T M U A meeting. However, state Superior Court Judge Patrick J, McGann has prohibited the authority from awarding a contract, pending an additional hearing in his Freehold court at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13. Attorneys for the Township Council and the authority appeared before McGann July 29, after the counc il filed an injunction to prevent the A T M U A from opening the bids on the Woodfield project. Rospos said the authority has received approival for the project from the Bayshore Regional Sewerage Au thority in Union Beach, where the sewage w ill be sent. It also has Continued on page 25 John and Rosemarie Young of Holmdel have a house filled with “Young-sters” — triplets (l-r) Rebecca, Jamie and Courtney, born July 15, and Cassidy, born Sept. 24,1995. Special Report (Photo by Jackie Pollack) M onm outh County: The New im m igrants 3 p lu s 1 equals 4 Triplets a big surprise under a year? 4 million births, Dr. Young said. “I ask myself that every day,” Originally, the couple wanted to to couple who have she laughed. “Maybe it’s because keep with the charming triplets 10-month-old we could handle it. W e’re laid-back theme and give the babies rhyming people. We could do it. Maybe it’s names or names that all began with BY LAUREN JAEGER because we’re financially able. We the same letter. Staff Writer wonder why. Then, scrapping that idea, they “We ask ourselves that question selected Courtney Laine, Jamie osemarie and John Young, every day,” Mrs. Young repeated, Alexandra and Rebecca Nicole. Holmdel, were just getting with a quick, wide smile. “A s women, I want them to be R the hang of how to be mom It is too early to tell whether or confident, professional and happy and dad when the stork made anot sec­ the sisters are identical. One with their own fam ilies,” Mrs. ond visit. baby has a birthmark on her fore­ Young said. “Most of all, I want Joining their 10-month old sis­ head. Otherwise, they look much them to be able to make their own ter, Cassidy, the triplets, all robust alike, as newborns with their still- decisions. little girls weighing more than 4 undistinguished features w ill look. “I think John wants them to pounds each, were bom July 15 at “The doctor thinks they’re iden­ work in his office,” she laughed. Monmouth Medical Center. tical,” Dr. Young said, adding, The couple had a long courtship. Young, 29, said there is no his­ “What’s the difference, anyway?” They met as co-stars in a Port tory of multiple births in her family, With the increase of fertility Richmond High School, Staten nor was she on fertility drugs. drug usage, triplets now occur once Island, production, and kept close So how was it that fate brought in every 5,000 births. However, tabs on each other through Dr. For a close-up look at a Holmdel farm the young couple four babies in identical triplets occur only once in others, see pages 18-21. (Photo by Jackie Pollack) Continued on page 15________ i 2 INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 7, 1996 - Don't Miss the - HERE IT IS...OUR BIGGEST NURSERY FIREW O RKS DISPLAY * at the Colts Neck Fair (opening Night) EVENT OF THE YEAR!!! AUG. 15TH, 1996 Fireworks Display Sponsored Beautiful , by BROCK FARMS D D ' S S S S S S k . CREPE MYRTLE, hydrangeas & MATCH and more. Many Sizes* JUNIPERS in Beautiful Reds, R O S E S < Pinks, Purples, Whites Many Varieties SALE With Jumbo Size Blooms. 10 for 4 9 00 ^ 2 5 ^ ° Hardy Field Grown SAT., AUGUST 10“ “ m 1 0 j2 7” j 10 am to 3 pm only S s s a m s Evergreens Must Be %* Sold! (Good Varieties) 'Baa»M »*ssr Located at: " OMER 500 , Schibanoff Road Gate FloweringAancj Shade ^^ItRGRtEHSl (FREEHOLD ONLY) . t r e e s * PRICED FROM CREPE $4 99 (SSV myrtle w ill be 9 I ea. 3 gal. cont., ™ u f r 7 ^ | s heavy plants, 1 99 TO $4 9 " * sold at • ■ • • •■ • • • w qu lO A D IT J various colore 4 fo r 5 9 00 WMM*B£As’ YOU PICK 19-99 EACH (large size) in 3 gal. cont. Please Call for Rain Date Information 2 9 " azaleas Great FERTILIZER Buys 1 0 lor 3 9 . 19" GRUB CONTROL with MERIT® • Apply only once a season • Lawn & Landscape Beds L A W N P R O 10.00cTsa FT. Sale, 3 9 “ WEED AND C y p r io GLORtON 15,000 Sq. Ft. When You Think of FEED Fte0<1$$$ UVC CLARIFIER d e l u x e ! Clears your WEED C Reg. 30.99 Water Gardening water for good, FERTILIZER S a l e to 1000 galk 99 13 " Think of BROCK leg. 189.99 )s^ 27 TWIN LIGHT 9 9 TICK STOPPER Jonathan Green The Most Complete Water Sale 1 6 9 LAWN PRO 4.545 Sq. Ft. M0HTMIKTJU1 FESCUE GRASS SEED I L A W N * 1 0 " S co n s Sun or Shade Rea. 69.99 Garden Center Around BECKETT FERTILIZER 25 Lbs. — ---- LAWN *59” Large Selection of Create your own Pond B IO F IL T E R FUNGUS CONTROL Aquatic Plants TETRA BF700 A 20 Q A I F 7400 Sq. Ft. LAWN W EED CO N TRO L 6.99 ea. or 3 for $20 45 MIL EPDM Reg. 739.99 O AAI— L_ by Jonathan Greene withTRIMEC Filters up to 0 0 9 9 ____ 7 00 gallons. $ 1 B " Water Hyacinths & POND LINER pump included lO’ X IO 1 Reg. 89.99 Sale 49" Je tra Pond Floating 10’ X 15' Reg. 119.99 Sale 74" BECKETT® Submersible PUMP 15’ X 15* Reg. 179.99 Sale 119" m 0? a l o z y e Koi Sticks PS 1900A 20'X20* Reg. 299.99 Sale 199" Reg. 39.99 Pumps 1850 15’ X20' Reg. 229.99 Sale 149" 631. Per Hour Top Soil or Peat Humus now 2 4 " ae8,29BJ8 GREENHOUSE 20’ X 25’ Reg. 379.99 Sale 249" 169" 4 8 9 Little Giant All All Water WiziWizard Pump Wardley Fish Food PREFORMED 40 lbs. I 5MSPWG 1200 GPN POND Re9 Sale 6 9 " PONDS HOUSEPLANTS Pine Bark Nuggets & A fe Submersible STIX h H Pump 17017( GPN Big 15 Ib. Bag Shredded Hardwood Mulch Reg. 49.99 2 0 % O FF Big 3 Cu. ft. Bag Reg. 59.99 Sale 3 9 9 NOW 2 9 " Sale Price . 10 for 3 5 ° ° Mulch Depot COLTS NECK ONLY Our Famous PRICED TO MOVE Double Shredded Sale CEMENT STATUARY RO O T M ULCH 00 Due To Popular Demand Our Special Nursery 2 CU. FT. 1 0 f o r 2 1 Sale has been extended through Aug. 12th 2 . 9 9 each Cement Pots, Birds, Fountains, Nautical, Deer, Forest Animals, Pond Pieces, Gnomes, Oriental Eucalyptus Mulch Resists many insects lions, Cartoon Characters and more O u r E n t ir e Cement BIRD BATHS 19 110 for 3 9 ° ° NURSERY °/« STOCK Tteta fetaey't ^ BROCK’S PRICE POLICY "THaot @<s*Hfdete We Guarantee we will not to be undersold. Brock will match any Current-Newspaper advertised price on brand name items. Simply present the AD to the cashier prior to purchase. Items must be of equal size and quality. ROUTE 9 N, FREEHOLD OPEN fJJ ROUTE 34 N, COLTS NECK MON.-SAT. 9-7 Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the 462-2700 SUN. 9-6 W 462-0900 rightn°'is to limit quantities. Sale prices effective thru 8/13/96 INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 7. 1996 3 Dining & Entertainm ent O’Grady La Cashina Ristorante is a special place to eat where you can enjoy the delights gets H unt of Northern Italy. See the Dining & Entertainment section. resto red Page 32 BY CINDY HERRSCHAFT Staff Writer T H I S I S S U E D LE T O W N It’ s tally ho.MID The Hunt is on. The Monmouth County Hunt Racing Association race meet at Woodland Farm in Middletown, a pop­ ular steeplechase, will be held for the 66th time after all, Mayor Raymond O’Grady announced Monday. An agreement was finally reached between organizers of the race, the property owners and a county labor organization after a series of negotia­ tions mediated by O ’Grady. “We all had a positive attitude,” O ’ Grady said. “No one wanted to see this canceled.” The annual event brings jin estimat­ ed $250,000 to charities, including the Salvation Army of Red I^ank, and Bayshore Community Hospital, Holmdel.
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