>:®m:m?**f^i ••^myjA**? ufegto **!• vain wiri ran found mis­ sion* and build schools, V 7«N| arn not able to wield thw offenair* and defensive weap­ ons of a loyal Catholic press." —Pope Benedict IV. VOL 1, NO. 10. CATHOLIC COURIER AND JOlp^AL, FRIDAY; MAY 17,1929,, . Approval Is Given May Be Given to The Pofm To Vatican Mussolini Explains Meaning of Treaty, and Minister of Telegrams Sent by Archbishop Ruii to Justice Declares It Will Mean a New Era of Bishops, Asking H Thty Approve Spiritual and Political Grandeur—Pope and King President Portes Gil—Favorable Rt£Bf» Must Approve the Treaty Now -Archbiahop Opthnfatfa PERFECT INDEPENDENCE OF CHURCH THE WAY TO BEC0tfGH4ATiO& -:- IS NECESSARY, MUSSOLl'NfDECLARES BY CONMDI Rome, May 16.—The treaty with Italy was given hoarty approval by the Italian Chamber here on Tuesday, It now goes Washington, Hay 16.—Arehbtohoi) I to the Pope and the Kinj>- for their approval, and will come into head of the Meucfcau hierarchy, mm h immediate force when this approval is given. his native land; sent teltgratiw m'^ There were 350 ppputl 1>I •;•'<, lit /.t"n In Catholic, ami Cuthulic is till Bishops, askinir it they wtwM appro** when the votq was taken on the zeir ence with President Port* Gil of Mexfett J*, treaty. All but two vot.-d for it. ami Minister «f .Iuntl<:e .Approves attempting to settle the nsligloua trouble* Ttth it is believed these ballots were cast, Signor Alfredo Hoeeo. .Minister of Favorable replies are expected. adversely by mistake, as there was Justice, spoke at much length on the Historic palace in Avignon, southern Franca* was used by theJPopea dujring ^e M« Approval jy*tte§i_jKwdJluAJ»<-- Concordat on Tuesday, after which no opposition to the treaty on the caHed-Babylonian Captivityuf thcPopesin thei'wartelBntfi" century. At lhatttirfte the liven to the sending out of th« In­ ieinitti uha floor. — — 'the""vote wiis taken. Signor Rocco Papacy was transferred to Avignon, which belong*! to the Holy See. It remained there quiries, Aflar th» aniwwri hvr* said the Concordat was the. most bean received the Vatican , will ntr Two other bills bearing upon the .until it was returned to Rome, through the inflttrflM* of Catherine of Sienna., It is rumored itrw ef um perfect of_iilL. the concordats nrade lilted for inatruoiloM, . It li •*« Vatican treat were unan'inioiisl.vHsrrr-' by the Holy See in the last ten years. now that the French government is preparing, tfr offer the palace; as a gift to the Pope. MtMirtto , pocted Hint ArchbUhoti Kuis Will b« proved, one bringing the marriage By It Italy obtained on every point ~~'""" •'•"•"' •""•"•-" • ...i—.-••• .,- ••..—.——i—•«• • • II Mil k "•— delegated U «o to MtSfl¥>-.t*ijm*'r tvwty Ik «tei laws into hamony with the Vatican the benefit of the most favored na­ fersnecs with President oil. treaty, an dthe other regulating, the tion treatment. The relations, be­ exercise of non-Catholic religions in Hero Chaplain tween the State of Italy and the Thousands Paradfcd It la und«r»Aao4: tast Caw ftratan . i^b^ - - Italian territory. Vatican, he said, would in future be fllplomaU in Unitp <}tty,"l«?t k«m mBrm?>,> Mussolini on the Treaty based on reciprocal Independence, Of the World War • powtriiiMw la h«iM*» t« aiv' Premier Mussolini explained the, with the full sovereignty of -toe ra«<« th« **»lr«d eoaftfwftfi, treaty to the Chamber on Monday. Churoh on the one side, and of the In Paris In Hoi He> Mid. the treaty made Rome the Italian Stato on the other. ; itf minium *&tmm& rail Catholic capifaror the wdtld, Slgnor Rocco *warc*refol to~polnt* Th« adoption of * eoatMiatorr and the same time the real political out that the Lateran treaties would tlluda on ths ' part of Prald««« capitil of Italy. not place any constraints on those The ll«v. John L,. O'Donnell of Ports* Qlt was first noted In a »UU#- Italians who were not Catholics. The Premier said the situation can oan oi Chicago, Former Kla#Mm Uni­ msnt Iwued by him, on Mmr 1> M* tn« ChuMt nn ' Thus, he stated, marriage celebrated be defined thus: "The Stat-, su versity Sttidcnt declared that the Catholic Chuixh *S tranoa on pjoepppi. in a church would be legally valid, More Than Fifty-Thousand Took Part in tfreat Proces­ premo in the kingdom of Italy; the an lnatltiition had nothln* to do but a marriage by the civil authori­ sion in Celebration of Five-Hundredth Anniversary Catholic Church, with certain pre with the rebellion in Mexico and ties would not be, suppressed. WAS 8TATR ClIAPfcAW disclaimed any Intwtlon on the tmtt eminence" loyally and voluntarily of Heroic Maid of Orleans—Papal Legate Cele­ jF a P"^^^ae*y ^e^e^^^r^W^ we^s'^' ' "The principle has been upheld recognized." brated Mass in Heroic Church - , OK ILLINOIS LKGION of the kovornment to catry on **», that nobody can be obliged to re­ Uglou» persecution. " ths «nweiJto(i*-#!< • Criticizes Najioleon th« rsqslraaiMt Vm" ceive religious instruction-'contrary Replylnf In the same v«ln, VCwsn- "The destruction of the temporal to his_„faith," he^added. "The rigli4 Was Awarded Dlstlngiil«h«d Service nattvs »etm Jfttti SAINT IS HAILED AS ANGEL OF PEACE 4>l*flep> aula- statedHt^t^»^i*fTMr TrUtt power of the Pope with the absorp­ has .been reserved for fathers of (, Mertal tow_ Jtmvtn- Sorvlos tion of the Roman State into the :___ BATHER THAN AS AN APOSTLE OF WAR reason, why step* should ^not, te*_ jdrcuiMttsiil families to ask that their sons be _ Under JFJrs 1* taken; "to nmwi We con fusion bs- great empire * as, politically speak exempted from religious teaching. TWBeTTWglott and »elltie»'f fpd to wHnout mftatasss t# ta# ihg, a most grave error." Signor But for all for whom exemption i» Paris, May 16.— More than 50,- and from the entrance to the In- Atlantic City, N. J.. May lfi.—Th* "prepare the way fo* a er» dfjtrtt*. Thto DisekaarSi Mussolini said. "It is obvious that not asked religious instruction is 000 persons, includins; high digni­ valldes. When this had died tway, peace mi tranquillity," Archbishop Cnnreh, UM( M the head pfva universally diffused taries of the Catholic Church and Ror. John L. O'Donnell, chaplain of justly obligatory. A Catholic State the bells of every church in tho city lluli alio euggeeted that should any religion like the Catholic religion cannot but educate i(s sons in tHe the Republic of France, repregpnta- rang out together in joyous acclaim. tho 33rd division during the. World needs perfect independence in order "tesmlngly Insurmountabl* dlfflcnl- and thai a* 8i Catholic faith." tiTes of departments and municipali­ "On the Place du Tbeatre-Fran- War and holder of the Distinguished to exorcise Its power and influence ty" arise, the logical »olutlon Would After referring to criticisms of ties, groups of students, detachments caise, at the corner of the Rue Saint impartially. In the present condition Sorvlce Medal', died here Saturday be found In ''the suhmieelon of dis­ • TIM law* agalnnt the Lateran treaties, some Of which from crack French regiments and Honore, a tablet to Joan 61 Arc was of the world, amidst territorial divi­ of heart disease, fie w»« gassed in puted points to specially nitthorJswt lion in ta# »Hll**] charged that the Italian Government delegatloni from civic and political unveiled with Marshal Lyautey pre­ sions created by time and political repres*nt*tlves of the Church and •ouree at n«ssn*n«i» t* had conceded too much, while othprs organisations, took part in a great siding. The spot marks, as nearly France. complications resulting from the of the* Government of Mexico." H|s b*c«UM of the l**k"If said It had granted too little, Roecn procession which was a striking fea­ as scholars have been able to estab­ march of civilixation, this indepen­ Father O'Donnell .jwa» pastor of itatement was widely published ift Ing they nrs %m *• concluded: ture of the observance here Sunday lish it, ihe place where 9t* Joan re- dence cannot exist without a guar­ St. Ethelreda's Ghtireh, Chicago. He Mexico. about. "Do not let us trouble ourselves of the fifth centenary of the feast of ceived an arrow wound in her le? antee of temporal sovereignty. It was chaplain of the l3Snd Infantry Ported Oil's Second Overture Ths CitfcolU with the critics. Let us welcome St. Joan of Arc* while directing her soldjers during was Insensate on the part of Napo­ Prssident Partes GU then Ueued have the Concordat, not as an end but as the Siege of Paris. A feature of the during the war. Ho was cited for ...Ml" leon to pretend to make a French It was by far the largest proces­ his second statement, Is reply to lit*, Bishop out of the Holy father." a beginnine. the heuinnrng of a new sion ever held here in honor of St. tablet Is a bust of St, Joan executed bravery in General HeStdrjuarters era w-hieh-r^-dewplte anything our Joan, and tire. Royalist Fleur de Lis, by Maxime Heal deT Sarfe, who is and 33rd Division Orders attd given •-*.• Mussolini said that in the United enemies or our lukewarm friends the Republican Tricolor and re­ also the sculptor of the Orlean and right to wear the Silver Star on the New Film Star States there is a regular dust-cloud may say. will be an era of spiritual ligious emblems were mingled in the Rouen statues of the Saint Marshal •; i^vir-iM! Victory Medal ribbon.
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