OCT. 24, 1933. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES PAGE 5 THOMAS BACKS Indiana in Brief OFFICERS FOR Tonight’s Radio Excursion BROTHERHOOD WILL TUESDAY 9:00 Lives at Stake." iNBC'. WEAF. 4 30—Singing Ladv 'NBC'. HOLD OPEN SESSION P. M The Legend of America (CBS', 4 45—Little Orphan Annie iNBC'. Lively Spots in the State’s Happenings Put 4:oo—Male chorus < NBC - WEAF. WABC. s:oo—Jack Armstrong. HORSE orchestra (NBC). s:ls—Hydrosal Musical Highlights—Male PROGRAM SADDLE Casino orchestra INBCI WJZ. Pedro Via’s WJZ. GOLD quartet 4:ls—Phil Regan, tenor (CBS' WABC. WENR. and Virgtnlo Marucci orchestra. Together ‘Short and Sweet.’ 4 30—Dr. Doolittle iNBC WEAF. 9:3o—Miniature Theater NBC'. WJZ. 5:30—80b Newman. Chicagoan Will Speak Singing Ladv <NBC) WJZ Gertrude Niesen CBS). WABC_ 5 45—Lowell Thomas 'NBC'. ors 4:4s—Nursery rhymes WEAF. ’ Hollywood (NBC), 6:oo—Amos n' Andv iNBC' By Timex Special 'NBC> Madam Svlvia of NRA talk; Hall's orchestra (CBS' 6:ls—Blue Moments with Three Moods PRESIDENT WEAF. in Blue and •Anti-Semitism.’ OF Oct. been reunited with WABC 9 45—Mvrt and Marge (CBS'. WBBM. orchestra 24.—James Worline, 25, has here (NBC' WEAF. and New World Symphony 6 30—Lum and Abner iNBC'. s:oo—Viennese ensemble 10:00—Barlow Vagaries. Temple MARION,his father, three sisters and three brothers, from whom he was sepa- GROUPJIAMED Messner s orchestra INBC I WJZ. (CBS'. WABC. 6 45—Venida Musical The Brotherhood of the 7:oo—Crime while he was a baby. s:3o—Jack Armstrong 'CBS' WBBM. 10:15—News (CBS', WABC. Club 'NBC'. Indianapolis rated Betty Bartheli (CBS' WABC. iNBC', 7 30—Dr Bundesen and Health drama Hebrew Congregation M. L. Elected Poet Prince WJZ. i NBC • Sees Roosevelt’s Plan as The father, Curtis Worline, lifelong resident of Marion, explained Mendenhall Hvmn sing NBC • WEAF. iNBC', WENR, Lum and Abner 7 45—Nat Shilkret's orchestra (NBC). will hold an open meeting at 8 to- mother died when James for Soloist iNBC' WJZ. 10:30—Paul Whiteman's orchestra (NBC), that the was an infant. Unable to care s:4s—Songs iNBC i WEAF. 8 00—Ben Bernie s orchestra NBC). Sidestep President at First WJZ. B:3o—East and Dumpke NBC). night temple, Way to family of seven children, he placed them in an orphanage here and •Little Italy” CBS' WABC. Davis’ (NBC). morrow at the Tenth the Lowell Thomas (NBC' WJZ Mever orchestra 9:oo—Lives at Stake NBC'. their board. WEAF 9:3o—Cocktail arranged to pay 6:ss—Mvrt and Marge (CBS) WABC. (CBS'. Continental. and Delaware streets. Meeting. Isham Jones’ orchestra WABC 10:00—Edd.e Duchm dance orchestra, Inflation. Adoption laws were not so a o a B.ls—Sketch 'NBC WEAF. 11:00—Lopez orchestra iCBS*. WABC. (CBS' 10:30—Rueben Lawson orchestra Richard Gudstadt. Chicago, ex- Just Plain Bill WABC. Rudv Vallees orchestra (NBC', 11:00—College By Srnppt./faward Alliance stringent in those days, and Mrs. Indiana Saddle Horse Association National Advisory Council (NBC) Inn orchestra NBC'. WEAF. 11:30—Reggie Childs and his Hotel Roose- ecutive director of the B’nai B’ritb took into Divorces Mate, 95 elected officers and directors at the WJZ. WJZ. WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 —Presi- James C. Strong James 6:3o—Fur trappers (CBS' WABC. Phil Harris' orchestra NBC'. velt orchestra iNBC . home when he was 16 months By Timm Spcriul initial meeting of the association last Lum and Abner 'NBC' WEAF. 11:30—Fisher's orchestra (NBC). WJZ. A M. Anti-Defamation League, will ad- dent Roosevelts attempt to raise' their Haymes' orchestra 'CBS', WABC. 12 00—Eddie Duchin dance orchestra. old, consent of TIPTON, Oct. 24.—Winning on a night at thee office of M. L. Men- 6:4s—Boake Carter iCBSt WABC. WEAF. without the the Carnev s dog chats iNBC' WJZ Child's orchestra (NBC). 12:30—Moon River. dress the brotherhood. commodity prices by controlling the cross-complaint, Mrs. Martha Ul- denhall, 703 Continental Bank build- WABC. I:oo—Sign off. father. 7:oo—Elmer Everett Yess 'CBS'. Mr. Gudstadt will speak on price of gold was interpreted here It was not he was 19, when rich has been granted a divorce from ing. Crime Clues iNBC), WJZ. (1230) Indianapolis until the Meroffs orchestra NBC). WEAF. WFBM Youth Commits Suicide “Anti-Semitism in America.” The today as an inflationary compromise he entered Northwestern university her 95-year-old husband, Edward Mr. Mendenhall will head 7:lsSingin' Sam CBS', WABC, WGN (Indianapolis Power and Light Company) W. in circuit court. She association with the folllowing as Soloist and Griain's orchestra TUESDAY By Vnited Prcxx address will be given in the audi- appease outspoken discontent that Mr. and Mrs. Strong told young Ulrich, to the was given alimony of $250 and the members of the executive commit- P. M. COLUMBIA CITY. Ind., Oct. 24 torium and a social hour will follow of the farm bolt, and to ward off Worline he was a foster child. They 7:3o—The Voice of Experience (CBS). s:3o—Records. name of Martha Hendricks restored. teee: Wallace O. Lee and Charles WABC. 6:00—Walkathon. —Earl Sheets, 21, committed suicide in the vestry rooms of the temple. direct currency inflation. said his parents had been dead King (NBC), She was the widow of James Hend- G. Gregg, executive vice-presidents; Wavne and orchestra 6:ls—Bohemians. at the home of his parents, near Mr. Gudstadt. while here, will ad- His plan of a managed currency many years. WEAF. 6:3o—Buck Rogers (CBS'. ricks, Civil war veteran, at the time Alex Meetzger, treasurer, and J. R. Dr. Bundesen 'NBC), WJZ. 6 45—Bohemians. here, yesterday, by shooting him- dress the noon luncheon of the Ki- through buying and selling of gold Mr. Worline, after leaving the 7:4s—Kate Smith (CBS'. WABC. WIND. Everett Yess (CBS). and Ulrich were wed eighteen McNutt, secretary. The commit- 7:00—Elmer self a rifle. Club tomorrow. drew the support the leader ot university, served a four-year en- she B:oo—Paige's orchestra; Guest stars 7:ls—Stagin' Sam (CBS). in the head with wanis of years ago. tee will meet and the en- (CBS', WABC the inflationists, Senator the United States navy, monthly 7:3o—Bennie Rubin. western listment in Ulrich, also a Civil war veteran, tire association once a year. Musical memories, Edgar A. Guest 7:4s—Hollywood low-down. Elmer Thomas <Dem., Okla.). the conclusion of which he began (NBC). WJZ. B:oo—California melodies (CBS). at filed a divorce suit in August, and Directors include Major J. K. Ben Bernie and orchestra (NBC), B:3o—Ramblers. The Oklahoma senator frankly re- a search which ended with finding the wife retaliated with a cross- Boles, Don Bose, Mrs. E. E. Martin, WEAF. 9:00—Piano twins. gards the President's move 8:30—Nino Martini and Columbia sym- 9:ls—Walkathon. Here's new as his father here. complaint in which cruelty and Fred Sharp, Bob Brown, P. B. Den- the A-B-C of attempt avoid direct inflation, Betty phony (CBS', WABC. 9:3o—Transcription. an to The sisters are Mrs. Wil- abandonment were alleged. ning, Dr. P. O. Bonham, Mrs. Perry Voorhees band; East and Dumke 9:3s—Gertrude Niesen (CBS'. but says it suits him if It raises com- liams, Lebanon; Mrs. Eva Hooten, (NBC i, WEAF. 9:4s—Mvrt and Marge iCBS'. Lesh, M. H. Fuller, Charles Cropper, Musical series (NBC), 10:00—New World symphony (CBS). modity prices for which he thinks Bishop, "Beethoven” Marion, and Mrs. Marie C. O. Alig, Charles W. Jewett, . WJZ. 10:15News (CBS'. the best method is direct currency Ky. Earl 10:30—Jerry Downer. Versailles, Brothers are Cleo Kiger, Mrs. Frank Hoke, Miss Hilda 10:45—Jerry Freeman orchestra (CBS). expansion. From Mr. Thomas’ re- and Ralph Worline, Marion, and 11:00—Vincent Lopez orchestra (CBS). apparent Hibben and Miss Beatrice Burgan. 11:30—Dixie rhvthm boys. COLDS-CONTROL infla- action it was that Elery Worline, Gary, GIRL news. Ind. SUNSHINE 12:00—Walkathon tionists will take an attitude of The association, formed to carry a a a 12:05—Sign off . “watchful waiting.” while the chief on the work started by the Saddle Fishing the executive attempts price increase Needy to Horse roundup held recently at WKBF*(1400) Indianapolis through Be Aided Gregg Farms, has as purposes the this avenue. TO NAMED (Indianapolii Broadcasting. Inc.) By Special BE Timex promotion of good fellowship among Air TUESDAY MARTINSVILLE, ••■•■ May Try Inflation Oct. 24.—Used owners and riders, encouragement P. M. .y' *{ clothing and household equipment 4:oo—Daughters of the Regimentalists “This seems to be the last re- of breeders and owners Os saddle More thriling developments in a proposed (WEAF'. among city’s Theater Announces attack on Mars will feature the broadcast for distribution the Indiana horses, development of bridle paths Twenty-fifth 4:3o—News flashes. of of Buck Rogers in the Cen- (WEAF). course the President against needy families will be collected Columbia net- 4:4s—Nursery rhymes throughout Indiana, and working tury over WFBM and the 5:00—To be announced. currency expansion,” Senator Wednesday by Kappa for work Tuesday at 6:30 p. in. members of One-Day Extension with the Indiana state fair horse 5:30—T0 be announced. Thomas said. Kappa Sigma and Tri-Kappa soror- 6:oo—Piano melodies. work, show. Alibi.” a drama In which the 6:ls—You and your government (WJZ). "If it doesn’t then appar- j ities.
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