E1180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 18, 2020 hosted by President Barack and First Lady and U.S. companies continue to be the largest pands reintegration and readjustment group Michelle Obama. source of direct foreign investment there. counseling retreats for women veterans and In 1998, The Rance Allen Group was in- Kazakhstan, a strong partner in Afghanistan, their family members, and bolsters call center ducted into the International Gospel Music Hall entered into an Enhanced Strategic Partner- services for women veterans. of Fame and Museum. In 2005, Rance Allen ship for the 21st Century with the United The bill eliminates barriers to care by staff- was awarded BMI’s Trailblazer of Gospel States in 2018, where the U.S. and ing every VA health facility with a dedicated Music Award. In 2009 the Black Academy of Kazakhstan agreed to heightened cooperation women’s health primary care provider, training Arts and Letters named him as one of the on political and security issues, Afghanistan clinicians, and retrofitting VA facilities to en- Great Men of Gospel. and other defense initiatives, terrorism, extre- hance privacy and improve the environment of Bishop Allen wove his ministry and his mism, rule of law, and human rights. care for women veterans. music into a tapestry which shone for the glory Additionally, as the COVID–19 pandemic In addition, the legislation bolsters sup- of God. His was a life well lived, and when he has caused a global public health and eco- portive services by providing access to legal completed his time on earth at age 71, his nomic crisis this year, Kazakhstan has been a services for women veterans, expanding child Lord called him home with the words in Mat- leader and valuable partner with the United care for veterans receiving VA health care, thew 25:21, ‘‘Well done, thou good and faithful States. President Tokayev, has shown leader- and requiring the Government Accountability servant: thou hast been faithful over a few ship in global health while working directly with Office (GAO) to report on VA’s efforts to sup- things, I will make thee ruler over many things: the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which port homeless or at-risk women veterans. enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.’’ maintains a Central Asian office in And importantly, the bill improves access to To Bishop Allen’s wife Ellen, his brothers Kazakhstan. care and benefits for survivors of military sex- Thomas and Steve, his congregants and Madam Speaker, I applaud Kazakhstan’s ual trauma (MST) by expanding MST coun- countless friends, we hope the memory of this leadership, its progress, and its commitments seling to former Guard and Reserve members, great man brings comfort as his joyous life is to further political reforms that will secure its allowing VA to treat the physical health condi- tions of MST, and improving the claims proc- celebrated. leadership role in the international community. ess for MST survivors at the Veterans Benefits f I am watching with interest as Kazakhstan continues to strive to meet its international Administration. PERSONAL EXPLANATION commitments to freedom, human rights, de- Also included in the omnibus package be- mocracy, and the rule of law. I look forward to fore are several important provisions that I HON. MARTHA ROBY continuing to support Kazakhstan in its em- strongly support, including provisions directing brace of democratic standards. I wish the peo- VA to continue providing the disability benefits OF ALABAMA questionnaires online, streamlining veterans’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ple of Kazakhstan a happy Independence Day and look forward to celebrating the Republic’s access to earned disability benefits. The bill lowers the age at which a surviving Friday, December 18, 2020 30th anniversary next year. spouse may still receive dependency indem- Mrs. ROBY. Madam Speaker, I was unable f nity compensation benefits at the point of re- to vote on Thursday, December 17, 2020. Had DEPENDABLE EMPLOYMENT AND marriage and increases VA’s funding cap from I been present, I would have voted as follows: LIVING IMPROVEMENTS FOR $5 million to $10 million annually to better as- YEA on Roll Call No. 245. VETERANS ECONOMIC RECOVERY sist states, territories and tribal governments in f ACT covering the increasing costs of operating and KAZAKHSTAN INDEPENDENCE DAY maintaining state-run veteran cemeteries. SPEECH OF I am very pleased that this eliminates co- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE payments for Native American veterans ac- HON. STEVE CHABOT cessing health care at VA and establishes an OF TEXAS OF OHIO Advisory Committee on Tribal and Indian Af- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fairs to advise the VA Secretary on matters re- Wednesday, December 16, 2020 Friday, December 18, 2020 lating to Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- Native American veterans. Mr. CHABOT. Madam Speaker, as a co- ior member of the Judiciary Committee and Mr. Speaker, this legislation requires VA to chair of the U.S. Kazakhstan Caucus, I rise the Homeland Security Committee, and review the entire scheduling process—for both today to acknowledge Republic of daughter-in-law of a beloved member of the in-house and non-VA care—in order to in- Kazakhstan’s Independence Day, which they Tuskegee Airmen who served our nation so crease veterans’ access to timely health care celebrated on December 16. It’s hard to be- heroically in World War II, I rise in strong sup- and to remove barriers to VA funding for orga- lieve that next year will mark the 30th anniver- port of the Senate Amendment to H.R. 7105, nizations in need of critical upgrades to keep sary of Kazakhstan’s independence. While the ‘‘Johnny D. Isakson and David P. Roe Vet- homeless veterans safe from the coronavirus. Kazakhstan still has considerable work to do, erans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Another important provision of the bill is the especially with respect to human rights and Act of 2020,’’ which keeps faith with what expansion of the Veteran Employment the rule of law, I applaud Kazakhstan for its President Lincoln called our solemn obligation Through Technology Education Courses for commitment to democracy and for continuing ‘‘to provide for them who have borne the bat- Training Providers (VET TEC) program to help to take the necessary steps toward a more tle, and their widow and their orphan.’’ veterans and servicemembers transition to ci- democratic and free society for all. I support this bipartisan omnibus legislation vilian life. Democracy requires constant work and vigi- because it provides support for women vet- In this time where the COVID–19 pandemic lance, and in Kazakhstan, President, Kassym- erans, expands benefits for homeless vet- has disrupted the lives of so many Americans, Jomart Tokayev, who assumed office in 2019, erans, and ensures servicemembers and vet- this legislation ensures that servicemembers has continued to focus on internal reforms erans impacted by the COVID–19 pandemic who contract COVID–19 while serving will be which initially began under former President will be cared for properly and compas- eligible for VA benefits and requires VA to Nazarbayev. These reforms have focused on sionately. take a more central and active role by devel- a variety of different areas including increasing Let me highlight some of the important ele- oping a plan to address the financial exploi- the openness of government and the govern- ments of this most important legislation. tation of veterans. ment’s responsiveness to the concerns of ordi- Title V of the bill incorporates H.R. 7105, The legislation requires VA to establish a nary Kazakh citizens. In that vein, Kazakhstan the Deborah Sampson Act, which the House national protocol for administering medical will hold parliamentary elections on January passed on November 12, 2019, to address in- exams for volunteer drivers providing transpor- 10, after recently made parliamentary reforms, equities and barriers that women veterans tation for veterans who are unable to safely such as ensuring certain minority party rights face when accessing VA care and benefits. get to and from their appointments. within parliament. Deborah Sampson Gannett was a Revolu- Finally, Mr. Speaker, this legislation assists As Kazakhstan prepares to turn thirty years tionary War veteran who served in the Conti- homeless veterans by improving VA’s ability to old, it is important to reaffirm the United nental Army from 1781 to 1783 and was award grant and per diem program funding to States’ commitment to Kazakhstan and to the awarded a full military pension for her military qualified providers of homelessness assist- bilateral relationship between the United service after years of petitioning Congress. ance services, expand HUD-VASH vouchers States and Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan remains Specifically the legislation creates a dedi- to veterans with other than honorable dis- an important ally and partner in Central Asia cated Office of Women’s Health at VA, ex- charges, provide legal services for homeless VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:03 Dec 19, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18DE8.003 E18DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS December 18, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1181 veterans, and extend the coordination of case sought to empower other staff members to Former students and educators alike re- management services for homeless veterans. succeed and serve the American people, with member that Carl always had a kind word for Elsewhere in the area of housing, the bill humility and conviction. In addition to her out- everyone, encouraged students and made expands eligibility for VA Home Loan Guar- standing interpersonal skills, she has handled each one feel special. He is the perfect exam- anty Program to more members of the Na- all or her duties with responsibility, determina- ple of a person who quietly but surely makes tional Guard and Reserves, reduces the home tion, and leadership.
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