WEDinCSDAT, OCTOBEl t», IMT < Avenge Daflr Clmletlm The Weather rwraaest •# 0. t . W m /Om B en es Mancifteitt Corning CrroUt 9 m the MMtb •* B f temker, m i CtoeCy.eud euethwme eatl «4tk England aacondagy School Drama and aerrioa station at 30 Btaaall J. F. aawa» ofor raiadalphla.fb i atreet where he will feature the 9 ^ 2 1 oenwIoMl Ugkt rata tanlektt FM- B d n c ^ meetlnca o ^ Fcatival, la chairman of a section Brown Moves Fa., la coni Teachers Plan Texaco line. Stomker of tke A e « t day eoattaMI elmkly ‘%vHk Mw About Town lia warn at 7:4S at the that will consider "English-Oral eveninc thia Composition • Ora. Expression.'* Woricmen b«yc been busy all Qoapal hall. 4 t» Center atroot He I Fall enlarging and Improvlnff the Benee ef OteeiatlMH ■priaktoa ar M aala alaag eoaaL Taking pdH in the discussion, wilt T o Bissell St« ___________________________I .......- la baainf hla talka on the Book For Parley be Miaa Isabelle Worth, high school garage at 80 Blaaell street and n Manehester^A City of Village Charm TIM NMdte a u b of Tunplo of Revelation, uainf a large ctiart siseable structure has been added Chapter. OrtWr of tlM Buftern English teacher. of the Roman BAmpira and the l^ibllc schools of the state will to the aoutheast aid- to handle •U r. for oome time hma boon mMt- Great Northern Confederacy. All 16) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1947 (BIGHTBEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS «iiy at uw hoin«a of member*, to Local Group to Take Ac* Gives Up Station at Main greasing, leashing, etc. .VOL. L X V n ., NO. 26 are welcome U. attend these meet- close for the convention meetings Bialie ai>rons. oiotheapln bofa and which nlrio are l<‘ be held in Bridge­ The front of the old buildings has Inga, every evening except Satur- Ami Myrtle; His New' ^ aorU of houMhold articlea. tivc Part in Scsfiioni* in port and ^kw Haven. > been entirely revamped and will *thich thev »iU offer for aale at da>'. and Sundaj at 7:00 pm. lA>eation jI feature three large display win­ theft- "S^ven Dav Fair," opentn* Hartford Friday dows. Miaa Rella Sinnamon, daughter Police Hold Back Paris Demonstrators bhmonrow aftemoon at two' o’eloelt Ski liiHtnirtioii After operating the' Atlantic; la the banquet hail of the Temple. of Mr. and Mra. William Slnna- Mi/a Jeannj! I»w , learher of Two More Movie Marshall Will Take .Service Station at the comer of < Tba wih ^ ferted from two to mon of 73 Pine atreet, la aecreUry French at Maoclieater High arhool. of the publicity commlaalon at ____ jOur o’clock, aupi-er from » to 7 Al S|iriii«»M Main and Myrtle atreeta for 10 % am) a proaram of miurtc and "The Bates College. Lewlaton. Maine. Itj "'U* Iranre, Three Y ara years, Tom Brown will relinquish Alice Cofron at the anniml convention ! Familv Album” wfll fidlow at la part of --the Bates—. (Christian ---A a-: 0f tK the atallon and remove to the cn- Writers Stir Ire eight o'clock. Further perUculare I sociatlon. Mlaa Sinnamon le a aen the Connecticut. „ Erhicntlon Aa- The Park D.-’ it. and Ski Club co- largerl and mndrmlnvt garage Readinit$ Daily f^fxrding the fair will be found ' jor at Bates, and majoring in Eng-1 ""Nation in Hartford Public High spohsorerl aki Inatructlon program Ota •* j t Vital Role Shaping School on FrMsy. October 31. Mias l(>9 Church St. Hartford to another column in today's Her- i|,h. She Is a member of the Mac- i will atari Ihl* evening at 7;.'50 at aid. ' Farlane Club, on the Women's' Low will base her remarks on her obaervstlona during a recent tour. the Center Springs pond lorige. Telephone <i-2024 Of Subcommittee Athletic Association Board and Mothers Circles hasing meetings was a proctor last year at one of Four other Msiicheiier tearhera Geno Andr ''Fii and Edward Dick, will play a prominent part In the this evening are the Uttle Flower the women's dormitories. both of Manr heater, will be In- of Jesus ClrrH at the home of day's program which la to be haae<| atniclora for the evening. Besides Lardner and Cole Cited European Aid Plan Y>i.- * * Mrs. Bstella Perry. 3« Jarvis Mr. and Mra. Joseph Tracy of on the theme of "Improving Edu­ 1 a lecture, a ."ki film is expected Running Mate Road: and S t Jude Thadeus Circle 31 North Elm atreet were ^van cation Today ” Mlaa Catherine C. j to be shown. All ski enthusiasts For Contempt When at t:l5 tonight with Mra. Grace a aurprtve an .ivemary party Ehea. elementcy school, siipervlaor... , ‘ are welcome. cently at the hom< of Mrs. Haun ' " ill be rhairmnt, of a section meet- They Refuse to Give McDermott diS Main atreet Alone Remains * ^ J**' J. Must Move Bungalow Program Top Aciminis* Webb of 76 Essex atreet. by their Ing on "Problems of Intermediate Direct Answer to No Survivors The Merrv Weda of the Second daughters Dorothy and W‘lma............. Rending," and .Mias Helens Booth, When Minnies Built on Wrong Idit tration Officials to Grade 6 teacher, will demonstrnte , Question of Any OSngregatkinal church will have Guests were preaert ffutd Maasa- To Be Decided ’ , 1 b ® A V Turn Out in Ninct W eek a supper at d.SO this evening, fo l-' chuwUa, Hartford and this tow^ reading techn ouea. MANCHESTER Count! Of Air Crash Syracuoe, N. Y., Oct. 30.—(ff) lowed by a Hallowe'en aocial. ' A buffet •dPP*f Mra. Helen Skinner, teacher In Link to Communists —Mr. and Mra. George L. Expected to Offer 'Rea* ■ Traev received 22 red charge of dramatics at the high Hava yuur doctor tel^ LISTERINE Smith were faced today with . • . -■ . roaea and useful gifts. arhool and pnaident of the New. piNiaa hla preecriptlno i Just About Everything the prospect of moving their songble' Chance of Mr. and Mrs Marion Gillespie. ____ to Weldon** nver nur pri­ ANTISEPTIC^ j| Washington, Oct. 30. In Mountains partly completed bungalow, be­ her daughter, Dorothy and son TAXI — Two more Hollywood screen Else Settled for 1948 ■ :: V A son, Brure Kelsey, was bom vate prnfesalnnal wire, far cause It waa erected on the * Preventing* Economic Edward have returned to Fort n October 14 to Mr. and Mra. Dll Kl N ,1 KK Unmeitlate delivery le writers were cited for con­ wrong lot. Monmouth. N J. after spending Convention by Demo* v v < ! Disaster and Exten* Harold 8. Buir of Honolulu, T. H. your home. tempt by a House Un-Ameri­ Governor Snell and Two Under a settlement reached cratic Committee Meet V , 1 Mr’^iJ.d Mm I 'child T.” ’ a grandaon of Mrs. INSURE DIAL 4166 CMOattCATfO can Activities subcommittee Other Top Oregon Of* yesterday in State Supreme sion o f Communisn; Baaen Webb ^ 76 Riaex street : J*’®*** \ f ' court, the Smiths arc to move " ____ formerly a resident of Manchester. with Oi’KN 2 \ HOURS today, bringing to 10 the Waahington, Oft. 30— (F)— The ficials Viclim«; Pilot their new home to their own WELDON'S Bulletin! ^ _ I Mra. Burr la returning to Hlgga- McKINNKY BROTHKRS Ml MAIN STREET number thus accused. Ring Democratic party aa represented lot approximately 300 feet Mancheater Juvenile Grangers, i November 3rd after a visit Real Estate and Insurance .Ml I'MHDi!- DRIW.k:- Lardner, Jr., and Lester Cole Of Plane Also Killed away by May l, leave the foun- Wnshinifton, Oct. 30c*-</r) instead of eji ^ e r n t » " of several months in Honolulu, by its National committee gave MM MAIN ST. TEL. WMO Ni) WAIIIM. were cited when they refused daUon where It originally waa —Secretary ot State Mar* •aturday. N wwill have a Hal- , „ ^ callfom.a. evidence today that it has settled laid and pay damages to to give "ye* or no" answers to Klamath Falls, Ore., Oct. 30 — 8100 lowe'en partv from five to seven just about eveiything for Its 1948 Mrs. Dorothy Beaton on wliose ahall and Underdccretary o'clock in Tinker hall. Games w ill. questions whether they are or (e j—The wreckage of a plane car­ convention except who is to run property the house waa built. Lovett talked with Preaident be incharge of the lecturer, Rob- have been Ommunists. rying Gov Earl Snell of Oregon The Smiths unsuccessfully art Morrison, and aaaiatant lec­ As in the eight previous esses, for vice president. Stoel-befateted peBes heat back Oeniniaalat-lnM>lred demoBstrator* on the Avenue Wagram la Paris Truman today, presumably after 8,SM leftists had broken fonr police liars .ind beoleged a hall where aa aatl-SovIrt meetlag wras and two other top officlala and the petitioned for an exchange of turer, Betty Sadd. The Boma the committee presented testi­ A t a one-day meeting yesterday, about the final draft of a En* scheduled. (A P photo via mdio from Paris to Ne ,v York.) pilot was reached by a search lots or a decree whereby Mrs. Economics committee. Emmajana Another Shipment! mony from its investigators of the committee unanimously picked Beaton would pay 83,000 for ropean four-year recoverjf ■ Dittmeyer and Elisabeth Hagenow, finding evidence that the men Philadelphls for next summer's party today and there were no the unfinished bungalow.- will serve refreshments. Thrsa COM program expected to cost thS cited have been affiliated with the nominating conclave and elected aurvIvorSi Fremont Forest Super­ Mrs. Smith told the court •rina will be awarded for tha m ; . 6 N l i « Communist party.
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