Life is a Highway: Prints of Japan’s Tokaido Road May 6, 2014 - August 17, 2014 Parallel Images for the Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Edo Period (1615-1867), 1843-1847 Color woodcuts Museum purchase, gift of friends of the museum 2005.25.7.1-.58 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kunisada Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Nihonbashi: Courtesan and Attendant Kanagawa: Female Fisher near the Urashima-zuka Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Shinagawa: Shirai Gompachi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Hodogaya: Shinozuka Hachiro Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1797-1858 Kawasaki: Nitta Yoshioki Totsuka: Goten-jochu Page 1 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Fujisawa: Ogura Kojiro and His Wife, Hakone: Soga no Goro Prepares for Vengeance Terute-no-hime Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Utagawa Hiroshige Mishima: Festival Dancers at the Oyama Zumi Japanese, 1797-1858 no Mikoto Temple Hiratsuka: Inage Saburo Shigenari Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Numazu: Travelers on the Road Oiso: Soga no Juro and the Oiran Tora Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1797-1858 Odawara: Yoritomo Minamoto is Admitted to Hara: Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Taketori the House of Masako monogatari) Page 2 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1797-1858 Yoshiwara: Fuji River, Mizushima Eijiri: Hagoromo no Matsu Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1797-1858 Kambara: Young Woman Reading About Fuchu: Female Tea Pickers Joruri-hime Utagawa Hiroshige Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1797-1858 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Mariko: Taira no Shigehira is Entertained by Yui: Awabe Fisherwoman Yoritomo Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Okitsu: The Poet Yamabe Akahito on Tago Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Beach Okabe: Cat Spirit Page 3 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Fujieda: Rensho Hoshi Seeks Lodging Kakegawa: The Swordsmith Shimosaka Utagawa Kunisada Utagawa Kunisada Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Fukuroi: Honen Shonin Shimada: The Wrestler Koyonagi Utagawa Hiroshige Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1797-1858 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Kanaya: A Courtesan is Ferried Across the Oi Mitsuke: Yoritomo Releases Cranes at Iwai River Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Hamamatsu: Kumano Entertains Taira no Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Shigemori Nissaka: A Samurai Receives His Child from the Ghost of His Wife Page 4 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kunisada Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Maisaka: A Samuari Viewing the Night Sky Yoshida: A Joro Solicits a Samurai Utagawa Kunisada Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Arai: A Traveler Writes a Poem Goyu: Yamamoto Kansuke and Takeda Shingen Utagawa Hiroshige Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Japanese, 1797-1858 Shirasuka: A Courtesan Viewing a Moonlit Bay Akasaka: Fujiwara Moronaga Meets a Water Spirit Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Futakawa: Kitahachi and Yaji are Frightened Japanese, 1798 - 1861 by a Ghost Fujikawa: Fujikawa Mizuemon and Isogai Heidayu. Page 5 Utagawa Hiroshige Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1797-1858 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Okazaki: Joruri-hime Kuwana: Juzo and the Sea Monster Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Chiryu: The Poet Ariwara Narihira Kuwana c. 1843-1845 Utagawa Kunisada Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Narumi: A Woman Preparing Narumi Shibori Utagawa Kunisada Cloth Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Yokkaichi: Woman Viewing a Mirage Procession Utagawa Kunisada Japanese, 1786 - 1865 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Miya: Fuji no Tsubone Appears to Her Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Husband, Taira no Tsunemori Ishiyakushi: The Yoshitsune Sakasa Zakura Page 6 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Shono: Sasaki Takatsuna Fords the Uji River Tsuchiyama: Kannon Helps Tamura Shogun Capture Abe no Takamaru Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Utagawa Kuniyoshi Kameyama: Omatsu Dreams of Gennojo Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Minakuchi: The Strong Woman Oiko Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Seki: The Priest Ikkyu and the Courtesan Utagawa Kuniyoshi Jigoku Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Ishibe: A Joro Applies Make-up Utagawa Hiroshige Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese, 1797-1858 Japanese, 1798 - 1861 Sakanoshita: The Brother of Emperor Tenchi Kusatsu: Tawara no Tota Hidesato and the Dragon Princess Page 7 Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Otsu: Paintings Come to Life Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Kyoto: Woman and Child at Sanjo no Ohashi Page 8 The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Reisho Tokaido) Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Edo Period (1615-1868), 1848-1849 Color woodcuts, Ink on paper Museum purchase, gift of private donors 2005.30.1.1 -2005.30.1.55 (selections) Nihonbashi: View of Mount Fuji, Hakone: Traveling by Torchlight, 2005.30.1.1 2005.30.1.11 Hodogaya: Bridge on the Katabira River, Mishima: Stopping for the Night, 2005.30.1.5 2005.30.1.12 Fujisawa: Finding Lodging for the Night, Hara: Majestic Mount Fuji, 2005.30.1.14 2005.30.1.7 Yui: Shellfish Restaurant, 2005.30.1.17 Hiratsuka: A String of Travelers, 2005.30.1.8 Page 9 Fuchu: Travelers Arriving by Night, Nissaka: The Night-Crying Stone on 2005.30.1.20 Sayanonaka Mountain, 2005.30.1.26 Mariko: Snowfall, 2005.30.1.21 Fukuroi: Flying Kites, 2005.30.1.28 Okabe: Utsu Mountain, 2005.30.1.22 Hamamatsu: Rough Seas, 2005.30.1.30 Fujieda: Rain, 2005.30.1.23 Futakawa: Travelers at Sarugababa, 2005.30.1.34 Shimada: Fording the Oi Riverv 2005.30.1.24 Yoshida: Procession for the Tenno Festival, 2005.30.1.35 Page 10 Goyu: The Plain of Motono, 2005.30.1.36 Yokkaichi: Hinaga Village and the Pilgrim Road to Ise, 2005.30.1.44 Akasaka: Inns along the Road, 2005.30.1.37 Ishiyakushi: Stopping for Refreshment, 2005.30.1.45 Okazaki: The Yahagi River, 2005.30.1.39 Shono: Bonfire, 2005.30.1.46 Chiryu: Porters on the Road, 2005.30.1.40 Seki: Snow on the Road, 2005.30.1.48 Narumi: Shops Selling Arimatsu Tie-dye Cloth, 2005.30.1.41 Sakanoshita: Pilgrims on the Road, 2005.30.1.49 Page 11 Ishibe: Inns along the Road, 2005.30.1.50 Otsu: Shop Selling Religious Folk Paintings, 2005.30.1.54 Kyoto: View of the Mountains from Sanjo Bridge, 2005.30.1.55 Page 12 Pictures of Famous Places on the Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi meisho zue) Utagawa Hiroshige Japanese, 1797-1858 Edo Period (1615-1868), 1855 Color woodcuts, Ink and color on paper Museum purchase, funds provided by friends of the Harn Museum 2006.22.1 – 2006.22.52 (selections) Nihonbashi, 2006.22.1 Hodogaya, 2006.22.5 Hara, 2006.22.14 Kawasaki, 2006.22.3 Mishimav 2006.22.12 Yoshiwara, 2006.22.15 Kanagawa, 2006.22.4 Numazu, 2006.22.13 Fuchu, 2006.22.20 Page 13 Mariko, 2006.22.21 Futagawa, 2006.22.34 Kuwana, 2006.22.43 Okabe, 2006.22.22 Fujikawa, 2006.22.38 Yokkaichi, 2006.22.44 Shimada, 2006.22.24 Okazaki, 2006.22.39 Ishiyakushi, 2006.22.45 Narumi, 2006.22.41 Maisaka, 2006.22.31 Kamayama, 2006.22.47 Page 14 Sakanoshita, 2006.22.49 Ishibe, 2006.22.52 Page 15 Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi) Sekino Jun’ichiro Japanese, 1914-1988 Showa Period (1926-1989), c. 1959-1974 Color woodcuts, Ink and color on paper Museum purchase, funds provided by Maggi McKay in honor of David Cofrin and Mickey Singer; Kathleen M. Axline Acquisition Endowment; The David A. Cofrin Fund for Asian Art; friends of the Harn Museum; and by exchange, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin., 2012.29.1.1 – 2012.29. Nihonbashi, 1960, 2012.29.1.1 Totsuka, 1963, 2012.29.1.6 Fujisawa, 1961, 2012.29.1.7 Kawasaki, 1960, 2012.29.1.3 Hiratsuka, 1967, 2012.29.1.8 Kanagawa, 1967, 2012.29.1.4 Odawara, 1961, 2012.29.1.10 Hodogaya, 1972, 2012.29.1.5 Page 16 Hara, 1964, 2012.29.1.14 Akasaka, 1963, 2012.29.1.37 Okabe, 1973, 2012.29.1.22 Okazaki, 1969, 2012.29.1.39 Fujieda, 1962, 2012.29.1.23 Miya, 1961, 2012.29.1.42 Hamamatsu, 1961, 2012.29.1.30 Yokkaichi, 1972, 2012.29.1.44 Futakawa, 1966, 2012.29.1.34 Ishiyakushi, 1969, 2012.29.1.45 Page 17 Seki, 1969, 2012.29.1.48 Tsuchiyama, 1972, 2012.29.1.50 Minakuchi, 1961, 2012.29.1.51 Otsu, 1966, 2012.29.1.54 Kyoto, 1973, 2012.29.1.55 Page 18 Sekino Jun'ichiro Japanese, 1914 - 1988 Okabe c. early 1970s Watercolor on paper 15 3/16 x 21 7/16 in. (38.6 x 54.4 cm) Museum purchase, funds provided by Maggi McKay in honor of David Cofrin and Mickey Singer; Kathleen M. Axline Acquisition Endowment; The David A. Cofrin Fund for Asian Art; friends of the Harn Museum; and by exchange, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin; 2012.29.2 Sekino Jun'ichiro Japanese, 1914 - 1988 Nihonbashi c. 1960 Watercolor on paper 15 x 21 5/16 in. (38.1 x 54.2 cm) Museum purchase, funds provided by Maggi McKay in honor of David Cofrin and Mickey Singer; Kathleen M. Axline Acquisition Endowment; The David A. Cofrin Fund for Asian Art; friends of the Harn Museum; and by exchange, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin; 2012.29.3 Sekino Jun'ichiro Japanese, 1914 - 1988 Hodogaya c. 1969 or earlier Watercolor on paper 15 x 21 5/16 in. (38.1 x 54.2 cm) Museum purchase, funds provided by Maggi McKay in honor of David Cofrin and Mickey Singer; Kathleen M. Axline Acquisition Endowment; The David A. Cofrin Fund for Asian Art; friends of the Harn Museum; and by exchange, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin; 2012.29.4 Page 19 Utagawa Sadahide Japanese, 1807 - 1873 Scenery of the Tôkaidô Road in a Single Glance, from Shirasuka to Kyoto [Tôkaidô shôkei Shirasuga yori Kyôto made ichiran] 1865 Ink on paper 14 3/8 x 9 3/4 in.
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