u while after the Dartmo th weekend, and the al umn us was relieved to learn later that the fare was a Pembroke Chapel u d g est from In ia , speaking under the u c f W a spi es o the orld University Service . ANO THER CHAP E L S PEAK ER at Pem u c f broke , talking abo t the enri hment o life and personality through the Liberal A n to rts , was going o talk about the resources of the mind and the inn er ” h of uc w . strengt ed ated omen Of course , s e ou c u h said , y ollege st dents are like icebergs An d that was as far as she c oul d get on that analogy without an out burst of protest . W H W off IT OUT KNO ING when it is well , Phi Beta Kappa seems to be claimin g one of its Prof . Josiah S . Carberry as FE B ETTER Than F EW RA H A of w An d th e HA L IS Ever , TYPOG P IC L errors late o n . what has happened serves d B ro wn Dail Hera ld in c so uc W u s ai the y an have reated m h amusement as the society joll y well right . e q ote from “ x N w Y rk me v 1 7 . bo e o Ti s r The editorial on No . It had kept a headline in the which The K ey R ep orte o f November : “ lt c un a n : B O WN B TS HA AR . score o n F ac u y attendan e and fo d nnou ced R EA V D mysterious disappearance of Prof . Josiah “ ’ t not : n . 23 u of s r here had been many present the Ken eth P Sheldon , writing from S . Carberry has been a so rce di t ess — “ W for c ah . s ed : w for total was seven men six hapels Stockbridge , Mass , a k ould some to Bro n Un iversity several months , c of one Times t B ro wn Alu mni Monthl . average , the mathemati ians tell us , please advise when the went according o the y We u ? ac slightly less than one a day . do bt phonetic Or did we only win over an Professor Carberry ( Phi Beta Kappa ?” that the mathematicians told them that . cent I9S7H) may have left Providence with f so o ut a but The next day a ter the editorial it ’ word, he has been bombarding P MB O K S fic happened that Chapel was devoted to E R E Admission Of e moved the United Chapters with new addresses u ” W e to new q arters this year, a procedure c . w the annual Honors Day Convo ation ranging from Aden to Z artshuis . involvin g considerable planning and do . s uspec t it was this event ( and Prof Juan ' ’ . A was floor Lopez - Morillas address ) which brought ing minor problem a plug A BR UNONIAN was Spending a pleasant fo r a table lamp , and there was no hole ou t. A col them nyway , the Faculty section luncheon with a friend from another ru to c in the g a commodate a wire . Tu rn in the front of Sayles Hall was full and lege on the day their teams were meetin g to the c c one of u ve flowed of ing ele tri ian , the yo ng h o r r . r into the front rows student “ on the gridi on On pa ting, the ot er D o w n c ladies asked : O y u know ho to cut seats . Before he began his i trodu tion gentleman said the c onventional thing ru ? of a g of sincer the speaker , President Keeney took a with the c onventional amoun t “ ’ win slow, significant look at the Professors ity : May the better team this after O G . A 19 i “ R ER T CL PP , leav ng the Union to u : I u and then said the st dents do bt noon . i , Stat on the other day raised his eye “ He ald u i . TO our if the r can co nt that h gh on t heck with that, said good brows hearing the taxi s arter tell a “ “ u . I to ” to o u to al mnus want Brown win THE ANNUAL gridiron classic between driver g p Metcalf Hall and c u . u WBRU and the Herald took p lace on pi k p an Indian This was q ite a ’ N v . 1 8 u to o , we gather , but yo ll have find out from someone else who won . What cau ght our eye was the published in - u s c u in c i start g line p , in l d g su h statist cs A LUMNI “ as LG Joe Townsend Center Bill Vogel Listed for left halfback MO NTHLY “ on the W ERU eleven was Sally Mc Carthy ( 34 -22 O LD CLIPPINGS give you a shoc k some 4 NO . ’ 56 V O L . "VI Pu blished b B ro wn Uni ers it JAN U ARY, 1 9 u 3 8 o ne y v y times . Brenton B llock sent us o r its A lumni n f recently which related to C . Sherma ’ 0 1 ’ 05 ’ Hoyt , Colgate Hoyt , and Bullock s ME M ER AMER A A M ’ B , IC N LU NI COUNCIL . u 0 5 . father, George B B llock The last ” In Th is Is s u e was one of the chums mentioned in this item from the Providence Jo urna l Of u 24 1 904 : J ne , B o a r d o f Edito r s “ — C . Stamford , Conn . Sherman Hoyt was a rrested here this afternoon for driv Chairman - c car 3 0 . ’ ing a Fren h at a m ile gait Hoyt , H 2 3 . BRAITSC two c C A RT HU R his brother , and college hums were en ro ute from Brown University to their ’ Vice-Chairman father s s ummer home at Oyster Bay . ’ u u . TT 2 1 The yo ng men had just money eno gh G EORG E W PO E R , ” to p ut up a bond for their chauffeur . " ’ H 2 1 THE NETW O RK s classicist was no t G EORG E R . AS B EY working the afternoon Of the Harvard A Y S '26 G RRETT D . B R N E - b - Yale game when the radio play y play ’ W R . C 4 8 announcer referred to the Yale Bowl as A REN L A RL EEN this modern repl i ca o f the Roman Par T ’24 ” CA RLE ON G OFF thenon . ’24 ROB E RT H . G OFF ~ MO UTH LU MNU ‘ ’ A DAR T A S was complain 6 . K T 2 PROF I J . A PS EIN ing about the heavy ac ademic style in ’ literature and w rote the A lu m ni Maga THE COVER PHOTO : It s only a mo “ zine: All this reminds me of the newest Managing-Editor ‘ to c hoo d ' addition Ameri an slang, the p CH ESLEY WORTHINGTON 2 3 ’ n i ik. This word is in the fam ly Of the ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ sehmoo dullnik no- o , the , and the g od ’ ‘ Assis tant Editor no nik . It is precisely defined as the ’ D J . Y , J 50 goodnik with a Ph . OH N F BA R R R h“ éekeud , alld 10 1 m1a Cmbwk e(haw THE FORD FOUNDATION SPE CTACULAR 0gUlld et "he film 5mm E D U C AT IO N G ET S IT S F INE ST G IFT W in 600 RO N UNIVE RSITY , company with more than emphasize the cardinal importance of the college teacher l an d in . other col eges universities the United States , is to our society stil l appraising the full significance of the greatest Christmas The Foundation at that time named an advisory commit s a . pre ent Americ n education has ever received . Brown had tee to decide how to distribute the money Later , this group been designated to receive as its share O f the was told it could assume that the p rogram woul d have avail w ah 2 10 . as magnificent gift from the Ford Foundation , announced on able additional million Its eventual decision to 12 . Dec . The total of the new philanthropy was an even aid all the colleges and universities which were privately - l t . half bi lion dollars , believed the largest single appropria ion supported and adequately accredited (Junior colleges were in the history of private benevolence . excepted . ) Two thirds of the gift to Brown is specifically for endow The committee did not try to evaluate any of the institu attn theoher p i g, t “ th e . ment purposes , income to be devoted to Faculty salaries . tions qualitatively Variety is a healthy asp ect of our entire ” The addition al third is not restricted as to use under the system of higher education , it said . This variety cannot Foundation terms ; its disposition had not been determined be readily reduced to mathematical comparisons or scores . “ by Corp oration action when we went to press . It did not , therefore , undertake to comp are the calibre of ff u ff i hese m ny eren lleges , e r ge l e elle e , r A s G eo rey G o ld of the Associated Press p o nted out , t a di t co th i nera xc nc o he t i .
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