2016 State Conference Report CONFERENCE REPORT 2016 CONTENTS Introduction 3 Program 3 Minutes of Australian Christian Churches (Queensland) Conference No: 45 (39th Biennial Conference) held at Buderim, Qld 2014 4 Agenda & Procedure 5-6 Nomination Profiles 7-10 State President’s Report 11-12 State Treasurer’s Report 13 State Property Committee Report 14 Regional Reports 15-28 Brisbane North 15 Brisbane South 16 Brisbane West 17 Capricornia 18 Central 19 Far Northern 20 Gold Coast 21 Northern 22 Northern Territory 23 South West 24 Sunshine Coast 25 Torres Strait 26 Whitsunday 27 Wide Bay 28 Department Reports 29-32 ACCKids 29 Chaplaincy 30 Christian Women 31 Youth Alive 32 Movement Initiative Reports Community Engagement 33 Financial Reports 34-113 Australian Christian Churches Queensland Financial Report 35-50 Australian Christian Churches QLD Ltd Financial Report 51-65 Regional Financial Reports 66-88 Department Financial Reports 89-113 2 CONFERENCE REPORT 2016 INTRODUCTION Included in the following pages, are the written and financial reports for the Conference period January 2014 through to December 2015. Each Regional and Departmental Leader has submitted their report to keep you informed of the growth and health within their area of influence. Please take the time to read through these reports as they do reflect God’s favour and blessing on us. We look forward to hosting you at what will be a fantastic time together. PROGRAM Monday 5:00pm Senior Pastors Dinner/Expo Opens (10 October) 7:00pm Session: Opening Rally/Voting Opens* Tuesday 12:30pm Expo Opens (11 October) 2:00pm Session 3:30pm Afternoon Break/Voting Closes 4:00pm Business Session 5:30pm Dinner (Provided) 7:00pm Night Rally Wednesday 12:30pm Emerging Leaders Lunch**/Expo Opens (12 October) 2:00pm Session 3:30pm Afternoon Break 4:00pm Session 5:30pm Dinner (Provided) 7:00pm Night Rally - Ordination Service 9:00pm Supper for Newly Ordained Ministers Thursday 8:30am Expo Opens (13 October) 9:30am Session 10:30am Morning Tea (Provided) 11:00am Session 11:45am Session 12:30pm Conference Ends Thursday 8:30am Safer Churches Awareness Workshop (13 October) 10:30am Morning Tea (Provided) 11:00am Safer Churches Awareness Workshop 12:45pm Workshop Concludes *Official Voting Delegates – holders of an OMC, PMC, Missionaries holding an Ordained Minister’s Credential (QLD/NT Residential Address), the nominated Church Representative/s (one for every 250 adults in regular attendance or part thereof). Please note, all Pastor’s and Church Dues must be up to date for eligibility to vote. ** Emerging Leaders Lunch is for 18-30 yrs and those involved in Youth Ministry/Leadership. 3 CONFERENCE REPORT 2016 MINUTES Australian Christian Churches Queensland (ABN: 64051621849) 39th Biennial Conference Minutes CONFERENCE NO. 45 7th October, 2014 Calvary Christian Church – Sunshine Coast Buderim QLD _______________________________________________________________ 1. OPEN The meeting was opened at 12:40pm by John Hunt. Apologies were received from the following people; Paul Allen Alison Goode Henry Leafa David Smethurst Jim Chappell Ashley Goode Bill Rosas Miles Stanley Ted Evans Joy Graetz Andrew Schaper Tom Woodhouse Frank Fauid Jeremiah Hudson Lyn Shum Jason Young Sean Godfrey Pete Lane Linda Sivyer 2. WELCOME John Hunt welcomed the 427 voting delegates who had registered for the Conference. 3. STATE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS John Hunt presented the progress to date, and the new goals and initiatives for the next season were presented by the current State Executive members. 4. APPOINTMENT OF SCRUTINEERS It was moved by John Hunt seconded by Chris Mulhare that Adam Kevu and Annalise Griffiths be appointed as scrutineers. CARRIED 5. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES It was moved by James Macpherson seconded by Chris Mulhare that the Minutes for the 38th Biennial Conference Number 44 be accepted as read. CARRIED 6. ELECTION OF NEW STATE EXECUTIVE The following members were duly elected to the following positions; State President: John Hunt Vice President: Steve Kennedy Secretary: Chris Mulhare Treasurer: Ron Anning Members: Murray Averill James Macpherson Craig Tomkinson John Hunt thanked Ross Davies for putting forward his State Executive Member nomination. 7. GENERAL REPORTS i. President’s Report, Regional Reports and Departmental Reports It was moved by John Hunt seconded by James Hewitt that the President’s Report, Regional Reports and Departmental Reports presented in the 2014 Conference Report be accepted. CARRIED ii. Financial Reports It was moved by Ron Anning seconded by James Hensley that the audited financial reports for the period 1st July 2010 to 31st December 2013 be accepted. CARRIED iii. Matters Arising from Reports There were no matters arising from the reports presented. 8. NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S WELCOME Wayne Alcorn welcomed the Conference and apologised for missing his first State Conference in 30 years as he was appearing at the Royal Commission. 9. STATE CONFERENCE 2015 John Hunt notified the Conference that the 2015 State Conference ‘Influence’ will be held from October 5 to 8 2015 at Calvary Church Sunshine Coast and announced the Conference speaker will be Brian Houston. 10. CLOSE The meeting was closed in prayer by Joel Chelliah at 1:50pm. 4 CONFERENCE REPORT 2016 AGENDA & PROCEDURE Provisional Agenda: (subject to change) Australian Christian Churches Queensland Conference No. 46 (40th Biennial Conference) Agenda Calvary Christian Church – Sunshine Coast Cnr of Crosby Hill Rd & Tanawha Tourist Drive, Buderim, QLD October 10-13, 2016. 1. Open 2. Welcome/Greetings 3. Procedure 4. Roll Call and General Notice 5. Apologies 6. Appointment of Scrutineers 7. Confirmation of Previous Minutes 8. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes 9. Election and Confirmation of New Executive (Nominees) State President: John Hunt State Vice President: Steve Kennedy State Secretary: Chris Mulhare State Treasurer: Murray Averill Members (3 required): Cameron Bennett Lee Dallmann Kirsty Emery Ben Teefy Craig Tomkinson James Macpherson Deborah van Bennekom 10. Official Reports i. State President ii. State Treasurer iii. State Property Committee iv. Regions v. Departments/Initiatives 11. Matters Arising out of Reports 12. General Business 13. State Conference 2017 14. Close 5 CONFERENCE REPORT 2016 PROCEDURE: The business of the Conference shall be conducted on the following parliamentary procedure: 1. In case of dispute, doubt or difficulty arising out of matters of procedure or order, the decision of the Chairperson shall be final and conclusive. 2. In debate upon any subject, no person shall, except by leave of the Chairperson, be permitted to speak more than once on the same question, except that the mover of the motion (unless a vote to close the debate has been carried) shall be allowed to speak in reply, after which the debate shall be closed. 3. No motion to close the debate shall be put to the Conference unless the Chairperson is of the opinion that sufficient discussion of the question before the Conference has taken place. 4. The mover of a motion shall not speak for more than five (5) minutes, and no other speaker shall speak for more than three (3) minutes, except by permission of the Chairperson. 5. A person who has spoken may, by permission of the Chairperson, be heard again in explanation, but that person shall not, except by permission of the Chairperson, introduce new matter nor interrupt a person who is speaking. 6. Whenever an amendment or an original motion has been moved and seconded, no second or subsequent amendment shall be moved until the first amendment has been disposed of. If an amendment is carried, the motion as amended shall take the place of the original motion and shall become the question on which any further amendment may be moved. 7. At the request of the Chairperson, any motion or amendment offered in the meeting shall be reduced to writing and read to the meeting before being debated. 8. No business shall be transacted at the conference other than business which: i. Is included in the Agenda. ii. Arises out of Reports. iii. Is, in the opinion of the Chairperson, of great importance and which the Conference has agreed to transact by a resolution duly passed by a majority of those delegates present and voting. 6 CONFERENCE REPORT 2016 STATE EXECUTIVE NOMINATION PROFILES Positions open for nomination are: • State President • State Vice President • State Secretary • State Treasurer • State Executive Members (three required) The following persons have been nominated for various positions on the State Executive. JOHN HUNT State President (Current) John and Francine are the Senior Pastors of Centro Church, Ipswich, where they have served for over 25 years. They have 3 children, Aleesha (married to Tom Price), Laryssa (married to James Schleusener), and Melanie, and now 3 granddaughters and 1 grandson. John has previously served as the ACC QLD Brisbane West Regional Leader for 15 years and has served on the State Executive for 14 years, now serving as the State President. He believes strongly in equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, and has an extraordinary handle on the Word and character of God. STEVE KENNEDY State Vice President (Current) Steve believes his primary role as Vice-President is to support the State President in his function and represent the State President to the QLD/NT Conference, (i.e. all of its members), and represent the Conference to the State President. Steve has served in this role alongside the current State President for the past 6 years. Steve was born in Queensland in 1961 and has been pastoring here for more than 33 years. Steve is married to Susie (1979) and they have 4 adult children and 3 fantastic grandkids and hoping for more, more, and more.....WOW!! Steve and Susie are Senior Pastors of Champions Church on Brisbane's beautiful bayside. CHRIS MULHARE Secretary (Current) Chris Mulhare pastors New Hope Church Toowoomba, a multi-site church with a strong focus on multiplying leaders through simple discipleship.
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