EDERALR VOLUME 17 NUMBER 22 Sauted Washington, Thursday, January 37, 7952 production from such acreage shall be in TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE addition to the national marketing quota, CONTENTS Chapter VII— Production and Mar­ and the increase^in acreage allotted under Agriculture Department Pa£e this provision shall not be considered in es­ keting Administration (Agricultural tablishing future State, county, or farm acre­ See Production and Marketing Ad­ Adjustment), Department of Agri­ age allotments. ministration. culture Section 729.305 of this proclamation Army Department [Arndt. 1, 1023 (Peanuts-52)-l] defines each of the four commonly known See also Engineers Corps. basic types of peanuts—Runner, Span­ ,Rules and regulations : P art 729— P ea n u ts ish, Valencia, and Virginia—by describ­ Decorations, medals, ribbons, DETERMINATION WITH RESPECT TO TYPES OP ing the outstanding physical character­ and similar devices; service. PEANUTS IN INSUFFICIENT SUPPLY FOR istics of each type and thè areas of the medals______________________ 911 THE 1952-53 MARKETING YEAR United States in which each is most Civil Aeronautics Administra­ commonly grown. The definition of Vir­ tion The purpose of this proclamation is ginia type peanuts includes a require­ to establish the types of peanuts for Rules and regulations: * ment that each lot or load of peanuts Danger areas; alterations_____ 910 which the supply for the marketing having Virginia type characteristics year beginning August 1, 1952, will be must contain a minimum percentage of Commerce Department insufficient to meet the estimated de­ large, so-called “Fancy” , size peanuts, See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ mand for* cleaning and shelling pur­ otherwise such lot or load will be con­ tion; Federal Maritime Board; poses, to establish the extent of increase sidered Runner type peanuts. National Production Authority. in State allotments for States producing Section 729.306 establishes the types of Customs Bureau % peanuts of such types required to meet peanuts for which the supply for the Rules and regulations: such demand, and to apportion such in­ marketing year beginning August 1,1952, Packing and stamping, marking, crease to such States. These determina­ will be insufficient to meet the estimated trade-marks and trade names, tions are made pursuant to section 358 demand for cleaning and shelling pur­ copyrights; customs inspec­ (c) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act poses at prices at which Commodity tion stamps_____________ _____ 910 of 1938, as amended (7 U. S. C. 1358 (c )), Credit Corporation may sell for such pur­ which reads in part as follows: Defense Department poses peanuts owned or controlled by it. See Army Department. Notwithstanding any other provision of This determination is based on the esti­ law, if the Secretary of Agriculture deter­ mated production of each type of pea­ Economic Stabilization Agency mines, on the basis of the average yield per nuts on the State allotments previously See also Price Stabilization, Office acre of peanuts by types during the preced­ announced for the 1952 crop, on the of ; Rent Stabilization, Office of. ing five years, adjusted for trends in yields basis of the average yield per acre o fx Notices: and abnormal conditions of production af­ Approving extent of relaxation fecting yields in such five years, that the sup­ peanuts by types in the five years 1947- ply of any type or types of peanuts for any 51, adjusted for trends in yields and for of credit controls in critical marketing year, beginning with the 1951-52 abnormal conditions of production af­ defense housing areas; Moul­ marketing year, will be insufficient to meet fecting yields in thpse years. Section trie, Ga., et al_______________ 936 the estimated demand for cleaning and 729.306 also establishes the total increase Engineers Corps shelling purposes at prices at which the in State allotments required to meet the Commodity Credit Corporation may sell for Rules and regulations: prescribed demand for peanuts of the Danger zone regulations ; Atlan­ such purposes peanuts owned or controlled types for which an increase is provided. by it, the State allotments for those States tic Ocean east of New River producing such type or types of peanuts Section 729.307 apportions the in­ Inlet, N. C_______ ___________ 925 shall be increased to the extent determined crease determined under § 729.306 to by the Secretary to be required to meet such States producing peanuts of the types Federal Communications Com­ demand but the allotment for any State may for which such increase is provided. mission not be increased under this provision above Such increase is prorated to such States Notices: the 1947 harvested acreage of- peanuts for on the basis of the average acreage of Broadcast stations: such State. The total increase so deter­ peanuts (excluding acreage in excess of Cuban; changes in assign­ mined shall be apportioned among such ments of broadcasting sta- States for distribution among farms pro­ farm allotments) of such types grown in ducing peanuts of such type or types on each State in the three years 1949-51, tions______________________ 936 the basis of the average acreage of peanuts but the allotment for no State is in­ Mexican; list of changes, pro­ of sdch type or types in the three years im­ creased above the 1947 harvested acreage posed changes, and correc­ mediately preceding the year for which the of peanuts for the State. For the pur­ tions in assignments______ 938 allotments are being determined. The ad­ Proposed rule making: pose of this proclamation “farm allot- ditional acreage so required shall be in addi­ Preparation and filing of annual tion to the national acreage allotment, the (Continued on p. 909) patent reports______________ 931 907 908 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Housing and Home Finance Page Price Stabilization, Office of— Page FEDERAL®REGISTER Agency Continued \ 193« <y See Public Housing Administra­ Notices—Continued tion. Ceiling prices at retail—Con. Interior Department Continental Vogue Luggage 949 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, See also Fish and Wildlife Service; Co__________ _____________ and days following official Federal holidays, Land Management, Bureau of. Crosley Division, Avco Mfg. by the Federal Register Division, National Corp_______________ «. 942 Notices : Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Croton Watch Co., Inc____I- 848 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Revising boundaries of El Morro National Monument, N. Mex_ 935 Dulane, Inc_______________ _ £47 thority contained in the Federal Register Dutchess Underwear Corp___ £45 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Internal Revenue Bureau amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8 B ), under regula­ Future Fashions, Inc_______ _ 933 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Proposed rule making: General Mills, Inc., Mechani­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Estate and gift taxes__________ 928 cal Division, Home Appli­ the President. Distribution is made only by Interstate Commerce Commis­ ance Department_________ 941 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ sion Golden Fleece Tissue Mills, ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Inc______________ ________ 938 The regulatory material appearing herein Notices: Hollydale Pottery, Inc______ 943 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Applications for relief : which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Acid, sulphuric, from Spring Ideal Bedding Co___________ £42 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Hill, La., to Mobile, Ala - 957 Interwoven Stocking Co_____ £48 amended June 19, 1937. Ash, soda, from Corpus Jack Charles, Inc______v___ £47 The F e d e r a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by Christi and Velasca, Tex., to Krementz & Co_____________ 947 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 McKay Products Corp____ _ 945 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in . East Moss Point, Miss_____ 957 Grain products from Texas to Michaels Stern & Co., Inc___ 945 advance. The charge for individual copies 841 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Mississippi, Illinois and Slumber Products Corp_____ size of the issue. Remit check or money Missouri_______‘__________ 957 Wamsutta Mills__________ . 9S9 order, made payable to the Superintendent Petroleum products from Wy­ Weber Lifelike Fly Co__ '____ 938 of Documents, directly to the Government oming to North Dakota____ 957 Winship Co., Inc_r_—, ____ 947 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Sulphur from Starks, La.^ to Ceiling prices at retail and There are no restrictions on the republica­ wholesale: tion of material appearing in the F e d e r a l southern, official, and west­ Blue Bell, Inc______________ 942 R e g is t e r . ern territories-______956 Proposed rule making: Casco Products Corp___ _____ 942 Adoption of interpretative rules Ceiling prices for sales by man­ relating to motor-carrier op­ ufacturer and resellers: Now Available erations involving traversal Gino Pill Co., Inc___________ 937 States________ 932 Thompson Borsoma Co______ 837 HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY Rules and regulations: Directors of District Offices, re­ Lease and interchange of ve­ delegation of authority: DEFENSE ACTIVITIES hicles; postponement of ef­ Region X ; issue orders estab­ fective date__________ 927 lishing ceiling prices_______ 837 OCTOBER 1951-MARCH 1952 EDITION Region X III; establish or ad­ Land Management, Bureau of just ceiling prices, ceiling Published by the Federal Register Division, Rules and regulations: fees, ceiling markups
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