JOURNAL AVAIlaBLE AT raDIoloGYUPDATE.orG Intestinal pseudo-obstruction: adult Hirschsprung’s disease and Ogilvie’s syndrome. Clinical case report Authors: Ernesta Utakienė1, Vestina Strakšytė1, Irina Gineikienė1, Saulius Švagždys2, Dainius Jančiauskas3, Gediminas Kiudelis4, Algidas Basevičius1, Mantas Vilčinskas5 1 Department of Radiology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos, Eiveniu street 2, Kaunas, Lithuania. 2 Department of Surgery, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos, Eiveniu street 2, Kaunas, Lithuania. 3 Department of Pathology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos, Eiveniu street 2, Kaunas, Lithuania. 4 Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos, Eiveniu street 2, Kaunas, Lithuania. 5 Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos, Eiveniu street 2, Kaunas, Lithuania. ABSTRacT Colonic pseudo-obstruction is a clinical and radiological syndrome of the large bowel dilatation without mechanical obstruction. We report two similar clinical cases of this syndrome with different origins – adult Hirschsprung’s disease and Ogilvie’s syndrome. Both conditions are rare and actual prevalence is unknown. Early recognition and management are extremely important because it can prevent occurrence of such complications as ischemia, volvulus or perforation and reduce morbidity with mortality. Keywords: hypoganglionosis, computed tomography imaging, acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, megacolon, constipation. INTRODUCTION ious causes [4]. One of them is Hirschsprung’s disease (HD), which is considered a pediatric The term intestinal pseudo-obstruction denotes a illness, as the vast majority of cases are diag- syndrome characterized by a clinical picture sug- nosed during the neonatal period [5]. Rare cases gestive of mechanical obstruction in the absence of Hirschsprung disease can be present in adult- of any demonstrable intestinal lumen obstruction hood. The incidense of adult Hirschsprung‘s dis- [1]. According to presentation, pseudo-obstruc- ease is unknown, mainly because it is frequently tion syndrome can be subdivided into acute and overlooked in the adult population. The diagno- chronic forms. Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO) also sis of HD is usually much more difficult in adult known as Ogilvie’s syndrome is characterized by than in infants, partly because of the rarity of the massive colonic dilatation in the absence of me- disease and the higher incidence of short or ul- chanical obstruction [2]. ACPO is an important trashort segment aganglionosis in adults [6]. cause of morbidity and mortality. Ischemia and We should distinguish patients with ACPO perforation are the threatening complications of from CIPO mainly because of treatment possi- ACPO. Spontaneous perforation has been report- bilities. However, despite the increasing aware- ed in 3-15% of cases with a mortality rate estimat- ness of these conditions its diagnosis remains ed at 50 % or higher when this occurs [3]. difficult and is often delayed [2, 7]. We present Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) two clinical cases of colonic pseudo-obstruction is a syndrome defined by the presence of chronic with different origins – Ogilvie’s syndrome and intestinal dilatation and dysmotility due to var- Hirschsprung’s disease. 6 RADIOLOGY UPDATE VOL. 3. ISSN 2424-5755 CASE PRESENTATIONS Whole abdomen did not fit in plain film of the abdomen (43 x 35 cm), because of the huge size CASE 1 (Fig. 3). Ultrasound examination was hard to in- terpretate because of distended bowel loops. A A 49-year-old man was admitted to the hospital computed tomography (CT) scan was also per- with suspicious bowel obstruction. The anamne- formed and showed a massive dilatation of the sis was poor because of patient‘s speech and hear- rectosigmoid bowel, reaching 23 cm in diame- ing disorders. Other serious underlying medical ter, with heterogeneous matter, other large bowel or surgical conditions were unknown. Physical parts dislocated and dilatated 5 cm in diameter examination findings were massive, rigid abdom- (Fig. 4). inal distension, diffuse lower abdominal pain, ab- Patient was treated conservatively as there was sence of peristalsis and no clinical signs of peri- no evidence of perforation and no definite cause tonitis. Digital rectal examination was negative of mechanical obstruction. The Hirschsprung’s (rectum empty). Routine laboratory blood test disease was not suspected. Despite management results were within the normal values. with intravenous fluids and enemas the patient’s Plain film of the abdomen showed marked diffuse condition became worse and the decision to per- dilatation of the colon (up to 11,2 cm diameter) form a surgery was made. Sigmoid colon was without air-fluid levels and free air (Fig.1). Ab- resected and an intraoperative frozen sectional dominal ultrasound examination was uninform- histological analysis has been performed (Fig.5). ative because of gas filled bowel loops. A colonos- Histopathological examination of the resected copy procedure failed due to retained stools in colon showed the absence of ganglion cells in the the rectum. A computed tomography (CT) scan myenteric and submucosal plexus. Diagnosis of confirmed persistent massive dilatation of the all Hirschsprung’s disease was confirmed (Fig.6). large bowel (cecum diameter reaching 11,5 cm, The patient’s postoperative course was unevent- rectum - 9,8 cm) filled with faeces and gas with- ful, and the colostomy was closed 3 months after out evidence of mechanical obstruction (Fig.2). this operation. Thereafter, his defecation status The patient’s condition was improving and he was became almost normal. managed conservatively with intravenous fluids and enemas. The diagnosis of Ogilvie‘s syndrome was made Fig. 1. Case 1. Plain film of the abdomen showing marked based on the clinical and CT imaging findings. diffuse dilatation of the colon. CASE 2 A 27-years-old man was admitted to emergency department with severe abdominal pain followed by vomiting. He was unable to pass stool for two months and had a years history of obstipation. The patient had developmental disorders and ep- ilepsy. Measurements of basic physiological pa- rameters were within normal levels - respiratory rate 16 breaths per min, heart rate 60 beats per min, temperature 36.5°C, blood pressure 120/85 mmHg, oxygen saturations 98% on room air. During a physical examination massive abdom- inal distention, diffuse abdominal pain, hyper- active bowel sounds, with no evidence of perito- nitis were identified. Digital rectal examination demonstrated a hard mass of stool just above the anorectal ring. Routine and biochemical blood tests values were normal. 7 JOURNAL AVAIlaBLE AT raDIoloGYUPDATE.orG Fig. 2. Case 1. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen demonstrating persistent massive dilatation of the entire large bowel. Fig. 3. Case 2. Plain film showing massive air fluid level and dilatation at the hepatic flexure (arrow). Small bowel loops are invisible, x-ray film can’t contain diaphragm cupola and pelvis because of huge abdomen size. 8 RADIOLOGY UPDATE VOL. 3. ISSN 2424-5755 Fig.4. Case 2. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen showing a dilated colon packed with feces. Fig. 5. Case 2. Operative findings showing a massively dilated (mega) sigma. Fig. 6. Case 2. Histological appearance of distal resection line. No ganglion cells were observed (arrows). H and E staining, x24. 9 JOURNAL AVAIlaBLE AT raDIoloGYUPDATE.orG DISCUSSION rarily suppress colonic motility and induce dila- tation are unknown [14]. The exact prevalence We presented two cases that were very similar of ACPO is unknown. In our case we don’t know radiologically but different in patients age, pa- exact predisposing condition because of patient’s thology, clinical manifestations and treatment. speech and hearing disorders. Both conditions are rare and actual prevalence Clinical presentations of Ogilvie’s syndrome is unknown. The Hirschsprung’s disease occurs and adult HD are different. Most often ACPO in approximately one in 5000 live births. Nine- affects those in late middle age (mean age of 60 ty-four percent of these cases are diagnosed years), occurs in hospitalized or institutionalized before the patient is aged 5 years. In rare mild- patients with serious underlying medical and er cases of these disorders, the patient may not surgical conditions and associated with a wide receive a diagnosis until he or she reaches adult- spectrum of illnesses [15] or adult HD mean age hood [8] probably because the proximal colon is 27,8 year [8]. Ogilvie’s syndrome is characterized often hypertrophied to compensate for the distal by abdominal distention, abdominal pain, nau- obstructed aganglionic rectum [6]. Do MY et al. sea and/or vomiting, with a failure to pass flatus hypothesized that adult-onset Hirschsprung dis- and stools documented in up to 60% of patients. ease manifests as a mild form of HD because this Abdominal distention usually develops over 3-7 disease is associated with a lower degree of ge- days but can occur as rapidly as 24 h [13]. In sur- netic abnormality (RET transmembrane recep- gical patient, symptoms and signs develop at a tor system and the endothelin receptor system) mean of 5 days post-operatively. Massive colonic than childhood HD [9]. dilatation may cause ischemia and perforation, The exact incidence of adult HD is unknown be- with the subsequent clinical finding of perito-
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