The hisTory of Wildbad KreuTh from a fountain of health to a Centre of Political studies In the picturesque landscape of the Tegernsee Valley, Abbot Bernhard Wenzl, an avid builder, erected a the community of Kreuth hides an especially pre- new building in 1661. After this went up in flames, cious jewel in the form of a health resort nestled a new bathhouse was built under the direction of at the foot of the impressive rock formation in Abbot Quirin IV Millon in 1696, in addition to a the blue mountains. Here the visitor will experi- charming Chapel to the Holy Cross. This is situated ence what the health resort has always asserted: so that the oratorium is integrated into the church whoever takes a walk on the incredibly beautiful nave and located on the first floor of the rustic house meadow plateau in this wooded area encircled by and bathhouse. The large crucifix with freely sus- mountains, will feel with each breath the spicy, pended angels catching the blood of Christ, as well oxygenated air of the forest and will relax and re- as the figures depicting the Blessed Virgin, St. John cuperate in the delightful quiet of this mountain- and Mary Magdalene are all well worth seeing. An- ous seclusion. This salutary effect is enhanced by other piece of decoration in the nave is a valuable the beneficial effects of the sulphur springs that Dutch wood relief that depicts the resurrection of have existed at this location since time immemo- Christ. Worked into the wood is the tip of a lance rial. They arise at the “Hohlenstein” nearby which with an elegant baroque mount, known as the significantly was known at one time as the sulphur “Holy Lance”, which is said to have come into con- rock, clearly testifying to its sulphur content. In tact with the Holy Lance in Santa Croce in Rome. 1490 the spa, originally known as “Saint Leon- hard”, was renamed Kreuth and in 1498 Peter von This bathhouse, known as the “old bathhouse”, Riedlern, a serf of the Tegernsee monastery, was resembles a Tegernsee farmhouse. Together with named spa director. the Chapel to the Holy Cross attached to it, it forms a graceful set of buildings that is very popu- Abbot Henry V of Tegernsee built a bathhouse in lar with friends of folk culture today. There is an- 1511. His spa director was Hansen Reiffenstuel other bathhouse next to it which dates back to the from Egern. Hans Poettinger, the 19th century year 1706, built by Abbot Quirin IV as well. The chronicler of Tegernsee, mentions in his historical Tegernsee abbots had the “St. Leonhard” baths in notes a lease that dates back to the year 1566. Ac- their possession for three hundred years – until cording to the lease, “the spa director is obligated the era of secularisation. to loyally attend to the rich and poor who visit and wish to use the baths and provide them with what In 1803 the then spa director, Simon Zahler, pur- they require, and to ensure that there be no mali- chased the house, chapel and bathhouse as well as cious gossip. Moreover, he is entitled to charge the farmland for 500 gilders (1 gilder = Euro 1.07) a bathing fee of three Kreuzer (old German cur- on the condition that the respective owner never rency equal to 1.80 Euro-Cent) per day including relinquish the bathing facilities. The baths, bath- the night, and is himself to make whatever repairs house and property belonging to it had been sadly are required. If the gentleman from Tegernsee neglected, but was now about to take a new upturn. (meaning the abbot) or his brother desire to use On August 20, 1818, the descendants of Simon the baths, he is to receive no fee. Furthermore, the Zahler sold the entire complex to King Max Joseph I conduct of the spa director towards visitors should of Bavaria (1756–1825) for 16,000 gilders. at all times be reputable in every respect.” In the course of time, the spa director came to be a well- The widow, Magdalene Zahler, had to pay the main- known person of distinction who was held in high tenance of the common bathing facility and the esteem by the populace and even had represen- agri cultural property until the end of the year at tational duties. It was he who in earlier times had her own expense. The king then built a long double- to provide support and instruct visitors on how winged bathing facility including all the outbuild- to do things at the resort. It was also he who wel- ings during the period from 1818 to 1820. (It is comed the visitors, provided them with food and quite likely that Klenze was the architect.) saw them off. To sum it all up, he was spa super- intendent, restaurateur, physician, pharmacist, A small booklet dated 1853 puts it this way: “The herb gatherer and administrator, all in one and the buildings of the sanatorium consist of two fairly same person. large wings connected by a corridor which enters Hanns Seidel Foundation – The History of Wildbad Kreuth 2 into the large assembly room with an entrance As an expression of the gratitude felt for the many hall supported by columns, as well as the neces- good deeds done by the noble monarch, a royal sary annexes, stables, carriage houses etc. The monument was erected in 1828 above a spring furnishings, the living room, the two spacious in the forest near the “Old Bath”, a bit to one side dining rooms, the parlour, the billiard room, the of the Kiem-Pauli path. The elegant memorial is a bathroom, etc. are all exemplary. Everywhere bust of Max Joseph above a memorial plaque de- comfortable elegance has been provided for, or- picting patients hoping to cure themselves at the der and cleanliness are visible throughout.” spring. The inscription reads: “His life was as pure and full of blessings as this spring.” In addition to the splendid mountain scenery, it was initially the sulphur springs that tipped the King Max Joseph I brought the great era of the scales in favour of the new spa. It is reported: “The Wittelsbacher family of Tegernsee with him into mineral springs bring about therapeutic effects the quiet locality of Kreuth. The notables of the in many different applications, viz. for diseases world came to visit, crowned heads such as Em- involving kidney and bladder stones, chronic gout peror Franz of Austria, the Russian Czars Nicholas I and rheumatism, liver complaints, pallor, etc.” and Alexander I together with a large entourage, Whey treatment as was practised in Switzerland as well as uncrowned persons of prominence and was introduced in 1822. high ranking gave Wildbad Kreuth an international reputation. A stay at the health resort, hunting, “Whey, especially goat whey, is one of the great- merry festivities with dancing, singing and yodel- est naturally occurring remedies”, a statement ling filled the days of the stay. Hans Maier (1876– attributed to Dr. Tiscont, has been confirmed by 1942), editor of the “Münchner Zeitung” and many physicians. In most cases, the whey acts himself from Rottach, described life in those days: to reduce stress, is nutritious and provides “As a child I experienced the last of the Golden strength in cases involving intestinal, urinary and Era. The noises of the chamois hunt still ring in my dermatological disorders, in nervous diseases, ears. I hear the horses snorting and the silver har- in diseases of the respiratory organs and for con- nesses jingling. That was Duke Max who charged sumption. “Goat whey, a fairly clear, yellow-green- past in the four-in-hand. I can still see good old ish, translucent liquid with a sweetish, aromatic Emperor Franz arriving with a group of gentlemen, taste, was prepared in Siebenhuetten for the all of whom are adorned with exact imitations of baths on the Koenigsalm and Geissalm. It was his majesty’s beard. A piece of Grand old Austria is brought to the baths every morning where it was conserved in my youth.” drunk from attractive, individual whey cups (ex- hibited in the local heritage museum in Tegernsee) Max Joseph died in Munich on October 12, 1825. in the whey hall in accordance with the doctor’s Dowager queen Caroline (1776–1841), Prince prescription. In addition, the whey health cure in Carl of Bavaria (1795–1857), Duke Carl Theodor combination with alpine herb juices, when taken of Bavaria (1839–1909) and his wife, Duchess as a course of treatment, produced a variety of Maria José (1857–1943), continued to promote therapeutic effects” (from the “Manual of Health the reputation and importance of Wildbad Kreuth. Springs and Whey Cure Sanatoria” by Dr. A. Krae- The dowager queen was always at pains to pre- mer, 1850). serve and improve the baths, particularly the style of living and care of the guests. “The more Finally, Max Joseph established a foundation in the congenial half of her life belonged to Tegernsee amount of 50,000 gilders in favour of the needy to and Bad Kreuth.” After her death in 1841, Prince allow them to use the baths and take the cures free Carl of Bavaria inherited not only the entire es- of charge. “Persons known as free bathers came tate at Tegernsee, but also, in addition to all of twice a year before and after the actual peak sea- this wealth, the generosity and openhandedness son for guests. They lived in the rooms of the rich, of this father, Max Joseph.
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