SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH LLC Series #221 65 East 500 North Orem, UT 84057 Telephone: 801 -221 -0750 Fax: 801 -221 -0759 Website: oremsrancis.org Email: [email protected] PY SAA CONFESSIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Thursdays 10:00 a.m.—6:30 Pastor: Rev. Gustavo Vidal Ext. 14 Monday 5:00 6:00 p.m. - p.m. Associate Pastor: Rev. Rogelio Felix -Rosas Ext. 19 Saturday 4:00 5:00 p.m. Saturdays 4:00 p.m. —8:30 Business Manager: Janice Hauzen Ext. 12 Appointments available. Please call p.m. Parish Coordinator: Julie Boerio -Goates Ext. 11 the office to schedule a me. Religious Educaon: Luis Velasco Ext. 16 ENGLISH PRE -BAPTISMAL CLASSES HOLY HOUR Secretary Adriana Perez Ext. 10 Second Tuesday of every Deacon: Julio Palomino 1st and 2nd Wednesday of every month in the main church, Deacon: Vicente Vasquez month. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Please be on 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. me; no children. OAAJ-7 H ENGLISH MARRIAGE CLASSES Monday — Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. By appointment with a priest . MASSES, READINGS INTENTIONS COME SUPPORT THE PARISH SUMMER FESTIVAL SUNDAY, 18th of August 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 AM (English) +Jean Hummel 10:30 AM (English) +Toffee & Sara Hauzen 12:30 PM (Spanish) Ints. Parishioners 3:00 PM (Spanish) +Jose Flores Jer 38:4 -6, 8 -10 Heb 12:1 -4 Lk 12:49 -53 MONDAY, 19th of August 9:00 AM (English) +Andrellla Cross 6:30 PM (Spanish) For world peace Jgs 2:11 -19 Mt 19:16 -22 TUESDAY, 20th of August St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church 9:00 AM (English) Ints. Maria de Loera 6:30 PM (Spanish) For those sick with cancer Jgs 6:11 -24a Mt 19:23 -30 WEDNESDAY, 21st of August St. Pius X, Pope 9:00 AM (English) For abandoned children 6:30 PM (Spanish) +Mercedes Cardona Jgs 9:6 -15 Mt 20:1 -16 THURSDAY, 22nd of August Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 AM (English) For our catechists 6:30 PM (Spanish) +Maria Navarro Jgs 11:29 -39a Mt 22:1 -14 FRIDAY, 23rd of August 9:00 AM (English) For the well -being of our elderly parishioners 6:30 PM (Spanish) For our priests Ru 1:1, 3 -6, 14b -16, 22 Mt 22:34 -40 SATURDAY, 24th of August 9:30 St. Bartholomew, Apostle SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 2:00 pm— pm 5:30 PM (English) +Michael Bruce 7:00 PM (Spanish) For the homeless SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 10:00 am — 6:30 pm Rv 21:9b -14 Jn 1:45 -51 SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI AUGUST 18, 2019 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time liturgical ministers will be scheduled. The late -summer parish festival will take place this year on Saturday, August 24 (2:00 pm to 9:30 pm) and Sunday August 25 (10:00 am to 6:30 pm). There will be games for the chil- dren, music, bands, entertainment and food, food, food. Raffle tickets are being sold in the Gathering Space after the Masses. The proceeds go to whittle down the debt on our church. It ’s I have come to set the earth on fire. Luke 12:51 also about building up the parish sense of community. Come and get to know some new folks! Not peace, but division … Jesus desires to set the earth on fire with his love. But not all will allow themselves to be ignited by LOOKING AHEAD TO SAVE THE DATES: this unconditional love, a love that must be shared with others as it is shared with us. Divisions will grow between those who Blood Drive On Saturday September 7th the Knights of catch fire with his love and those who turn their back on it. St. Columbus are sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive from 9:00 Augustine of Hippo spoke of these divisions in terms of “the am to 1:00pm in the Escalante Room. A chance to donate the ”, “ ” city of God where love rules, and the city of this world Gift of Life to those you may or may not know. where desire for power and wealth rules. While this division has existed from the beginnings of humanity, it need not continue for all time. We can conquer evil through our individual choices The Carmelite Monastery will hold its annual Fair on Sun- to do good. God ’s grace empowers us to choose to do good. day, September 15th from 11 am to 5 pm on the Monastery Cooperate with it! Grounds (5714 Holladay Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT 84121). ’ This fair is the main source of income for the Sisters. They rely This week s quiz tests your recall from the readings for the on the support of Catholics in Utah by purchasing raffle tickets, Solemnity of the Assumption as well as from the readings for participating in a “run for the nuns ” race, a golf tournament (on the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. the 22nd) and a live auction. Volunteers 1. The Assumption, celebrated last Thursday, was about are also needed. For information about the a) Jesus b) Mary c) Joseph d) Elijah fair and ways you can help, call Sherry at 2. Its readings were taken from (801) 718 -8312 or call or email Angela a) Wisdom, Galatians, Matthew (801 -360 -0387) b) Sirach, 1 Peter, Mark [[email protected]]. c) Revelation, Corinthians, Luke d) Genesis, Romans, John The Annual Diocesan Congress will take place on Saturday, 3. The First Reading for this weekend was extracted from September 14 at Juan Diego Catholic Center. The theme is a) Jeremiah b) Isaiah c) Jonah d) Joshua “Increase our Faith, Confirm our Hope. ” The registration fee is 4. and concerned $45 and includes a light breakfast and lunch. There will be ses- a) his skill as a preacher b) his election as a prophet sions for catechists, for parish leaders, and for those just inter- c) an attempt to kill him d) all of these ested in growing in one ’s faith. Bishop Solis will celebrate a 5. The Responsorial Psalm refrain was bilingual mass. More information is available at Registration is a) The king is on his throne . b)Go out to all the world . already open at https://www.dioslc.org/about -us/diocese - c) Lord, come to my aid! d) none of these calendar/special -events/28 -diocesan -pastoral -congress - 6. The Second Reading was taken from congreso -pastoral -diocesano a) Colossians b) Romans c) Ephesians d) Hebrews 7. and urged us to a) persevere b) be alert c) pray always d) all of these The Women of St. Francis are announcing their fall retreat for women: 8. The Gospel was excerpted from a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) John 9. and indicated an initiation of a) cultural division b) a sacrament c) the twelve apostles d) none of these 10. The statement “My sheep hear my voice . .” was part of a) First Reading b) Second Reading c) Gospel Acclamation d) Gospel ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of St. Francis meeting this week: On Monday Au- gust 19th at 6:30 pm, Brent Crane from the Food & Care coali- tion will speak about a new project to provide low -cost long term housing . A1ltar Servers Meeting. Father Vidal requests that all altar servers and one of their parents come to a meeting on Thursday, August 22 at 7:30 pm in the main church. Meetings for other SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI AUGUST 18, 2019 PARISH CALENDAR FOR THIS WEEK Monday, August 19 6:30 pm Meetings: Pescadores Meeting in Rooms 5, 6, and 8; Women of St. Francis in Rooms 3&4; 7:00 pm Activities: Spanish Choir in Library; Aztec Dancers in CLASSES OFFERED IN ENGLISH: Escalante Room; Small Communities Meetings: Open House Sacraments (1 st Communion and Confirmation) in the Gym and Bible Study in Room 7 Continuing Religious Ed (preK,K,1 st , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , 6 th , 7 th ) Tuesday, August 20 7:00 pm Meetings: 3:00 pm Sunday Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults & Children choir rehearsal in Music Room; Pescadores de Cristo meetings: (children ages 7 through 17 who are not yet baptized) Rooms 7 &12, Gym; Small Communities Family Ministry; 7:30 pm Small Communities Evangelization Retreat Planning REGISTRATION FOR ENGLISH CLASSES Wednesday, August 21 12:30 pm: Legion of Mary Prayer Sundays : August 11 through September 15 Meeting in Library ; 6:00 pm: Small Communities Ballet Folk- lorico dancers rehearsal in Gym; 6:30 pm: Matrimonial After the 10:30 am Mass until 3:00 pm Encuentro in Rooms 3&4 and 5; 7:00 pm Meetings: Spanish Downstairs in Rooms 3 & 4 Baptism Class #1 in Rooms 1&2; Pescadores de Cristo: Bible Tuesdays and Thursdays : Study in Room 8 August 13 through September 5 6:30 pm until 9:00 pm Thursday, August 22 7:00 pm Meetings: Small Communi- ’ Location to be posted. ties Children s Choir in gym; Combined Youth Group in Room 8; 7:15 pm Meetings: English and Spanish Altar Server Meet- Registration Fee : (Must be paid at time of registration; family ing with Parents and Father Vidal in the Main Church; 7:30 rates are available. Speak to Angela Robles.) pm: Spanish Choir Practice in Library Sacramental Classes: $45 Non-Sacramental classes: $30 Friday, August 30 7:00 pm Meeting: Small Communities - SINE Council Planning in Dominguez Room Classes begin Sunday, September 8 . 1st grade through Confirmation: Saturday, August 31 10:00 am: Small Communities Chil- 8:45 am —10:00 am dren ’s Choir rehearsal in Gym; 10:00 am Spanish -language baptisms (by prior appointment only) in Main Church; 12:00 Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten: pm Quinceañeara in Main Church; 1:30 pm: Quinceañeara for During 10:30 am Mass.
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