4362 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 11, 1999 the leadership of our party will, even now, rado Springs Free Press newspaper, and I and staff with a myriad of legislative initiatives deny this fact. But former president Bush’s think it is viable today as a conservative and helped draft legislative language for at capitulation to appeasement with the Demo- cause. Permanently ‘‘fix’’ the Old Age Re- least a dozen major tax bills starting with the cratic Majority was the beginning of the end tirement System by taking it out of the of the conservative movement in the country hands of the Feds per se. Much like the Rail- 1976 Tax Reform Act and finishing with the as it should be practiced! (Gospel according road Retirement plan, I fashioned and envi- Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. As the pension to Benton?) sion a system that sets up a government and foreign tax rules grew increasingly more The rhetoric that came out of the Feb- sponsored board to make annual rec- complex, Paul’s expertise and depth of knowl- ruary 23rd meeting between the senate lead- ommendations as to what financial institu- edge became crucial to sound tax policy. ership and President Clinton turned my tions would be approved for investments. I know Paul’s friends and coworkers join me stomach! These guys are from the Neville Coupled with this would be the requirement in wishing him the very best. Paul has earned Chamberlain school! We know well that by each wage earner that they choose one of these financial houses and their payroll de- a fulfilling retirement marked with the satisfac- ‘‘sleeping with the enemy’’ only gets you tion of a job well done. He will be truly missed beat up and bloodied. ductions go to one of the approved money After forty plus years of ever-increasing warehouses. In addition, they would be re- by those fortunate to have worked at this side. Democratic liberalism, Republicans don’t quired to furnish a certificate of deposit to Good Luck, Paul, and thank you. know how to win! The House is better than be reported annually with their IRS filing. f the Senate and because of the House’s ‘‘Con- This way they controlled, to a certain ex- tract With America,’’ that the Senate tent, their own retirement fund but mon- EDUCATION FLEXIBILITY promptly botched, it showed Republicans can itored by this governing board’s staff. There PARTNERSHIP ACT OF 1999 win if the conservative message is packaged would have to be provisions for disablement correctly. The loss we suffered in November problems, but this could be tied down very SPEECH OF can be laid directly at the Republican Sen- stringently through the proper legislation. ator’s doorstep. Unfortunately, because we This way such a fund would be actuarially HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN blew it, the Coach got fired (or plain tired) sound, private enterprise would be fostered, OF NEW YORK and our fire left the field of fight. Put that and the sorry savings rate of our citizens IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would be greatly improved. Plus, there would House loss in the Senate’s column too. Wednesday, March 10, 1999 If we are to salvage the Republican major- be all manners of funds available to help businesses grow, mortgages funded, etc. If ity in both legislative bodies, we need a The House in Committee of the Whole done right, the Federal Government couldn’t group of firebrands to step up and be count- House on the State of the Union had under ed—and we need it now! Our history and our lay their grimy mitts on a single dime—not even in the form of taxation! consideration the bill (H.R. 800) to provide soul is conservative principles. Being ‘‘nice I do not wish to brag, and I’m not even for education flexibility partnerships: guys’’ is stupid and dangerous. I don’t mean sure this can be proven, but an acquaintance Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in we shouldn’t have compassion for any who of long ago, who was a professor at Colorado support of H.R. 800, the Education Flexibility need a helping hand. But there are a mul- College in the sixties and still a citizen of a titude of ways to help people than through Partnership Act of 1999 and I commend the South American country (I do not recall his distinguished gentlemen from the education government intervention and the sooner the name nor what land he came from), told me ‘‘moderates’’ realize this fact, the better off about five or six years ago when we re-met committee, Mr. GOODLING and Mr. CASTLE for all of our citizens will be. that he’d sent my editorial to one of the bringing this important legislation to the floor Both parties have been corrupted by fore- ministers in his country and it was barely today. going their ideals. The Democrats have been possible this ‘‘model’’ fed into their social This legislation will provide states and our taken over by the liberal faction of their security system. He claimed it was a very local education officials with greater flexibility party. My parents were rock ribbed anti- solid program and had helped make his coun- in using federal education funds to support lo- Roosevelt (both Franklin and Eleanor). They try financially strong. were Democrats who recognized the dan- You have tons of reading material and I cally-designed, comprehensive school im- gerous path that was starting to be followed hope this three page treatise isn’t so long it provement efforts. Currently only 12 states by the New Deal Democrats. Government will get just a cursory glance. Maybe you have this ability, but this bill would extend this run pension a.k.a. Social Security that only can read it on the plane? flexibility to all 50 states. Supported by many made our oldsters dependent on the Federal Your friend and supporter, groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Com- octopus and our young workers drawn into BILL. merce, the National School Boards Associa- one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all time. tion, and the New York State United Teachers, And I remember my father saying that was f the expansion of the ed-flex program will give only the tip of the governmental inter- TRIBUTE TO PAUL M. AUSTER ference iceberg. In the twenties, my Dad was states and local school districts, much needed elected by the Trainmen’s Union to be one of regulatory relief to pursue education reforms, the board members of the Railroad Retire- HON. BILL ARCHER while maintaining a level of accountability. ment Fund. I remember full well how he OF TEXAS To ensure that this program will not be mustered the members of that board to re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES abused, the Secretary of Education must de- sist the take over of their pension plan by Thursday, March 11, 1999 termine that a state has an approved title I the Social Security board. His faction won plan or has made substantial progress in de- and that fund is one of the strongest pension Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, this week marks plans in the world today. It is independently the culmination of a very successful career for veloping and implementing state content run on a solid actuarial basis and it hasn’t Paul M. Auster who for the past twenty-three standards and assessments under the Ele- loaned one damn dime to the Federal Gov- years has served as Tax Counsel for the mentary and Secondary Education Act of ernment to hide deficit spending! House Committee on Ways and Means. 1965, in order to be eligible for ed-flex waiv- Springboarding from that background, I A native of Brooklyn, New York, Paul se- ers. Moreover, states are required to develop switched from being a Democrat to a Repub- cured his law degree from the College of Wil- detailed improvement plans, specific to the lican at about age twenty-five because I was liam and Mary in Virginia. Afterwards, he re- waiver authority requested, and must continue very uncomfortable with the direction of the to comply with basic federal requirements con- Democratic Party. Just about as uncomfort- ceived his Masters in Taxation from New York able as I am today, at age sixty-seven, with University and began public service in the cerning civil rights and educational equity. the Republican Party’s inclination to forego Chief Counsel’s Office at the Internal Revenue Ed-flex will reduce the federal demands on conservatism in favor of ‘‘getting along.’’ Service. In 1976, Paul joined the Republican local school districts and will allow local offi- Now that I’m getting close to the end of Staff of the Ways and Means Committee and cials the freedom to choose between what my life, I guess I shouldn’t be so passionate became responsible for all areas of the Tax works and what doesn’t work for their specific about these things. However, I have children Code relating to employee benefits, inter- school system. This will in turn, help the fed- and grandchildren who deserve better from national taxation and insurance. Anyone who eral government to see what federal regula- the Republican leadership than simply roll- tions are not being used by local districts and ing over and playing footsie with the Lib- is familiar with these issues knows that Paul erals. was the principal attorney dealing with some allocate those funds to other programs that Now, Bob, I’m not about to go down shout- of the most complicated provisions of the In- the state and local officials deem necessary ing at the wind without offering a plan of ac- ternal Revenue Code.
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