SEASON * Yellow-rumped Warbler 4 - 9 * Townsend’s Warbler 5 - 8 * Palm Warbler A WHERE to GO AND what YOU MAY SEE * Blackpoll Warbler O * Black-and-white Warbler A 1 Moberley Marsh, off Hwy 1 14 Toby Ck. Rd., to Panorama, * American Redstart 5 - 9 * Ovenbird O N. of Golden pullouts 11+ km from 1 Sandhill Cranes, Waterfowl Wilmer turnoff Blaeberry * Northern Waterthrush 5 - 8 Harlequin Ducks, Dippers * Mourning Warbler A * MacGillvray’s Warbler 5 - 9 2 Reflection Lake, Hwy 95 www.WingsOverTheRockies.org just S of Golden 15 Houlgrave Rd, off Toby Ck. * Common Yellowthroat 5 - 9 Waterfowl, Osprey Rd., Lk. Lillian Golden * Wilson’s Warbler 5 - 9 2 * Yellow-breasted Chat A Bluebirds 3 Brisco, Columbia River TANAGERS, BUNTINGS and SPARROWS * Western Tanager 5 - 9 Columbia Valley Bridge 16 Rualt Rd., Westside Rd. S of * Rose-breasted Grosbeak O Waterfowl, forest birds Invermere * Black-headed Grosbeak 5 - 8 Farm field birds. View over Lk, 4 Radium Mill pond, Forster’s * Lazuli Bunting 5 - 8 Windermere * Indigo Bunting O Bird List Landing Rd. just across the * Spotted Towhee O rail tracks 17 Windermere Loop Rd., E of * American Tree Sparrow O Waterfowl, Swallows, N. Bowling Alley Brisco 3 * Chipping Sparrow 5 - 8 Harrier Farm field birds, Meadowlarks * Clay-coloured Sparrow 5 - 8 Lewis’s Woodpecker * Brewer’s Sparrow 6 - 8 5 Red Rock Lookout, Radium 18 Windermere Village & beach * Vesper Sparrow 5 - 9 1.5km N of mill pond on Urban & shore birds * Lark Sparrow O Osprey Red Rock Rd. * Savannah Sparrow 5 - 9 Eagles, Waterfowl 19 Kootenay #3 Rd., * LeConté’s Sparrow 4 - 9 Windermere - Fairmont 6 5 4 Radium * Fox Sparrow 4 - 9 6 Horsethief Ck. Rd., rock Long-billed Curlews, farm field * Song Sparrow Y Wilmer & forest birds 10 Lincoln’s Sparrow 4 - 9 bluff S of creek about 20 8 * km W of Radium 9 7 Invermere * White-throated Sparrow O Harris’ Sparrow, Thrushes 20 Hoodoos, Fairmont, 1.2km 15 11 12 13 * Golden-crowned Sparrow A N Westside Rd. 14 * White-crowned Sparrow 5 - 9 17 18 7 Dry Gulch Provincial Park White-throated Swifts, forest 16 * Harris’s Sparrow A White Throated Swift Forest birds birds 19 * Dark-eyed Junco Y 21 Fairmont * Lapland Longspur O 8 Ritchie’s Point, 4 km N of 21 Fairmont River Dr., W down 20 * Snow Bunting 11 - 3 Harlequin Ducks Wilmer Wills Rd. and path along 23 BLACKBIRDS and ORIOLES Waterfowl, Solitaires, river going north. 22 Canal Flats * Bobolink O Sparrows, Ravens Waterfowl, Swallows * Red-winged Blackbird Y * Western Meadowlark 3 - 10 9 Munn Lake, Park Dr., Wilmer 22 Canal Flats Rail overpass N * Yellow-headed Blackbird 5 - 8 Bluebirds, Waterfowl of town * Rusty Blackbird O Swallows, Swans, Waterfowl * Brewer’s Blackbird 5 - 8 10 Lake Enid and Burn behind * Common Grackle O lake, 5 km past Munn Lake 23 Tilley Mem. Park, E of Canal * Brown-headed Cowbird 5 - 9 * Baltimore Oriole A Waterfowl, Lewis’s & other Flats * Bullock’s Oriole 6, 7 woodpeckers Shorebirds, Waterfowl 24 FINCHES Wasa * Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Y 11 Invermere Sewage Lagoons 24 Wasa Lake 25 * Pine Grosbeak Y Waterfowl Shorebirds, Waterfowl * Purple Finch 4 - 9 * Cassin’s Finch 5 - 8 12 James Chabot Prov. Pk., 25 Bummer’s Flats, S of Wasa * House Finch O Invermere Swans, Waterfowl * Red Crossbill Y Gulls, Terns 26 26 Elizabeth Lake, Hwy 3 S of * White-winged Crossbill Y * Common Redpoll 11 - 3 13 Lake Dorothy, Pynelogs, Cranbrook * Hoary Redpoll O We are pleased to have been involved in the revision of the Checklist of the Birds Invermere Geese, Waterfowl * Pine Siskin 4 - 10 of the Upper Columbia River Valley. Now in digital form, birding enthusiasts will Shorebirds, Waterfowl, * American Goldfinch O appreciate this important reference for years to come. Herons, Osprey GOOGLE MAPS * Evening Grosbeak O OLD WORLD SPARROWS PO Box 2633 • Invermere • BC • V0A 1K0 * House Sparrow Y Local: 250-342-2473 · Toll Free: 1-855-342-2473 Input from Randy Hopkins, Brian Wesley and Ian Dewey. [email protected] • www.WingsOverTheRockies.org SEASON SEASON SEASON The information in this list has been taken from “Checklist of Birds of the Upper * Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 - 9 * Eurasian Collared-Dove Y JAYS and CROWS Columbia River Valley, British Columbia”, compiled in 1997 by Robert S. Ferguson * Cooper’s Hawk 4 - 10 * Mourning Dove 5 - 9 * Gray Jay Y and Larry Halverson. An ‘A’ shows that it is accidental. For the season likely seen, ‘Y’ * Northern Goshawk Y CUCKOOS * Steller’s Jay Y is all year, an ‘O’ is occasional, otherwise the months they are usually here. * Broad-winged Hawk O * Black-billed Cuckoo O * Blue Jay O * Swainson’s Hawk O * Clark’s Nutcracker Y SEASON OWLS * Red-tailed Hawk 3 - 10 * Black-billed Magpie Y LOONS * Flammulated Owl O * Rough-legged Hawk 4,9,10 * American Crow Y * Common Loon 4 - 10 * Great Horned Owl Y * Golden Eagle 3 - 11 * Common Raven Y GREBES * Snowy Owl 11 * American Kestrel 3 - 10 CHICKADEES * Pied-billed Grebe 4 - 10 * Northern Hawk Owl O * Merlin 3 - 12 Northern Pygmy-Owl Y * Black-capped Chickadee Y * Horned Grebe 5 - 9 * * Peregrin Falcon O Barred Owl Y * Mountain Chickadee Y * Red-necked Grebe 4 - 10 * * Prairie Falcon O Burrowing Owl A * Boreal Chickadee O * Eared Grebe 5 - 8 * GROUSE and PTARMIGAN * Great Gray Owl Y * Chestnut-backed Chickadee O * Western Grebe 5, 10 * Spruce Grouse Y Long-eared Owl O NUTHATCHES PELICANS * * Dusky Grouse Y * Short-eared Owl O * Red-breasted Nuthatch Y * American White Pelican O * White-tailed Ptarmigan Y * Boreal Owl O * White-breasted Nuthatch O CORMORANTS * Ruffed Grouse Y * Northern Saw-whet Owl Y * Pygmy Nuthatch A * Double-crested Cormorant O * Wild Turkey Y NIGHTJARS and SWIFTS CREEPERS HERONS, BITTERNS and IBISES RAILS and CRANES * Common Nighthawk 5 - 9 * Brown Creeper Y * American Bittern 4 - 8 * Virginia Rail O * Common Poorwill O WRENS * Great Blue Heron Y * Sora 5 - 9 * Black Swift 5 - 8 * Rock Wren O * Great Egret O * American Coot 4 - 10 * Vaux’s Swift 5 - 8 * House Wren O * Cattle Egret O * Sandhill Crane O * White-throated Swift O * Winter Wren Y * White-faced Ibis O PLOVERS, STILT and AVOCET HUMMINGBIRDS * Pacific Wren 4 - 10 SWANS and GEESE * Black-bellied Plover O * Black-chinned Hummingbird O * Marsh Wren 4 - 10 * Tundra Swan 3,4,10,11 * American Golden Plover O * Anna’s Hummingbird A DIPPERS Trumpeter Swan 4 - 10 * * Semipalmated Plover O * Calliope Hummingbird 5 - 8 * American Dipper Y Greater White-fronted Goose O * * Kildeer 3 - 11 * Rufous Hummingbird 4 - 9 KINGLETS Snow Goose O * * Black-necked Stilt A KINGFISHERS * Golden-crowned Kinglet Y * Ross’s Goose A * American Avocet O * Belted Kingfisher 3 - 10 * Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4 - 9 * Canada Goose Y SANDPIPERS WOODPECKERS THRUSHES DUCKS * Greater Yellowlegs 5 - 9 * Lewis’s Woodpecker 5 - 9 * Western Bluebird O * Wood Duck 4 - 10 * Lesser Yellowlegs 4,8,9 * Yellow-bellied Sapsucker A * Mountain Bluebird 3 - 10 * Green-winged Teal 4 - 10 * Solitary Sandpiper 5 - 9 * Red-naped Sapsucker 4 - 9 * Townsend’s Solitaire Y * Mallard Y * Spotted Sandpiper 5 - 9 * Downy Woodpecker Y * Veery 6 - 8 * Northern Pintail 4 - 10 * Whimbrel A * Hairy Woodpecker Y * Swainson’s Thrush 5 - 9 * Blue-winged Teal 5 - 9 * Long-billed Curlew O * White-headed Woodpecker A * Hermit Thrush 5 - 9 * Cinnamon Teal 5 - 8 * Marbled Godwit A * Three-toed Woodpecker Y * American Robin Y * Northern Shoveller 4 - 10 * Sanderling O * Black-backed Woodpecker O * Varied Thrush 3 - 10 * Gadwall O * Semipalmated Sandpiper O * Northern Flicker Y MIMIC THRUSHES * Eurasian Wigeon O * Western Sandpiper O * Pileated Woodpecker Y * Gray Catbird 6 - 9 * American Wigeon 3 - 10 * Least Sandpiper O FLYCATCHERS * Northern Mockingbird O * Canvasback 4 - 10 * Baird’s Sandpiper O * Olive-sided Flycatcher 4 - 9 * Brown Thrasher A * Redhead 4 - 10 * Pectoral Sandpiper 9,10 * Western Wood-Pewee 5 - 8 PIPITS * Ring-necked Duck 4 - 10 * Stilt Sandpiper O * Alder Flycatcher 5, 6 * American Pipit 5 - 9 * Greater Scaup 4,10 * Short-billed Dowitcher O * Willow Flycatcher 5 - 9 WAXWINGS * Lesser Scaup 3 - 10 * Long-billed Dowitcher 10 * Least Flycatcher 5 - 9 * Bohemian Waxwing 9 - 3 * Harlequin Duck 5 - 9 * Wilson’s Snipe 4 - 9 * Hammond’s Flycatcher 5 - 9 * Cedar Waxwing 5 - 9 * Surf Scoter O * Wilson’s Phalarope O * Dusky Flycatcher 5 - 9 SHRIKES * White-winged Scoter O * Red-necked Phalarope O * Pacific-slope Flycatcher 6 - 8 * Northern Shrike 9 - 4 * Common Goldeneye Y GULLS and TERNS * Eastern Phoebe O * Loggerhead Shrike O * Barrow’s Goldeneye 3 - 10 * Pomarine Jaeger A * Say’s Phoebe O STARLINGS * Bufflehead Y * Bonaparte’s Gull 5 - 10 * Western Kingbird 5 - 9 * European Starling 3 - 10 * Hooded Merganser 4 - 10 * Ring-billed Gull 4 - 10 * Eastern Kingbird 5 - 9 VIREOS * Common Merganser Y * California Gull 8 - 10 LARKS * Cassin’s Vireo 5 - 8 * Red-breasted Merganser O * Herring Gull 4,9,10 * Horned Lark 3 - 9 * Warbling Vireo 5 - 8 * Ruddy Duck 5 - 9 * Common Tern 9,10 SWALLOWS * Red-eyed Vireo 5 - 8 VULTURES * Arctic Tern A * Tree Swallow 3 - 9 WOOD WARBLERS * Turkey Vulture 4 - 10 * Forster’s Tern A * Violet-green Swallow 3 - 8 * Tennesee Warbler O HAWKS and EAGLES * Black Tern 5 - 8 * Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4 - 8 * Orange-crowned Warbler 5 - 9 * Osprey 3 - 10 DOVES * Bank Swallow 5 - 9 * Nashville Warbler 5 - 8 * Bald Eagle Y * Rock Pigeon Y * Cliff Swallow 5 - 8 * Yellow Warbler 5 - 8 * Northern Harrier 4 - 10 * Band-tailed Pigeon A * Barn Swallow 5 - 8 * Magnolia Warbler 5 - 8 .
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