www.tcago.org October 2004 Volume 10, Issue 2 AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS—TWIN CITIES CHAPTER Felix Hell TCAGO PROGRAM SCHEDULE Young Virtuoso Organist, Performs FOR 2004 at Bethlehem Lutheran SUN. OCT. 17 Young Organ Virtuoso Recital 3:30 pm pre-recital conversation with the artist th n Sunday, October 17 at 4:00 pm Felix Hell, young virtuoso organist 4:00 pm 18 year old, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Minneapolis O“wunderkind”, Felix Hell, (co-sponsored with BLC) will present a concert, co- sponsored by the Twin Cities SAT. NOVEMBER 13 9 am - 3 pm Chapter of the American Guild of Seek Sights & Sounds Organists and the Bethlehem Mu- Regional Organ Crawl to instruments in Shoreview and NE sic Series at Bethlehem Lutheran Saint Paul area (Fisk, Phelps, Holtkamp, Moeller, and J. W. Church, 4100 Lyndale Ave. S. Walker) led by Michael Barone The concert is free and open to the public. The event will begin with JANUARY Faxes about Taxes a pre-concert conversation with the Workshop on Tax Preparation for Professional Musicians artist. A reception will follow the concert and a free nursery will be FEBRUARY Discover, Demonstrate, Develop Skills provided for children three months Pipe Organ Discovery Day for youth to three years. Skills day for members: - explore the guild exams - brush up on skills or begin work in improvisation, hymn playing, modulation APRIL Student Competition Session: Organ literature for church and recital led by TCAGO program committee MAY Student Winner’s Recital Tues. May 10 7:30pm Organ Recital Cameron Carpenter, organist, Wayzata Community Church JUNE Board the Boat Boat cruise for TCAGO members INSIDE THIS ISSUE Felix Hell Page 1 TCAGO Program—Felix Hell Recital Felix Hell is a phenomenon in sev- Page 3 Duo Bob Nienaber/Bobbi Schmidt Recital eral ways. He is probably the “most well-known young concert Page 6 Archive News by Jerry Bonstrom organists worldwide” (Dr. John Weaver), and “undoubtedly one of Page 8 Diana Lee Lucker Recital with saxo- the major talents of the cen- phone and narration tury” (Dr. Frederick Swann). To quote Michael Barone: “He surely Page 9 Combined Piano/Organ Recital with Rose Burckhardt, Mark Kieffer and (Virtuoso continued on page 5) Bobbi Sliwinski PIPENOTES PIPENOTES is the official publication of the Twin Cities Chap- TCAGO OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS ter, American Guild of Organists, and is published 9 times a year, September – June. The December and January issues Class of 2005: Jackie Holstrom 651-490-1693, Lynn are combined as one. Shackelford 952-903-9631, Jerry Bonstrom 651-604-0715 Class of 2006: James Frazier 612-874-0929; Timothy Buen- DEADLINE DATE: Information for PIPENOTES should be received no later than the 1st of the month preceding publi- dorf 612-722-6827; Kathryn Moen 651-644-6931 cation. Subscription cost for persons who are not members of Class of 2007: Leonard Danek 612-861-1327; Laura Edman the TCAGO is $40/year. 651-439-1071; Merritt Nequette 651-484-0451 Advertising Fees Dean: Judy Campen 952-496-0431 Business card - $60/yr; Full page - $170/insertion; Half Sub-dean: Lynn Trapp 612-789-1384 pg - $95/insertion; Quarter pg. - $60/insertion; Want ad – Secretary: Jane Nienaber (H) 763-561-8130 $35/2 consecutive issues. (W) 952-920-8515 New advertisements are welcomed at any time. Please call Treasurer/Investments: David Geslin 763-856-1044 952-432-6995. [email protected] Chapter Website: http://www.tcago.org Program Committee: Chair: Lynn Trapp 612-789-1384 Members: Carolyn Diamond, Michael Barone, Paul Lohman, Webmaster: Sharon Barton – 763-537-7814 Yvonne Thomas [email protected] Brad Althoff – 651-647-6190; [email protected] Professional Development: Chair: Maria Bucka 612-312-3411; [email protected] Dean TCAGO: Judy Campen 952-496-0431 Members: Megen Balda, Charles Fruhstuck, Julie Urban, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] David Cherwien, Bob Anderson (consultant) Organist Helpline: Maria Bucka Education Committee: Chair: Stephen Self 651-481-3297 612-312-3411; [email protected] [email protected] Members: Melanie Ohnstaed, Karen Becker, Phil Asgian, Kirsten Uhlenberg, Allan Mahnke (ex officio) TCAGO ADMINISTRATOR: Barb Herzog Phone: 952-432-6995 Fax: 952-432-5226 Composition Committee: Chair: Marilyn Biery E-mail: [email protected] 651-228-1766 x45; [email protected] Members: John Nuechterlein a) Membership/PIPENOTES Subscription [email protected] Chaplain: Rev. Michael Edwins 763-529-1998 b) News Items for Pipenotes [email protected] c) Letters to the Editor Hospitality: Bill Stump, Deb Schoenberger d) Pipenotes Advertising Placement Coordinator: Bob Anderson Publicity: Lynn Shackelford/Kathryn Moen Change of Address (Pipenotes): Barb Herzog 952-432-6995 Archives: Jerry Bonstrom Student Competition Coordinator: Dee Ann Crossley Change of Address (The American Organist): 651-457-8994; [email protected] AGO Headquarters Guild Examinations: Dr. Allan Mahnke, DMA, AAGO 475 Riverside Dr., Ste. 1260, New York, NY 10115 651-641-8849; [email protected] 212-870-2310 2008 Convention Coordinator: Bill Stump 651-777-7276 [email protected] Placement: Robert Anderson 612-377-4450; [email protected] Calendar Coordination/Events Scheduling: Michael Barone (W) 651-290-1539 (H) 651-228-9885 WELCOME, NEW MEMBERS! E-mail: [email protected] Organ Calendar: www.pipedreams.org/calendar Elizabeth Laufers and Brian Wentzel 2 PIPENOTES DEAN’S LETTER Steering Committee will be meeting with LETTERS TO THE EDITOR National representatives. If you have any suggestions at any time, please contact Bill Signed Letters to the Stump, Convention Coordinator. Have Editor are always wel- you volunteered to be on a committee? A come. Please send, successful convention will require the help fax or email letters to of all our members in some way. Please Barb Herzog. give it serious consideration. I hope your Fall activities are off to a smooth start and that you are an inspiration sic to all you meet. Take a few moments each in day to meditate and set your heart on a positive path. I am very pleased to share with you the successful results of the Bob Pope LP sale! Peace and Joy! As of this writing, the Michael Barone Organ Scholarship Fund has increased by over $1,400!! There are many volunteers to thank. In addition to those acknowl- edged in Jerry Bonstrom’s article, I would Judy Campen, Dean like to thank Paul Emch, Michael Norbert, Laura Edman, Merritt Nequette, Karine DUO ORGAN RECITAL Platt, Len Nelson, Lynn Shackelford, Dee AT CENTENNIAL UMC Ann Crossley, Kathryn Moen, David by Robert Nienaber Molvik, Jackie Holstrom and Donn San- On Sunday, October 3, at 4:00pm, dell who worked at the sale and all the Robert Nienaber and Bobbi Schmidt will others who came and purchased items. We present a combined organ recital at Cen- owe special thanks to Donn Sandell who Bob Nienaber tennial UMC, 1524 W. County Rd. C-2 spent countless hours organizing the re- (Snelling & C-2) in Roseville. The pro- Organ Performance degree. Other teachers cords for the sale! What an appropriate gram will include works by J. S. Bach, include Heinrich Fleischer and Dean Bill- way to make the “gift” grow! Jongen, Langlais, Messiaen, and Rheinber- meyer. Bobbi is on the music staff of Cen- ger, as well as a demonstration of the ranks tennial UMC as Chancel Choir Accompa- Have you marked October 17th on your added in 2003. The concert is free with a nist. calendar? TCAGO is co-sponsoring Felix reception follow- Hell in recital at Bethlehem Lutheran Bob Nienaber attended the ing. Child care Church. This young virtuoso has taken the University of Minnesota in will be provided. world by storm! One of the goals of Minneapolis and the Univer- TCAGO is to encourage and support the Bobbi Schmidt sity of Cincinnati College- young organist. This is YOUR opportu- studied organ and Conservatory of Music where nity to bring a young person with you to piano at St. Cloud he received the Bachelor of the recital! Don’t miss it! State University Music in Music Education with Charles degree. Graduate work in As you may know, the operating budget Echols and Susan Church Music was done at for TCAGO comes from the membership Marchant, earning the University of Minnesota. dues that help pay for the expenses of a Bachelor of Mu- His organ teachers include Pipenotes, programs, web site, and of sic in Organ Per- Daniel Chorzempa, Heinrich course the National orgnization. It is never formance. Further Fleischer and Roberta Gary. too late to sign up or to renew your mem- studies were with He has been on the music bership. Are you concerned with the cost? Quentin Faulkner staff at Centennial UMC Have you approached your church about and George since 1985 where he is Direc- putting the dues in their budget? This is Ritchie at the Uni- tor of Music/Organist, direct- the time of year when budgets are being versity of Ne- ing and coordinating eight formulated. Why not give it a try? braska, Lincoln, vocal, handbell and instru- where she received mental groups. Later this month the 2008 Convention the Master of Mu- Bobbi Schmidt 3 PIPENOTES American Guild of Organists POSITIONS AVAILABLE Twin Cities Chapter Church Music Positions Anyone may list a position opening by writing or calling Robert Anderson, 2024 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, MN All churches advertising positions with the TCAGO are asked 55405-2303, 612-377-4450. Positions are listed in two con- to complete a questionnaire on their general policies and re- secutive issues of PIPENOTES. If the position is still open, quirements for a music position. Churches that have returned the church is asked to relist the opening. A fee of $50 is re- their completed form are shown with an asterisk in front of quested (with the ad running 2 months, and an additional $15 their name.
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