'I* * FRroAT, MAKCR 1«. 1»B1 iiatirlri^at^r Iffralh I Avsrsgs Dslly Net Proas Ron Tho WwtlMr For the Wseh Boding PeccenM et D. 8. WeaMrir ■onoa ‘71 March U, IM l X g 1 Ig g^ g g^ g Tf' 1 1 g^n g Hi 1 I g^ g ^ X l 1 B g Today generally fair, ceeli to­ . 10,137 night M r aad coM; Soaday la- Mseeher of ths AodH esoasiag cloodiaaM, rain at MgM. Boi eoa ef GbcolsUoas Manche^er—~A City o f Village Charm EASTER (CtaaaUled Advertlriag oa Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS The Season: VOL. LXX, NO. 141 ___ ___ __ _ f Allies Seen The Fashion: A SUIT ( Says Ike Available WHAT IS , YOUR MacArthur Indicates *MQ- With Vital t*mA the Eeeter faaWon parede In a milt from our new froup ^MANCHESTER QUODENT ofat flaunU a mire atroke of dealgnlng genlua. In the fabrfc !!lw h X r aoUd. checked or round-the-year ray^^ In It. For ’52 Nomination Peace Chance This Is one of a projected series of Informal ri#tA.illnff . ita exciting new-for- 51 color. Ana quizzes designed to give you more than a nod­ Ma comforUble price thafa your own prideful aecret. % Optimism as Korean ding acqti.ilnfonce with your town. Its rbararteri J. N. Commanders Feel . V f Ckims General, DaWSOll Back Its history nnd Its problem. Knowing Mnnehester A belter will give you a better underst;indlng of Ite Peiping, Kremlin May problems and perhaps point the way for molding Reports Pact Chief In PrODC CaSC Its future. Be Ready to End W ar $I6,95 lo S59.95 A Could Be Democrat ____ Manchester Development Commlsstoa Without Big Defeat Reds Mass on’Front J i' '* Briton^s Name Comes Miami, Fla., March 17.— Tokyo, March 17—(yP)— United Sayd “ EverylKlng Going Nations commanders generally feel Balloon'd Up, Pilot'd Adleep (ff>— An NBC radio commen­ Up in Check on Sur­ Well” After Vidit to tator reported today that plus Property Resale that Allied diplomats now have =r: Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower their first Important chance since Marined; Mig, Shoot­ November to win an ncceptnblc will be recalled from Europe Washington, March 17—{/P) — ing Star Collide in Air; pt'are m Korea. in mid-summer of 1952 to be ’The needle of a House Investigat­ But in their view It Is only a Sign«- Show Commu- “available" for nomination ing committee’s compass pointed chance. It depends on the possi­ SHORT EASTER for President. “President back today to George Dawson, a nidt Forced Near End of bility but no concrete evidence— Truman made a deal with Briton said to have made 8100,- Retreat to New Line; General Eisenhower to mskc Ike 000,000 in the resale of U. S. that Pciping ami the Kremlin GIRLS' COATS available for the presidential cam­ Army surplus property, might be ready to quit. Supply Train Smudheil C O A T STORY paign of 1952,” the radio news­ v > . - ; Inveisttgators for the House com­ The results of the current of­ COATS AND TOPPERS man, Merrill Mueller, wrote in tfie mittee were seeking to learn if fensive have given the Allies a Tokyo, March 17.— — w _„ naint a nett and Jaunty picture In the Kaater Parade QuiU, magazine published by Sig­ this is the same George Dawson temporary advantage. The Chinese General MacArthur paid a Ty^r^new To “ rJngth'cSat. You war It^rcmgh ma Delta Chi, national honorary linked by Presidential military l009r Virgin Wool Crepe — lOOrj Wool Gabardine —* have lo.sl some of their best troops flprinr and Summer with faahlonable eaae . J *"” . Journalism fraternity. alde-MaJ. Gen. Harry Vaughan among an e.sfimaled 172,000 ground Hurpri.se visit to the tightinK Suede Cloth — Bur Mil Rayon. Crease resistant. Navy, He wrote that Elsenhower him­ you will appreciate our Eaater aelectlon of faahlona meant with John Maragon, one-time action cimuallies. Ik N. forces front in Korea today and Aqua, Red, Gold. Sizes 7 to 14. Pre-teen coat sizes 7 to 14. self told him of the arrangement.' Xor you. White House familiar. Maragon have proveil they cannot be driven found “ everything going “The chief executive told Ike was convicted of perjury after a off the peninsula except by greater well.” The United Nations that one Harry Truman did not ’Five-Percenter” probe in 1949 by masses than the Reds have yet coniriiatlder jeejwd to within GREEN $10.98 to $22.98 want to be accused of exiling a po­ a Senate committee. used. ' to tential powerful contender for the Senate Investigators Introduced For the first time since the 2,000 yards of the tiattle line $49.95 STAMPS GIVEN honors of the White House. a 1948 letter from Vaughan to Chinese struck in late November, south of Chunchon. More W ITH CASH "Dee told me this during a pri­ General Clyde Hyssong, then on rescuing the beaten North Korean Uinn 200,(M»0 (Thlneso Reds wore vate meeting In Denver last De­ SALES duty in Europe. It said, in part: army, the Allies hold the advan­ nioHseil aldng that line for a laat- Coats and Suita— Second Floor cember. None of our talk was off ■'This will introduce my good tage. dltch defenne of the base they the record, but some of It must General MacArthur emphasized nuisl hold to stay below rarollcl stiU be restricted at this time be­ friend Jbhn Maragon. who 11 rep­ PRE-TEEN SUITS resenting George Dawson and Friday, however, that the Commu­ .38. cause of the General’s foreign nists have "suffered no derisive MacArthur returned to Tokyo commitments. Company, and who Is interested In puichasing materials from the defeat." They withdrew from Seoul Saturday night. "Dee told me— in contradiction NAVY Foreign Liquidation service.” and parallel positions in good or­ In the atr, an F-80 Shooting to hia written reply to my letters GLEN PLAIDS Vaughan told the Senate com' der. Star jet and a Itu.islan-type MIG SIZES 10-14 $19.98 over the past five years—tlA he jet collided Saturday and plunged mlttee he knjw nothing'^ of DaW' T h e Communists, therefore, would nm in 1952 If d rau H by to the ground. BoUi pilots were son and was only doing Maragon would be ready to reach an accep Hosiery Second Floor one of the political partle;^’^)Iuel- prcHUmed dead, TTie collision came table peace at this time only if ler continued. a favor. during a dogfight between three Flep. Bonner (D -NC), chairman they derided additional blood-let­ "About the seime time. Presi­ Shooting Stars and three MIQa JUDY BOND BLOUSES of the House group, said last night ting wasn’t worth the effort. dent ’Truman told friends su-ound south of Namsi In northwest Ko- his committee wants to question Military men believe this possi him In Washington— several of btlity la worth exploring. For Your whom I have talked with since— diaries F*olettl, Former U. 8. M ili­ Fifth Air Force warplanes flew that Dee could have the presiden­ tary Governor in Italy and one­ The Allied advantage may de 733 sorties (single flight*) by. All turherMl out after a downtown shopping trip with his grand­ cy If he wanted It." time Lieutenant Governor of New crease In the next few weeks. These dusk, shooting up Communist f o r S p rin g Easter Parade Mueller, a former foreign corre' York, and Paul Griffith, former are some of the reasons; mother. Terrv I.<ee I’ouers. 18 months old, Just had to drop off when transport and troops. apondent now stationed by the assistant Secretary of Defense. How many Post Of­ 1. Allied forces arc operating he found a friendly couch In the lohhy of the Dchver I’ost hulldlng A P l'orres|>ondent William C. A govemnqent witness testified Picturef fices did the Town of about as far north as they can, .vesterdas’. But even In Dreamland he kept a light grip o:i Ihr siring Barnard re|H)rtcd from the cen­ (ConUBoed ea Page Ten) yesterday that Poletti and Griffith Manchester have 20 with present strength, and still of that precious toy ballmin. (A P Wlrepholo). tral sector that American forces cmrjHiBrs hats in What did the iieople represented flrnM connected with yeara agn? keep their voracious guns and northwest, of Hongch(m Saturday of Manchester do as tanks supplied. threw back a company-sized at- resales o f surplus material at When did Maadiea- memorials to World 2. ’The Chinese are apt to be tark by CThlncse Reds. This was fabulous profits. ter cJiangr to a Coun- Firat quality Nylona Bonner also said subpoenas had W’ar One and W’nrid more willing to talk sense in pro­ near the area visited by M acAr­ Smash Dope W’ar Two Veterans? cll-Managrr form of Crime Probers Wait ItUSTK in Semi Sheer and been Issued for Morris Klein, of portion to their losses and less thur. Sheer weights; also Govemnaent ? the Oakland Truck Sales Co., of What te the tax rate likely during a relatively quiet AP Correspondent Nate Polo- Dark Heel.s and B ta la m ^ wetzky reported there wee virtu­ Ring in D. C. PltUburgh, and others Bonner did la Moachaater? What WImt la Ike rtegan Dark Seams. K, -ytukm, a- UAL-sUy, Is about ally no contact ^ t h the enemy not nam e.. la tlw basis of Aa- n a^ by the Town af Testimony by O’Dwyer Bat, ha said, Kletn and the oth­ 8.
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