PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT AND PHASE I SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT for the GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Bennett Street Site Lynn, Massachusetts PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT AND PHASE I SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT for the GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY BENNETT STREET SITE LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS Prepared for General Electric Company 1000 Western Avenue Lyn n, Massachusetts 01910 Prepared by Wehran Engineering Corporation 100 Milk Street Methuen, Massachusetts 01844 Wehran Project No. 08257.05 November 1988 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS (Page 1) Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2-1 2.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2-1 2.2 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 2-2 3.0 SITE HISTORY 3-1 3.1 PROPERTY HISTORY 3-1 3.2 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 3-3 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS 4-1 4.1 SOIL-GAS SURVEY 4-1 4.2 TEST BORINGS AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING 4-2 4.2.1 Part 1 Activities 4-2 4.2.2 Part 2 Activities 4-4 4.2.3 Well Elevation Survey 4-5 4.3 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS 4-6 5.0 RESULTS OF FIELD INVESTIGATIONS 5-1 5.1 SOIL-GAS SURVEY 5-1 5.2 SUBSURFACE SOILS 5-1 5.2.1 Geological Assessment 5-1 5.2.2 Soil Analytical Results 5-2 5.2.3 Geophysical Survey Results 5-4 5.3 GROUNDWATER 5-6 5.3.1 Hydrological Assessment 5-7 5.3.2 Groundwater Analytical Results 5-8 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6-1 6.1 SUMMARY 6-1 6.1.1 Site Description and History 6-1 30 11/88.0825705 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS (Page 2) Page No. 6.1.2 Subsurface Soil Conditions 6-2 6.1.3 Groundwater Quality and Usage 6-4 6.1.4 Comparison of Site Conditions to Interim Soil Policy 6-6 6.2 CONCLUSIONS 6-2 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 7-1 8.0 LIMITATIONS 8-1 9.0 REFERENCES 9-1 APPENDIX A - BORING LOGS APPENDIX B - ANALYTICAL DATA APPENDIX C - GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY DATA APPENDIX D - CHEMICAL INFORMATION APPENDIX E - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT FORM 87-2 30.11/88.0825705 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIST OF FIGURES Figure Follows Number Page No. 2-1 Site Location Map 2-1 2-2 Site Plan 2-1 3-1 Former Bennett Street Site Subdivisions 3-1 4-1 Soil-Gas Survey Locations 4-1 4-2 On-site Boring and Monitoring Well Locations 4-6 4-3 Off-site Boring Locations 4-6 5-1 Soil Headspace VOC Results 5-2 5-2 Magnetometer Survey - July 28, 1988 5-4 5-3 Magnetometer Survey - August 26,1988 5-4 LIST OF TABLES Table Follows Number Page No. 3-1 Property History Summary 3-3 4-1 Groundwater Measurements Observed at the Bennett Street Site 4-4 5-1 Summary of Laboratory Analytical Results - Soil Samples, Part 1 and Part 2 5-3 5-2 Summary of Laboratory Analytical Results - Groundwater Samples, Part 1 5-8 5-3 Summary of Laboratory Analytical Results - Groundwater Samples, Part 2 5-8 6-1 Summary of Federal and State Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories 6-5 B-1 Summary of Anaytical Results, Soil-Gas Survey - April 5, 1988 B-1 30.11/88 08257.05 1.0 INTRODUCTION The activities conducted during this Preliminary Assessment and Phase I Site Investigation were intended to confirm whether or not the General Electric (GE) Bennett Street property located on Bennett Street in Lynn, Massachusetts is a disposal site under the 310 CMR 40.00 Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The GE Bennett Street site investigation was initially conducted as an environmental assessment under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 21E (MGL Chapter 21 E)in support of a potential sale of the property. At the time, the site investigation was commenced in April, 1988 the MCP was not in effect. This final report has been formatted to now be consistent with the MCP disposal site investigation framework so as to be readily interpreted by regulatory agencies and the public. The scope of the originally proposed 21E environmental assessment was fully compatible with applicable MCP disposal site Preliminary Assessment and Phase I Site Investigation requirements under 310 CMR 40.541 and 40.543. Due to the initiation of this investigation as a 21E environmental assessment prior to the MCP being in effect, this report will serve several purposes. This report provides information for notification under 310 CMR 40.370 and serves as Preliminary Assessment Report. In addition, the recommendations in Section 7.0 serve as the basis for the proposed Scope of Work for completion of the Phase il Site Assessment. The scope of work for the Preliminary Assessment and Phase I Site Investigation included the review of readily available file information obtained from General Electric Company, the City of Lynn, Massachusetts, the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering (DEQE) Northeast Region and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region I, and performing a limited subsurface field investigations. This report includes: the site location and description in Section 2, the site history in Section 3, a summary of the field investigations in Section 4, the results of the field investigations in Section 5, summary and conclusions in Section 6; recommendations in Section 7; and limitations in Section 8. Boring logs are provided in 1-1 30.11/88.08257.05 Appendix A. Laboratory analytical data are provided in Appendix B, geophysical survey data in AppendixC, relevant chemical information in Appendix D, and Preliminary Assessment Form 87-2 is presented in Appendix E. 1-2 30.11/880825705 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The environmental setting for the Bennett Street site is described in the following sections. The setting includes discussion of the site location and description and a site reconnaissance visit conducted early in the project. 2.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Bennett Street site is located on Bennett Street in Lynn, Massachusetts and is shown in Figure 2-1. The site occupies approximately 3.5 acres and is bounded by West Neptune street to the north, Elmwood Avenue to the east, Bennett Street to the south, Richard Street to the west, and the GE River Works property to the southwest. The parcel lies approximately 3,500 feet northwest of Lynn Harbor and 3,000 feet northwest of the Saugus River. The site is currently being used as a perimeter parking lot for GE employees and is covered by bituminous pavement. A chain link fence surrounds the site and access to the site is gained through a vehicle entrance which is located on Bennett Street. Sparse vegetation is present along the fence line and perimeter of the site. Based on information provided from a GE utilities map, dated February 28, 1958, a storm drain system and electrical cables underlie the site. The location of the storm drain system is identified in Figure 2-2. A number of residential properties lie adjacent to the site along Elmwood Avenue, Richard Street, West Neptune Street and Norton Street. Utilizing the records of the City of Lynn Tax Assessor's Office, these adjacent properties are shown in Figure 2-2. The site is located in the Saugus River drainage system. The site is relatively flat with no indication of a prominent slope direction. Surface water gathering on the property from precipitation and overland flow is likely to enter the storm drain network located on the property which leads to a main storm water system on Bennett Street. Properties in the vicinity of the site are connected to the City of Lynn public water supply system, which receives its water from the Ipswich and Saugus Rivers at points located at least 5.5 miles from the Bennett Street site. 2-1 30.11/88.08257.05 SCALE. I" - 2.083 TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM FIGURE 2-1 LYNN. MASS. 1970 SITE LOCATION MAP cm- zs BENNETT STREET SITE U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLEBNETSRETIE GENERAL ELECTRIC 7 S MINUTE SERIES LYNN. MASSACHUSETTS QUADRANGLE LOCATION WE PROJECT NO 06257.05 WEST NEPTUNE STREET - - LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY ----- PLU I" RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WITH #59 LOT AND STREET NUMBER. CATCH BASIN 0 MANHOLE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM-Taken from G.E. Utility Drawing dated August 26. 1970. 0 100 200 APPROXiMMATE SCALE IN FEET BASE FROM PRELIMINARY G.E. PLAN DATED MAY 20L 1988. LU Wu I cdE A to 2 Le0 A I LOT 60l K - ~~~~~1 PPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THIRTEEN TANKS GENERAL ELECTRIC rAPPltOMATE LOCATION RIVER WORKS NORTH GUARD HOUSE (CITY LOT 58) FIGURE 2-2 SITE PLAN BLDG 87 BENNETT STREET SITE GENERAL ELECTRIC LYNN. MASSACHUSETTS. WE PROJECT NO. 08257.05 Twelve (12) private wells are reported by a representative of the Lynn Water and Sewer Commission at scattered locations throughout Lynn serving both residential and commercial properties. All reported private wells are greater than 0.5 miles from the Bennett Street site, with most being several miles away. Current usage of the wells is unknown. Well data compiled by the USGS for eastern Massachusetts also indicates scattered private groundwater use in Lynn, Massachusetts. Specific street addresses are not provided in this listing. The USGS list indicates four wells utilized for domestic use, all of which were installed prior to 1928. It is not known whether current use was reconfirmed for the 1980 listing. The closest domestic use well to the Western Avenue site is indicated to be approximately 1.5 miles northeast of the site on Broad Street. Seven wells on the USGS listing are indicated as industrial usage. This category of usage is not defined to preclude drinking water uses. The nearest industrial use well is indicated to be over one third of a mile northwest of the site along Western Avenue.
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